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Chapter 93 Adrian's Tough Attitude

 In order to prepare for Adrian's arrival, Hill circled a piece of land of about 500 square meters below his store. The land was originally in the shape of an obtuse angle. On the horizontal line, except for a larger one in the middle

At the entrance, Hill built a long stone verandah with a width of 8 meters.

During this year, Hill opened up a way to acquire architectural drawings for his own grocery store.

The players were very enthusiastic, and after discovering that official drawings that had never appeared before could be exchanged for more or less money, they almost sold all their world-famous architectural drawings to Hill.

Many buildings evoke endless memories for Hill.

During this period of time, Hill felt more and more that as time goes by, even if the branches are different, there are always similarities in parallel spaces.

When the God of Time and Space looked for him in various parallel time and spaces, Hill actually looked carefully and found that it was always China.

The historical stages are different, but there are always similarities in modern times, and the five-star red flag has appeared countless times.

Probably because of the strong and unyielding nature of the Chinese people, it is too easy for them to embark on this path.

Hill glanced at the players attracted by his arcade and smiled silently.

It is human nature to want to sit on a chair when you see it.

Phillips and Hensley are used to being aloof and would never think of providing these simple services to players.

The items in Hill's store are expensive and don't really need to attract ordinary players. However, the people Adrian brings to open the grocery store need them to come in often to see if there is anything they want.

When Hill first went south, he noticed that in cities and even larger towns, William had opened a state-owned chain: supply and marketing cooperatives.

This is only a choice when he is short of manpower.

It seems to be for the undead, but in fact, most of the high-quality and low-priced things in it are more practical for ordinary people.

In another year, more people with basic education will appear, and they will be put to use. William will probably be able to open these supply and marketing cooperatives in the countryside.

After the basic people's livelihood is in William's hands, what else can the nobles do?

In their eyes, the most useless common people were the center of William's governance.

But the nobles have not yet reacted.

When force is completely useless, civilians are the foundation of society. In this country where slaves cannot even exist, civilians who can vote with their feet will teach the nobles who are still fighting for power the most painful lesson.


Facing the overwhelming store chains that William will have in the future, player territory is the way out.

Fran made many large-scale alchemy machines for William, and he had a deep understanding of how cheap low- and mid-level potions and alchemy products would be for the king in the future, and he would take back all his caravans to his territory.

As soon as Hill said it yesterday, Adrian responded quickly. This is also the reason. If it can survive and develop in the player's territory, then Flan's caravan can continue to be maintained, otherwise there will be no need to recruit apprentices.

Hill sat by the window and listened quietly. The players who had arrived and sat down in the corridor were chatting loudly.

Hensley's shop still sounds like a traditional magic shop model: there are only a large number of magic books and spell scrolls, as well as alchemy bombs and the like. There are even very few magic and blood replenishing potions. Players are a bit complaining about them, and they don't care about them at all.

Not practical. As for some groceries needed for daily use, there are none.

Although Hill's store has these things, they are all alchemical products and are expensive. Many people may rather hoard a large number of disposable items than buy one that can be used frequently. To a certain extent, this is also a luxury product, a

It's probably enough for these players to use for decades.

Just wait until Adrian comes. Although it focuses on acquisitions, Adrian must have built this store based on a standard grocery store.

"Is the young master still down there?" Hill heard someone ask loudly, "Is he overstimulated?"

"Probably because he wants to keep his position in the top ten of the ranking list." One person replied with a smile, "Although it is of no use, as long as he is happy."

Another person burst into laughter: "I think the old Sanda King probably wants to kill him. Who told them to just be a priest?"

"The Black Rose ones also refuse to leave, so what can we do?" "They are probably coming up soon. Aren't they two gangs coming? There will always be someone to replace them. After all, the young master is in charge.

In the front, if you kill more, you will gain more experience.

With so many knights coming, someone is finally blocking the monsters!"

"There is no way, who made us mages? If we don't have enough physical strength, I don't want to come up." One person said quietly, "There are more people now. When we get some rest, maybe all the monsters will be killed."

"It would be nice to have such a place to spawn monsters." His companion replied to him, "Haifa Sardo will definitely become a novice village. Didn't you see the announcement? That experience level is a bit better for us.

It’s of no use.”

William of ****!

Hill listened with fear to the cursing of these people without any scruple. He raised his head and glanced in the direction of Kloster, his heart filled with sympathy for William. At this moment, Hill deeply felt that William's existence was very important to the God of Time and Space.

Contains extremely profound meaning.

Another group of people came up from the bottom of the mountain. They quickly ran directly into Hensley's store, came out soon, and trudged hard to Hill's store.

It was the old Sanda King and her companions, and they did come up.

After arriving at the verandah, these people took a look at Hill's Store, decided to give up the struggle for the last distance, and lay down on the veranda bench, motionless.

When the old Sanda King was lying down, she almost cursed several people in circles, from the young master to an idler, Nie Xingchen, and Sui Chen. These four people were almost crushed in her mouth with gnashing teeth.

And in front of her mouth, several people whose bodies had been broken into thousands of pieces were lying there, and no one dared to reply.

Hill always believed that even if Mo Bichenxin went to level up, he should send a few people to open a restaurant on the land he designated as a store.

Don’t they need to replenish their physical strength? Do they have to buy it from Salar? Even if they carry food with them, don’t they want to eat something else when they come out of the cave?

Hill remembered that the food that could be carried with him was usually bread and water, and at most some barbecue.

Unfortunately, until this time, there was no movement at all.

Hill summoned Sri: "Open a pantry downstairs. Put some sandwiches, pizza, juice and the like. I remember that we brought the chef puppet out and asked him to make it."

