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Chapter 517 Research and Development, Selling TVs

Chapter 517 Research and Development, The Mystery of Television (Please subscribe)


Someone is calling!

Wang Jingye answered the phone and found out that it was the high school team investigating Fuyun.

"What's wrong?"

The high school team smiled and said: "The assigned task has been completed. The large floating clouds in the One Piece world have been scanned and the detailed information has been sent to you. By the way, how is your research on the floating clouds going? We don't want to go out on a large scale.

At that moment, the Tianlong people suddenly came up with their trump card!"

Wang Jingye frowned slightly: "Floating clouds are not within the scope of my research."

"Ask Lao Yuan for me! Also, a new batch of super crop seeds must be made. Long has secured several islands and accepted the plan to plant super crops."

"Okay, you go and do your work."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jingye continued to study these troublesome technologies.

To put it bluntly, although many countries in the pirate world are lagging behind, some of their technologies are much higher than them.

Not to mention the great phenomenon of permanently changing the pirate planet and dividing the planet into cross-shaped areas, they can also learn the unique technology of this world - floating cloud technology.

Not to mention extracting genes from other people and researching bloodline factors that have various strange abilities.

After investigation, they found that some of the floating cloud technologies in the One Piece world are natural, while more are man-made.

The production method is a mysterious material extracted from volcanoes and the depths of the sea. This material can also be used to make sea floor stones.

They produced some in small batches, but unfortunately the output was extremely low!

In this world, Vega Punk can use floating cloud technology to create a large number of war machines and war fortresses.

The mind that is five hundred years beyond the world is definitely not as simple as they imagined.

It's a pity that Vega Punk is too mysterious and is well protected by the Celestial Dragons.

Eggjian Island, Vega Punk's research base, is even more of a mystery!

During this time, the PX robot they studied acquired many impressive technologies.

The captured PX robot is very advanced. It is a special creation that combines machinery and biotechnology, with a proper cyberpunk style.

The power source they use is very advanced. Although the core is rubbed by hand, the possibility of mass production is very small, but the energy core of the PX robot can actively absorb the spiritual energy particles that travel around the world.

The main control system of the PX robot is not silicon-based semiconductor technology, but uses biological cell synthesis technology.

This cell technology has special black technology similar to computer simple intelligent recognition.

Even scientists from the main world would exclaim when they saw it.

Wang Jingye packed the cultivated super crop seeds and put them on the transport plane. Then he took the time to visit the Devil Fruit Extraction Project Team.

Although Devil Fruit users have the disadvantage of being afraid of seastone weapons, their various abilities are enviable. These abilities are integrated into the user's body, like instinct. After training, they can develop countless incredible abilities.

The time domain ability of the Time Fruit...the cognitive ability of the law of cause and effect of the Memory Fruit...the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit to give soul thoughts to various crops...the space ability of the Surgery Fruit...

The Devil Fruit in the One Piece world is what Chen Mu is trying to master!

"There is no way to obtain the Devil Fruit's ability. Space blockade and sea floor stone imprisonment cannot allow the Devil Fruit to be lodged in the nearest fruit. We are basically certain that the Devil Fruit has the ability to choose its own host!"

"More detailed experimental parameters will take time to accumulate. If you want to achieve a technological breakthrough, it is best to find Vega Punk or Casa Courant."

"I know!" Wang Jingye held the experimental records of their Devil Fruit extraction, and then an idea flashed in his head: "By the way, I have an idea here. Maybe the Navy can take the initiative to promote our technology to us."

"What idea?"

"I'll do the experiment first. Should I inform them if the fruit extraction fails?"

"Well, go ahead!"

News of the failure to extract the Devil Fruit was quickly spread to various groups in the Dongfeng Brigade.

Chen Mu, who was staying in the airspace of the Big Mom Pirates, confirmed the news.

“How frustrating!”

Ju Chengyan shrugged his shoulders: "Scientific research is not always smooth sailing. It is good to be able to study so many things in a few months."

"Okay, the infiltration work of the Big Mom Pirates has begun. The dessert production factory that they cooperate with has been basically completed. The monitoring conches arranged in the sea water of the Big Mom Pirates have also been controlled, and they can launch war against them at any time!"

"How is the layout of the Kaido Pirates?"

“The speed is a little slow, but the basic arrangements are in place.”

"Then wait until the second phase begins and carry out the plowing and clearing plan for them!"

