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Chapter 730: Find the White Dragon of the Right Lord

 Hill looked over curiously. Among the dwarf power structures, the priests of the family goddess were actually the real backbone... Even if most dwarves were unruly, they would be tamed under the 'gentle' gaze of their old mother.


So he didn't think it was any surprise that the one who was sent to observe Luskan was a priestess who seemed to be of low rank... They were the mistresses of the hearth, the guardians of the dwarf family... they were better at it.

Use the mace to stop thieves and increase the defense BUFFF of the warriors... Although they can also treat and detoxify, their ability to treat burns is actually stronger. Of course, their strongest ability is actually the kindergarten aunt.

It is their responsibility to maintain traditional dwarf culture, knit families together, educate and raise young dwarves, and maintain the orderly management of dwarf society... Most of the grumpy and impulsive dwarves grew up under the gentle care of priest Berenne.

They grew up in whispers, so although these priests do not seem to have any formal leadership positions, they have an extraordinary status in every dwarf clan.

Only she can choose when to bow to other races for help... If it weren't for the spell plague, Berennie herself would be the last hope for these small tribes.

The 'venerable mother' of the dwarves often sends avatars to defend threatened dwarf clans, especially those threatened by events beyond their control.

Hill turned his head and thought for a moment. If this matter is really what William thought, and it was all planned by the great lich in Ser, then he can understand why these necromancers would kill the dwarves of Mirabar.


Normally, most forces would not take action against these small inhuman races. Mirabar's mine is not a rich mine, and it is located in a relatively remote corner of the Spine of the World, so only the Mirabar dwarves can survive with the crystal dragon behind them.

So comfortable...

But Serge is different. People in this country have a lot of prejudice against non-human races, especially dwarves and dwarfs. They are often given racially charged nicknames and violently provoked. Moreover, because of their small frame,

They are stronger than the bones of human children. The corpses of these two races are most commonly used as materials for making undead coolies.

In other words... the bones of dwarves can be sold for money in Sel.

On the contrary, elves, although they are also looked down upon, are generally shunned and tabooed... Usually conflicts arise only when there is enough temptation of interest.

The main reason is that the power of the elves is relatively strong after all, and no matter what kind of elves they are, even those from the evil camp, they will choose to fight endlessly to prevent the bodies of their compatriots from being contaminated, so the Ser people actually avoid being among the elves.


Just like when dealing with Luskan, they will pay attention to hiding their existence and use the bereaved dogs of Zhentarim as a shield.

Orcs and half-orcs are well accepted in Cyre, as they often serve as law enforcers and soldiers in Cyre legions.

Centaurs were even often used as guards on Ser slave plantations.

After all, this is a guy who can feed himself with slave corpses...slave bones can also be used to make skeletons.

However, this kind of Serge is not even the most intolerable... When the undead faction officially comes to the forefront and Bane becomes the faith of the entire country, the status of living people will be inferior to that of dogs.

So Hill very much agreed with William's idea of ​​taking Ser as the undead's next target... He didn't think that far ahead, and he never thought about letting the undead cross the continent of Faerûn to fight in the south.

Of course, it may also be because he has been subconsciously avoiding important plots in the world of Toril... The great lich of Sazastan, Ser, loves to plan multiple conspiracies at the same time, and has been trying to complete a strange seal.

God Festival: Capture nine demigods or chosen ones from different camps, absorb their power and become gods.

Logically speaking... the gods of Toril should not be so embarrassed. Just look at Laila to know how strong the Chosen One is... Hill often observes the Chosen One of Mystra when he is bored. Laila is not even a Chosen One yet.

One of the two strongest, but not so easy to kill... Of course, it is quite easy for Hill to defeat her, but the powerful vitality in Laila's body makes it really difficult for her to be completely defeated.

Get rid of.

However, whenever Hill thinks of AO and the Tablet of Destiny, he feels that Sazastan's great dream may not be impossible.

He walked slowly on the terrace, but history had actually changed the moment the magic network was broken.

Hill didn't know that William hadn't thought of this difference... Azuth, the mage god, wasn't dead yet.

If a god falls, even if the connection between Toril and the star world is completely severed, it cannot be concealed... This time there is no unlucky ghost accompanying Mystra.

According to the original timeline, this unlucky old man with a white beard was directly ejected from Toril at the moment the magic network was broken, collapsed into the Baator Hell... and was then killed by Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell.


