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Chapter 691: Charge to Luskan

Hill, who had always watched calmly and calmly, finally had a look of confusion on his face when faced with the scene in front of him.

Edna, who was wearing a lake blue dress, was holding her chin with her hands, looking at the "senior Sanda King"'s strokes with admiration. Occasionally she would jump off the bow of the boat to play with the female priest who had a very good balance.


Although he couldn't see what he was fighting, Hill felt that it had the style of military martial arts... It was probably the general martial arts of the undead world.

And Laila, after touring the Black Rose ship, sat on the deck with 'Cunlu' and 'Xiao Yoyo', with a big white umbrella above her head and a large table on the small table next to her.

Glass of ice juice.

Anyone watching can see that they are very familiar with each other and have a good relationship.

The frightened Hill looked carefully, and then saw Charlotte in a cabin window on the second floor, taking care of the sleeping twins.

How did things take such a turn for the worse in just a few months?

"Martha..." Hill said stiffly, "ask Linn what he told the undead...the future Archon of Luskan."

Linn didn't know what happened, but he knew that Hill, who didn't care about these things, wouldn't ask this question, so he came directly.

But he could only follow Hill and stare at the sailing ship in a daze. With Laila here, there was no way he could stop them.

"Laila... why did you hang out with them?" Linn said in a weak tone, almost exasperated: "I... I... just... told them that after Luskan... is occupied... they have a choice.

...a Torilian they liked better...as Archon...

At that time... the top 10 families with meritorious deeds... can all propose their own candidates, and then... everyone will vote to select... one person."

However, if Laila is really interested in the position, who can compete with her?

Not to mention that Laila will definitely take the lead, but her extremely beautiful face is enough to make all the undead choose her.

Hill saw Lyra stand up and look back twice, but her eyes were looking towards Waterdeep.

It seems that this lady could only feel that someone was talking about her, but she didn't know who it was, and she thought about Kelben.

"Actually, it's not bad." Hill thought hard for a while, and his eyes lit up, "Look, the twins will definitely have a good future!"

Lin En glanced at Hill with desperate eyes: "The Lord of Waterdeep City? The King of Hope City? Is everything gone now...

And, Hill, I never thought that Edna would have any ambiguity towards the twins after seeing them wet the bed.

The mage's memory has always been very good, and she will never forget it.

I once thought it would be another form of a third-rate knight novel, with father and son fighting or falling in love and killing each other... But now, it's simply impossible, right?

Also, here in Toril, true love must be established through joint struggle through hardships. Without the test of shared hardships, it is difficult for anyone to completely trust their lover.

How can Midnight, who is so deeply involved with the undead, have trouble getting over it? And two little brats have to help?"

Hill smiled awkwardly: "Although the plot on that stone slab may have collapsed, as long as the outcome is good... Look, this girl who is so excited about the war that is about to begin has such a bright future!"

Lynn couldn't help but glance at Hill: "What should we say after Corellon finds out about this?"

"Why tell him?" Hill said indifferently, "Dear Lynn, if it weren't for chance, we wouldn't know about this.

In that case, we only focus on this lady, what does it have to do with the little girl?

It’s the same with Corellon and Miriel, if they find something wrong and ask, of course we will tell the truth, but if they are unaware, there is no need to be so active, right?”

Linn stared at Hill, completely unable to believe what he heard.

Do his friends know what God's Favored One is?

As long as Miriel comes to him, everything will be known!

No... Lin En suddenly realized that no one could do such a thing as the gods coming, at least before returning at midnight.

The magic net is very sensitive now, and no one is allowed to pass through it.

Almost all other ways are blocked by AO. They are too risky and are not a matter of life and death. No god would do that.

Hill smiled gently at Lynn: "Look, they haven't even come forward to communicate with us."

Linn hesitated... He had never been such a devout believer, and his relationship with Miriel was more like a friend than a subordinate.

Knowing these things means nothing to the singer... and he can't interfere.

Moreover, it seems difficult for the gods to contact their loved ones who are not in the temple...it is impossible to receive messages if they are not near the statue of the gods.

Lin En lowered his head silently, suppressing his slight guilt: "It's actually not bad... at least Kelben was dumbfounded.

Corellon will be very happy about this. Anyway...it's not the elves who are really in trouble about midnight."

As for Miriel of his family...if he really gets contacted, Linn feels that as long as he informs the singer that the prophecy of the Tablet of Destiny may be broken this time, Miriel can be happy for a long time.

