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Chapter 89 The undead who can fight without a word

 Xueyunfeng and Yuluofanchen murmured and started the meeting again with their tablets.

Hill could hear them talking about Carl and Phillips.

Phillips probably didn’t know that every provocation he said was directly addressed to William, right?

The undead are different from the previous dependent tribes. What they talk about most often is William who directly distributes rewards, not the superior God of Time and Space.

No longer paying attention to the movements of the players, Hill stood in the center of the stage and first summoned a dozen earth element elves, asking them to surround the stage and release elemental fluctuations.

After scanning up and down, he used his mental power to command the crystal pens of three attributes to draw a circular purification array on the ground.

The arrays of each alchemy school are different, whether it is the application of various attributes or the ratio of crystal powder.

The reason why Fran became a master of alchemy is because he created his own alchemy school.

Phillips really looked down on Hill! He actually directly mentioned the process of drawing the square.

Do you have any misunderstandings about magicians in their 20s?

Moreover, by dragging Hensley away in such a hurry, Phillips must have left some kind of surveillance method here, fearing that Hensley would remind Hill.

But Hensley pulled away and left without any good intentions.

Unfortunately, Hill may not have a clear understanding of various methods, but he can break through ten chapters at once.

The elemental fluctuations released by more than a dozen magician-level earth element elves cannot even be penetrated by the spiritual power of the legendary mage.

Since Hill dared to draw a magic circle in public, of course he had already made all kinds of preparations. This method was verified and approved by even Fran.

The tall earth element completely covered the entire stage.

Hill happily directed the spar pen to fly up and down.

Hill was already a skilled worker, and he drew the magic circle in less than an hour.

He called Xueyunfeng and Yuluo Fanchen to come over and told them where the crystal was placed. Then he put a locked lid on the small hole where the crystal was placed and handed the key to them.

Hill looked at the two people who were very interested in the fact that one key can open 9 locks, and asked helplessly: "This is a magic lock. It senses your magic power, not the kind used by ordinary people.

One key can only remember the magical auras of 5 people. You can arrange them yourself.

Where is the other magic circle placed?"

Xueyunfeng laughed twice and led Hill to the path behind a huge boulder.

They should have dug some more stairs themselves.

Hill went up the steps and reached the top of the huge stone. This huge stone was close to the cave wall. There was a semicircular protrusion as high as a person in front of the top, and there was a groove extending into the cave wall on the back side.

As long as you guard the path going down, it's pretty easy to defend here.

Xueyunfeng said happily: "I saw that there are many defensive puppets in William's alchemy products.

Can that kind be used to guard this place?"

Hill looked at him and felt a little strange: "Then how much do you need to buy to defend? There are so many undead people?" Xueyunfeng said disapprovingly: "I don't need it to defend! Just give me a little bit.

It’s just a good time to call people.

We can't send people to squat here every day to guard."

Hill suddenly reacted: "Are you planning to build a territory here?"

Xueyunfeng said with a smile: "This will definitely be a battleground for military strategists in the future.

Black and White Road likes fighting the most, so putting the territory here is perfect.

Their gang leader has already gone to William to apply!

Hehe, it just so happened that the territory tasks on the Black and White Road were almost completed. The places they had chosen before were not far from William's territory and were just a novice village. They were not very satisfied with them at first.

This place is just right. Leave it there to those who like to build houses!

Ah! As for the young master, he said there must be too many things going on here, and their family can’t live in such a tense life every day.”

Hill shook his head, thought for a moment and said, "Then you'd better hurry up, lest Phillips and the others plan to build a magic tower here."

Xueyunfeng raised the tablet in his hand: "William has approved it. They are on their way here." He suddenly remembered, "Are you worried that they have the territory order of the God of Justice in their hands?" He curled his lips and said.

, "It's useless. Within the domain of the God of Time and Space, that kind of territorial order can no longer be used.

Moreover, aren’t they still William’s subordinates? William has already banned anyone from using the just territorial order some time ago, so how can they have the courage to use it?”

In other words, is this place still within the control of the God of Time and Space?

