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Chapter 892: The Interrupted Departure Declaration

 The White Dragon Queen's obviously unkind tone made the little mages hesitate.

Edna laughed helplessly: "Leon, did your Josani go to the woods to cause trouble again? Alvia, don't be angry with the child!"

The White Dragon Queen pressed her snake-like head in front of Leonard: "Do you think life is too boring, so you made a contract with the fairy dragon?

How can you stand something that plays pranks every day?"

Leonard scratched his hair in embarrassment: "But Qiaosani never plays pranks on me! And, you see, she is already a purple girl! She is really more restrained than before."

Alvia blew out a breath of disdain through her nose: "What joke are you talking about? Temperance? A dragon named after a fairy? If she is caught and skinned by a white dragon, don't save her if you have the ability!"

Leonard immediately replied: "Then it must be saved. If she broke something, she can come to me and I will pay the bill!"

Edna interrupted their conversation with a wry smile: "Alvia, for Lynn's sake, please don't plot against that little guy, okay?"

Leonard, with his rich and brainless character, might eventually be blackmailed by Alvia into writing a letter asking his brother to redeem him.

The White Dragon Queen turned her head and thought for a moment, then reluctantly answered under Alausato's hint: "Okay! Just think of it for the future of the children."

It’s not like she didn’t understand Edna’s hint. There are still many of their descendants staying in Aglaia to eat free of charge!

It is said that these young dragons now live a happy life with no worries about food and clothing and toys to play with... Many young white dragons who have been sidelined at this age regret not going to Aglaia with them.

Female white dragons naturally like to have nests. Knowing that they can forget about anything after hatching the eggs, some brainless young people plan to have two nests for fun before they reach a contract with the undead.


If Linn is dissatisfied with their blackmailing of his brother and refuses to let Hill continue to raise new little dragons, wouldn't it be all in their own hands?

Alvia didn't want to have to go out hunting all the time... It was a bad thing after signing a contract with humans. She couldn't rob those who raised cattle and sheep at any time.

Alausato looked at the little mages with a critical eye: "Edna, can you just go out with Leonard? Why do you have to take these weak guys with you? Alvia is not used to protection.

other people."

Leonard suddenly interrupted: "It doesn't matter, Qiao Sani is good at hiding people."

Alausato's outstretched wings froze in mid-air, and his wrinkled face unconsciously squeezed into a bitter face: "Leon, why do you look nothing like Linn?"

The half-elf mage smiled with an innocent... In Alausato's eyes, it can only be described as silly... smile: "Mother Liz said that I am more like a sun elf, and brother Lin is more like my father."

Edna couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Arausato~ Forget it~ There is no need to establish this power, I believe in the consciousness of these mages."

She combed her long brown curly hair back: "No matter how hard they try at the beginning, unless my father disappears suddenly, they won't make trouble with me.

After all, with Leon here, it would be difficult to do anything to me. Moreover, after we go out, there will be Qiaosani! The fairy dragon has always been sensitive to malice, and can detect even the smallest bit."

Alausato pondered for a few minutes before nodding solemnly: "Then I'm going back to the forest...I have to catch the little butterfly wings and throw them out! She is really annoying.

Leonard, if you really can't control your magic pet, you can ask Linn to find Hill, that Lord Aglaia has many good things that can tie her up or lock her in a cage."

Leonard showed an embarrassed smile... If he was willing to treat Qiao Ni like that, he would not let the amethyst-like butterfly dragon develop such a lawless character.

When she was at the Tower of Nature, Josani never restrained her troublesome personality, but because she came from the Lost Peaks, not only did she have a family of elders in her family, she also had an ancient fairy dragon to back her up... If that person was unhappy, she would naturally

People in the tower can't even leave their homes.

Therefore, even if the other mages were not very happy, they could only ask Leonard to keep Josani at Lost Peak and return to the Magic Tower as little as possible... He did not even dare to say that he would not come back.

Leonard sometimes felt that the reason why he was able to receive the graduation task so smoothly was not just because he always said the wrong things.

Edna and the others had a pleasant chat, but the few young mages under the pressure of the two white dragons could only stand there with gritted teeth and clenched fists.

If the four Quesen Tower masters had any plans in mind before this, they were all wiped out at this moment.

They even found it strange that if Edna had appeared with two white dragons from the beginning...one of which was an ancient white dragon...they would have completely surrendered!

Why are you still struggling!

But Edna understands very well that Alausato, who appears after showing his abilities, is the last ballast stone that can allow her adventure ship to travel steadily.

If heavy pressure is used to seize the initiative from the beginning, Alausato, who will definitely not follow them on their trip, will become just an unstable factor... As time goes by, the deterrent effect will naturally become less and less.

As for Elvia, who is just an ancient dragon, even though she is famous for her clever mind, if four 7-level mages from different factions join forces, there will definitely be countless ways to deal with her.

Therefore, she must first show that she is capable enough to become a leader, and then use her power to consolidate her authority. Edna does not want her adventure to be in crisis before it even begins.

