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Eight hundred and fortieth chapters honest spies

As soon as Andre's name came out, Hill, who was sitting lazily on the chair, couldn't help but pour himself a glass of wine and happily changed into a more comfortable position.

This Prince of Amn, who broke Hill's lowest limit for normal human IQ, did something earth-shattering... As soon as this man's name came out, he came from several major aristocratic factions in the border kingdom where internal struggles were fierce. The spies who came out all shut their mouths angrily... The fights for power and profit among the nobles of their country were commonplace in Toril, and were not worth mentioning in front of Andre.

The King of Amn... no, according to the country known as the Land of Merchants, it should be Mesaco Stranger, the highest-ranking member of the five-person council... But in fact, all their rules are inherited The original Emirate of Kalisha is actually still a monarchy, it just changed its name.

Hill always refers to him as a king, but he is simply not used to the position of president of the parliament being passed down from generation to generation...or the heir apparent system.

As the head of the entire family, King Amn had no choice but to spend a large sum of money to redeem his stupid brother, and then angrily confiscated all of Andreu's domestic properties to compensate The soldiers who died because of his stupidity.

As for the personal guards who were all wiped out... those who were not wiped out would not be able to return to Andre. They would rather go to the small city of Amn to work as bodyguards for the Chamber of Commerce... The king of Amn threw his idiot brother who had no family property into the world. In a small mansion on the outskirts of the capital, a simple life was raised.

No matter how angry he was, the newly redeemed prince could not die so quickly.

Mesaco Strange, who has been controlling the sovereignty of Amn for many years, does not think that Andreu can do anything else... Even the ministers who have to redeem him are only worried about the face of the country, rather than caring about it. Andre himself.

Especially the military commanders, who did not dare to come forward to accept the mud...for fear that they would pull up a prince and beat him to death in front of the soldiers.

However, he forgot that although things like the five-person parliament were of little use when Strange was strong, the other four families had reserved for themselves the possibility of ascending to the throne... Even if they became the speaker, they would not be trying to usurp the throne. ah!

The loss of Mulan created a crack in the inseparable relationship between the Stranger family and the Amn military.

Although the city of Mulan is important, it is indeed not that important to the mainland of Amn. After all, it is separated by a mountain range, and the happy life of the people in Amn, a so-called commercially developed country, mainly depends on the colonial exploitation of the Maztec continent. Earned.

But a Mulan that is controlled by oneself but not in one's own name has many hidden benefits for Amn, especially in dealing with neighboring countries. It is very useful.

As long as Mulan is still in the hands of Amn, Tethyr, as the main agricultural exporter in Faerûn, will have to make concessions to Amn in many aspects if it does not want its grain transport ships to be destroyed in the hands of pirates.

Otherwise, Waterdeep would not be so easy to get to.

People from the Moon Shadow Islands and Nelanser Islands are also used to going to Mulan for shopping... As a rare deep-water port in a bay, Mulan rarely encounters tornadoes.

Since Amn is a country founded on commerce, of course it attaches great importance to this economic and trade center, especially because of the relationship with some pirates. The Amn military is the party that benefits the most from Mulan... There are many things that are not suitable for sale in Amn.

Everything is finally sold in Mulan.

No one expected that Andru could throw away Mulan so neatly... and with such humiliation.

Messacco paid a large sum of money himself and divided Andreu's family property, so he felt that there would be no problem...if he was the official king.

Of course, neither the navy nor most Amn people have such high demands on the king they consider themselves to be. After all, he is the younger brother who separated from the family long ago.

But the greatest impact of this world-destroying disaster on the Sword Coast countries of Faerûn is Amn...the Maztec continent is gone.

When Amn's huge commercial fleet and infinitely expanding navy turned their attention to the Moonshadow Islands and the further Chult, they were shocked to discover that the loss of Mulan had a huge impact on them... That was the only place two miles away from them.

The most suitable port for a new target recently.

The navy had another quarrel with Speaker Strange because of this matter, but as the patriarch, there was no way that Messacco would execute his own brother for a matter that had been resolved... It would be fine if he died outside, but if he died in

It would be a shame for Messacco, who considered himself a king, to be killed under his own care.

The crack between Chancellor Strange and the Navy is slowly widening. He is so anxious to find a new port that can satisfy the Navy that he almost wants to go to Calimshan!

However, what I, the Speaker, did not expect was that the lovely brother Andre he had saved would take an ax and chop down this crack...even those who wanted to use him to give Stranger...

