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Chapter 669 The establishment of the first underground resurrection point

 Hill watched silently on the giant screen as the undead marched mercilessly towards the tribe in the cave. Maybe it was because they were full of fire. They burned almost wherever they went, especially the ground and earth elements.

The mage effectively ensured that no one stepped on the soil of the past.

The fire mages set fire all over the ground almost crazily, and the weapons of those melee professions were also cast with the 'Fire Blade Technique'. Plants, linen and other things were thrown into countless fireballs once they were discovered.

Not to mention those monsters that intend to resist. The female barbarians who rushed over with stone axes could hardly touch the edge of melee combat... Their levels were not high, and few of them could even throw throwing axes, so they perished faster.


As for the undead, even those little barbarians running around, screaming and crying cannot attract their interest. No matter how big or small, they are all monsters. In their eyes, 'little barbarians' is just a name symbol, so

They won't show mercy at all when they attack.

Hill leaned on the sofa, lowered his head and thought for a while. He should be able to kill all these stone blind barbarians now, but he must prepare himself mentally beforehand... He warned himself sternly that these monsters just have human bodies.

In appearance, they have no emotions at all, and are worse than demons and devils.

Is it possible that when he sees little lemures and the like, he can still say that they have not committed any crime and cannot be killed?

The damn monster will always die, even if he needs to take action himself.

Then he calmly raised his head and watched motionless as the undead captured every lithobarbarian in every corner of the cave that extended in all directions and killed them all.

Frank silently observed Hill's attitude in the corner and nodded with satisfaction: Although his grandson is still soft-hearted, he is not the kind of good person who wants to save everything... As long as he can do everything possible to defeat the enemy.

No mercy, with Hill's powerful ability, it is really difficult for anything to happen and prevent him from surviving.

Although Frank has always been dissatisfied with the blessings of the gods on Hill, he knows very well that if he encounters a big enemy that makes Hill unable to escape, he will not easily choose to kill him, which will offend so many gods at once.

The mage.

At least in Toril, anyone can only be tactful when dealing with Hill. To be honest, the more he looks at the history of Toril, the more Frank feels that it is a bit scary that Hill should be friends with those people at the same time: Tyr also

Forget it, Hill's character is indeed easy for such a righteous and lawful god to favor, but Suellen and Lansander...how did they do it?

Not to mention Corellon, who had stayed in Aglaia for a long time. Anyone who knew about this would feel that the Elf Father must attach great importance to the lord of Aglaia. The last time he did this, he was still the first.

When the Sun Elf Emperor appeared...but that was his biological son.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it is available on both Android and Apple.]

Toril is only temporarily closed. No one knows that in a few years, the gods will be able to come again at will. As long as Aglaia does not show the desire to invade other territories, no one will take action against Hill... Dare to do this

What he did was probably just a dragon blinded by money.

Fran showed a faint smile, and Hill's only soft-hearted weakness seemed to be no problem. As long as Hill could keep his character unchanged, no one in Toril could deal with him.

That's good, he can forget about the troubles outside and just immerse himself in the laboratory... Toril has accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of knowledge, making his hands ready to move.

The undead on the screen were still digging three feet into the ground conscientiously. They burned all the excavated soil with the strongest flames... and the remaining crystallization residue was vigorously dug deeper into the ground.


They also dug out all the caves where the barbarians lived in the past, and cut off all the walls that had to be left at least one meter thick. Then they asked the water mage to wash the caves clean... and then set fire to them from beginning to end.

It burned again.

In the end, the earth mage was asked to turn the cave into a complete green rock... The reason why this cave attracted the attention of the stone blind barbarians is actually because there is a winding underground river flowing through it...

It's a pity that no one intends to stay in that river.

The undead don’t need external water anyway, so who doesn’t have a condensation bead on their hands?

Their eyes have suffered too much damage, and now they just want to look at the clean and tidy cyan to save it.

Of course, in the end, the light mages finally made their efforts and fired countless evil-dispelling and purifying lights around the entire crypt... The white light shone almost non-stop for 10 minutes.

When they finally stopped, the expressions on the girls' faces that they still wanted to do it again made it clear to everyone who saw them that they had completely exhausted their magic power.

Hill also saw some alchemists taking out their own refining tools... Judging from their gestures and the materials they threw down, they should be refining some special-tasting perfume.