But this premature murder saved him from this tragic fate... Of course, this may also be because the resentment accumulated between him and Mystra was not that high, so the goddess did not think of cursing him before she died.


It was also because of this ending that Hill knew clearly: AO was indeed just doing it casually, and did not really want to update the god Toril. What he did was for the better future of Toril... Of course this is good

It's a bit incomprehensible.

But AO has indeed been observing other worlds, often trying to learn the strengths of others in Toril, and then mutate due to acclimatization... But as many people feel, he instead treated Cyric and Bane like this

Shi Pai appreciates it...after all, it gives him another chance to change the world.

Hill didn't care what Toril would do to this guy who was suspected of being the God of Chaos. He was just grateful for the result: these things that happened would not have the same result at different times... To be honest, this

This is the reason why Hill seems so relaxed during this period. At least AO just likes to make trouble, not the kind of control freak who wants to control everything.

Hill exhaled softly, so since the world was reorganized, he has not been so strict in asking himself to mind his own business, and he dares to interfere slightly in some things.

Otherwise, as soon as he discovers Edna appears in Luskan, Hill will go crazy and think of ways to send her away.

But now he just quietly watched the undead rushing out of various defense huts, summoning their mounts and rushing directly to the ice city in the east, and laughed from the bottom of his heart: It seems that William has already negotiated with the Mirabar dwarf.

Covenant of cooperation.

Dwarves are a very stubborn race with strange thinking... Even if William wants to cooperate with them, he must not propose it himself... In that case, even if you save their lives, the dwarves will not be grateful to you, they will only feel

You have other plans.

So the relationship between the elven pantheon and the dwarf pantheon is obviously quite friendly, but their believers are not so harmonious.

How could the proud elf bear that kind of humiliation?

Of course, this has resulted in the current situation. It is obvious that the dwarves are in danger, but even the nearby neighbors will not take the initiative to help them before asking for help.

Don't expect so many dead people to go ahead, but in fact they will just stay aside and watch. Without William's order, they will not take action at all. At most, they will kill those orcs running towards Luskan.

The night slowly rose again, and Selun's brilliance accompanied the various fireworks rising above Luskan, creating a different kind of scenery.

Hill slowly admired the beautiful night, although the brilliant fireworks actually meant that the war on the other side had officially begun.

Miraba's little thing is not worth the effort of the undead... The undead who can use magic don't care about those messy underground passages.

They have enough earth mages to open these passages directly.

So at the moment of dawn, the undead followed the morning light and set foot on the road back to Luskan, which was actually the frozen Miral River.

Hill turned to look at the Spine of the World. The orcs had already begun to evacuate.

The undead who stayed behind in Luskan began to burn the fires all over the sky to burn the corpses... The surviving orcs already knew the habits of the undead, and secretly cut a lot of meat before leaving.

This time, they lost millions of lives in Luskan, and all the old, weak, sick and disabled were exhausted. Although they didn't get better food, every orc had enough in their hands.

In terms of living meat, some guys may have enough food in their hands to feed a female and let her give birth to several cubs for herself.

Although this kind of life makes both humans and elves feel disgusting, this has been their way of life for thousands of years.

If it weren't for the cooperation with the necromancers, they would have returned to their stronghold on the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, those undead who only knew how to talk big words were useless and cost the tribe a lot of warriors.

Many orc priests feel regretful. When the necromancer and the white dragon can only choose one of the two, how could they be stupid enough to choose these useless guys!

You shouldn't try to threaten those white dragons just because they always catch lone orcs for food!

Let’s try to reconcile with Bailong in the future…

The half-orc priests, full of resentment, left dejectedly with their men... They should be glad that they left early.

Otherwise, you will be as confused as Hill, wondering where you are now...

Alvia Tulas suddenly fell outside the city wall and gave Edna a bouquet of pink flowers for Edna, who was walking with the 'Old Sanda King' and the others: bell-like flowers overlapped, dotted with beautiful

spots and patterns.

The little girl was not afraid at all and accepted the bouquet of flowers excitedly. She raised her head and looked at the White Dragon Queen: "Beautiful Ms. White Dragon, what should I call you? What can I do for you?"

Alvia Tulas stretched her neck, spread her wings slightly, and showed her most beautiful smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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