The so-called second phase of the Plow Garden Cave Clearing Plan is the follow-up plan after establishing a complete industrial line in the pirate world and having a preliminary industrial base.

The world of pirates is faced with internal and external troubles. If you want to twist all the forces into one rope, you still need to follow the old method~

First set a small goal: twist all the four emperors' forces in the new world into one rope, and then destroy the Celestial Dragons!

Destroying the Yonko is easy, but the follow-up to destroying the Yonko is more troublesome.

Before they find Vega Punk, get more support from the dragon, and learn more about the secrets of this world, they need to keep a low profile, spread the concept of hammer and sickle, and then let this materialistic concept spread to the world before executing the next stage.

plan of.

Spreading ideas is not always smooth sailing, and the Tianlong people are not idiots either.

After they discovered Chen Mu's actions, they mobilized their forces and prepared to deal with them.

The enemy is very powerful and is suspected of possessing weapons that are at least as powerful as nuclear weapons.

A long time ago, the Celestial Dragons used weapons to destroy a kingdom, the kind of complete physical annihilation.

This is one of the reasons why they immediately placed their production base in the Devil's Triangle!

No matter how good the idea is, it still needs to be sown, cultivated, harvested... and then continued to spread, so that the idea can continue to flourish!

After the war ended, the Tianlong people gathered their forces and tried to destroy the dragon who suddenly became smarter and the G-order army under his command, and then they were severely taught a lesson.

After the failure, they started various actions.

CP intelligence department increases penetration efforts!

The science department is working on more powerful weapons.

The Navy also carried out a super recruitment plan as it did in history. They were looking for soldiers to fight for justice in the new world.

Because of the failure of the war, the naval recruitment campaign did not go smoothly.

This time they will face a pirate disaster that is much more serious than before, as well as an endless uprising.

The purpose of war is to eliminate different demands. The best way to completely end the rebellion is to conduct civil and military activities simultaneously to convince the rebels physically and psychologically.

It is a pity that the Tianlong system is extremely corrupt, and the interests of all parties are entangled, and those with vested interests will not share their own interests.

Greedy businessmen can sell the noose that the queen puts on their heads. The noble class has been a noble class for generations. Only when they die will they regret their stupid behavior of clinging to profits.

Big changes in the pirate world are evolving rapidly.

During this period of time, the Tianlong people commanded their organizations to attack the G-ming army and Chen Mu's forces, and they also carried out various smear campaigns in public opinion.

But Chen Mu will not sit still and wait for death. They have proved with their actions that they are acting for the sake of the civilians.

The goods and crops flowing out of the New World are enhancing the common people's sense of identity.

Low-cost super crops that are many times larger than those in this world have given countless people in the new world a chance to survive!

High-quality and low-priced industrial products are also profoundly changing the lives of civilians.

Before Chen Mu arrived, technological products in this world could not be circulated in all areas due to ocean restrictions.

But after Chen Mu arrived, they directly produced aircraft. Some places with harsh environments also had steel giant ships to circulate materials.

Convenient transportation reduces the cost of communication among all parties and enhances the circulation speed of various industrial products and local crops.

In the place occupied by the G-order army, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates, who were the first to join, have received numerous conveniences.

High-quality and low-priced industrial supplies and super crops are what people in these areas crave most.

In just six months, people have recognized the products of the G-Ming Army Caravan and are grateful for the job opportunities provided by the G-Ming Army.

Of course, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates also caused a lot of conflicts with Chen Mu.

Why can the Navy and the Celestial Dragons pour dirty water on them and then find it difficult to clean them up?

In addition to the control of public opinion tools, some of their forces are indeed indifferent to human affairs.

The arrival of the G Order Army and its caravans not only brought various things that benefit the people, but also advanced laws.

They have carried out relatively systematic changes in some areas that are not doing well.

This kind of change is a bit bloody, and some things must be carried out with fists and the blood of opponents.

But when Whitebeard saw that the lives of the surrendered civilians under his command were really getting better, he silently accepted their plan.

Saving Whitebeard and his pirate group, and then through high-level strategy reform, remarkable results were achieved in a short period of time.

It's a pity that Whitebeard's injury was not only at the genetic level, but also at the soul level.

Whitebeard participated in many battles, and each battle burned the fire of his soul.

In addition to being afraid of the Sea Tower Stone, Devil Fruit users can also unleash powerful attacks at the cost of burning their own souls and vitality.