It is true that junior potion alchemists start from simple daily items such as aromatics, mainly because these are the only things that can be sold for money.

The undead finally released a simple temple-shaped alchemy room in the middle of the crypt. 24 white pillars simply supported the circular palace, which could almost be seen at a glance.

There is only a transparent crystal pillar in the middle, surrounded by a circle of marble cabinets as tall as one person. There is nothing yet placed on the shelves.

‘Xueyunfeng’ stood in front of that room and said loudly: “Now, everyone needs to vote to decide whether to use this as the first resurrection point of our underground world... If you don’t agree, there is nothing I can do.

But I hope you think clearly, there is no more suitable place than here along the way, so if it doesn't work here, we can only continue going down.

Most people probably just want to rest now, right?"

Even though some people still felt resentful, the idea of ​​​​seeing out of sight still prevailed, and most of the undead still compromised.

Silver-white light flickered directly, and lines of magic formations appeared on the white ground of the temple... Soon, the undead who did not plan to return to the city for resurrection appeared in the middle of the temple.

The goblins watched this moment with bated breath, and finally couldn't resist the urge to communicate. Although they were discussing who had vomited the least often... it was impossible not to vomit, even the brown goblins who had been dealing with housework all year round.

Couldn't help it.

Fran stood up quietly and left the study almost as if he was floating... without even saying hello to Hill.

Hill, who knew that his grandfather was actually very irritated, did not show his etiquette at this time... After watching Fran leave, Hill hurried back to his room: he needed to take a bath.

Not only was he mentally stimulated, his study was filled with vomit just now. Although these little guys are vegetarians, the taste is not that terrible... But for people with mysophobia, this is still terrifying.

Hill has been very patient as he has endured so far.

By the time Hill left the bathroom with satisfaction, Lister had already divided the insect materials into two parts and sent them to Hill and Fran's laboratories respectively.

Of course, Hill only had insect shells here, and the rest, including the complete insect king, were sent to Fran.

Although Hill has tried very hard to control the influence of his bloodline... He is a great middle school student who has personally completed frog anatomy experiments. He is not afraid of this kind of research at all... but he still has some physiological disgust.

Unless absolutely necessary, Hill is not willing to go against his own physiology.

And it's not that he can't study biological materials at all, but it's just best not to study corpses directly, as insect shells are fine.

Hill was very happy to find that all the materials on his experimental table had been cleaned: "Liszt, you are so considerate! What would I do if I left you!"

Liszt floated beside him with a smile: "Making you satisfied is my greatest compliment, sir.

These materials were sent back by Mr. Luo Sanquan, and I have paid in full."

Hill couldn't help but glance sideways: "Do you know why it's him?"

"He is the treasurer sent by Black Rose to the command group, and is responsible for counting and distributing the spoils together with other families... This is his job, this is what he told me exactly.

But from the conversation between him and a few people next to him, I could tell that he was the one who got the ghost card in the lottery."

Hill couldn't help but laugh, which was reasonable.

"Sir." Liszt suddenly glanced outside and said, "Mr. Lin is coming up."

Hill was a little strange, so he took off the isolation robe he was wearing and turned back to the study.

But after entering the study room, he suddenly remembered that this screen should be moved to the rooftop garden.

Anyway, there are many chaise-like benches and exquisite small dining tables there, so you can still watch the live broadcast comfortably.

If he was so excited just after entering the underground, Hill really doubted that this undead march would be able to see all the disgusting monsters in the Underdark. He would be crazy to let those little goblins vomit in his study again.

It doesn't matter how clean it is.

"Hill." Linn looked at Hill floating between the study and the garden inexplicably, "What are you doing? Why don't you put it in the study for reading?"

"Ah... um... a breath of fresh air." Hill replied calmly.

Lin En glanced at his friend suspiciously, thinking there might be something wrong with him.

But he had something important now, so he let Hill go for the time being: "Hill, do you still remember the pair of Aikber's Holy Grail and Amulet? I transferred them several hands and sent them to the underground auction in Waterdeep City.

Yes, let Ikebo’s followers buy it themselves.”

Hill nodded: "What, is there any news?"

"Yes, it's strange... They claimed to have received a response from Ecbor... asking them to march to Calimshan and destroy the raging fire monsters and air monsters in the name of the sun god Amaunata."

This chapter has been completed!
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