Chapter 518 The Chaos Caused by the TV, Im's Watching

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Ghost Island~

A cry suddenly sounded in the sky!

That was the cry of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.

Why is he crying?

This is a headache!

It is also a worrying numbers issue.

Probably like this... Kaido felt that life was boring after being challenged by his daughter for the Nth time. After hearing Yamato say that the idol he admired was Kozuki Oden, he tried to commit suicide in shame and anger.

Then... both of us lost control of our emotions after failing to commit suicide!

In order to retaliate against Kaido, Yamato, who failed in the challenge, took out the devil pepper produced by Chen Mu.

Then, he was conquered by the devil pepper!

Three hours later~

Just when the taste of the devil's pepper is satisfying Kaido, Reiku arrives!

She comes with news to promote TV!

"TV? I'm not interested in TV! Now I just want to find someone to kill me, or be killed by me! Suck~"

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A large amount of devil's pepper and natural spices containing aura factors entered his body along with Neptune meat.

" feels so good! If you eat and drink enough, the battle will be more enjoyable!" Kaido poured himself another sip of sweet wine.

"Ahem, Your Majesty Kaido, this TV can improve the combat power of the Beast Pirates, and it can also help you realize your great plan."

Kaido, who was drinking sweet wine, stopped drinking.

Kaido's great plan is to establish an anarchic pirate empire, and named it the "New Onigashima Plan".

There are a lot of things that need to be prepared for this plan, such as population, territory, combat strength, etc...

This is a small pursuit of life for Kaido who feels the world is boring.

Kaido stopped eating and drinking, then looked at the thin Reiku: "Did you get this boring thing from Whitebeard?"

"Ahem, Your Majesty, this is what we got from cracking it!"

Kaido sneered, the domineering aura all over his body made Lei Jiu feel exhausted.

Leijiu sweated slightly on his forehead and said carefully: "Your Majesty, you should be aware of the latest changes in the area controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates, right?"

Kaido thought about what his men said about the Whitebeard Pirates controlling technology similar to live phone bugs!

If this technology is mastered by the Beast Pirates, it will indeed have many uses in the future.

Leijiu saw that Kaido didn't answer, and immediately took the initiative to tell: "The TV is very useful! You can put the TV on the island for people to watch. You can put it on the ship to relieve the boredom of everyone who is traveling alone. You only need to give the TV to the TV every day

Feed some food and you can live broadcast your majestic posture during the battle, and you can also explain more detailed battles to make the people under your command super powerful."

After hearing about becoming stronger, Kaido took action: "Let his subordinates become stronger! Hahahaha... This thing is very good, I like it very much."

Letting people watch duels and increasing their strength is just one of them.

Kaido, who was only thinking about committing suicide and eating meat and drinking alcohol, thought about the information that had been received from his subordinates some time ago.

During this time, the number of new members of the Beast Pirates under Kaido decreased.

Drought said that those boys went to the Whitebeard Pirates next door to become soldiers.

Damn it!

This is simply the behavior of a coward. The guy with Whitebeard hanging the bottle is a loser and can't even kill himself.

His time has passed.

The younger brother ran to join the pirate group next door, which made Kaido feel very uncomfortable.

They all ran to join the enemy's pirate group, he will be in trouble!

Kaido hates trouble!

TV can promote the greatness of the Beasts Pirates, allow real men to join the Beasts Pirates, and enhance the fighting power of men.

This is pretty good!

"Purchase 10,000 televisions and deploy them on the island. I want the televisions to broadcast the training and battles of the Beast Pirates!"

As if it was not enough, Kaido continued to wave the mace Hachisai, and said with a ferocious smile: "I... want people to always see how powerful the Beast Pirates are, and I want to train strong enough warriors to fight with me... Haha

Ha ha……"

Then, TV sets opened up sales in the Beast Pirates.

Not long after it became a hit, it was spotted by the red-haired Shanks, and it became a hit under the Yonko of the New World.

New World television sets were also acquired by the Navy.

"This weapon must be controlled by us! Contact the Five Old Stars, we need this weapon to promote the navy's absolute justice." Akainu Sakaski, who had just defeated General Aoki Kuzan, held the pipe in his mouth.


The news soon reached Marigio!

Five old stars gather together!

"A very good toy, simple and cheap to make, dozens of times less expensive than a carefully cultivated telephone bug."

