Chapter 671: Spring is the season that breeds vitality

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 Watching Lin En leave, Hill carried several thick books to the open-air garden with light steps. Anyway, the interrupted experimental enthusiasm could not be recovered, so he might as well read a few more books.

The wind was gentle, the clouds were swaying, and he felt so comfortable... Although Lin En would definitely look for opportunities to come back for revenge in the future, Hill would never regret it.

A firm friendship can only be maintained by friendly communication with each other~

Hill finally found a good spot in the garden, where the lily of the valley was stretching out to bask in the sun. In order to allow every leaf to be exposed to the sun, she let the long vines with golden and silver bells hang on them.

The branches twisted around and finally supported a small and exquisite ceiling.

The warm sunshine shone on the bench and round table under the lily of the valley. Hill was very satisfied with the book, found a comfortable position to sit in, and started reading slowly.

The undead in the giant screen and the goblins in the garden were all playing happily... except that the undead were circling around the bonfire, while the goblins were circling the big tree.

Although they usually talk like they are fighting, when they sing, they sound very nice, like a lark singing. Even if they are walking to a strange beat in mid-air, the little tune they say is still very melodious.

A few hours later, Martha received a message from Lynn: "Hill, I have recorded this revenge... we will see!"

At the same time, Terry's whine and Tustin's roar could be heard from a distance. It seemed that they followed Linn to the Alchemy Hall out of inappropriate curiosity.

But this has nothing to do with Hill... They want to see a good show. The excitement is not for nothing!

Hill, who knew this happy...wrong...unfortunate news, of course could only sympathize with his friends. Compared to him who had to watch the whole process, they probably ran away as soon as the scene came out!

But if they are really disgusted and want to see the ending, then Hill can't be blamed.

It's a pity that the leisurely days only lasted three days, and most of the undead continued to set off with full energy... If their time length did not change, then for the undead, this would be the camp mission for the next day.


In the past few days, there was a small commotion in Aglaia City... There was a little impulse among the guards of the Elf City, and Hill soon heard about the person responsible for the impulse...

Brothers Garr.

He didn't even need to ask, he knew that Lin En was indeed his true friend, and he quickly went to trick his cousin... and then, not to be outdone, Brother Garr dragged the entire city guard into the water.

The most unbelievable thing during this period is... even though they were separated by a few days, no elf chose to take revenge on the brother who deceived him first after being deceived. Instead, he first deceived the elf who didn't know it.

Originally, there was another channel for the elves to know the truth... Of course, the goblins have no concept of confidentiality. For them, exposing other people's pranks is also an interesting thing... But the goblins still persisted in completing their mission

That incomplete spring celebration has never left the Hanging Garden in the past few days.

It's a pity that the last group of elves were stupid. They were unwilling to be the last ones, so they actually tried to deceive the dwarf. As a result, the group of irritable little men blocked the city guard barracks and yelled at them, making the matter public.

This comedy, which had been passed on for several days while everyone remained silent, finally came to an end.

Then the Elf City Guards began to live a life of revenge and complaint... Lin En did not dare to stop their fight in the name of the city magistrate. Anyway, nothing serious would happen, so he just

Playing dumb.

As the instigator, Hill was sitting in the garden at this moment, watching the undead continue to march underground in an orderly manner.

The undead readily chose the one with the steepest downward slope among the dazzling branch roads underground... The ability of their map to record the surrounding road conditions really helped a lot.

Perhaps in order to prevent their resurrection places from being in danger... Of course, it is more likely to be for future experience packs. The undead built a 10-meter-thick stone wall on every fork in the road they passed, and then painted on the stone walls.

Marked with numbers and family emblems, it seemed like they were dividing the spoils.

It is estimated that most families or individual teams have hundreds or more earth mages... Then these families will be sealed one by one based on merit points or drawing lots, and whoever is sealed will be the one to explore.

Hill thought about it and felt that they might have followed the drawing of lots. Otherwise, it would not necessarily be fair based on merit points, and it would also easily hurt the hearts of the individual groups.

After all, the closer to the resurrection point, the less likely there are any powerful monsters in the branch of the cave.

The undead are really thoughtful... Anyway, on their map, you can see almost all the routes within 1 kilometer, so there are probably shorter caves behind some stone walls with no traces.

