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Chapter 851 The girl of the moon who fights every day

Selene asked in confusion: "Then who are you going to use it for? Don't you hate both gods and monsters and Amaunata? The undead don't need this thing either?"

Shar couldn't help but ask: "Don't you know that my largest temple is in Calimport? Then do you want to guess how many people are in that temple?"

If Shar really wanted to raise an army, it would be easy...but her followers engaged in intrigues and secret assassinations, but they never engaged in a direct confrontation.

And because of the assistance of the power of shadow, the Night Messengers are indeed a bit similar to the armies of the ancient Imasca Empire that rely on strange weapons to fight. As expected, Shar has a high level of control over his followers and knows what is suitable for them.

Moreover, Imaskar can first set the first master and then give it to her subordinates to use... Shar can take the scepter back from the hands of a subordinate she appointed at any time.

Even though the lives of these followers of the night were almost completely in her hands, Shar still took various precautions.

She probably decided to promote Irtmara, the ruler of the Ancient Night Temple, to a chosen one... In the past, she only granted him a long life and great power, but did not share her divine power.

It seems that she still hopes that her subordinates will have three branches of power... The Hydra that took away Victor's magic eye, and Abelt Heldestahl who held the Thousand Petals of the Night, have been promoted to the electorate first, and then

This great beauty from the Ancient Night Temple.

Hill originally thought that Shar was so dissatisfied with Iltmara that he would decide to give up on her... But now it seems that being punished is not the worst thing for the Night Messenger. At least this proves that Shar is still willing to train her.


Otherwise, given Shar's character, he should be replaced directly.

Although Shar has a cold personality, she is still willing to give her more loyal followers a chance... and does not fill her church with madmen just to destroy the world.

However, Hill thought a little funny, maybe this is the reason why Shar's plan to destroy the world will always fail... Although her followers have a cold and dark style of doing things, they do it within the order... The order of darkness is also order.

The only ones who can really destroy the world completely are madmen... You don't need to care which camp you belong to.

Selune still knows her sisters very well, and Shar will never change her love for secrecy, so she is very puzzled by Shar's idea of ​​​​reforming an army: "Why did you suddenly change your character? I really

Who would you think of that you might send your own followers to confront directly?

Do you want to take action against the War Priest?

Stop it~ Even though Tempus is just a wallflower, he is still quite strong, and he is full of bad intentions. If someone really wants to reach out to him, he can annoy you to death."

Shar once again felt that Selune's head was probably full of water: "Then do you think that after Amaunata takes over the entire Calimshan, she will let my temple stay underground in Calimport?

Doesn't that guy want to clear away all the darkness?

Calimport is the capital of Calimshan, and he cannot give up voluntarily...unless he wants to admit that the sun cannot shine into the darkness!

The first thing he will do after expelling the gods and monsters is probably to clear out the enemies in Calimport... My Temple of Ancient Night will even be ahead of Cyric's.

It is estimated that Amaunata who just woke up was still alive hundreds of thousands of years ago! Do you think I will give in to avoid unnecessary sacrifice?"

Shar sneered a few times and said in a cold tone: "I really don't like to take the initiative to fight against strong enemies... Why waste my strength when I can use the easiest way? But this doesn't mean that I can't even protect my own temple.


I can indeed evacuate the entire Ancient Night Temple... But this time I retreat, I don’t know who will bully me next time!

There will always be fools who mistake my tolerance for weakness."

Selune said disapprovingly: "Is there such a fool in Toril? Umberli, whose head is about the size of a piece of seaweed soaked in water, can't be that stupid."

Shar finally gave up writing the word caution into her sister's head, and just said in a calm tone: "I will always be prepared for the worst...at least to ensure that my followers are capable enough to protect themselves.

Temple, rather than relying on something else's sanity.

Isn’t it true that there are always people who don’t have sanity?”

She still couldn't resist the urge to ridicule Selune... However, just as she thought, the Moon Girl didn't feel that it was another mockery of her... In Selune's heart, she did everything based on her own wishes.

That can't be considered irrational, it can only be regarded as too little consideration.

Moreover, every time she thinks too much, the decisions she makes get worse... Probably because her nature is full of conflicts. The more complicated Selune thinks, the further she deviates from her original goal... So she

Simply let go.

Hill drank in silence.

Sometimes he really sympathized with Shar. Even though the goddess burned, killed, looted, and killed countless people, when facing her sister, the daughter of the night instantly became a weakling.

