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Chapter 861 The next goal of the undead

 Because Amaunata was delayed for too much time and wasted more divine power to fuse with the divine body, her original weak divine power was reduced to a weak divine power.

It stands to reason that when a lawful and neutral god falls to such an end, some people should sigh... But Hill's floating castle is only filled with the atmosphere of joy.

Selûne's moonlight is almost twisting, and it seems that the Moon Girl is probably dancing in her own kingdom of God.

Shar's shadow seems to be motionless, but the flickering light of the shadow can make people see the fluctuations in her mood.

Now that the matter has come to this, Hill will definitely not have any regrets about it. He just asked worriedly: "Is there anything else the undead can do in Calimshan? Do they have to go back to Aglaia?"

"It will take at least a year for Mir Forest to recover." Selune said happily. "There are still so many gods and monsters in the Kalin Desert! The undead must leave some people to protect the safety of Vera.

As for the others, it just so happens..."

"It's just a good time to go to Amn." Shar interrupted Selûne.

"Unless Amn actively invites the undead, it is impossible for them to enter a sovereign country at will!" Selune said unhappily, "Didn't you already get what you wanted?"

"The place in Amn is really suitable for the undead." Shar retorted, "We will conduct a camp detection and kill all the people except the women and children, but there will be no fish that slip through the net."

"The undead did not come to Toril to be judges of justice." Selune asked her sister in confusion, "What are you thinking? The Justice Knights of Tyr will not do such boring things."

"Hmm..." Shar said with some hesitation, "There are some things that I think William might want to know. Forget it, I'll tell him myself."

Before he finished speaking, Shar disappeared.

Selune hesitated for a long time before she couldn't help but ask Hill: "Hill~ I... um... can I go to the alchemy hall in the city to have a look?"

"Of course." Hill replied immediately, "You can walk freely in Aglaia City."

But it’s not certain whether William will appear on the other side of the time and space artifact to talk to you, Hill thought secretly.

William must know very well what Sha'er is taboo about, and he won't come out.

William would not do such a scumbag behavior as being friendly with his admirer's eternal enemy... Hill quite believed in his integrity in this regard.

Hill was not worried about Selûne's petty thoughts. He was just desperately thinking about the country of Amn... William had never been interested in Toril. He could listen to the gossip and command the battle, but

There was nothing worth wasting his energy on.

Except for causing trouble for the derro dwarves in the Underdark... other things he just followed the trend. The undead were basically mercenaries.

It’s impossible for Shar not to know this, so it can’t be something related to the elves... Even though the Undead appear to be very close to the Elf Father, it’s impossible for part-time workers to have the same hatred towards their bosses.

Hill didn't need to think too much to understand that it must be Shar's elector Yiltmara who went to attack the Twin Towers. While snatching the artifact, she got some information about Trasil.

But the main players are not in Amn... Those mages in Amn like to hide in the shadows, often deal with evil races, and are willing to take on any weird jobs.

Not only Sigil, but also the Abyss and Hell have their footsteps... For all kinds of precious materials, these mages are willing to do anything. It is normal to play some heart-beating games with demons and evil gods.

Hill couldn't figure it out at all, and he couldn't take the initiative to ask Shar... Most of the preferential treatment given to Hill by the Daughter of the Night was for William's sake, and he actually understood it very well.

Although Shar's attitude towards him was considered gentle, the lady had not taken the initiative to reveal the information, so Hill had better not ask.

He kept reminding himself that secrecy was very, very important to Shar. There might be some exceptions for William, but that didn't mean that Hill could take the initiative to touch the Divine Power of the Lady of the Night.

Then he could only wait patiently for William's next move.

Hill believed that William also understood that the period before Mystra returned to the Kingdom of God was the best time to find some secrets related to the gods.

Some things are more important to the followers of the evil god than Mount Tai, but to the evil god himself, they are not worth even a trace of divine power.

So as long as they catch clues, they have a chance to find out everything related to Trasil.

The cruel master of the derro dwarves, Diyinlinka, indeed caused a lot of trouble for Trasil, but his mother undoubtedly followed the gray dwarves.

William had already ruined his dream of ascending to divine power, and this part of his revenge had actually been avenged.

Otherwise, he would not have evacuated from the Underdark just like that. Although it is still a little uncomfortable, the war between different worlds can only end here... The level of revenge must be controlled by AO.

