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Chapter 759: Vera's Great Dream

"He... was he laughing just now?" Vera lay on Hill's hair and said in surprise, "The undead are really similar to us goblins! Even at this time, we still have to laugh at our unlucky companions!

No wonder even Pickle can find playmates... They must have a common language... The more anxious the playmates are, the happier they will be."

Hill turned his head slightly and suppressed his smile.

He remembered that unlucky guy ‘Wan You Tian Luo’, the owner of the Duchess’s son Jack… he had always had a good relationship with ‘Cun Lu’ and the ‘Old Sanda King’… one of the little leaders of the Wild Boar Legion.

And for some reason, 'Xueyunfeng' is probably the one who is trampled most often by wild boars... The girls he offended are all the type who will never stop from morning till night when they remember their revenge.

Therefore, it is understandable that the conductor who is famous for his handicap could not resist the impulse of "haha"... He was the first to call Black Rose, which is quite normal. After all, when such things happen, they are used to starting from

The big family starts.

Only if these big families take the lead and die, other small families and individual people will agree with an ending in which they are also sacrificed.

For the undead, as long as the situation stabilizes, those demonic corpses will not be able to cause any more difficulties... The only troublesome thing is that the performance of 'Xueyunfeng' is too obvious, and the demonic corpses are not intelligent.

Among the insects that were not tall, some soon tried to rush towards him.

'Xueyunfeng' quickly summoned a carriage and rushed in. Only a small trumpet-like tool stuck out from the small window and continued to conduct... The conductor has always been privileged in this regard, and no one will blame him for not participating.

What's wrong with fighting?

So soon some defensive knights stood outside the carriage holding high shields: the insect king actually commanded some large insects to rush towards the carriage, trying to dig out the 'Snow Cloud Peak'.

The enemies this time are really a bit troublesome for the undead... mainly because this crypt is not big enough for the huge number of people.

To a certain extent, it has brought the undead to fight at the same angle as the monsters. Fortunately, the level of the undead is still relatively high... or in other words, after the group attack spell is released, the demon corpses can basically no longer be produced.

What happened.

Hill tilted his chin and observed the battle situation: Demon Soul Corpse is not something that is easy to make, and the necromancer or lich behind it must be feeling heartbroken after seeing it now.

But if there was no movement during the most chaotic time just now... Hill was a little suspicious that those who created these monsters were either visitors from the bottomless abyss or hell, and had been thrown into the star realm by the world of Toril.

Otherwise, the location is too far from here... In the past, you could open the door and come directly, but now you can't.

Hill smiled silently: If it was because he was too far away... No matter who the guy behind was, just think that he might be rushing this way crazily, feeling that he was growing up while rushing.

His pets disappeared one by one, and he felt a faint sense of joy in his heart...but the other party might not be very angry, if he was sure in his heart that his enemy was Alausato.

It is indeed heartbreaking to sacrifice some bugs and zombies that have been raised for hundreds or even thousands of years, but if you can get back a bone dragon made of an ancient dragon, any sacrifice is worth it.

There is always enough time for the undead, so just look for these things.

And it's quite normal for him to be so unhurried... The ancient white dragon has always been very resilient. If he didn't want to suffer the last few blows from the white dragon, he might indeed take it slow and wait for Alausato to bleed to death...

…With so much paralyzing poison, it’s not easy for Bailong to run back to the ground.

Hill felt that his analysis was probably correct, so he sat back on the sofa and waited to see the outcome.

If that unlucky guy was really cursed by Benbasha, the goddess of misfortune...then the undead were probably finishing their work when he arrived.

However, the undead showed some sense of crisis at this time. Maybe the monsters behaved too regularly this time, and they were worried that there would be higher-level attackers behind them.

Therefore, after there were only a few demonic corpses and corpse demons left, ‘Xueyun Peak’ required that in areas where no bugs had entered, a priest would start to rain holy rain, making sure that there were no gaps.

At this time, the number of bugs in the crypt was gradually decreasing, and the bug king, which was always charging forward repeatedly, gradually lost its strength and was surrounded by the defensive knights holding large shields.

"It's almost the end." Frank stood up, "I hope those trophies can be returned soon. If the person behind the scenes arrives, remember to call me. I want to see what kind of person has such a wonderful idea.


Hill stood up and sent him out. It seemed that his grandfather felt that this battle was about to enter garbage time.