For a god like Miriel who is suppressed by the stone and can't do anything, gloating about misfortune is his only resistance.

As for the black staff in Waterdeep...hehe~

Laila dared to take her child everywhere, but Kelben didn't even dare to leave the Black Tower. He could only watch the future he believed in collapse into rubbish.

For the elves, no matter how bad Midnight Mystra is, it is far away from them. On the contrary, it is Kelben who they hate and despise, so Linn quickly became happy: "You said Kelben, now

What to do? That prophecy must be invalid, right?"

"They should be trying to find Ms. Midnight." Hill smiled faintly, "And he was very active, even ignoring everything. Otherwise, the lady would not have left so resolutely.

She chose her young children over her husband who had lost her mind."

"Do you want to go to the Alchemy Hall?" Lin En had completely given up struggling. "The giant screen there is clear and can be viewed from any angle."

Of course, Hill chose to go to the Alchemy Hall to watch the excitement.

After all, Luskan is too far away for Suzuran to control.

The ships of the undead are very fast. After all, they are alchemical products, not ordinary sailing ships.

Luskan is only 1,000 kilometers away.

Even after receiving the news, the pirates, whose main force was still attacking Neverwinter City, were caught off guard and faced a head-on attack from the undead early the next morning.

These undead were very good at volley fire, and even the cannons on hundreds of ships were able to fire boulders and steel cannonballs together in almost a minute.

Luskan was cleared of all land buildings almost instantly.

The undead have always been accustomed to taking advantage of the situation to attack fiercely and never hold back. As soon as the bombardment stopped, countless figures rushed out of the big ship.

The high-pitched sound of 'Detect Evil' resounded through the sky. For thousands of years, the people of Luskan never thought that one day they would be unleashed by this spell.

This is the pirate city of Luskan!

Detect evil NM!

The pirates were so enraged that they completely ignored the difference in strength and numbers and rushed forward with their swords in hand.

The result is also better: the deeper the black-red light shrouds the pirates, the faster they die. Even if they are not at the forefront, the undead's goal will not change.

As for those little minions that are mixed with yellow and red, most of the undead can just kick them into the sea to clear their heads.

Lila's body shone with the light of two spells: the majesty of the eagle and the cunning of the fox. She held the magic missile wand in her hand and rushed straight to the tall main tower of the Arcane Brotherhood in the south.

The man in black rose followed closely behind her.

They abandoned the large warehouses and the Guard Island where the pirate ships docked, and instead rushed to the island where the Arcane Brotherhood was located, which was obviously much deserted.

Obviously, in the disaster caused by this spell plague, these evil mages also suffered a critical blow, and all their subordinates were wiped out.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸 hook鄄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling鄮殑杩珺公app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合紒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽紑杞︺佺锵铓嶉兘鱱

Umbrella chain 楄毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙捙浠ヤ笅杞銆

But as long as this tower is still in their hands, Luskan will still belong to them in the future. As long as they stay in the magic tower and endure this period of time, no matter how arrogant the pirates are, they can't be twisted into a group to deal with them.

But Laila knew very well...who controlled all the magical defense formations in Luskan.

If you really want to completely occupy Luskan, you must overthrow this tower: Luskan, which belongs to the territory of the Orc Kingdom, the magic tower is completely based on the evil magic circle. Unless you are a person who has annihilated humanity, you will not be able to use this tower.


The evil wizards in the magic tower couldn't help it. They couldn't help but recognize the female wizard who rushed over and threw her wand.

Black light began to gather at the top of the tower.

Laila shouted: "They want to use their souls to drain... Fight quickly!"

The ‘Perfect Bald Head’ sat on an alchemy horse and led thousands of knights across the Mirar River, blocking Laila who was standing at the bridge. “Dear Ms. Laila, please don’t worry.

Soul spell... to us, it's just scum!

Corrosion spells are stronger than this. Gee, why are you so ill-informed?"

Laila hesitantly glanced at the knights who were charging and trampling directly at the magic tower, and slowly retreated to the end.

The bridge she just stood on has been occupied by a group of priests: they are releasing a magical spell that Hill is familiar with: sacred rain.

Laila opened her mouth. She didn't understand why Pastor Trasil could still use divine magic.

There is no god in Toril who would engrave his divine spells on his followers as magic models, which would be almost like giving them away for nothing.

And it is basically impossible to take it back. The next time you see this magic, it might be in the hands of your enemy.

So Laila was completely unable to understand what she was seeing.

This chapter has been completed!
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