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Chapter 694: I can finally pry the corner of Neverwinter

 The first time the undead successfully occupied Luskan, the time and space artifact in the alchemy hall took the time to swallow a large number of crystals to create a clone for himself, but the crystals he consumed were not the ones sent by William.

In a small box.

After getting the box that looked small but actually had a huge space, the time and space artifact used the energy of those crystals to build a small space transmission channel for itself, using the location of the time and space elemental elves in the elemental world as a transit, and then

Directly connected to the Kingdom of the God of Time and Space.

Even if the Kingdom of the God of Time and Space is closed, it doesn't mean that William can't enter. Although they finally have a little difference, they are still closer than some twins who have the same mind.

In this case, even if the space in Toril is unstable, things can be temporarily stored in the elemental realm for a while.

The space channel is not large, but it is enough to deliver energy crystals to the space-time artifact, and it is even enough for him to create a small clone for himself.

Then this artifact made Martha notify Hill, hoping that he could bring out a magic tower core capable of controlling a city and some matching puppets and send them to Luskan.

The stability that the city needs cannot be provided by the undead. The determination of order has never been relevant to them, even if they will abide by it.

As for Laila, Time and Space Artifact thinks it would be good if she could be half as good as Linn. The level of management ability has nothing to do with combat effectiveness. However, Toril... measures the ability of a ruler based on combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the most important thing is... the time and space artifact has no intention of cooperating with others. It absolutely does not want the new world it has worked so hard to open up to be turned into another place like Waterdeep or Neverwinter by the Toril people.

It’s an artifact that can almost be regarded as a clone of the God of Time and Space. I don’t like that kind of future at all…

Hill is much better... I don’t know if it’s because of his nature. Many of his actions are in line with the God of Time and Space. Sometimes he even hopes that William can learn from Hill’s calmness and seriousness and avoid encountering others.

Things explode.

The God of Time and Space can actually tolerate various personalities in other plane communities. Even if someone becomes a criminal, he can understand that people are in different environments and it is normal for them to become whatever they want in order to survive.

Only William... He didn't understand at all how a soul that was completely the same as himself could develop such a character... There was obviously no difference in the general direction, but the details were much different.

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This makes the God of Time and Space always have a strange feeling: if he also lived in a prosperous age, his personality might become so informal.

The Time and Space Artifact understands the little entanglement of its main god very well, and although he has not had much contact with Hill during this period, he also found that he has a firm attitude when dealing with problems, but his methods are softer, and his attitude towards alliances is serious and gentle. What?

I like to explain things clearly.

This kind of work attitude, for the time-space artifact that follows the rules, is so satisfying that it brings tears to its eyes!

William is free enough to let himself go. That Corellon... is simply a flea. He can jump up to three feet high no matter what he encounters. Every time he comes up with an idea, he will burn hundreds of tons of energy crystals!

But after analyzing the messy ideas that Corellon came up with, Time and Space Artifact found that they could indeed achieve his goals.

How can I put it... The conclusion he came to after burning out a large pile of crystals was actually the same as the intuitive reaction of a certain Elf Father.

But... even if we know that Corellon's decision may be right, the time and space artifact cannot help but be calculated! That is the mission for which he was created!

Hill is simply an angel in this regard... He will handle things clearly every time, and clearly explain the bottom line and the upper limit of what he can bear.

Moreover, Linn is also a very good executor. He does not need to waste energy to deal with small daily tasks. He will definitely complete them according to the rules and there will be no sudden whims at all.

Although the results of the spell plague seemed disastrous, this was really the most comfortable period for him since leaving Trasil!

That Laila, someone who can get together with the undead so quickly, and also a chosen one of the goddess of magic. Thinking about what time period this is, you know how much trouble there will be.

Fortunately, this time, Luskan's conspiracy against Aglaia was discovered from the gangsters in Waterdeep City from the very beginning... Those guys did plan to attack Aglaia City after occupying Neverwinter City, too.

I wonder who gave them the courage?

Those rebels in Neverwinter?

The reality of Hill tearing apart the dragon didn't even wake them up from their illusory dreams!

Anyway, the undead have long said that this battle is to avenge Hill, eliminate threats and expand the territory at the same time. However, Aglaia City does not have many official reserves, so Hill plans to appoint a trustee who is willing to take responsibility.

Riel is the chief steward of Luskan.

In Toril, an exclusive territory belonging to a certain great noble, the alderman of all cities basically performed the work of the noble's steward.