"Nicholas Saint, I think it is a particularly interesting invention. The only energy required is air and food. It reduces the production cost and can be spread to thousands of households, but it is very unfavorable for our rule!"

"Saint Francis, but our times have changed!"

Times have changed since the appearance of those abominable G-Order Army and mysterious forces, and the Five Old Stars are naturally aware of these changes.

"We have the strongest army in the world, which can suppress the hearts of those untouchables who are ready to move!"

Nicholas shook his head: "Blind violence will not solve the problem!"

"We need these TV sets to be promoted to participating countries, and we need these TV sets to promote our policies. These TV sets can promote the reform of our corrupt system."

"I agree with what Nicholas Saint said, this little toy can make us more conducive to governance."

Saint Stavros sneered: "We only need to deal with the G-order army and those mysterious people, and then deal with the pirates in the new world. The world will be peaceful. If you punish your descendants, they will definitely kill them."

Your skin."

"They are just a bunch of ridiculous weaklings! They can no longer attract the anger and contradictions of the people. Only through reform can the blood of the Tianlong people be noble again!"

"Saint Francis, Saint Stavros, the enemy we face this time is very cunning. I agree with what Saint Nicholas said."

The once noble Celestial Dragon bloodline has become arrogant and stupid. They were originally targets thrown by the Five Old Stars to attract outsiders.

As external conflicts intensify, it's time to cut the carrion.

Stavros shook his head: "Kill all the opponents to make our rule more stable!"

Nicholas shook his head: "St. Stavros, how can you believe these lies? After the fire of the great pirate era was ignited by Roger, our regime became out of control. History tells us that without the four emperors, there would be other maritime

Emperor, without Long’s G-order army, there will be other armies to resist us.”

"It's time for the Tianlong people to change! Hundreds of years of rule have made the bloated administrative agencies corrupt. Only by agreeing to promote television, publicizing our determined reforms, and determination to establish new justice and order can we

Our strength is tied together!"

"I don't agree with the promotion of televisions! We need to block these damn things. There is the devil's breath in televisions, it can corrupt the human mind!"

"I want to promote television, we need to promote our determination to innovate!"

The Five Old Stars are complex inside, and they have different forces. Some are determined to innovate, some are conservative, and some hate change. They want to kill all the bugs that disobey and resist...

Every disgusting dynasty has its own smart people.

After television became popular in the new world, they saw the opportunities and dangers in it.

Some people are afraid, some are excited, and some are watching indifferently!

Elites like the Five Old Stars are completely different groups from the useless Celestial Dragons who are left outside as targets.

They have received the most stringent training since childhood and endured the most cruel training. They are the best among all~

However, they also have selfish motives!

Behind them represent their respective forces, their respective administrative factions and governance concepts...

If there are no accidents, this dispute will be debated for a long time, and finally it will be promoted after a series of cake cuttings, or it will be shelved and the TV set will be directly destroyed by the Tianlong people.

But something unexpected happened!

When everyone was debating whether to promote the TV, the mysterious voice of Yin Mu sounded.

"For Vega Punk to figure out the secret of television and promote it, we need to control television."

"Lord Yinmu?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"The rolling tide of the times cannot be stopped. Those mysterious people are very powerful! Although the policy of obscuring the people is good, times have changed. We must use all available tools and forces to fight the enemy.

"If the TV cannot be controlled by us, it will soon be controlled by pirates, and it will be even more troublesome then!"

After saying this, Yin Mu's voice disappeared. But Wulaoxing did not dare to refute Lord Yin Mu's words.

They all agreed to carry out Lord Yin Mu's order.

The mysterious Lord Yin Mu is like a god. Even the five old stars who have mastered huge resources will be purged if they refute his orders~

For hundreds of years, the Five Old Stars have summed up their experience through the lives of countless predecessors.

Unswervingly executing Lord Yinmu's orders is the highest order!

Looking at the busy Marie Joa, Yin Mu's figure disappeared into the darkness.

During this time, Yin Mu has done a lot of things.

He attached great importance to the sudden arrival of Chen Mu and his party.

During the investigation, Yin Mu discovered that Chen Mu and his team were extremely powerful and had the ability to conduct reconnaissance on the planet and fly around the world.

That was an ability that Yin Mu was extremely afraid of.

Devil Fruit users with this ability do not scare him.

But it is a mysterious force that possesses this technology.

