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Chapter 616 Oberon's family found

 The beautiful female elf waved to Hill happily: "I am Daenerys, Lynn's mother. Just call me Liz. Follow me back to my house to play, Hill."

A male half-elf stood behind her, clenched his hand into a fist and put it in front of his mouth and coughed twice: "Liz... let's do business first, okay? The guard captain is looking at you."

A big hand appeared on top of Liz's head, and quickly lifted her collar down and threw it to the back. It was a male golden elf wearing a sky-blue robe made of tulle, with a handsome face.

With a faint smile, he wore a silver-blue elf chain mail under a tulle robe, a slender chain on his forehead, and a mithril crescent moon pendant flashing between his eyebrows.

Hill looked at the silver crescent moon embroidery on the edge of the robe and recognized that it was Corellon's exclusive priest: the Fey Guardian, but most people who were familiar with them still liked to call them the Elf Guard.

Although it is said that fey creatures will be guarded by them, it is obvious that they still pay more attention to the elves themselves.

However, it is quite normal for Oberon's family of goblins to be taken in and taken care of. When a goblin really comes to ask for help, as a guardian of the fairies, he will never refuse.

The guard captain smiled at him in a friendly manner: "Welcome to the Star Mountains, Mr. Hill.

Corellon told us that you are his bloodline in other worlds. Then the Star Mountains is your hometown.

Please feel free to come here as you would back home. There are only Corellon's priests and believers in the Star Mountains.

I am Dragos, captain of the Elven Guard Legion's Sword of Everesca."

Hill nodded respectfully to the demigod priest: "It is also an honor for me to come to the Star Mountains where the guardian is located. Just call me Hill."

There were very few fey guardians when the elves retreated to Evermeet Island. Corellon's dissatisfaction with the elves in Toril was actually very clear. Almost since the time of the Elf Crown War, there have been no new exclusive priests.


So this demigod is already 5,000 years old.

No wonder here in the Star Mountains, demons only choose to harass and never attack in large numbers. An elf guard of this level can send a group of big demons back to their hometown with a single solar ray spell.

But he couldn't leave the Star Mountains to fight. The unstable space of the Supreme Forest made him can only be a guardian.

As the exclusive priest of Corellon, Dragos must know exactly what his boss has been doing recently. Moreover, he should also be very clear about the undead. Those friends in the Supreme Forest that the green leaf elves mentioned at the beginning of Gernes should be

Him and his men.

Therefore, the high priest was most concerned about the battle situation on the other side of the Gate of Hell. He frowned, worried that the demons in the Gate of Hell would break out of the temple army's defense.

In that case, the Supreme Forest may not be saved.

Hill smiled easily and said: "The undead like to fight demons very much. After discovering that there are so many demons over there, they have already sent a signal to summon their companions.

100,000 level 17 and above professionals may not be able to stop the demons coming out of the Gate of Hell, but there may be tens of millions of people coming later.

Unless there is a demon lord who tears up space and directly sends hundreds of millions of demons, but I remember that the men they sent here are all prepared for a bloody battle, right?"

Dragos laughed happily: "That's impossible. If you lose the war on Toril, the other big demons will at most make fun of those lords. If you lose the bloody battle because you are not convinced, even if the people standing behind are

All six fingers will be in bad luck."

Hill nodded in understanding. It turned out that Graz'zt had created this Gate of Hell, so it was normal for him to weigh the gains and losses like this. No wonder these demons didn't act so crazy.

Normally, when a great demon is chasing an enemy, he will never return halfway unless he is beaten half to death.

The flying demons following Purvi actually knew not to fly out of the forest, and their rationality shocked Hill.

Looking at Dragos, who was like a living fossil, Hill asked the question he wanted to know the most: "Is it true that the door to hell cannot be closed until the impact of Karsus' corpse disappears?"

Dragos nodded calmly: "That is something that even the gods cannot do, and the chaotic space barrier of the Supreme Forest is also related to him.

Don’t worry, as long as the Star Mountain Range remains, the Supreme Forest will not be completely destroyed. Besides, there are still tree people! Elder Tulang has always insisted on guarding the forest in the ancestral court.”

Hill didn't say anything else. The treants were originally the best partners of the elves, but it is impossible for these people in the Supreme Forest to ally with the elves again.

Maybe those tree people will have a good relationship with the Sword of Everesca led by Dragos, but those who caused big troubles and fled to Evermeet Island will probably be shaken by the tree people elder Tulang when they see them.

All the branches and leaves were beaten to death.

You must know that the Gate of Hell was originally the product of a wizard named Ulgrith who summoned the devil when the elves were fighting for power.

