Chapter 750: The Shipping Method of the White Dragon

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 Early the next morning, the people from the Helm Temple set off to the north under the angrily watch of the Tyrian paladins behind them.

Except for a few undead people wandering the streets in Aglaia City, almost no one would choose to get up so early in the morning to watch a group of strangers move.

Of course, Hill actually knew it. After all, at this time, he had just left a glass garden behind the city hall and happened to see the whole scene.

The glass here in Toril is actually fiberglass, a specialty of the elves. It is a material made through complex alchemical procedures. It has the hardness of steel and the transparency of glass. It is an extraordinary material created by wing elves and sun elves.

Steel is harder but much lighter... So although it is mainly used as a building material, there are still some elves or humans who like to attract attention and use it as armor or even weapons.

The price of this kind of material is actually quite expensive, and it is relatively rare in the continent of Faerûn... Sun elves like to use this kind of material to build royal palaces or noble mansions, and they basically don't sell them.

People with so much money should really get themselves a set of mithril armor... That thing can still be blended into the white armor on the battlefield.

Fiberglass armor is not good, it is too exclusive... In some respects, transparent and reflective armor and weapons often attract unnecessary attention rather than providing tactical advantages.

In other words, it is the most attractive thing on the battlefield... Whether it is an elf or a person using this thing, they are either too confident in their own abilities or too confident in their own IQ.

In fact, Hill has always been able to make fiberglass...but it really doesn't make sense to him who can easily obtain crystals.

But when he was planning to sneak over at night to do this, Corellon, who was contacted by Hill in some special way, suggested that he build such a building in his territory... The elves and half-people under Hill's command

There are already enough elves, it would be better for Aglaia to have more iconic buildings.

Hill's past territory was said to be elf style, but in fact it can also be said to be a natural style. Elves are not creatures who only like natural scenery, they also like luxury.

Especially the Sun Elves...magical creations made of glass, crystal and silver are their style.

Although Hill didn't think it was necessary, of course he had things like fiberglass...Although Hill didn't say anything, he could make many of the elves' traditional alchemical creations. And since he knew how, with his kind

Character, of course he would make a finished product to see the effect... He sometimes doubted whether his inherited memory came directly from Corellon. Hill was really unwilling to admit that the Elf God King actually knew these things.

So after putting away the crystal gems associated with Corellon, Hill decided to turn the outer building of his plantation into a glass palace covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters, and then use space crystals inside to expand it to 200 hectares, and finally expand it to 200 hectares.

A large amount of pure soil dug from the Bailong Mountains was laid in.

The energy contained in the air in Toril is indeed much less than that in Trasil, so if you don't want to consume a lot of energy crystals, 200 hectares of land is already the limit of Hill's ability.

But it was enough to grow some herbs. Hill stayed up all night, sweating hard, and finally completed Fran's list before the sun rose.

After handing over the picking of the last batch of herbs to Linn, who had stayed with him all night and laughed all night long, to announce the task, Hill returned to the floating castle with a straight face under the morning light, and then saw the temple of Helm.

Figures of people leaving in a hurry.

The envoy from Neverwinter also followed the paladin in a panic, looking panicked.

Hill was a little confused at first... He wanted to make the city of Aglaia feel embarrassed because it was abandoned by a certain temple... Why should these people leave in the spotlight?

Although Hill felt that people who would think this way had something wrong with their brains, his identity as a descendant of Corellon was not a secret at all.

Beings with an identity like Hill will be regarded as future gods to some extent. Even if Heim comes directly to express dissatisfaction with him, it will have no impact, let alone some ordinary believers.

But then I saw the Priest of Tyr and the Knight of Justice standing on the wall next to his temple, with evil expressions and fierce eyes.

What particularly surprised Hill was that the demigod-level paladin leader of Silver Shield was not standing at the front... You must know that in the Temple of Tire, the identities of priests and paladin are actually calculated separately.

I can tell who is the boss just by looking at each other, but outsiders can't understand their complicated relationship: they all seem to be of the same level, why is it that the paladin has the final say in this city, and the priest in another city?


So in order to prevent outsiders from wondering whether they were having some internal strife, Tire believers simply positioned themselves according to their abilities... rather than their status.

In other words, the leader of the Silver Shield standing on the back right can only be ranked third in terms of level here... He is still the incarnation of the god of Tyr!

