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Chapter 864 The sorrow and joy of the royal family in Butu

 King Imbutu originally wanted to come forward in person... Although it seems that the status is not equal, the highest commander of the Trasil elves does not have any official position, and is even just a mercenary attached to the life of the lord of Aglaia.

But even the stupidest King Toril will show his most reasonable side when facing the supreme commander of the army who can command tens of millions of high-level professionals.

Of course, the mood must be complicated. After all, such a powerful commander and army will always make people regret that they do not belong to their own country... but they will also secretly feel happy.

But after he saw the few remaining three-masted ships in his country, he despaired... Him! Is the ruler of the powerful Imbutu Kingdom going to meet people on a cargo ship?

King Yinbutu locked himself in his palace on the outskirts of the city, refusing to see any ministers who came to ask him to give up the king's pride.

His self-esteem, inherited from a ten thousand-year-old dynasty, made him hide in his bedroom and lament, almost without food or water every day... Of course, under the persuasion of his beloved, even though His Majesty the King did not eat any real meals, he still had a day.

I can endure the pain and eat small sandwiches made by so many lovers.

Faced with the king who suddenly turned into a sensitive little princess, the ministers of Yinbutu were panicked at first. Even the queen who had been separated from him for a long time was alarmed... If he was really dead, the queen had to rush over to avoid danger.

The son's right to inherit the throne was lost.

But soon after confirming what the sandwich was, he fell into silence... The king has always had a wide range of hobbies, and this time his lover is a certain pearl diver... The seabed on this side of the Falling Star Sea is the world of water elves.

Therefore, although the wealth under the sea is fascinating, even water mage dare not enter the deep sea.

But if they are pure girls, the water elves will be open to them, so almost all the girls on the coastline of Butu are working in the water... Over time, the fishermen girls on the beach will easily awaken some water elements.


Let’s talk about their beauty. The dewy beauties all look pretty good. After all, they have good skin and a toned figure, and they can make money. They are very popular among the common people. I don’t know how many people hope that they can marry a pearl diver.


But in the eyes of the nobles, their common people's beauty is not worth mentioning at all... The wild beauty that the nobles like is not this kind. You know, there is a succubus queen in Imbutu!

Because the popular beauties in the upper class of Butu are fair and beautiful, with slender bodies, elegant movements, and affectionate eyes, being healthy and able to work has never been within the appreciation range of the nobles.

Therefore, he was the first king in the history of Imbutu to bring a fisherman girl into the palace and still love her.

The reason why the queen completely fell out with the king was actually related to the identity of the king's lover... In the past, it was the style of those countesses and marquises to play and be jealous, but a fisherman?

It would be a humiliation for the queen to put them together.

But the king just liked his little lover's frankness, sincerity and lack of pretense, so even though the sandwich her lover was good at didn't taste that good, she still ate it with determination... She didn't even think about why she wasn't hungry at all and seemed to be a little fatter.

Even if they have some talent in the water system, soaking in seawater all year round is a terrible physical exertion for these pearl divers, so they must prepare food to supplement calories. However, they have no storage space on their hands, so these food

The smaller the better.

So they finally used the simplest method to make these sandwiches: the bread on the outside is actually made of fish and pork mixed with nutritional beads and then mixed with flour.

In addition to butter, there is also a thick layer of Calishan green cheese... The Calishan people added green curry to this cheese, giving it some extra excitement and making it more delicious.

Easy to store, they will not go bad even if they are soaked in water for several days.

Then there is a piece of roasted Losmon pork ribs that has been beaten thinly... The pound of meat with the bones removed has been beaten in every possible way until it is as thin as a piece of paper. It is coated with honey and various herbs and slowly roasted over an open fire.


Although such a sandwich does not taste very good, it only requires a small piece of heat to allow them to endure the coldness and pressure of the deep sea.

When the queen who came in a hurry confirmed what snacks her stupid husband used to kill time when he was crying and howling every day, the proud queen almost cursed in front of all the noble ministers.

But she did not give up her lovely and handsome courtiers in vain. She traveled all the way from the manor in the south of the city to the palace in the east of the city. After making sure that the king would never be embarrassed, she directly found her biological son, the third prince.

...She is obviously the king's first queen, but her son can only be the third prince. She didn't kill the king directly because her mother's family is not strong enough.

Cursing and swearing, he forced the king to make his son the prison prince... Once he wears this title, even if the king regrets it in the future, he will not be able to revoke the prince's inheritance rights, unless all the nobles in Inbutu agree.

