Chapter 785 Aglaia's more and more flavorful temple area

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 Hill glanced at the drow on the giant screen. Compared to the gourd-shaped figures of the Church of Love and Beauty, which are highly sought after by Toril people, the black-skinned young lady has slender hands and feet, a thin waist and a bulging chest.

It is more in line with his aesthetics, and he feels that most undead people should be similar to him.

In addition, that small part may indeed think that one is more beautiful, but it will not fail to appreciate the scenery in front of it... Hill felt that these drow ladies and sisters standing in front seemed to be planning to use all their strength to suppress the neighbors next door.

So she dressed very least Hill thought bikinis might cover more than this.

Maybe it's because the bikinis have a triangle, but the ones on their bodies are all long and thin? Although they are long enough, they are not wide enough... Especially those standing sideways, it is almost as if they are not wearing anything, but there are still three points.

It's a little covered... So Hill is not surprised at all why the live broadcaster keeps changing his angle. Although he doesn't have the desire to pry, if others show it to him openly, Hill will never do it.

Be like Liu Xiahui who turns a blind eye.

But he would never be stupid enough to respond to Selune's vaguely sour words...Selene herself is not the type with big breasts and fat butts. not as good as those drow matrons in some aspects.

The eldest daughter, second daughter and third daughter standing next to her... can only be said to be very young girls.

Hill's past life taught him one very important thing. Even if you are a senior in the Department of Civil Engineering, when you ask a woman if she is beautiful, what she needs is not your answer... Even if you can't tell her what your talent is.

If you are so shameless, you should at least know how to remain silent.

If you offend ordinary girls, you can at best remain single, but if you offend your own seniors, you will probably be beaten with a barrel... Being as strong as an ox is not just an adjective at this time.

As expected, Selune didn't want any answer. She asked softly: "If Waterdeep is attacked, can I let some believers who cannot resist come to Aglaia?

The warriors of the church will not flee, but they have taken in a large number of unarmed people. If Waterdeep City is really invaded by the drow... Although my believers can use a few magical spells, most of them will

People can't cast spells without the magic net, even magical spells. The more powerful they are, the less effective they are.

They can't protect that many civilians, and I don't think Waterdeep can provide any protection.

I asked AO, he would rather I send everyone to you than let me take action myself... Then Aglaia will definitely not have any problems...

Moreover, I have been observing here for a long time, and your city is more capable of allowing those poor people to live with their heads held high... instead of being able to become puppets that are dependent on people and cannot control themselves.

I think you also know that I am willing to provide protection and help all women who leave the family to learn life skills, but here in the Northland, it is still very difficult if they only have the ability to live but not the ability to survive.

I once thought that places like Waterdeep and Silvermoon City were already the easiest places for ordinary women to live an independent life, but Aglaia seems to be better... My believers never just enjoy without paying, so I think

They meet the requirements of your city very well."

"Aglaia City only accepts applications from the good camp. Those who do not meet the requirements can go to Luskan... The place managed by Laila will not bully women.

Besides, I have been looking there." Hill thought for a few minutes before nodding in agreement, "But one thing I think you also know is that no matter what temple, it has no special status here...except for my own.

Serve believers and do not interfere in other matters."

"I know that." Selune replied briskly. "I know that even Corellon can't interfere with your territory, and I don't need any power in the world. If my priests want that kind of thing, they can

Go ahead and fight for it yourself...the gods have no obligation to provide conditions for their ambitions.

I just chose to accept priests with different personalities, which does not mean that I will fully support their style. Of course, I will work hard to earn what I want.

In fact, I was a little tempted last time when I saw you accept Lansander's Tower of Dawn into your territory... But my priests all have cute little tempers, which are not suitable... I will let them assign the temple.

Let the more stable priests from here come to Aglaia."

Hill smiled bitterly. Is it his wish to accept Lansander's followers?

Who knew that the mountain falling from the sky would squeeze the Tower of Dawn in the northeastern part of Aglaia into the wilderness of Aglaia?

With the friendly relationship between Hill and Lansendre, he couldn't just ask them to move their tower to the other side of Neverwinter, right?

Anyway, these believers were just taken care of by Lansendre at that time, and he did not have any requirements for them. He also asked them to respect Lord Aglaia... This is very good.

