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Chapter 631 Shoulong, who is not friendly to goblins

 An Ran looked at the Archmage in front of him who seemed to like artworks very much, and began to wonder in his mind what kind of gift would be suitable for Master Bolaño after the event was completed.

Value aside, you have to have some taste.

He just said it! A continent that big cannot be filled with uneducated roughnecks. Otherwise, how could those great wizards make friends with the great mages over there?

An Ran thought happily, looking at the performance of Archmage Bolaño, the lord of Aglaia City must also have some artistic taste, so many things would be easier to handle!

It's not that the big families in Shoulong don't want to make money, but in this empire, most of the artists are high-level professionals, and they must be satisfied if they cannot bear to be wronged.

The reason why Hill said this was because he felt that in a short period of time, the undead's target would definitely be the pirates of the Sword Coast or the Moon Shadow Sea. After returning to Aglaia City this time, they would definitely not be able to go to the east.

Such a strong space explosion will make it impossible to pass through the Supreme Forest for at least half a year.

If the undead want to cause trouble for Zhentil Castle again, they will have to go around from the south. Even if they have the time and leisure, the princes in the City of Shadows will not continue to wait for them.

Although at first, these resistant souls would consider casualties and wait for the undead who could help, but since the group of elves cannot come, they will not delay it any longer.

They absolutely cannot tolerate the human beings who cooperate with the phaerim demons alive, and right in front of their eyes!

The skulls of the ghost princes are about to explode when they think that their floating city has been floating above a group of phaerim for almost a year since it came back from the Shadow Realm.

Even if they have to return to the Shadow Realm and sleep for hundreds or thousands of years, they will not let Zhentil Castle go!

Hill felt that even if they didn't give up, the war over there would probably be over before the undead had even set off.

It's also good for Corellon. It just avoids having to cooperate with the City of Shadows. How could he like someone who the elves hate so much.

It's just that for the father of elves, in war, he must make use of all available conditions, let alone turn his advantages into negatives.

In the current situation, Corellon probably has to go to Vol'jin first.

Hill didn't know what would happen to Vol'jin after he was involved in the space turbulence, but after arriving at sea, there was still no movement in Corellon. This was simply impossible.

It can only be that according to Toril's rules, wars between gods are best resolved in the star realm. Hill estimated that the father of elves went to find Vol'jin's kingdom.

There's nothing big to do here in the North, unless the undead go north.

Although Luskan and the orcs on the Spine of the World are very good opponents, there is still a god of battle there who is hunting Bane.

If Corellon doesn't want to provoke Tempus at this time, the best way is to let the undead cause trouble for the pirates.

For the undead, if they can receive a bounty mission from the east, they will definitely be happy to hunt down the one called the Dragon Claw.

The ancient green dragon behind the Sword Coast Islands will never take action for these little pirates. She mainly raises pirates to do some moneyless business, but a stable waterway is more meaningful to her.

Which of the undead and pirates poses more of a threat to her waterway? This dragon is not stupid and must understand clearly.

Hill finished reading the list with satisfaction and waved his hand directly: "Liszt, take Mr. An Ran to see my material warehouse."

Of course, he had already prepared a mushroom house to store things that could be traded.

As a great mage, it is best to act aloof and show your respect when you meet him.

Business dealings, even bargaining, still have to be left to the subordinates.

On Toril's side, being approachable will not make people feel kind, but will only make people more wary. After all, the most approachable existences are basically for greater benefits, and are more likely to be devils in disguise.

Moreover, Liszt is more suitable than him at this time. He may not make a lot of money in business, but he will never lose money. He is much more principled than Hill.

When An Ran followed the floating tower spirit to the mushroom house, he still couldn't recover: he had been doing business for so many years, and he really didn't know how to negotiate business with a creature like the tower spirit!

Instead of carefully quoting the purchase price, this Taling named Liszt would just kick him out if he was dissatisfied, right?

Although he had long heard that people in Aglaia City liked to use Tallings to run shops, and that Talling named... it seemed to be Martha or something, almost controlled most of the trading market in that city, but

An Ran still couldn't imagine what it was like.

The main reason is that the puppet robots on Shoulong's side are relatively rigid in mind and can only do things within certain rules and regulations, even if they are slightly out of line.

Moreover, over in Faerûn, Anjia knows a few great mages with magic towers, and their tower spirits don't seem to be very flexible either?

