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Chapter 825 The gods and monsters attacking the Great Wall

 Weaver Pasha looked at the great wall that had risen from the ground with a heavy heart, and his heart was filled with hatred for the Amaunata believers... If they had not controlled the descendants of the Great Pasha, they would not only have refused to send them to

The safer Amraven Fortress still treats those little princes as flags of resistance in the dangerous Manshaka, so it would not be so anxious to invite the Trasil elves to Surdorfur!

Mansaka is the first target of attack by the gods and monsters. After all, even if there is resistance in Calimshan, it is at most a small fortress inhabited by 12,000 people.

And now there are probably hundreds of thousands of people hiding in Manshaka... Wever Pasha doesn't believe that the group of Amaunata believers can fight against the gods and monsters with a minimum level of 20... It's not like before, the mage

You can amplify your moves at any time, and gods can descend in an instant.

But now... Wever Pasha can only hope that these goblin followers will really not be interested in Calimshan... but the elves have always been more abiding by their promises, so there should be no problem.

Even though he has been comforting himself, Wever Pasha is still worried... The mages and scholars in his fortress are not of the same mind as him in this regard. They feel that Wever Pasha has chosen to become an independent lord, and the Elf of Trasil

It's impossible to have any intentions for such a small Suldover, so why do you care about what will become of Calimshan?

If the Trasil elves really wanted to occupy Calimshan, it wouldn't be a bad thing! At least Amaunator's resurrection plan could have failed directly... It's already this time, of course the experienced Toril people

Be able to determine what exactly happened.

Legal professionals have never concealed their hostility towards Amaunata...especially those scholar-type mages who are interested in ancient history. As soon as they see how little the magic network restrained mages in the past, they will be confused after seeing the reality.

How resentful.

The great arcanist who wanted to become a god was already dead. The remaining hatred of these mages was directed at Amaunata... On the contrary, the hatred of the great arcanists in Shadow City was not brought down.

It's so deep, probably because the price they paid is not small.

If Wever Pasha was just scared, the gods and monsters on the other side of Mount Alamir who were fighting furiously were filled with anger at being stabbed in the back by humans.

In the hearts of these elemental giants who still live in the memories of thousands of years ago, the humans on the other side of the mountain should have surrendered long ago... just like the humans they are throwing into the mines now.

After the undead had arrived in Surdorfer for so many days, the enemies in these monsters' hearts were only each other, and they had no interest in seeing the battle on the other side of the mountain.

Even if there is no news about the fire monsters that are raging in Surdorfur, the elemental djinn, which has always been arrogant, do not think they will be in any danger... There is no strong person in Calimshan who can fight them!

They didn't look down on the human resisters in Manshaka at all... As long as there was a winner between the fire monster Manon and the air monster Karin, the city would only be destroyed!

What Amaunata... The elemental djinn wouldn't be afraid of him even if he was alive, who would care about him as a dead god!

However, no matter how much you ignore humans, no matter how deep your hostility towards another kind of monster is, you must now understand that a new enemy has appeared... Just because their eyelids are turned upward, it does not mean that they are already blind.

The day the Great Wall on the Alamere Mountains was formed, the two gods and monsters stopped fighting in a tacit agreement... Although messengers were sent to notify Manon and Kalin who were still fighting each other in the Kalin Desert, these arrogant gods and monsters did not

They planned to stay there and wait for their king's reply, but instead sent out a summons signal, preparing to rush to the city wall first.

Although the city wall is quite high, it is not high enough for tall gods and monsters to dare to fight.

Their arrival made the undead who were immersed in construction tasks happy... As soon as they finished building the Great Wall, someone came to try their skills!

In the past, when they built city walls, they had to imprint defensive arrays at the same time... But the people of Surdover couldn't afford that much money... As soon as the undead negotiator made a start, he was shocked by the panicked Vivepa.

Xia Yi refused continuously!

For the people of Toril, isn't the defensive circle used to be placed outside the king's palace? The entire Great Wall needs to be added... The Trasil elves are too black-hearted!

Even if they had the ability to do it, the lord of a small place like Weaver Pasha couldn't afford that much money! Not to mention the labor costs, he couldn't even afford the materials for the magic circle... just hiring them to build it

At the Great Wall, Weaver Pasha had already emptied the public treasury and even used his own private money.

If he had the financial resources, he wouldn't have used the pasha's exclusive defensive shield... it would have consumed his life force.