In fact, some people in Aglaia City went to establish relations with the major undead families for this mayor. If Laila hadn't suddenly appeared, maybe someone would actually be able to take the position!

The time and space artifact was floating in the alchemy hall. Watching Martha send away his clone, he felt a strange feeling about his fate: In fact, he originally thought that his first clone would appear in the Supreme Forest, but Corellon's various tricks...

All the plans were ruined by this unexpected incident.

On the contrary, Hill has never had any ambitions, but his territory is getting bigger and bigger.

After receiving the notice, Hill didn't think too much. If it were somewhere else, he might be a little worried about some major events that would affect Toril, but Luskan... what's the use of a group of pirates?

If Waterdeep and Aglaea hadn't always had a cold relationship and were vaguely hostile, the city would have been reduced to ruins because of a whim of the lord of Waterdeep. When big trouble really happened, the pirates would just be the first to do so.

How can you possibly defend the city if you are running for your life?

In fact, he still has a dozen high-level tower spirits in his hand that have not been activated.

In fact, this can be regarded as a specialty of Trasil. It may be because the concentration of elements in the previous world was terrifyingly high, so this kind of high-energy-consuming tower spirit appeared.

If you were to replace Toril and want to create something similar, even a low-level tower spirit would consume more than ten times the resources of Trasil.

At the high level, it is almost a hundred times higher. Unless the resources are extremely rich, or assisted by the power of gods, Toril really has no value in creating such high-level tower spirits.

Hill also inquired about the research on tower spirits here. Intermediate tower spirits are almost their upper limit.

It is really rare to find an intelligent core like Martha that can easily manage a city.

Hill thought about it and found a finished product when he first made a high-level tower spirit. Compared with Martha, who had been upgraded several times by him, this one was much less intelligent.

Then he walked to the alchemy laboratory and asked Liszt to input various common sense about city management into the tower spirit named Ruth by Hill, and then used energy crystals to encapsulate some runes that formed the magic circle.

In this case, all we need to do is let the undead form the outer mass magic circle first, and then wake up Ruth directly in the center of the town, and then they can directly take over the management of the entire city.

Before that, it was best to build all kinds of houses and buildings first. Hill asked Lister to choose some suitable buildings from the various buildings that the undead had sold to him before to form a small white city by the sea.

He still remembered that Luskan used to be called the City of Thousand Sails... many Greek or Italian seaside towns seemed to be suitable.

Although Liszt's selection may be a little more standardized, Hill has no intention of investing much effort in Luskan. After he leaves Toril and the undead gradually stop coming, the future of this city is not certain.

It will still belong to him.

After Hill released various tasks, he determined that he would arrive directly in Luskan in seven days to start the city's new life and appoint Laila as the mayor of the small town of Luskan.

After the battle to seize the city, the undead agreed with Black Rose's candidate for mayor with 70% of the votes.

Laila is so beautiful... The heroic figure standing in front of the magic tower and directing the Black Rose battle made the undead who watched the live broadcast surrender instantly and could not raise any objections at all.

As for the warriors launched by other families...

Hey~ who cares how brave he fights?

The beautiful elder sister is the truth! What’s more, there is a noble lady and a cute and stubborn little loli standing next to her...

They just made the choices that normal people would make.

Hill sensibly informed the defeated families that if those candidates still had the will, they could become Luskan officials.

As expected, most people are willing to stay in Luskan. After all, turning from adventurers to officials is already the best path for many professionals in Toril.

Hill decided to let Ruth appear in Luskan as an assistant as much as possible, instead of taking full responsibility like Martha... In this case, the energy crystal he sealed next to the intelligent core would be enough for Ruth to consume for hundreds of years.


If something goes wrong...with Ruth's loyalty, she will definitely resist, but Hill feels that within a few hundred years, with him and Aglaia around, Luskan should still be able to be saved.

By the time it is no longer safe, even if Luskan falls into the hands of others and no one knows how to refill the crystal, the energy should be almost used up, so that Ruth does not have her core exploded in order to resist and just fall asleep directly.

He believed that there would be no problem in Aglaia City after all, and Lin En could just go and collect it when the time comes.

With everything ready, Hill asked Martha to inform the paladins in the Temple of Tyr that if they really wanted to fight against the orcs, they could set out for Luskan now and no longer need to stay in Neverwinter to suffer.

This chapter has been completed!
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