No one who caused trouble in the family expected that he could do such a good job.

The small mansion where Andre was not well defended suddenly disappeared for a whole day one day... The Tethyrian spies found out very clearly about this: the Tethyrians were also quite interested in this prince.

Several spies were sent to guard him... and as expected, the guard was not in vain.

Listening to what he meant, at first the people who made trouble just planned to lower the defense level of the mansion... However, they despised Andre's trash. As long as there was a guard, even if the guard was squatting in his room eating and drinking,

Andreu didn't dare to go out of the door.

Gu Xi

Agent Tessel vividly described how a fat body peeked at the door from every obvious corner, only to run madly and slowly back to his room to hide just because the doorman went out to use the toilet.

An Amn secret agent, even though his face was covered with burn marks, couldn't help shouting: "Andre is no longer an Amn man! He is the Prince of Mulan!"

"Who believes it?" Agent Tessel's dark face revealed a sneer that everyone could see. "After all, he has the ability to rush directly into the navy captain's house, not only eat and drink, but also take the

The captain’s two daughters are considered crimson rose ladies!”

"He was just stupid enough to believe that the house still belonged to him...According to Am's rules, the woman in that house did belong to him." Agent Am said with humiliation and humiliation, "The Speaker just..."

"Your fake king just doesn't think highly of his little brother." Agent Tesser laughed loudly, "But the other council members do think highly of him!

Who still doesn’t know what’s going on?

With just that brain of Andreu, he was able to find a certain house of his own smoothly all the way from the small mansion! But that house was even awarded to a certain naval officer who suffered heavy losses because of Mulan!"

An undead woman interrupted unhappily: "Is Andre still alive? How is the officer?"

"Let the navy captain cut the jellyfish into five pieces and send them to the five-member council. The captain took his two daughters and his men and went directly to the sea!

Amn is blessed with a pirate group who knows him very well...and this person will definitely not be willing to cooperate with Amn." Agent Tessel replied happily, "So the Navy and Chancellor Strangeant fell out.

,Ha ha!"

"Why do you want to fall out? Doesn't he deserve it?" The undead have been here for a long time, and of course they know what Toril's crimson rose means...the reputation of the service staff of the special place affiliated to the Church of the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

"Andre is a prince. He can die in the king's poisonous wine, but he must not die under the scimitar of an ordinary officer." The Harper who had been listening aside said calmly, "Of course the Tethyrs will not say that.

Knowing this, after all, the nobles of their country are not much better. If the lower-level officials want to resist, they can only lift the table.

The Amn navy has always shared the same enemy, but the... haha... speaker of the parliament probably felt that he was humiliated by the navy.

A country of merchants without faith, ugh!”

The spies of Amn and Tethyr couldn't help but glare at the harpist. The Tethyr agent who got more treatment because he spoke too cheerfully said harshly: "I didn't expect that a man who has been walking in Kalan all year round

The court poet in Linshan Pasha's harem was actually a harpist? Haha!

Those women in the harem probably don't know that the secrets in the palace are exposed from the hem of their own skirts, right?

You have been a secret agent for twenty years. It seems you like this job very much? Master Ivar Grimes.

How does it feel to be burned by the fire of dawn? It seems that the elves of Trasil have no intention of showing mercy to the Harpers!"

Ivar Grimes just shrugged: "As long as the relationship between Myriel and the elves of Trasil is good... The Harper only works part-time for his faith. If I can't hide my identity anymore, I will go to Aglaea."

Become a professor at the bard college.

I'm different from you...I don't have a boss who will kill me just because I quit."

Followers of Myriel have always been very capable of stabbing people in the feet...hitting the nail on the head, cutting through the bones with a knife.

Several spies were depressed... Being exposed to so many people at the same time, they didn't know what to do in the future.

'Xueyun Peak' finally digested the news that these spies broke. He scratched his hair and couldn't help but ask: "So, does Amn still want to take Mulan back now?"

"They want to rob Willen." Agent Tessel replied uncontrollably, and then he took a breath: he only realized now that he was being too honest.

Hill blinked. If Mulan is the bottom of the U-shaped bay, Willen is at the top of the line on the left... The two places are connected in the eyes of the elves. After all, it is a city full of people from all walks of life.

A big forest with monsters.

It has been a few years, and Viren has long become the elves' possession!

This chapter has been completed!
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