In this way, the God of Time and Space has spread the scope of the divine domain so far! And it can squeeze out the power of other gods in such a large scope, which is really powerful and terrifying.

The god of nobility and royal power back then was already powerful, but he couldn't do this.

Moreover, William planned that all future territories must be established with his approval, whether they are within the current territory of Salar or not.

Hasn't anyone told Edward and the others? It's impossible for them to stay around here even if they want to.

Perhaps Edward had already tried it and had to continue deep into the northern wilderness.

Their abilities are far inferior to those of Charles's group who have 2 Heavenly Knights, 1 Mage and more than 20 Grand Knights.

No wonder there were so many seriously injured people in the camp. They only planned to stay temporarily instead of stopping to open up territory.

Although William doesn't say anything, his methods are very fierce!

Hill shook his head and did not continue to inquire.

Let’s ask Adrian about these things later. What the players see is based on their thinking. Sometimes the strange angles can lead people astray.

Let Xueyunfeng and the others go down and wait. After the earth elements surrounded them, Hill started drawing again.

When the painting was finished and he called them up, Hill saw the gang leader of Black and White Road, Mo Bichenxin.

Hill thought for a while, it seemed like this was the first time they met. In the past, other people came forward in the black and white road, but this time Hill finally knew why.

This is a warlock, and his body exudes space fluctuations.

Unlike the natives, players can control the elemental fluctuations and various breaths on their bodies.

They like to express their elemental attributes.

This one was also strutting around, with a silver space dragon following behind him.

Hill knew why it was called a space dragon. It had a snake-like body with two beards and two claws under its body.

Seeing that Hill's attention was attracted by the space dragon, Xueyunfeng laughed: "Isn't it fun? Mr. Hill, when Mobi became a warlock, he was almost beaten to death by us. He was so lucky."

Hill looked at Mo Bi Chenxin, nodded and said hello: "Hello, Mr. Mo Bi Chenxin."

"Hello, Mr. Hill." He looked at Hill who couldn't help but look at the space dragon and said with a smile, "We are also envious that Mr. Hill can summon so many elemental elves!

You can only summon one space dragon, and you must sign a contract."

Hill blinked: "This is my first time seeing a time and space warlock."

"No." Mo Bichenxin said, "There is only space. There are not many attack capabilities, and there are only a few types of space spells. However, you can gather warlocks to create a large space door. Although it can only exist for one hour, strategic transfer

It’s enough.”

Hill thought that William could not move while squatting in Kerslot. It turned out that he could use a warlock to move.

"That's also very good." Hill was a little envious, "Does there have to be warlocks on both sides?"

"Yes. If you put 5 people on each side, you can open a small door." Mo Bichen smiled heartily, "There are exactly more than 10 black and white roads."

"*! You are lucky!" Xue Yunfeng said jealously, "William was engaged in some secret activities and gathered all the warlocks together. Mobi took the opportunity to hook up with a few."

Mo Bichenxin rolled his eyes at him: "I plan to summon people next to Mr. Hill's store. That hill just happens to be the center of the territory."

Hill said: "Then I'll go and put the store away first."

"No need!" Mo Bichenxin said with a smile, "It won't affect anything."

"When the territory was formed, the magic equipment that existed will be recognized by the territory's magic circle in the future!" Hill explained helplessly, "Then I can fly in directly in the boat in the future, and the defensive magic circle will not call the police."

"Ah! As for Mr. Hill, it doesn't matter."

Hill looked at this guy with a strange expression and a tough mouth, shook his head, handed the key to Xueyunfeng, and went up to close the store.

"Wait a minute, I have to go up too." Mo Bichenxin quickly set the two keys and caught up, "Those two magicians seem to be planning to build a house. I have to ask them to leave first."

"How big can your territory be?" Hill asked as he walked, and the earth elemental followed happily.

"A radius of 500 square kilometers."

The size of the barony, Hill thought, didn't know whether it could be expanded in the future.

"It just can't be expanded." Mo Bichen muttered, as if he knew what Hill was thinking, "William said, how big the territory was at that time will be how big it will be in the future.

That’ll be fine, Mr. Hill, the alchemy map shows where you are, it’s almost 5,000!”

