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Chapter 711: Flange's Harvest in the Starry Sky

 Fran's butler quickly came to open the door for Hill. Hill's eyes froze on this puppet wearing a butler suit... How could there be such a powerful energy reaction?

None of the five legendary puppets combined are that strong.

Hill couldn't help but look at the housekeeper in front of him. He seemed to have overlooked something...

Because he didn't want to spy on what was going on at Farlan's side, Hill almost completely cut off all the magic circles here. Even Liszt and Martha could only appear in the living room on the first floor.

Anyway, if Fran needs it, he can ask the housekeeper to send a message directly, and by opening the door of the study, he can directly contact Liszt and Martha in the garden.

Liszt mentioned that this butler's intelligence is comparable to that of a tower spirit... But is this a tower spirit, right?

How is this done? The tower spirit can control many instruments... but they must be connected by a magic circle. What materials can be used to create a tower spirit body that can accommodate such a powerful computing power?

However, Frankie, who was sitting at the desk, interrupted Hill's contemplation. There was some confusion on his face, and he spoke slowly: "What's the matter? Hill.

Has your book been copied? Is it too fast?

If your handwriting is illegible, I will ask you to rewrite it!"

"No..." Hill really didn't expect that his grandfather's first reaction would be like this when he saw him. He paused before answering, "It's my other territory that may be going to war, although the undead are there.

There are quite a few sides, but there are also many Torilians there.

At this time, I must stand with them..."

Fran nodded suddenly. This was the lord's duty, and he could indeed understand it.

But he understood better that the reason why Hill would create a second territory must be for the undead: "What benefit did William give you to help him like this? Isn't this a waste of time? Toril has nothing to do with you.


I can understand your kindness. I can't see anyone suffering in front of me, but it's enough in front of me, right?

Why bother with so many things? You are a mage, not a saint."

In Frank's mind, the undead were not Hill's responsibility, let alone Toril. Hill didn't need to worry about it at all.

"If the undead really cause any trouble here, I can't just ignore it!

Not to mention that they were brought to this world by Corellon...

As his descendant, I will inevitably take on some responsibilities. When the Toril elves have nowhere to go, they will definitely think of me as a descendant of God." Hill sighed, "Grandpa, the relationship between Corellon and me

The connection is undeniable. The divinity of the Father of Elves is flowing in my body. Even if I don't follow the path of becoming a god, I can't deny that I have received enough benefits from this divinity.

My growth rate...is faster than that of a pure-blooded Earth Bear...There is always a reason...Although I always talk to Crystal Flower, I know very well...Crystal Flower's bloodline is impossible

Above the bloodline of the Earth Bear.

There can only be one reason for my rapid growth."

After all, Corellon was born from the World Tree in the universe. It is normal for the divinities of the two to resonate and complement each other.

Fran couldn't help but press his forehead: "I know...

In fact, I have always hinted that I have ignored this aspect...Who is born in Trasil, who wants to be related to that god-king?

That's simply insulting.

Forget it... you can go on your own... I'll just stay here.

No matter what kind of enemy they are, unless they have the same combat power as the undead, which exceeds 200 million, it is impossible to defeat those crazy guys. It is estimated that even if the world level is quite high, there will not be that many people.

What they are afraid of is only existence above the gods, and it is impossible for them to appear now. I will not follow you to trouble.

If you don’t need to take action, remember to finish copying the book...don’t make mistakes because you are in a hurry!”

Hill nodded: "In this castle, Martha won't pay too much attention. Many things can only be handled by calling her first.

Shall I temporarily transfer the management of the castle to your butler?

Grandfather... I have been looking at it for a long time. Is this your pagoda spirit? How can it be physical? "

Fran nodded indifferently: "Idris, go and hand over the matter to Hill's tower spirit."

Hill was a little envious as he watched his body emit a strange gray light. Idris, who was communicating directly with Liszt mentally, could provide his tower spirit with a body that could move freely. How did Fran do it?


This was too powerful, and he also wanted to provide one to Liszt.

"Idris's body is made of a kind of soul crystal as the main material, and it uses a lot of it." Fran said lightly, "I can teach you, but you can't use it, right?"

Hill couldn't help but froze... He really couldn't use materials related to the undead.

He looked at his grandfather gently: "Have you passed through a world controlled by the devil?"

Fran said casually: "The devil is a very interesting creature...it feels a lot like Delacruz to me. Do you still remember him?"