Hill could only watch them pass by, leaving only a wide road. The most terrifying sneak attack in the Underdark was useless to a certain extent...unless he was really strong enough to dig it out.

Such a thick stone is empty.

However, if you encounter such an enemy, the undead will probably recognize it, and it will be a good opportunity to train the remaining undead.

As the first base in the underground world, there will always be undead who want to make money, and there will always be resurrected unlucky people who need to replenish resources... It doesn't seem like a lot, but there is only one hidden hole for defense.

The resurrection point is more than enough.

During this march, the undead almost never encountered powerful enemies like Lagon, nor did they encounter tribes as large as the Stoneblind Barbarians, although they also encountered monsters such as old hags, scavengers, and ghouls.

, but it didn’t create any big trouble for them.

In other words, after the undead killed the stone blind barbarians, the underground residents who knew how powerful they were quietly avoided them.

Only some monsters who are ill-informed or even have no IQ and no sense of crisis will stay on the undead's only path and never leave. Therefore, they are all small groups of monsters and cannot even resist when facing the undead.

No chance.

The only thing that interests the undead is the old hag who likes to scream. Although this thing can run away when barking, its level is not high, and the threat to the undead is not as good as the ghoul... But how many people are there?

What a childhood memory!

Who hasn't been threatened since childhood that if they disobey, they will be caught and eaten by the old witch?

So even though the conductor was cursing wildly in front, most people still followed their own ideas and took a photo with this ugly old woman with only a few threads hanging on her body.

Hill estimated that this was a scapegoat thrown out by the tribe after failing to seize power. Otherwise, the screaming hag would basically rely on the more powerful old hags to survive, and she would not have any gold, silver or jewelry on her body after she died... If the monster had

If there are valuable items, the detection magic on the undead will tell them where they are.

The excessive safety of this road has caused a large number of undead to give up their vigilance... It can be seen from their uniform steps that this is an infinite train. If the front of the car is gone, everyone will probably have to sleep on the spot.

Hill took this opportunity to read five or six more books, copied them with copying techniques, and placed them in two study rooms... He only hoped that Frank would not discover that there were several more bookshelves in his study room so early.

Otherwise, he would never agree with Hill's way of reading... Fran always believed that mages would be deceived by their own memories, so no matter what book, he would copy it carefully and compare the two books.

Only after making a mistake can you use copying to copy.

As for copying spell books, Hill actually accepted it. After all, spell models do need to be very serious... Alchemy-related books can also be gritted and persisted, which is regarded as consolidating memory.

But he really didn't want to copy some historical biographies... so he kept trying to muddle through.

But he couldn't deceive his grandfather that he didn't have these books, so he could only count on Frank to be immersed in alchemical experiments and ignore his study for the time being.

Just let him have time to copy more books... Hill secretly prepared to read those story books first.

The undead soon paid the price for their negligence... More than a dozen long purple insects rushed up from the ground... Although the undead had transformed the underground passage they passed into a thick

Stone walls, but drilling through thick rocks is the talent of these giant insects that are more than ten meters long...the one at the beginning is even 20 meters long...

The only good thing is that although these bugs are huge, their attack mode is relatively simple. Basically, they just grab the target with their huge mandibles, beat them to half death, and then put them into their mouths.

Although the undead people caught by them had no offensive ability, those who were not caught had already started violent attacks... It was obvious that only less than one-third of them launched the attack immediately, and everyone else

Not knowing what they were doing, they all stood there stupidly, being knocked against the wall by the insect's wildly twisting body.

Almost ten minutes later, these people got up wailing... and the purple insect had already the third ration in its mouth.

They don't seem to understand why the swallowed food disappears so quickly... but the purple insects don't care too much. After all, the half-dead creatures suddenly wake up and find a way to escape before they fall into their acid-filled stomachs.

Going out happens often.

And there are some useless things that will be decomposed by the liquid in their bodies before then... Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case this time, they are all gone.

But don’t worry even if the ones in front of you escape, there are so many here!

The leader of the purple worm raised his head high and slammed into the crowd... It was already spring! It must reserve enough energy for its child who was about to be born!

This chapter has been completed!
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