Hill glanced at it in a daze...Ah, the white-bearded priest standing at the front seemed to be the high priest of Tire who was responsible for defending Hell Gate Castle in the Supreme Forest!

Then the person on his left should be one of the six leaders of the Knights of Justice... The Silver Shield is just one of its branches, although the leader's identity is more special and makes him more independent... Only the one who has obtained Tyr

Only the six captains who personally held the investiture ceremony have the qualification to represent the entire Knights of Justice.

Hill couldn't help scratching his head. He almost forgot that in the northern continent of Faerun, the largest stronghold of the Knights of Justice was Hell Gate Castle... but it was broken.

Then there was Neverwinter...but there was a fall out there.

The Tire believers looked around blankly. There were many cities on the northern continent that welcomed their arrival. However, the cities they liked already had their own beliefs... It was almost a provocation for them to go there.

Of course Tyr's believers are not afraid to fight for Tyr... However, Tyr himself is a good old man and always sticks to the path of justice... How could Tyr like this allow his loyal followers to provoke a war of faith?

So in the end, Hill, a territory under the rule of half-elves, was the most suitable for them... Lord Aglaia didn't care at all about the expansion of the Temple of Tyr in his territory. Even if tens of thousands more people came, it would be nothing to him.

Places that need to be guarded against.

To a certain extent, the existence of the undead gave Hill the confidence to tolerate everything, but his almost lawful good stance prevented Aglaia from expanding aggressively.

The most important thing is... for the first time, the paladins of Tire can bring their families to the same city. Many lords welcome the paladins and even priests of Tire... but do not welcome their family members who are also followers of Tire.

The first time Hill heard the complaints from the paladins, he quickly understood the reason: the paladins didn't go shopping in the market every day, and they didn't actually have much contact with the lower-class civilians.

But their families can... However, how many territories dare to let Tire's followers wander around in their civilian areas?

If Neverwinter had not had a king at that time, it would not have allowed the Temple of Tire to bring so many family members... Then when the king came to power and all the nobles were in place, wouldn't the Paladin's family members feel excluded?

But Linn of Aglaia has never refused their request to bring their families, so this is really the best home that Tire believers can find.

However, the one they thought they were an ally and a partner they had fought side by side for many years, the Temple of Helm, acted in an extremely angry way.

When the believers in Tire came, what the Helm Temple did was not a slap in the face of Lord Hill, but in the face of them who insisted on bringing the Helm Temple to Aglaia!

As a result, before their anger subsided, they discovered the secret instigation methods of the Helm Temple... Only then did the justice knights suddenly realize that those so-called friendships were all their own thoughts, and others did not think so.

That's why Hill witnessed this scene... Under the witness of three electors of Tyr, the Temple of Tyr and the Temple of Helm parted ways, and there was no longer any friendship.

Hill, who quietly slipped back to the study, didn't care at all about the shock, anger and disappointment of Tire's followers... It's just that this ending is a beautiful fairy tale, isn't it?

After rubbing his hands, Hill decided to continue his life of copying books. He had no doubt that Fran would come to see what he was doing...Alchemy experiments are a very troublesome and tedious work, and sometimes they even become annoying when done.

When the time comes, you have to go out and wander around.

Hill's rooftop garden has formed a unique environment under various special factors, which is particularly suitable for clearing complex emotions and soothing chaotic thinking.

Fran also liked to sit there, and the only thing left to get to Hill's study was to open a door.

Fortunately, Hill, who was conscientiously copying books under the supervision of his parents, soon welcomed the dragon team three days later... He was a little suspicious that these guys had lost the dragon halfway and arrived at Aglaia so late.

But he soon understood the undead's delay... There must have been many interesting collisions between these guys and these young dragons, juvenile dragons and even young dragons... Otherwise, the undead would not have transformed their carriages.

It became a prison, and even his own horse was used to pull the cart.

Hill saw the leading 'senior Sanda King' and several of her friends... Their white dragons must have been contracted, and they should be the adult ones lying on the tall cage, wagging their tails lazily.


They didn't care at all that their offspring were locked in a cage, with miserable expressions on their faces, holding the railings with their front paws and howling miserably. Sometimes they would even use their long tails to smack a little dragon who howled too loudly.

Hill retracted his head silently. The only person who could do such a thing was the Sanda King with a cold face sitting on the wolverine.

This chapter has been completed!
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