Allowing the undead to enter Toril, and annihilating a group of derro dwarves with such fanfare, Hill could feel the faint presence of the World Tree behind them.

Although their ancestor has always allowed his descendants and the world to develop freely, it does not mean that he has no objections when he finds that Toril, the god under the rule of AO, has stretched his hand too far.

The connection between Corellon and Toril is too deep, and AO is not afraid of him...but World Tree is not that good. If that person really wants to cause some trouble for AO, there are many ways.

So as long as the appearance is acceptable, for example, let a group of humans from another world wear elf skins... No matter how many level 16 or 7 elves appear, it is normal, but the same cannot be said for humans. The contrast is too strong and can easily cause riots.

But this was only part of the reason William agreed to Corellon's hiring of the undead.

There are still many things in Trasil's past and even in the present that make people feel abnormal.

The reason why William did not go directly to the gray dwarves was probably because he was looking for the ins and outs of these abnormalities.

They knew very well that all this inexplicability came from Toril.

As long as you are patient, careful enough, and rummage through the world little by little, you will be able to discover the secret sooner or later.

Hill stood up and glanced at the alchemy hall in Aglaia City... In fact, he never thought he could touch the edge so quickly.

He has indeed been prepared... When little Edna returns to the path of becoming a god, monsters and ghosts will pop out of her.

Even if they know that they may die without a burial place, the benefits that a powerful god can bring before becoming a god... think about the seven sisters in the North, think about Kelben, and then think about the people who are still in the star realm.

Azus...the temptation is too great.

However, before the grand banquet began, William got a clue.

Having the favoritism of one of Toril's origins is really... easy to do!

By the early morning of the next day, Hill knew the movements of the undead... Except for some of the undead who liked to flirt with women and really didn't want to mess around, the others planned to return to Suldorfer and then change ships.

Following the Lake of Steam into the River of Thorns, and then to the Weihong Sea that connects to the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars, the destination is clear, Yinbutu.

That country had sent an invitation to the undead long before they entered the Underdark... hoping that they could help eliminate the demon bandits spread between the Giant's Crest Mountains and Rawlins Forest.

However, for the undead, the location of Butu is too inconvenient... After all, several countries in the middle will not let them use the road, and these countries are members of the Silver Moon Alliance.

If it were other countries, it would be okay to have a tougher attitude, but because Kelben has angered the elven gods, the relationship between the elven-dominated countries and the Silver Moon Alliance has been a bit tense in recent years.

William didn't want the undead to become the trigger of a racial war, so he always maintained the attitude of detouring if you don't let him pass.

However, his performance has also caused many countries that have lost the protection of gods and are struggling to support themselves in the spell plague...especially those countries near the Falling Star Sea. The very destructive original power storm seems to have a soft spot for them.

It's time to do a sweep... I'm full of expectations for the elf Aglaia.

But if the undead wanted to go from Aglaia to the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars, they would have to travel a long way and climb several mountains.

If you have to go to the Underdark, and there are many weird monsters to fight on the road, in addition to dealing with brainless goblins and crazy demonized animals, this road only has arduous mountain climbing... William definitely doesn't think so.

If you give yourself a high enough experience, you can make these people who come to play the game willing to do this work.

So he postponed these tasks.

Until I got the news from Shar, and it happened that they were not far from the Lake of Steam and could reach it by water.

Because Butu is a new and interesting country, many undead people who are curious about Toril will probably choose to go and see it... As for the rest time in between, there are still seven or eight days by boat!

The water system on this road is too complicated, with some areas being wide and some narrow, some being high and some being low. The undead magic ship cannot drive at a high speed, so they can just choose to rest for two days.

The country of Yinbutu is actually quite strong if we say it is strong. After all, the country is not small, and there is also a wavering Sesk between it and Ser, which is ruled by the red robe mage. If it were not strong enough, it would have become so by now.

The land of the dead.

But it happened that his fate was not good.

During the dragon madness, it became the background of Sammaster's son of destiny, and the entire country's defense system was basically destroyed by the crazy dragon.

After all, they were not far from the Galena Mountains under the rule of the Golden Dragon, and all the nearby countries were in bad luck.

Before they could recover from the dragon madness, the Spell Plague began to roll forward again... It really rolled around those countries, but stopped in front of Ser.

From this point of view, the idea of ​​Serge's undead master thinking that he is the master of the next century actually doesn't seem that crazy.

This chapter has been completed!
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