A very interesting thing is that starting from our world, the first few worlds we arrive at seem to have something to do with the devil.

I remember that the great president also left Trasil. I wonder if he can come out while dealing with the devil.

His habitual attitude of taking advantage of others...staying with the devil, I don't know who tricked whom in the end.

But because I had Dela Cruz in front of me, I didn't suffer any losses in those places.

I did the transaction a few times, and at most I got a little more gold coins, but at least I didn't fall into the devil's trap.

This creature seems to have a high demand for gold. Hill, you have to pay attention.

Especially when speaking, be careful not to say yes or affirmative words casually, and remember not to be greedy. Just leave after the face-to-face transaction is over, and don't sign any transaction contract with them.

What kind of contract is there to write in exchange for things? I’m really used to deceiving people.”

Hill smiled helplessly. The devil is a typical example of being able to deceive one person after another. A determined soul like Fran is actually the type they like.

But it was obvious that as long as Fran did not sign a contract with them, the devil would not be able to locate a mage as powerful as him.

But Delacruz... Hill thought nonchalantly that the Mage Guild President who likes to play tricks may not necessarily be as determined as Fran to not sign any contract with the devil.

The one who has always pursued only his own strength, and his only obsession is that Trasil cannot be destroyed.

However, there are many devil believers here in Toril. Hill thought for a while before saying to Fran: "Grandpa, it's best not to sign a contract easily in Toril. If you have to sign it, there must be a Temple of the Righteous God."


If the contract paper does not have the seal of a god, it must not be signed, but the god must be a being with medium divine power or above... People with weak divine power and below may sometimes be impersonated by devils."

Fran nodded: "It seems that you have really seen a lot here, and this trip was quite successful. Don't worry! After those few worlds... I choose to do face-to-face transactions in everything now, no nonsense

Nonsense... I don't know how to establish any territory, and I don't need to sign any contracts.

However, was the contract paper you have here witnessed by Corellon?"

Fran suddenly became interested and wanted to see what the contract paper covered with divine power looked like.

Hill was silent for a moment and took out a dozen pieces of paper from the pendant: Because of his good popularity, when Hill made the contract paper, he could not only invite the power of Corellon, Tyr and Lansander, and even Su

London will lend him its power.

Moreover, he had a sudden idea and invited Thom during production, and it was successfully completed.

Hill didn't even know when Thom gave him such high authority... The gods didn't have time to reply to such requests themselves. They opened a port directly for the people they trusted, and used Fixed when needed.

Just connect the prayers.

He suspected that it was because of the harm he had caused to Bane's followers... Bane's Zhentarim had suffered heavy losses in Aglaia.

Even Zhentil Castle will be completely destroyed in the end, but it actually has something to do with Aglaia.

Fran flipped through the contract paper that Hill gave to him and sighed helplessly: His grandson is obviously a mage, why is he always related to so many gods?

In the end, Fran could only say one word: "Although the power of gods is powerful, don't be fooled.

Mage is the right path for you... Just look at the current situation and you will know... You can't rely on anyone, you can only rely on your own strength."

Hill immediately nodded: "Of course, of course, I will definitely stick to the path of a mage!"

Fran was talking about letting him become a mage... It seems that after he came out of Trasil, he also knew that warlocks and mages actually lead to the same goal by different paths, and Hill can work part-time.

No wonder Fran began to guide him on his journey as a mage.

Hill left Fran's study and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Then he saw Vera playing in the garden.

"Hill~" The little flower fairy rushed over quickly, "Liszt said you are going out again! This time you are going to the new territory in the north to watch the Trasiel elves fight~ I want to go too!"

Hill was silent for a few seconds, then smiled gently: "Of course, you can go wherever you want."

This is great!

Hill was just thinking about how to suppress Vera's random thoughts when he left.

When he is not here, it is actually a bit difficult for the little flower fairy to always remember Hill's warning and never cause trouble... The little flower fairy's memory in this regard is not necessarily better than that of a seven-year-old naughty child.

Hill has been thinking about whether to leave the artifact oil painting to Fran, but he also feels that this is too cruel to the little goblin...

Fortunately, Vera really didn't have any thoughts about Fran... It seems that she really remembered her oath, and now she just wants to go to Luskan to watch the excitement.

If only Oberon and his faeries were in the castle, there wouldn't be any problems.

This chapter has been completed!
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