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Chapter 743 For Trahill

 Hill sighed silently.

The 'Old Sanda King' probably also knew about Edna's father's property. The little girl probably mentioned it to her, otherwise she wouldn't have known that Laila was communicating and negotiating with the Mirabar dwarf and rushed over to find Laila.


She actually just wanted to see what Charlotte, who had never shown up, would do...Obviously, before William invited Edna and Alvia to the Alchemy Hall, Hill had communicated with Laila about Edna's whereabouts.


It was impossible for Charlotte not to know that Edna would leave Luskan in the future, and she must have even nodded in agreement.

She was Edna's biological mother, so if the 12-year-old girl wanted to leave the house, she had to ask for her permission.

No one among the undead would doubt that Hill could be so negligent when doing things.

But after such a long time, if Charlotte was going to hand over her ex-husband's money to Edna, she should have appeared long ago... However, Ms. Charlotte has been running around behind Laila, even if she does not need to come forward.

The place followed...she didn't know William would pay Edna a salary.

Hill's thoughts suddenly turned to a strange angle: Are Charlotte and her husband divorced?

The weddings of the great nobles of Silvermoon City all require oaths to be made to Mystra or Suellen... Edna's secretive father should not be able or dare to kneel in front of the Midnight Statue to take oaths, so he should go there.

Silver Moon Temple.

Well... forget it, Hill shook his head, he was thinking too much.

Marriages in Toril are basically automatically dissolved once they are separated... there is no need for any formalities.

Hill leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the situation on the other side of the island... The undead priests also seemed to be attracted... King Sanda actually has a high status among the priests, and most of the priests know him.


After all, she is a great woman who can beat a knight with her fists.

So the crystal dragon that realized something was wrong also turned its head... its body was obviously still trembling in pain...

This lady had just recovered from her dying breath, but her weakness could not be felt at all from her wide eyes... The dragon's heart for gossip is really quite big.

Even now that everyone is looking at her with strange eyes, and there is even a dwarf standing aside with a question mark on his face and whispering, Ms. Charlotte's expression has not changed, she just stands behind Laila with an innocent face,

She really felt that this matter was nothing to mention.

Could it be that Charlotte thinks that with Alvia here, Edna will definitely not be short of money? But does she take it for granted that it is okay to let the magic pet earn money to support its master?

The White Dragon Queen is not a good person. If there is really no benefit, how can she keep raising Edna?

No, she knew that she thought Edna would be abandoned by the undead and the white dragon sooner or later... In her heart, Edna did not have such high value... She actually knew her daughter less than Laila.

That's why Charlotte said that when Edna couldn't survive, she could return to Luskan... Her attitude was very obvious, if you come back, I will raise you, but I won't give you money to raise the dragon.

She probably felt that spending money to raise a white dragon that was impossible to raise well was a stupid thing. Edna couldn't keep the money she had, so she might as well leave it to Charlotte to spend on herself, or not give it to Edna at all.

Anyway, if Edna fails, she can come back and let her raise her.

But she didn't say a word to stop her daughter from doing this: after all, the White Dragon Queen's contract with Edna was the result of Lyla's hand, something Lord Hill nodded to approve, and Xia wanted to stay in Luskan.

Lore would not offend these two.

If she was a completely cruel mother, Edna might have left decisively... However, her performance could still show a little bit of motherly love and make the little girl feel a touch of warmth.

But if you want to say how good she is... no one can say it.

To be honest, Charlotte might as well act more indifferent.

Edna's face was blank, and she said softly: "Then...that's it...goodbye, mother."

The 'Old Sanda King' snorted coldly and turned away under Edna's pleading eyes. However, the tough female pastor couldn't help but said: "Anyway, Ms. Charlotte will be a mother again soon."

...I hope the family can be happy this time.

Edna doesn't need to worry. We will build a small temple to the God of Mage in the hidden forest. Maybe one day, her father will be able to come to the hidden town to be a priest.

Hill's territory has not joined the Silver Moon Alliance. Anyone is welcome, as long as they are normal people... the most important thing is that anyone can come if they want to."

Hill smiled helplessly and turned to look at William: "There's probably nothing going on here. I'll go to the Hidden Forest first... Speaking of which, they can be considered my vassals. I haven't seen them yet!"

William was silent for a few seconds before asking: "This little girl won't remind you of yourself, right?