After the country where the Gate of Hell was originally located collapsed, those demonized elves contaminated by demons finally occupied the ruins of that country, and finally summoned demons there.

Since then, the High Forest has fallen into complete collapse.

Then when the tree people resisted bravely and fought hard to kill the enemy, the elves directly used the portal to escape.

If it hadn't been for the Sword of Everesca in the Star Mountains that remained in the end, Hill estimated that Corellon would never have the face to appear in the temple in the High Forest again.

Dragos, a relatively traditional elf, does things relatively simply and neatly. After asking Hill some information about Aglaia City and the undead, he waved to let Liz, who had been restless outside, come over.

"Hill, I have to go and communicate with Turang and the others about the coming of the undead." Dragos turned to Hill and said, "There are too many undead, so we must tell the tree people in advance.

Otherwise, if they suddenly saw so many elves, they would probably think that the group from Everjum Island had returned, and they might start a fight.

I have to make it clear to them first that the tree people's heads are very rigid, and once they get into trouble, it will be very difficult for them to explain clearly."

Hill nodded: Elder Tulang's level is already level 40, let alone the Alajo tree man in the ancestral court known as the Grandfather Tree. That person was standing there during the first generation of elves.

If a fight breaks out, the undead tribe will only be completely wiped out.

For hundreds of years, the demons coming out of the Gate of Hell may find trouble in the Star Mountains, but they will never go to the Ancestral Court of the Tree People.

Oberon and Vera, who had been quarreling all the time, heard this concluding sentence and immediately stopped quarreling together. Oberon looked at Vera. The leader of the little flower fairy curled his lips and flew to Hill's hair: "Big Elf~

Do you have a forest fairy family here?"

Dragos looked at the little flower fairy, and then at the male fairy whose hands were on Hill's robe, with only one face exposed.

That overly beautiful little face made him suddenly realize and say: "Oberon?"

"Yes, my father and I came to find my father's family!" Vera pulled some of Hill's long hair and tied it into a small chair, and sat on it with dignity. "At first they told me that my father was

Come to see Evereska...what are you doing?"

Dragos smiled and shook his head, and Oberon's longing eyes suddenly dimmed.

"They are in Lost Peak, staying with other goblins." Before Dragos could finish his words, Oberon suddenly raised his little head.

"It is under the protection of the ancestral tree. It is relatively safe and the demons will not go there." Dragos explained, "However, humans and elves cannot go there casually. The tree people will be angry."

Oberon glanced at Hill hesitantly. Although most of the demons were fighting at the Gate of Hell, there were still many demonized elves and animals in the Supreme Forest. The sacred power in him was like a large fish lure.


"Let Purvi send you there." Hill bent down and said to him, "Then stop in mid-air, and you and Veera will fly down by yourself?"

Oberon immediately nodded vigorously, and then asked softly: "If they are willing to follow me, can they live together in Purvi's belly?"

Hill nodded with a smile and handed him a small whistle: "Only Purvi can hear the sound of this whistle. Just call him when you are ready."

He had actually thought about the possibility of encountering this kind of thing for a long time. Goblins do not necessarily welcome adults like Hill to enter their homes, but the Supreme Forest is too unsafe, so he must think about what happens if it does happen.

what to do.

With Purvi's speed, he can reach it quickly as long as it is within 100 kilometers. This whistle is naturally the product of Hill's study of the sonic language of alien whales. When blown, it actually only means "come quickly". But even at 500 kilometers

Purvi can hear it even from kilometers away.

It was a strange sound wave. If Purvi and the others used it themselves, similar people could hear their cry for help even though they were thousands of kilometers away.

Oberon blew out curiously, and Purvi, who was swimming freely on the clouds, quickly fell down. Vera quickly shouted, "I want it too!" and rushed towards her father.

Oberon put the whistle into the small bag on his waist without hesitation: "Vera can't! You can even lose yourself!"

The father and daughter completely ignored the elves who were watching them, and flew towards Purvi in ​​mid-air.

"Don't you have to follow me?" Liz asked standing next to Hill, "That's a bunch of goblins!"

"Pulvi has my magic tower inside her body, and the tower spirit will take care of it." Hill replied with a smile.

Without Liszt, he would be crazy to let a group of goblins direct Purvi to do things.

Liz nodded and pulled him up: "Let's go to my house and have a look! I'll show you the portraits of Lynn when he was a child! His father painted them for him, they are very cute!"

Hill couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He felt that Lynn might not be happy that his mother entertained his friend in this way.

This chapter has been completed!
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