An Ran felt that he had to weigh up what the archmage's bottom line was. He wanted to take a commission from the profits. The more he earned, the more he earned. In cross-continental transactions, wasn't the information fee the most earned?

However, An Ran, who was full of little calculations, just followed Liszt into the one-story house, and his eyes instantly froze.

The space in the house was very large, but although it was a little larger than An Ran imagined, he was not completely unprepared.

It can be seen from the internal space of the whale that Archmage Bolaño's space spell is very strong.

But the rows of shelves and the high and low cargo cabinets, filled with precious goods, suddenly made An Ran's feet weak, and he couldn't help but hold on to the door frame with one hand to support his weak body.

Especially... the fine gold that An Yanfei specially emphasized is as big as a fist! And there are three of them!

When An Ran heard this, he still felt that this direct son thought too much. Even if he had fine gold, how much would he have?

It's not worth being so nervous and asking him to come to Yingbin Island as quickly as possible!

It is not too difficult for the great mages of Faerûn to obtain fine gold who are good friends with their great witch An family.

It’s not like they can’t buy them, even the finger-sized ones, Anjia still has some.

It is said that the lords of Faerûn may not be able to see lumps of fine gold. It is good to have some fine gold powder in their hands!

An Ran's little pride disappeared in the three chunks of fine gold shining on the table in the middle of the room. All reason disappeared in an instant, and the only thought in his mind was: buy it!

Liszt looked back at An Ran's expression, Core calculated it carefully again, and finally decided to raise the bottom line given by Hill.

After all...the jadeite here was shaped by the fairies of heaven. As long as heaven is still there, the jadeite will not break, but no one has ever been able to make their own fine gold.

So what if there is a Jinjin Crater in the Earth Bear's ancestral land? Who can dig it?

Since it can't, it means there is none.

Therefore, the fine gold in their hands is definitely not the product of casual digging, but the most rare thing!

Liszt squinted his eyes, and showed a particularly kind smile to An Ran, who was looking up blankly and mumbling something while looking at the things on the shelves around him: After seeing An Yanfei, who looked like a noble man, he couldn't bear it.

After touching the whale tusks, he chose to put the fine gold in the most conspicuous place. It was indeed a good idea. The Shoulong merchant already felt that everything around him was precious!

Hill didn't know what good things his tower spirit had done. He just led a group of chirping and extremely curious little goblins to open the terrace again, and then told Oberon and Vera to take care of the few picklings.

, this is other people’s territory, don’t just run out and open the maze just because there are so many people.

The relationship between the people here and the goblins is not very good. They are always on the verge of war. No one knows how they will react when they see the goblins.

Oberon nodded very seriously, and sternly stopped Vera who was about to move: "Don't think that just because you are cute and beautiful, you will be popular in the Eastern world!

Here, rules are the most important. Most Easterners are in the lawful camp. No matter how good-looking chaos is, to them, they are creatures that should not exist.

The little goblin...it’s not like I’ve never been to the east before, but the outcome was not very good. Being turned into a gardener by a mage in Faerun is better than being turned into a gardener here!”

The staff in Vera's hand fell to the ground. As a little flower fairy, even though she likes to play pranks, her extremely cute appearance has made her very popular in Faerûn. Even the great arcanist of Nese and the very

The serious Sun God Priest would choose to forgive her when he saw her cute apology.

So Vera simply couldn't understand why someone would be so harsh on the cute little goblin.

However, this is what her dearest father said. Oberon will never deceive her. Vera sadly flew down to pick up her little staff: "Even if I go out, I will follow Hill obediently."

I will never cause trouble or talk to them."

Hill didn't say much. Oberon must know more about Toril than he does.

Maybe that's a bit scary, but I guess the situation is not too different. After all, no matter how steady Oberon is, he is still a goblin from the chaotic camp. His stability is just a comparison.

For him to be so cautious, the goblins must have paid a heavy price. Even after so many years, they are still fresh in their memories.

Hill smiled and comforted the panicked goblins: "If you really want to go out, just don't leave my robe. Then I will wear the robe with the most pockets and go out."

The undead once said that the robe was the standard accessory of the twelve-pocket elders of the Beggar Clan: although most of the large and small pockets on it were made into hidden pockets, there were indeed twelve.

Then he added a big hood, the tight-fitting robe was dark brown, and the sleeveless robe that looked a bit like a cloak was gray. To be honest, it couldn't be considered undead.

But Hill likes it very much. It is really suitable for him who has too many bits and pieces on him.

This chapter has been completed!
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