Putting aside the fear of sea floor stones and the side effects of accelerating lifespan consumption, devil fruits are still very good.

The changes on the Whitebeard Pirates' side are slow, but they are continuing to push forward, but the red-haired Pirates' speed is slightly slower~

Chen Mu is planning to use a year to bring their things bit by bit to the red-haired pirate group's sphere of influence, and then infiltrate the forces controlled by Shanks.

The penetration into the new world is powerful and effective. The penetration into countries all over the world naturally needs to be carried out simultaneously.

The man from the big news agency under Morgans was secretly arrested by the Tianlong people because of his last live broadcast.

Morgans' newspaper business suffered a strong blow. Although the two parties have resumed cooperation after some cooperation, the Tianlong people urgently need a tool that can create public opinion effects around the world.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain!

The product that Tianlong people have been waiting for day and night appears in the new world.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the G-Order Army were the first to sell TV sets from another world~

A technological product that can change people's cognition and improve people's smart life has officially spread across the sea.

With its low price and rich content, television has instantly become a platform for people to enrich their spiritual entertainment and learn knowledge.

On this day, Reiku, the messenger belonging to Germa 66, suddenly found the Big Mom Pirates.

While she was discussing the alliance, she also promoted the popular gadgets among the Whitebeard Pirates.

"This is a good thing we made from the Whitebeard Pirates."

"It uses our unique technology and can only receive the channels we specify. The TV can be produced at low cost with biotechnology. With full power, it can produce 5,000 units a day. The cost of each unit is only 1,300 beli!

The price from the Whitebeard Pirates actually reached 10,000 Baileys, which is simply robbery."

Big Mom is not interested in this thing, but Katakuri and Cracker are very interested in it.

The TV sets of the Whitebeard Pirates are indeed good. They can inspire wisdom, enrich life, and promote their ideas of governing the country.

This thing is not expensive and you can definitely make a lot of money.

Moreover, this TV can change people's perception of the Big Mom Pirates!

During this time, they had seen a lot of introductions about Whitebeard's life through TV stations.

The impression of the mysterious white beard in people's minds has undergone major changes.

TV sets are not high-tech gadgets. In order to promote them, Chen Mu also combined the unique technologies of this world to produce TV sets.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books, change sources, and read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

This is Chen Mu’s sweet gift to the world~

A powerful tool that can achieve certain intentions.

The G-life army represented by the dragon also made the mistake of leading the war by live broadcasting an own goal. The Tianlong people suppressed Morgans and gave the opponent a warning, which was just a small enlightenment.

They then installed TV sets next to the Whitebeard Pirates and the G-Order Army, naturally to promote their ideas.

The promotion of television is from the bottom up!

If you don't occupy this position, Chen Mu will occupy it.

Just like the telephone bugs that are popular around the world, the Celestial Dragons have the strongest telephone bug technology, but all forces also have control over it.

After seeing the TV, many enlightened kings also learned from Whitebeard to promote the governing philosophy of their kingdom and deal with evil. In the past few months, many people were bewitched by the G-order army and did irrational things.

They do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to create propaganda tools that can promote their policies and governance ideas, which is naturally profitable.

Television cannot achieve the global delivery effect of seagulls and birds, but its primary election will trigger a major change in the world's news channels!

Germa 66 is an ambitious force, and it was also the force chosen by Chen Mu.

When they "accidentally" cracked the technology, they also saw business opportunities and value.

They can even reach a cooperation with Chen Mu. Every time a TV is sold, the Germas will get a huge profit.

The behavior of Germa 66 is a manifestation of the pursuit of interests.

But it can greatly improve the quality of people's spiritual life.

This kind of subtle change from the bottom up is difficult to erase!

The Celestial Dragons can choose to completely block it, but these artifacts cannot be banned.

Chen Mu speculates that the Tianlong people will even actively adapt to the television and completely control this public opinion platform!

When Leiku showed Katakuri the use of the One Piece World TV, Katakuri was excited: "Mom, we can use the TV to teach everyone how to make desserts!"

Hearing this, the aunt laughed and agreed to promote the TV station.

The deal is done!

Katakuri asked all ministries to purchase these TVs, so that people can clearly see the advanced ideas of the Big Mom Pirates in governing the country (producing candy), and also let people publicize the deeds of the Big Mom Pirates~

This chapter has been completed!
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