Vera grabbed a piece of his hair and shook it a few times before asking: "Is it going to end? Hill, are all those dirty things dead?"

"I don't know if there are still others in the passage behind." Hill answered him with a smile, "But it won't cause much trouble anymore."

Vera tilted her head, and a smaller white rose swayed on her little red bun. As a flower fairy, her hair color changes at any time, depending on which color she lives in recently.

of flowers.

But it was the rose that made Hill couldn't help but look at it twice: "Vera, what kind of rose is this? Why is it so small?"

"I've been hanging in front of you for so long... did Hill just see it?

Sure enough, no matter how beautiful he is, he is still a careless boy!

Hill, if you continue like this, when will you be able to have a beloved girlfriend? I probably have never had the hope of getting close to the hostess in my entire life and discussing intimately what color of flowers goes with what hairstyle.

It’s over...

Forget it, what else can you ask of a mage master!

This is a fairy flower that we have grown very hard. The seeds are condensed with star essence. Eating enough 12 flowers can turn a human from an ordinary person to a professional!

This one is a bit big and can only be used as a hair accessory. Flowers smaller than this are what we want.

The Spring Equinox is here... the fairies will wear clothes made of new leaves and spring flowers, and they will also wear white or bright yellow garlands on their heads to celebrate our celebration!

The Spring Equinox celebration is very important to the goblins, of course, but they can’t die, and at most they’re a little sad.” Vera answered him matter-of-factly, “If we don’t celebrate the Summer Solstice, life would be worse than death… In the past, we still Of course I would just celebrate casually by myself if I had hope for the Happy Palace... But there is no need to think about that now.

So, we decided to hold our own Four Seasons Celebration in Aglaia.

An invitation has been sent to all the goblins in Toril."

She chuckled twice: "It depends on those little goblins, whether they choose to wait for the Joyous Royal Court when the Gate of Toril will be opened again, or whether they choose to travel thousands of miles to Aglaia!"

"So... why?" Hill knows Vera very well. Although she loves to play and make trouble, to a certain extent, she is a goblin with her own thoughts. If it weren't for her father and the goblin queen, , Hill really thinks Vera will become the next Fairy Queen.

Of course, he could pretend he had never heard the first paragraph.

"Oberon is still sleeping in the tree." Valar said softly, "But this is wrong... We are children of nature, unlike other gods... No one in Toril will deny us entry. .

I think it’s because the Court of Joy has been away from Toril for too long... Oberon’s name became known to not many goblins due to Titania’s suggestion. I’m talking about those who don’t even have access to the outer court. He's been there...so he has no roots in Toril.

Therefore, I must hold a four-season celebration in accordance with the goblin tradition, and hold the most lively performance in front of the big tree where Oberon sleeps, so that every goblin participating can present the most perfect performance to the father of beasts: singing and crying. Touching stories, reciting beautiful poems, and singing beautiful songs. We don’t need songs praising the queen, we just need to praise nature.”

Hill sighed, but still had to pour cold water on Vera: "I remember that the life of the little goblin comes from the goblin plane? The Royal Court of Joy is the source of your power, right?

Even if Titania is your queen, she cannot cut off your life source, but it is not that easy to separate the divine power from there."

Vera smiled slyly: "Hill... If I hadn't stayed in the iceberg for so many years, I might also think that this statement is okay... but it is just the divine power emanating from a sun god artifact. It is enough to provide enough vitality to us...

Titania never intended to let me go back, why do you think it is?"

The little flower fairy took the little wand and turned it around in front of Hill's eyes: "My power has threatened her position as queen... The throne almost flew towards me when I walked over.

Oberon had fallen out with Titania before, but he never thought of leaving the goblin's home...it was to protect me.

I wouldn't do this if it were anywhere else, but Aglaia is a place blessed by the elves and gods. Your garden is also full of the vitality of Selun. The power of nature here is not much less than that of the elves.


I want to try... Oberon also likes to watch the excitement, and I don’t want him to have to sleep like this."

Hill stretched out his fingers and touched her little head gently: "Then do what you want...I will protect you."

Vera's behavior is tantamount to splitting the Fairy King's Court into two... Hill thinks it's better to make her a stronger weapon, like Titania's Fairy Throne that increases the Queen's power to medium divine power.

He may not be able to do it, but he can try to do something similar.

Vera grabbed Hill's hair and made a small swing, and happily sat on it and swayed. She knew that Hill would definitely support her!

This chapter has been completed!
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