Weaver Pasha didn't even listen to the undead's offer... Even if these elves gave him a half discount, he couldn't do it!

After he returned, he was still discussing with his staff whether the notoriously wealthy Lord of Aglaia had really added a defensive circle to the city walls of Aglaia... No wonder he encountered so many

Despite the war, the city was not damaged at all.

What an enviable wealth!

Hill probably never thought that there would be very few betrayals in his towns, and there were even fewer corruption incidents. It was not because of his better management methods, nor because of the high treatment he gave... no matter how strict the laws were.

Corruption and betrayal cannot be prevented, and no amount of high treatment can stop greedy human nature... But being rich and powerful can solve most problems, especially in Toril where gold is very useful.

As the capital of the Hill territory, Aglaia has mythical locks and powerful defensive formations. Although these Toril people are shocked, it is understandable... but the almost semi-autonomous Luskan is also in every corner.

The magic circle was engraved all over, which frightened these people.

In Toril, being rich is not an adjective... As long as Hilken spends money to let a devil duke grind rice and flour himself, it can be done easily.

Not to mention the trivial matter of chasing down a traitor and grinding his soul into pieces!

The Toril people never judge a person's character based on their alignment. Although they usually appear to be very gentle, Hill's retribution is enough to make most people settle down... and the remaining few

If you want to stir up some trouble secretly, with Lin En and Laila's abilities, it's not that easy to stir up trouble.

That's why Hill felt that his territory was secure... Although he thought these Toril people were afraid of the all-pervasive undead, but in fact they were more afraid of the super-rich Hill.

Because they know very well that if they have to pay a huge price to deal with a few defectors who have little impact, most of the lords will give up helplessly. After all, they still have to live... But if for the lord, it is just a drop in the bucket, it is only a drop in the bucket.

It's their choice. After all, most of them know what it means to kill a chicken to scare the monkey.

The undead didn't care about the sour mental activities of the Toril people when they looked at the Great Wall. They were really happy.

Speaking of which, after fighting so many times, this is the first time they have relied on a pure stone Great Wall to resist the enemy!

The undead were all eager to try, and stood in their defense zone with excited faces: They really wanted to know what level of damage this ordinary city wall could sustain... If they were to fight and repair at the same time, what should they do so as not to affect themselves?

man's battle.

If it's not too strenuous, they can build wherever they go in the future... In this case, even if there's another Worm Mage, there's nothing to be afraid of!

The gods and monsters who divided into two directions to attack Mount Alamir did not understand why the undead waited until their front troops arrived at the Great Wall before unleashing an endless blizzard... Anyway, the first ones were those who gave up their human identity and took refuge.

If the elemental djinn are at level 20 when they are born, and can become stronger and stronger as time goes by, these warlocks who choose to give up their human identities can only reach level 23 at most... For humans, this is already very high.

They are powerful, but in the world of gods and monsters, they are only the lowest level existence.

The thinking of gods and monsters has always been simple... When two tigers compete, the one who wins will be the boss.

So they seem disordered and chaotic, but they will not disobey gods and monsters who are stronger than themselves... When they win the next time, it will be the other party's turn to listen to them.

Therefore, even if they become gods and monsters, compared to those big gods and monsters that wreaked havoc in Calimshan tens of thousands of years ago, these past warlocks who chose power will eventually become vanguards to test how strong the enemy's artillery fire is.

However, these people used to be high-level nobles in the Calimshan class... They were all sent as cannon fodder.

It is because of this subtle gap that the fire monsters that are raging in Surdover will torment the human fortress so slowly, which is better than going back and fighting the air monsters every day!

The most important thing is that the Qi Shen monsters sent by the opposite party to fight them are all old friends from the past... When they saw each other, they deeply understood why they always disliked each other, that is, they are natural enemies!

However, just because of their usual hard work, the army of gods and monsters on the Mir Plain did not expect that those guys had become material in the undead's pockets.

Hill found that the undead were urgently changing the defense zone. They had to send those fire spells to the air monster... The easiest way to deal with the air monster was to set fire, so although the most popular ones now are the ice type, followed by the earth type, but the fire

There are still a lot of magicians.

If you choose the ice and snow type, as long as you freeze quickly, you can also do a lot of damage to those air monsters, and then you can defeat the fire monsters. Most people don't want to have to stand by when encountering fire monsters. Add fire protection to the knights.

The barrier... although it can't stop the Vulcan monster's fist, it can block the fire caused by the Vulcan monster.

This chapter has been completed!
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