Although in fact Selune was beaten down by Shar to a weak level of divine power, and she worked extremely hard to slowly climb back from a medium level to a strong one... she was able to do so because of all kinds of inexplicable luck.

Gu Shi

But when the two sisters were communicating, Hill could always feel why Shar was only mad at her sister... Order and Chaos wanted to discuss a result that was satisfactory to both parties, but Order would only give in.

Unless the power of order is strong enough to make chaos shut up... But generally speaking, as long as it is sure that it will not die, chaos cannot shut up.

Selune was not interested in war artifacts. She thought Shar wanted some special artifact that could directly make Amaunata fall into the abyss or hell!

Is it just something to prepare for the future? Does it have any meaning for her current boredom?

Selune said unhappily: "But I've been really bored lately...there's nothing interesting to see elsewhere."

Hill could feel that the goddess who had returned to the Moonlight Priesthood had collected countless messages. He couldn't help but ask: "You have been looking at the earth... Has the original power's raging in Toril subsided a little?"

"That's definitely not the case." Selune said lightly: "When facing the original power, the current planet Toril is like a house with countless loopholes of various sizes. No one knows where the original power will come from.

Wherever it comes out, it flies back.

In the Sword Coast and northern Faerûn, there are more Mystra voters, and there are strong men like you who can stabilize the space, so there is no feeling. But in other places, the blue light of destruction will appear almost at any time, but there are many

Just small.

However, it seems that most people in Toril already know how to avoid the stronger spell plague, and there have been a lot more people surviving recently."

Hill smiled silently. A natural disaster of this magnitude is not a big deal that the Toril people cannot live with... as long as the world can recover after it explodes.

But he didn't know where there was any fun for Selune to watch...wait...he suddenly turned his head and asked: "Isn't there any movement from the Hubbell family?"

Tsk! How is that possible? The betrayed Waterdeep City, the framed Moonflower royal family, plus Shar's electors in the Underdark... That Hydra, and even some drow, should be watching the Hubbell family now.


Shar wouldn't even let go of the fifth secret weapon of Imaskar, and she couldn't let go of the set of Death Moon Orbs and the Seat of Zakosil!

"It seems that they have too much power." Shar gave an explanation. "So the Hubbell family is hiding very tightly now. However, I have found their hidden castle under the Neverwinter Mountains, but I am not sure enough.

If the thing is in my hands, I can't do anything yet.

I must first find out which demon lord they have captured... At that time, whether to cooperate or to directly trap the other party to death, we must make a detailed plan."

Hill nodded in surprise: Faced with these two artifacts, is even Shar so careful?

"If that thing comes into your hands, that madman Larocco won't think it's okay, right?" Selune interrupted happily, "Others can't use these two artifacts to control him, so he can always take it away.

The virtue...if it were you, it wouldn't be the same.

Hehe, it makes him feel that he is the number one mage every day... Who does the power of shadow belong to, do you have no idea?"

Listening to the indignant words of the Moon Girl, people who didn't know better would have thought that she was just feeling unfair for Shar!

However, both Hill and Shar understood two words from her words: ‘make trouble’!

Selune was obviously encouraging Shar to deal with the extremely powerful lich, but Larok was using the power of the abyss rather than the power of shadow.

Shar replied calmly: "The Death Moon Orb uses the power of demons. Even if I get it, I will only choose demons as the source of power... Why should I trouble someone who has nothing to do with it?

How did Larocque offend you?"

"That's not the case." Selune replied sincerely, "I just suddenly want to know what the outcome will be if you two fight... Of course I don't think you will lose.

That’s right~ What if I lose some face?”

Even Shar would have a hard time facing that powerful lich...who single-handedly created several of Toril's most powerful high-level evil artifacts.

So there is nothing wrong with Selune's idea. Shar might really be seriously injured by Larocque... However, if it is not necessary, how could the goddess of the night, who is not even willing to directly confront weak divine powers, go to find someone who can't do it?

The trouble of knowing which plane the Witch War Fortress is hiding in?

Is it possible for someone like Selune to do things just by patting her head on her head?

After a few minutes, Shar said in a calm voice: "No need to fantasize, I will not take action against Larok. If you want to know if his power is as strong as the legend, you can go find him yourself."

Selune breathed out: "Then I probably won't be able to fight. I'm not good at fighting."

Then she added briskly: "Except you."


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