"Okay, sir." Sri went down to make arrangements.

Hill shook his head and thought of the online game novels he had read in the past.

Every city lord in it, whether he is the protagonist or not, is capable of building a territory and leading people to fight with great talents and strategies. He is considerate of everything and cares about everything. But the reality is so cruel.

Players are all for their own happiness, so why would they spend so much energy and exhaust their efforts in a virtual world?

Maybe as time goes by, such players will appear. But as it is still uncertain how long this game will last, except for those players who specialize in territory, others still mainly pursue fun.

Even for those players who are willing to build houses and learn life crafting, most people will still choose a relatively stable NPC territory.

Which player would have nothing to do, spend all his hard work, and suffer together with a group of warring lunatics.

Black Rose's city is so well built, but it still can't recruit any real life players, so in the end it can only use puppets?

Players are very realistic and can go buy things from you and live there. No one wants to endure the pain of having the house they worked so hard to build completely destroyed.

The old Sanda King lay down for a while and seemed to have recovered a little, then he got up tenaciously and headed towards Hill's shop, kicking up three people in his gang.

The young master looked up, put his short legs under the chair, and stepped on them a few times. Finally, he quietly put his legs up and continued to lie down.

But he didn't enjoy it for long. Everything ended when an idler shouted, "There is food for sale."

The young master rolled to the ground with a thud and ran towards the store.

Several other people chatting nearby also got up and ran towards the store as the old Sanda King roared, "Idle man, are you stupid?"

Someone probably made contact, and the female players who were hanging out next to Phillips store also started to turn to Hill's store and came over.

Hill smiled and gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

He really didn't need to rush to buy materials from Hensley and Phillips, but he wanted to get more information.

Players may not know what they are seeing, but their chats can bring a lot of news to Hill.

"Sir." Sri appeared.

Hill looked at him doubtfully: "What's the matter?"

"The elderly Ms. Sanda Wang asked me, do we bring the food? How long can we let them buy it?

I told him we have a chef puppet that will always be there as long as the store is there. The lady asked if she could buy it."

Hill lowered his head and glanced downstairs: Sure enough, no matter how cruel women are, they are also careful.

He thought for a while and then told Sri: "Tell this lady that if you need it, you can go to my territory to buy it from Liszt.

Go to the city lord's mansion and just call Liszt.

Then you inform Liszt."

Sri responded and left.

Cohen walked to him with small steps and pecked his robe gently with his mouth. Hill laughed: "Okay, it's over. You can go out and don't fly too far."

It's just that tens of thousands of undead have come, and there may only be half of the mages inside, but Hill can already feel that the concentration of elements near this territory has begun to decrease.

As a World of Warcraft, Cohen also reacted keenly. Here, it can fly higher and longer.

Hill looked up at Cohen soaring in the sky, and wondered whether the reason why the world wanted to reduce the concentration of elements was because of the emergence of the wind element.

And a world that doesn't even have powerful flying monsters is indeed flawed.

As night falls, players come out one after another.

They all first choose the two shops below to sell Warcraft and crystals, and then climb up to Hill's shop without hesitation to buy food. Finally, they sit on the chairs in the corridor, eating, drinking, and chatting.

As an intermediate tower spirit, Sri can collect all information within this area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

Hill planned to wait until Adrian came tomorrow to listen together.

He calculated the number of people downstairs, and the people who came out now should all be people who were nearby, who went to Edward's camp to pick up errands, and who came here after being notified by their gang leader.

Except for the old Sanda kings, they are all mages.

It seems that the mage's stamina bar is still shorter than that of the knight!

Phillips and the two men didn't react, but Hill saw Hensley, standing below and looking in the direction of Hill's store for a long time. Probably after seeing the food in the hands of the undead, he finally understood why there was no undead.

The tribe stayed near them before going in.

Probably he will never understand why the high-level professionals of the elementalized undead need so much food.

Hill had no need to answer his questions.

Adrian came over in his flashy golden spaceship in the early morning of the second day.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning illuminated the golden sails gleaming softly. After fighting all night, the undead who had just climbed to the top of the mountain let out envious sighs.

Probably soon there will be players who are not afraid of spending money to inquire about the cost of building a ship.

Compared to Hill's little white boat, Adrian's boat is probably more attractive to players.

Hill stood at the door of the store and watched the golden ship slowly descend.

Adrian had already brought several people to stand on the deck and waved to him. Adrian seemed to attach great importance to this store, and he actually brought four mage apprentices.

Hensley and Phillips also came up with people.

As the first heir of Fran, Adrian is indeed more important in their eyes.

Adrian first said to Hill: "Little Hill, I'm going to trouble you again this time." Then he nodded to the two people who came up to him: "Hello, you two. Hill is young, what's wrong with me?

, I hope you two can bear with me.

If you have any questions, you can contact me directly, or the teacher, it’s the same!”

Phillips shook his head directly: "Mr. Bolaño is very stable. How could he provoke people casually?" He gave Hensley a cold look, "Unless some people are too annoying."

Hensley said to Adrian without changing his expression: "Mr. Adrian is too nervous.

Although Mr. Bolaño is young, he is also a magician!

Everyone is at the same level, so naturally we treat each other equally."

Adrian sneered: "Hill doesn't like to cause trouble, but he's not afraid of it either.

Even though he is a legend, Hill is not without the strength to resist.

He doesn't just summon the same element.

It’s not just about summoning spells!”

In the end, he just looked at the two of them and said lightly: "Sorry, I have to build the store first."

This chapter has been completed!
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