This mysterious force is extremely powerful. The Fuyun Research Institute and Fuyun War Fortress he deployed in the sky were almost discovered by Chen Mu, who was investigating clues in the sky.

This made Yin Mu break into a cold sweat!

Those things are all behind Yin Mu’s rule of the world!

But these things are now at risk of being discovered.

Once these backhands are grasped by the enemy, Yinmu loses his trump card.

Yin Mu also thought about finding their home base and giving them a harsh judgment of the sun, but the enemy was very cunning and Yin Mu could not find their base.

If you attack their spaceship, if you fail to annihilate them all, your trump card will definitely be discovered.

After the TV appeared, the memory in Yin Mu's mind was revived, and he discovered the other party's intention.

Therefore, Yin Mu decided to use means to paralyze the mysterious forces, and then after finding everyone on the other side, use the ultimate weapon to destroy them, and then continue to bring the world back to safety.

This is why Yoon Mu forced the promotion of TV sets regardless of the reaction of the five old stars.

A long time ago, etched in the text of history, the civilization that once disappeared possessed unparalleled technology.

At that time, people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and their families were prosperous and healthy.

But what they don't know is that danger has come with the advancement of civilization and technology.

The powerful demons have already been watching the lucky few who escaped to this planet.

Demons watch as human civilization grows strong and prosperous, then lures their souls to destruction.

What those scary guys love to do!

That was a hopeless future and the most terrifying secret in Yin Mu's heart.

This is also the main reason why he would rather keep mankind in this world ignorant than become wise.

The TV that appeared gave Yin Mu a glimpse of the mysterious forces, and also allowed him to find a way to deal with them.

The task of reverse research and development of the television was quickly passed down to Bega Punk who was studying Seraph on Egg Jian Island.

"Television? Isn't this a technology from the ruins of a huge kingdom? Forget it... they want this, I'll produce it for them!" Vega Punk put aside the tasks they assigned him and continued to study Chi.


Then, he delayed for a month before Bega Punk threw the TV set to Zhan Momomaru.

Zhan Momomaru quickly handed over the results of Bega Punk's "research" to the Holy Land Marie Joa.

A TV that costs only 1,500 beli and can record multiple channels is placed on Wulaoxing's conference table.

Looking at the played image, Don Quixote frowned: "As expected of Vega Punk, who is five hundred years ahead of the world!"

"To raise materials to produce television sets, we also want nobles from the participating countries to come and participate in this business. Well... we also need to find rich TV hosts to produce programs to promote the navy's Zheng Zhengyi!"

The plan to sell televisions spread quickly.

The supporting programs are also produced with reference to New World.

Television is a new gadget. Some areas in the pirate world are primitive and backward and are still fighting with cold weapons, while some worlds can already skillfully use high-energy weapons to fight.

Alabasta has already reached the technological level of the late 18th century, and some of the technologies in the Capital of the Seven Waters and the Chambord Islands are stronger than those in the main world of the 21st World.

Under such an environment, TV sales naturally experienced imbalances.

However, Tianlong people were more generous this time and directly used the method of exempting Tianlong gold to promote the TV to all franchised countries, and formulated a series of program plans and promotion plans.

The navy, which originally focused on dealing with pirates, suddenly received orders from the Celestial Dragons to publicly deal with some nobles who had committed many evil deeds.

In order to carry out Lord Yin Mu's order, Wulaoxing even asked the CP department to secretly kill the evil-doing Tianlong people~

In short, the people in the One Piece World Government suddenly found that their lives had improved a lot.

After television became popular, the navy frequently executed evildoers, including pirates.

The quality of life of ordinary people has been greatly improved, and their confidence in the Tianlong people and the navy has also been greatly improved.

The Celestial Dragons and nobles who hang above their heads and have done many evil things have become more honest as a result.

This phenomenon may be shocking, but it actually happens!

The pirate world and the Tianlong people are also in a special state of hostility, just like the two poles fighting for hegemony in the past!

Because neither side could do anything to the other, both sides began to export their values.

The Tianlong people suddenly realized that they started to change from top to bottom in order to eliminate the pirate forces and the growing G-life army.

For example, the comparison of quality of life and the improvement of quality of life have all undergone dramatic improvements in the collision.

What makes people's lives better is not their own people, but their enemies!

This is something that actually happened in human history during a special period.

This chapter has been completed!
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