At least until now, these followers in the morning light have behaved well. They even remembered to ask him twice if they had something to do. It seemed that Lansander had told them that if they couldn't find him in an emergency, they could go through Ah

Lord Graia transit.

The Lord of the Dawn has never been easy to make friends, and he is never polite when making requests to his friends.

When the followers of Ekber tried to reestablish the faith of Amaunata, the followers of Lathandel wanted to take the opportunity to stop and kill the followers of Ekber who were heading towards Calishan, so as to make a better future for Lansondel.

Compete for the Sun Priesthood.

It seems that it is really well known that Lansander has been thinking about the sun. His followers are extremely wary of these sudden competitors... and the Lord of the Dawn's men are really willful, killing so many people at will?

Fortunately, they knew how to ask... Hill, who almost broke out in a cold sweat, of course stopped these guys sternly... Tell them directly that Lansander's attention is in another world. If he is involved because of their arbitrary actions,

The Lord of the Dawn's theocratic will left in the Kingdom of God, and Lansander's efforts so far in that world will all fail because of this.

When the time comes, Lansendre will definitely not appreciate them fighting for him for the Sun Priesthood... he will only feel that they are trying to trap his main god.

Although the believers of the Lord of the Morning didn't quite believe what Hill said, they still chose to stop all activities and go to the Tower of the Dawn to pray every day, hoping to get feedback from Ransander.

Lansendre, who was having fun and not thinking about things, after being harassed by his followers for several days, only replied to them: "Mind your own business and listen to Hill."

So now the Dawn Towers all over Toril have settled down... They know very well that when Lansander becomes interested in one thing, other things can no longer exist in the mind of the Lord of the Dawn.

Fortunately... their Lord God's current friends have no interest in the Church of Dawn at all. Otherwise, just based on Ransander's mindless words, the Church of Dawn would have changed owners!

So Hill doesn't care about the appearance of the Silver Moon Church in his territory... In this regard, Selune's reputation is much better than Lansander, and even many Good God Churches are not as good as the Silver Moon Girl in the hearts of ordinary people...

…She really is all about protecting women and children.

No matter where the Silver Moon Church is, whether the church is magnificent or simple, it will open its door to women and children who seek help, and even give them free training courses to teach them some simple survival skills.

Just like the Church of the Lord of the Morning, no matter how bad their reputation is, they will protect children... Many orphans in Toril were raised by this most obscure church, and they did not even force them to raise them.

Children believe in the Lord of the Morning.

Another church that would do this is Tyr's Hand of Justice... but their strict style can easily turn these children into the reserve army of the Knights of Justice.

This is also the reason why Hill has the best impression of these three gods in Toril... No matter how many flaws their own characters have, at least they know who in Toril is the one who needs the protection of the gods the most.

Just like Hill never takes action against Oluel... Although this winter girl will test Hill's attitude towards her, she never goes out of her way.

Maybe this big goblin is used to staying in her comfort zone, but she is really similar to Bailong who lives in the North all year round: as long as she can survive, it would be better if she could live better.


When the winter girl discovered that Hill didn't mind at all that her priestesses were making a living in the town of Aglaia, she just kept cool and didn't do unnecessary things... A snow demon who often ran down from the Arctic Circle during extreme winters.

Such monsters have not appeared in the past few years, and she will retreat in time in the spring. The field can be planted at the vernal equinox only after Hill came.

Hill is not the kind of person who hates evil... How could he attack those priests of the Winter Girl who relied on killing chickens and cattle to survive the 'day of killing'... Especially when the Winter Girl actually approved of their actions?

This act also counts as murder.

Of course, it is impossible for such a priest to advance on her side... But for these ordinary girls who were once just humans, this is the best life they have struggled for themselves.

Sometimes, Hill could even feel the last tenderness in Oulul's cold heart... Becoming a priest of Oulul must go through a struggle to face death. Only the girl with the most determined will can get from the edge of freezing to death.

The approval of the winter girl.

Just like when her heart collapsed due to the loss of love, she relied on her last will to survive and transformed from a neutral great fairy into the cold and evil winter girl she is today.

This is the sin caused by Azuth, who knew that the goblin would love her until death, but still fell in love with Mystra.

So Hill never cared about Azuth's life or death... He did not deserve to die for his crimes, but it was no pity to die.

This chapter has been completed!
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