"A county is generally 10 baronies in size." Hill replied calmly, "The territorial order I use is the one that can use the area of ​​the county.

Moreover, my territory includes those mountains, and not many of them can really be used."

"I want a mountain too!" Mo Bichen complained in his heart, "It saves me the effort of building a wall."

"There are so many of you." Hill said strangely, "Isn't it easy to build a wall?"

"You have to pay!" He turned around and said, "Mr. Hill, the undead cannot say that their work is in vain."

"Even his own family?" Hill was surprised.

"Ah!" Mo Bichenxin said with a smile, "You don't think there will be someone in a family like ours who can build a wall well, do you?

Even if there are earth mages, they specialize in killing spells such as subsidence and earthquakes.

Even if they know how to make earthen walls, they are only used to trap people."

Hill felt that he had played a fake game before. As expected, there was always a wall between Pve and Pvp.

Isn’t it tiring to pursue only lethality and control? Where is the fun? Hill secretly wondered.

The two of them walked up to the top of the mountain together. Hensley saw it with keen eyes and flew over directly: "Mr. Bolaño, have you finished drawing the magic circle? Have you paid attention to the surrounding environment?"

Hill looked back at the earth elemental who followed him, and said with a smile: "I never need to care about this. Unless there are legends around, then you have to be careful."

Hensley laughed: "Ah! Let me tell you, the Summoning Mage is really powerful!"

Hill glanced at him: "The undead have decided to establish a territory here. I have to go and put the store away."

Hensley's smile suddenly disappeared: "So quickly? I thought they would think about it."

"No need!" Mo Bichenxin interrupted, "I originally planned to build a territory. There are resources here, so of course it is better. We are not afraid of long distances. The teleportation array will be built soon."

"Who is this?" Hensley asked with a frown.

"You can't see my name." Mo Bichenxin asked.

Hill shook his head helplessly: "He is asking about your identity." He turned to Hensley and said, "The patriarch of the Black and White Road family. The time and space warlock, Mr. Mo Bichenxin, the future owner of this territory."

"It's such a troublesome introduction!" Mo Bichenxin muttered, "Hello! Just in time, please leave the 500 kilometers around us first."

Hensley nodded to Hill with a livid face and left.

"Why is he unhappy?" Mo Bichen asked Hill heartily.

"Maybe you didn't give him enough respect?"

"They are all magicians, why should I be respectful to him?"

"Mr. Hensley is the heir to the legendary mage Miller. Generally, you will respect him more." Hill could only explain, "He is already very good, ah! You will understand soon."

Phillips wiped the two men and fell from the sky.

"I heard that you want to build a territory?" He floated in mid-air, lowered his head to look down at Mo Bichen's heart, and said in a arrogant tone, "Can you give it up? I want to build a magic tower for Miss Carl here."

"Get out!"

"What did you say???"

"I told you to get lost!" Mo Bichenxin yelled, "Come on, come on! If you have the guts, start a fight! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing that his face was ashen and he didn't know how to answer the call and step down, Phillips Hill didn't intend to participate. He quickly took a few steps back and said, "Mr. Mo Bichenxin, I'm going to close the store first."

Seeing Mo Bichen waving his hand without looking back, Hill took the earth element and simply walked around in a big circle back to the store.

Players are still struggling down there. Even the young master is squatting in the cave fighting World of Warcraft. In Hill's shop, there are only a few warlocks chatting while looking at things.

Hill knocked on the store door: "Mr. Mo Bichenxin got into a quarrel with someone, do you want to go take a look?"

Several people jumped up immediately and ran out the door.

Hill put away the store and converted it into a boat. Even the earth elements rushed onto the boat and quickly took off.

Hensley seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and flew up with the Archmage Ruiz: "Mr. Bolaño, can you give me a place to stay?"

"Please." Hill glanced at Sri who came out.

Sri nodded slightly, and Hill knew that the wooden element had been hidden in the bedroom below.

He had no intention of inviting Hensley and the two to go into the hall to rest, after all, it seemed like a fight was really going to start down there.

This chapter has been completed!
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