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Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters Mansa card entering the war mode

 Hill can’t understand the relationship between Shar and Selune.

Hill would never believe it if they said they had put aside their past feud.

When the two of them were talking, sometimes it was very dull, but Hill could still keenly feel the murderous intention. When they actually fought, it gave him that chilling feeling.

But to say that the two of them still regard each other as life-and-death enemies as before, it doesn't mean that... Although Shar didn't say anything, after they met for the first time in Hill, the Harper received an interesting message.

News: The Night Temple no longer requires killing a Silver Moon Priest as a promotion requirement.

Otherwise, Selune would not mention the word sisters again.

She knew this would happen sooner than anyone else.

Whether Shar decided to temporarily avoid Selune's power after she regained her powerful power, or she had some conspiracy, at least her attitude ensured that during this period, the sisters would not go straight to a life-or-death fight as soon as they met.

Hill couldn't see clearly where these two would go in the future, so he could only make sure to be careful when talking and doing things. This was also the reason why he didn't let Lynn and Fran come to the floating castle.

Otherwise, the floating castle at this time is really a good place for mages... The original power is very strong, and Hill can feel his mana slowly rising while sitting inside.

Even the sleeping Oberon has gained a lot of benefits, at least now he will not surrender directly in front of the Queen of Titania.

Perhaps because Selune has had more incarnations in the floating castle than Sal, the original power filled in Hill Castle is more dominant than the light.

"There's something wrong!" Selune looked at the undead people on the screen who were laughing and returning to Mir Forest. "Do the gods and monsters allow them to pass freely like this? Isn't this kind of expulsion a shame for them?"

Hill nodded silently. The expulsion and banishment of elemental creatures could easily cause them to riot: once the banishment failed, they would face a crazy elemental djinn.

Then they soon knew why. The undead who were still driving on the golden avenue stared dumbfoundedly at the two towering giant monsters rushing over from the northeast...Karin and Manon gave up on Karin.

The crazy battle in the forest desert, come to Manshaka together.

The huge Qi monster Karin turned his head and glanced at the wall of golden light lying on the Golden Light Avenue. He looked up at the group of elves with ferocious eyes and almost walked over... However, he didn't know what he heard, but he still followed

After Memnon, the irascible fire god, went to Mansaka.

"Ekak." Shar said in a brisk tone, "It seems that it was really the fight between the two of them, and they actually managed to make Karin and Manon attack together."

Hill almost stared out of his eyes when he saw the small dot on a tall fire monster following Karin and Manon: Ekak himself was only as tall as a human child, sitting more than 30 meters high.

The body of the monster is no different from a black mosquito.

"What does Ekak want?" Selune asked puzzledly, "He does not need human faith, and he cannot possibly see the human warlocks he transformed.

Is the land of Calimshan worth him facing Amaunator head-on?

Even if he doesn't know the true strength of Amauna Tower, he should at least know that the Sun God is a powerful god."

"It wasn't him who took action.

Carlin and Manon dared to punch AO in the first place, so what does the Sun God mean?

Ekaq probably wanted the battle between Kalin and Manon to come to an end as soon as possible." Shar was not surprised. "The best outcome in his heart is of course that Kalimshan will always belong to monsters. After all, it seems that Kalin

With Manon's nonchalant attitude, he might leave Calimshan to Ekaq in the future.

For Ekak, who owns the Kingdom of God, even some demigods with human skins are of some use.

But if he couldn't do it, it didn't matter to him. Anyway, he was just greedy enough to want everything, but he wouldn't go to great lengths just for this.

As for whether humans will die or how much they will die, it is not worth mentioning in his mind.

But if the death of these humans can allow Nakarin and Manon to vent their grievances for so many years and return to the elemental world, it will be a good thing for Ekaq, who has been assassinated all year round and even finds it difficult to get out of the Kingdom of God.


Selûne pondered for a while before she couldn't help laughing: "So after testing the combat power of the undead and Amaunata, Ekaq felt that he would definitely not be able to protect Calimshan, so he chose to settle for the next best thing?

Then between Mir Forest and Manshaka, which side did you choose to deal with Amaunata? After the Amaunata Temple in Manshaka just released the miracle?"

"How could a guy as vicious and cunning as Ekak not guess that this miracle could not have been released by Amaunata herself?" Shar's Dandan couldn't hide the hint of gloating in his tone, "There are too many undead.

, and it’s been so long, who else in Toril doesn’t know that they can be resurrected?