The queen didn't think this would happen.

After pushing her son only one step away from the throne, the queen left the palace gracefully... Let King Imbutu hug his bed and die!

A normal person would gain five kilograms of meat just by eating one sandwich of that kind.

So although the prince standing on the three-masted boat communicating with 'Xueyun Peak' looked a bit miserable... these boats were actually a bit too old, although the sails and other places on them were well covered with silk satin.

But no one can ignore the sound of the wooden boards creaking in the sea breeze... But he is indeed the highest power controller in Imbutu.

This prince's living environment is quite difficult at first glance. He still looks like a young man, but he can actually have a good conversation with 'Xue Yunfeng'... The old snow dog with full power is not that easy to deal with.

Almost all the undead command team standing behind 'Xueyun Peak' looked at him with admiration... Occasionally, someone would whisper a few sighs: "How miserable is the environment in which this child grew up?"

"If father doesn't love mother, then a bunch of brothers must be the basic structure, right?"

"The standard components of Gong Douwen?"

Even though he occasionally heard words floating over here, Crown Prince Horace Sal Imbutu still communicated with the elf commander in front of him without changing his expression.

He had never thought about such things as lowering prices... Even if the elves were loose in nature, those who could command an army would not have such obvious weaknesses, let alone the other party commanding tens of millions of people.

But since the layout also needs to consider future reconstruction issues, bargaining still has to be done.

He had already inquired about the price from Surdorfur Pasha, the only one in Calimshan who had financial dealings with the Trasil elves. Prince Horace only hoped that the price he got would not be higher than that group of people.

Although Prince Horace performed very well, 'Xueyun Peak' still figured out the opponent's bottom line... If it is a building without enchantment, of course the price is no problem.

The price for the Great Wall on Mount Alamir was not low to begin with, and after it was confirmed that the Valar were not interested in Surdorfur, they were too lazy to work for the Calishans, so the price for enchantment was doubled.

If the Magic Great Wall in Mir Forest had been priced at that price, Queen Vera would have gone back to Aglaia for help in tears.

In a situation where the information between the two parties was not very equal, both 'Xueyun Peak' and Prince Horace got satisfactory results.

The exchange between the two parties became more pleasant, just waiting for the contract to be completed... Unfortunately, neither party invited the other party to be a guest on their ship.

'Xueyunfeng' could feel that the Yinbutu royal family was not without money, but he didn't understand why the other party didn't have a new ship... Even if the spell plague destroyed most of the Yinbutu ships, how long would that take?


He remembered that the collapse of the Yinbutu Palace happened half a year ago... If someone invited them over, William would definitely give very detailed information.

Prince Horace felt the elves on the opposite side couldn't help but glance at their ships, and showed a sad smile. What could he say?

The Yinbutu Royal Shipyard was no longer in the hands of the royal family a long time ago... In order to maintain the dignity of the king, starting from his grandfather, the royal family has continued to mortgage its property.

After the businessmen got the shipyard, they naturally only wanted to build more ships. They had no interest in updating or maintaining the environment of the shipyard. It was already a bit shaky... The first blue storm was the most powerful, directly destroying the shipyard.

It was overturned.

The royal fleet was also there at the time, so it completely sank to the bottom. After that, there would be no new ships available... Fortunately, the port still belonged to the royal family, and there were still several three-masted ships transporting grain in the inland sea.

And his prince has never been very popular with the king, so he has been following the queen all year round... Although his mother is not very gentle, she is still smart and capable, and manages her own property well.

When the former king married his son to the current queen, he was interested in her business ability... However, his son only wanted big breasts and fat buttocks.

Faced with such a husband, the queen would naturally not care about the royal family's property, but she still grabbed Prince Horace and analyzed how the royal family had fallen to the point where they could only live by mortgaging their property.

The husband is already a fool, and the son must not be too stupid. Otherwise, what will happen to the queen even if she gives Holmes the rich property she has accumulated through good management?

Is it possible to add more collateral to the royal family?

Therefore, Prince Horace will probably be the only king in the Imbutu royal family for many years who will not go crazy when he thinks that he is a poor man.

He knew very well that as long as he didn't think that he could only travel in jeweled carriages and ships, he was actually not that poor... Prince Homs had already thought about it. After he inherited the throne, he would take advantage of his father's fancy things.

Once the car is dismantled, it will probably take the royal family a few years.

This chapter has been completed!
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