Hill, don't do unnecessary things just because you sympathize with her! Be careful of being involved in Toril's boring fate.

The more I look at her, the more I feel that she is a child of destiny...who can cause any kind of bad luck.

If it weren't for the undead as friends, she would probably be squatting in the Black Staff Tower and crying.

After that, she encountered various setbacks, and then one day she finally realized that only she was the most important, and finally chose to leave those useless constraints and embark on the path of adventure... Her mother's lover was not Luskan.

Side, that is to say, sooner or later they will get together.

She has no home, no country, but a very rich background. The people who team up with her all have their own abilities...

Although there are only a few people running around the world, offending people everywhere... however, no one would dare to kill them easily unless they meet the evil devil.

No matter where you go in or out, no matter what big trouble happens, you can save the day from danger in the end.

If it weren't for the undead, would you say this would look more like the protagonists in those little... epic biographies?

Their fates are full of ups and downs, heroic and tragic, and those who come into contact with them may be in trouble."

Hill couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking! Why should I sympathize with her?

No matter who she will be in the future, her fate is definitely etched on the stone... and it has to be related to the fate of all Toril.

The last time this situation happened...it was the team that included Cyric, Midnight and Kranvor, right?

They are not a three-person team... Moreover, Kelanvor was only resurrected after his death.

I'm not stupid...how could I deliver it to my door by myself?

Besides, Edna is not really short of money. Even without the salary you gave her, she may not be able to support the White Dragon Queen."

William laughed a few times. As a god of the space-time system, he could certainly tell what the little girl's bracelet was.

And that bracelet, to be honest, is almost an artifact. If William hadn't been particularly sensitive to spatial fluctuations, he wouldn't have been able to feel such a subtle aura.

It is naturally difficult for an alchemist master like Hill to hide it. But Laila and Charlotte don't have the ability to see through it.

It can be seen that Azuth and his ex Mystra also left good things for their children.

The most important thing is that at such a young age, Edna really kept this bracelet a secret. Judging from Charlotte's performance, you can tell that she doesn't know anything... The person who can make Edna do this must be

It's her unlucky biological father.

Neither William nor Hill are used to this kind of interpersonal relationship in Toril. They really don't understand how these guys can enjoy this kind of married life where they are on guard against each other.

Hill glanced at the crystal dragon who had already stood up: "The matter on the dwarves' side is almost over... I'll leave first, send the city guards back to Aglaia, and then go to the hidden forest. By then the white dragon should

I was shocked,"

"Bring a clone of the time and space artifact there." William said lazily, "After discovering the underground passage, I will directly ask the undead with the highest merit to go to your place to take over the mission."

Hill nodded solemnly: "In this matter, no matter what it is, you can come to me for help... No, I can't say help, this is what I should do.

Trasil is my forever home, and nothing comes before me."

William smiled and said: "I will never be polite to you in this regard."

Hill returned to the Purvey directly after applying the camouflage spell to himself.

First, Liszt was asked to notify the goblins and the Aglaia City Guards to return. Hill then returned to the study and took out his own notes recording Toril's various materials: plants and minerals are definitely more comprehensive, and water-based creatures are also still there.

It is basically available, but there is still a little bit of information on land animals, and most of it is just information found from other places.

But even so, this notebook is precious enough. It is difficult for anyone to analyze the basic materials as thoroughly as Hill.

He looked at Liszt who had turned around and raised his notes: "Is the material in the floating castle warehouse so complete?"

"I tried my best to put most of the materials in duplicate, but there were a few items that we didn't have much on hand, so I didn't put them outside. They were all in the pendant warehouse." Liszt answered quickly.

"Then give a share to grandfather." Hill said softly, "William hopes to get better blood blue medicine, and I think grandfather will agree to study it...as long as he knows what the undead plan to do in the future."

"Yes, sir."

The chirping little goblins came back flying next to a group of elves chatting happily. These city guards did look much more determined. Their defense area was not small, and it was not easy to fight.

Asking Ruth to help say goodbye to Laila, Hill returned directly to Aglaia City.

The communication between him and Fran went smoothly. The alchemist master who knew what happened put down the spell book without hesitation and devoted himself to research.

Hill found Lin En and asked him to issue a takeover notice in accordance with Frank's requirements.

Lin En readily took over the task of communicating with the alchemist master. After the focus of the undead came to Luskan, he really felt much more relaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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