Carlin and Manon are both hot-tempered and impatient guys. If the fight lasts too long, it is very likely that they will fight directly if they disagree.

Ekak needs them to return to the elemental world willingly... Otherwise, they can return to Calimshan at any time and continue fighting. After all, there are so many dukes and princes in the fire and air elemental planes who will not let them in their territory.


The connection between the land of Calimshan and the two elemental djinn is so deep that even if Amaunator wins in the end, it will take thousands of years to untie them."

"Then why did you choose Calimshan in the first place?" Selune suddenly had an idea, "Do you think this place will explode sooner or later?"

Shar paused for a few seconds before saying: "What are you doing?

Where in Toril won't explode?

It's just that here in Calimshan, there are the most people who want to destroy the world and are willing to work hard for it, and there will be them every year.

Only here will the Night Temple get real followers, instead of idiots who just want to kill their competitors."

Selûne let out a long "Oh", sounding a little unhappy that her judgment failed.

"You'd better stop thinking." Shar concluded. "Every time you think about it, I'll either get mad or laugh to death."

Selune said angrily: "It's you who makes me use my head more! It's you who do everything!"

Shar said with a 'ha': "Have you ever used it when you needed it? You might as well never use it. At least I can comfort myself that you really have no brain."

Hill could only focus on the giant screen.

The undead who discovered that Mansaka was about to enter a state of war quickly summoned their friends and appeared on the glittering avenue... This avenue that the Cup of Amauna Tower had worked so hard to build seemed to be just to provide the undead with

A perfect place to watch movies.

Fortunately, there are still a large number of people who are willing to stay in the camp and watch the giant screen... After all, the undead who walk on the golden avenue will get a reminder from the time and space artifact: This is a combat area, and they may be attacked or even exploded at any time.

It's dangerous. Anyone who enters this place will be responsible for their own life and death.

William was a reminder anyway, but as for whether the undead would listen or not... From the fact that the road was almost full of people standing, it could be seen how many people thought excitement was more important than experience.

The fiery red Manon has been rushing to the front. He looked at the golden avenue beside him with a little dissatisfaction... Manshaka is located on the promontory and is surrounded by the sea on three sides. As long as the tall Prince of Elements wants to attack, he must get close to this place.

A very uncomfortable way of light.

Manon withdrew his fist that was about to hit Manshaka's magic defense shield, and hit the annoying road first.

In the exclamations of the undead, the section of light wall connected to the city wall shook violently. The undead standing at the front quickly retreated... Fortunately, all of them stood on both sides of the road.

There is a path left in the middle for four people to walk side by side.

However, Amaunata is a powerful god after all, and the path is quite stable.

Some of the undead gave up their chances and turned back to Mir Forest to watch the giant screen, but most of them still had their feet firmly planted on their feet and wanted to see the scene.

Manon raised his huge fist and looked at it, and then looked at the road below, which was still very tenacious even though it fluctuated greatly. He seemed to have become curious, and began to hit the golden avenue one after another.

The Holy Grail of Amaunata will not maintain this path that is useless in his eyes. He wishes that Manon's attention would always be on this path!

After all, the Qi monster Karin was not distracted and was attacking Manshaka crazily.

The golden light shimmering above Manshaka didn't look much better than the one on the road, and Hill could even hear the exclamations coming from the city.

"Ah...that cup is causing trouble." Selune's attention was also attracted.

"Isn't this Amaunata's usual practice?" Shar also gave up the quarrel with her sister and said in a disdainful tone, "First create enough danger, and then turn the tide amidst the frantic prayers of the believers.

Isn’t that how his loyal believers came to be? This is the world that they and the gods worked together to create!

Compared to Tyr, who only protects civilians, Amaunata's style is more likely to attract brainless followers. After all, every success of a god is due to the efforts of believers!


The Sun God, the Sun God, became powerful on the first day of his birth!

What does it have to do with those humans who can’t even live for decades? Can they be raised?”

Hill smiled helplessly after hearing this. Why does this style sound so familiar?

Let’s just say there’s nothing new under the sun, right?

Selune didn't care about her sister's words. For them, believers were never meant to be held in high esteem... Only gods with insufficient abilities would choose Amaunata's method.

She just cheered for Karin very hard: "Punch harder, guys! One more punch! Use more force! Smash that city wall! What is Manon doing? Why don't you turn around and smash the city wall?

Are you really waiting for Amaunata to be resurrected?"

This chapter has been completed!
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