It's impossible for her to place all her hopes on Leonard... What if he is taken away?

Game of Thrones can never be played relying on others.

"Tsk!" This big drama that took place in the small square in front of the alchemy hall was broadcast live on the giant screen in every detail. Edna's endless tricks made Shar couldn't help but sigh.

"Hmm..." Selune said blankly, "Will she be separated from the ranks of silly gods after midnight?"

"What the hell is this? You even gave those fools a ranking?" Shar asked in confusion, "Are the gods of your good camp so boring? Don't you exist among them?"

"You compare me to Midnight?" Selune asked in astonishment, "Willfulness and complete ignorance are two different concepts, okay?"

Hill quietly took the wine glass away from his mouth, fearing that he would accidentally squirt.

Even Shar, faced with Selûne's shamelessness, had nothing to say for a moment. He could only change the subject and ask: "Who are these fools you are talking about? Vol'jin?"

"Well. Vol'jin is the eternal number one, better than Ambry." Selune said simply, "Midnight only has a ranking here, the top ones are not her turn, and Amaunata is ranked higher than her.


I won’t talk about the rest, they are the type that you won’t care about.”

Shar was silent for a few seconds before helplessly saying: "I understand. Is red hair so boring? Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's just watch the giant screen!"

Hill blinked, and then he realized that the reason why Selune did not mention the names of other gods was because the red-haired one would definitely put the elf goddess of love and beauty into this ranking.

However, as Suni's eternal rival, the redhead is unwilling to belittle her too much... Then Rose will definitely appear on this list, and she will be ranked at the top.

That's why Shar, who wanted to understand, found this topic a bit boring.

The reason why Selune didn't say it directly was because she was worried that Hill would say it when chatting with Corellon... After all, Sune had protected her for so long, and the Moon Maiden didn't want to deceive her friend.

Although they have different views and completely opposite styles, they are still friends even if they don't keep in touch with each other.

Therefore, Selune's judgment about herself was correct. She was just willful and didn't care what others thought, but she was definitely not stupid.

It turns out that the one who hasn’t studied the Goddess of Magic’s Kingdom of Joseph, and hasn’t completely turned the former Mystra’s chosen ones into his own chosen ones, just so that he can always be himself and not change for anyone or anything.

'Midnight, who went up against AO and challenged the underlying laws of the Magic Network, was indeed a bit silly.

Hill lowered his eyes. Although he has always shown that he is only related to Corellon, the elven pantheon has always been united. The goddess of love and beauty is still one of the three goddesses who make up the elven goddess. It is normal for Selune to guard against him.


Selûne muttered: "It's strange, why do I feel that midnight is just midnight?"

Hill turned his head and glanced at the moonlight in the pool, a little confused about what the Moon Girl meant.

What does midnight mean? It’s just midnight?

But Shar knew exactly what her sister was saying: "That might be a good thing for her. After all, she is herself from beginning to end."

Hill looked at the giant screen blankly...Why couldn't he understand what they were saying?

Do they mean that the goddess who finally stood in the magic network was based on Edna's character and temper?

But that soul still belongs to midnight! It’s just midnight after reincarnation.

He still knows too little about gods.

Hill suddenly felt that being able to witness this major event in Toril, which was likely to give rise to the fourth generation of the Magic Goddess, was definitely more than just a spectacle for him.

Edna on the giant screen finally counted her team members and their entourage. Holding her manual, she stood in the small square and declared confidently: "We will set off early tomorrow morning! Let's visit Chang'an Town first.

The Bell family..."

A sudden sound of wind accompanied by the screams of children interrupted Edna's passionate speech... Alausato finally caught Josani and was kicking her from mid-air to her like a rubber ball.



Faerie Dragon: Tiny dragon, chaotic good

Invisible troublemaker. The only sign of the fairy dragon's appearance is a burst of breathless laughter. The dragon will disappear from sight and watch the victim struggle against its pranks. After finding enough fun, the dragon may appear.

Body shape, but this all depends on the character and attitude of the "prey".

Lively and friendly. Fairy dragons are quick-thinking, love treasures and good companions, and have a mischievous sense of humor. Travelers can take advantage of the persistence of "treasures" in their dragon nature to buy candies, baked goods and various

Grow gadgets in exchange for information about the fairy dragon, or to safely pass through the fairy dragon's territory.

Color and Age. A fairy dragon's scales change color as it ages, changing colors through seven hues in the order of a rainbow. All fairy dragons have innate spellcasting abilities, and new spells will be acquired as it grows.

Dragon Scale Hue Age Stage Spell

Red Under 5 Dancing Lights Mage Hand Small Illusion

Orange 6-10 years old colorful jet

Huang 11-20 years old mirror shadow technique

Green 21-30 years old suggestion technique

Blue 31-40 years old advanced phantom

Indigo 41-50 years old fantasy

Purple 51 years old and above Transfiguration

The fairy dragon's spellcasting ability is based on charm. It is born with the ability to cast several spells without material components. As the fairy dragon ages and its body color changes, the number of spells it can use will gradually increase.

This chapter has been completed!
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