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Chapter 552 The Celestial Race Is Evolving

Unification faction, outside the secret base.

Hundreds of war machines lined up in formation and rushed into the base steadily and gradually.

After arriving here in a spaceship, Chen Mu asked Isaac to communicate with them and use technical means to locate the Unification Faction.

After frequent exchanges between Isaac and Ellie, they officially confirmed the location of the enemy's base camp.

The interior of a human colonized planet.

Only then did the current intense scene occur.

Attack the Unionist base, destroy all enemies and divine seals, and save Ellie!

After landing from the warship with the flag of the federal government, the war robots began to attack the base, and the zombies and various deformed monsters in the base poured out crazily.

In the narrow terrain, these monsters have extremely strong fighting power. Coupled with the spiritual interference emitted by the divine seal, the human army will die as many as they come. But it is completely useless against these steel bodies without a heart.

As long as the war machines have sufficient firepower, these necromorphs will not be able to inflict heavy casualties on them.

In the distance, Isaac, who was watching the fierce battle through remote monitoring, had a worried look on his face.

"Is something going to happen to Ellie?"

"Isaac, this underground base is full of Unification believers. And there is no foolproof action. As long as we attack the base fast enough, Ellie will have a glimmer of hope of survival."

Hearing this, Isaac lowered his head, feeling very guilty.

He knew that Chen Mu's approach was cruel and ruthless, but it was very beneficial to his own safety.

If the Unificationists want to capture him as a pawn, they must keep him alive. If he passes by, it is really possible to rescue Ellie.

Of course, there is also a high probability that it will become the nourishment of the divine seal.

It’s just a pain for Ellie!

"Destiny and justice will be on Ellie's side." He thought so and suddenly felt the ground shaking.

Isaac was shocked when he saw a huge zombie emerging from the ground in front of him~

OMG, is that a Super Titan?


A huge creature emerged from the ground, causing the earth to tear apart and countless dust splashing up. An octopus-like monster that was more than a thousand meters long emerged from the ground.

Its body is covered with twisted limbs, and the limbs are covered with sharp spikes. People with trypophobia will lose the will to escape just looking at it. It can easily swallow a building with its huge mouth open, and densely packed sharp teeth emerge from its mouth.



With a loud roar, the monster's whole body quickly emitted a scarlet light, and it gained a few evil and ferocious auras out of thin air. At the same time, it was also wrapped in a strange spiritual force field.

Isaac just stared in fear as endless nightmare-like scenes rushed into his mind. His soul and body felt like they were about to explode.

Fortunately, Chen Mu next to him rescued him from the great terror!

"Wake up!" A calming charm was attached to the other person's body: "Don't look around, that guy is very dangerous."

Isaac glanced at Chen Mu gratefully, and then said in horror: "Then why is that guy so big?"

Such a huge monster would have to devour millions of humans to assemble such a huge body.

But before they came here, they investigated this human colony and found nothing unusual?

Chen Mu said coldly: "Obviously, the senior leaders of the colony and some guys have reached cooperation with the unification faction."

When Isaac screamed that it was impossible, Chen Mu had already rushed forward.

"Hey, are you crazy?"

Chen Mu is not crazy. Although the deformed monster is powerful, it only gives Chen Mu a strong sense of threat...

Nowadays, the larval clone of the Celestial Clan is in urgent need of nutrients, and this powerful fusion body is the most needed nutrient for the clone.

However, before you can devour him, you need to make the opponent lose the ability to resist.


Shortly after this zombie, which was more than a thousand meters high, rushed out of the ground, it roared repeatedly to the sky.

But it was the divine seal embedded in Fusion's body that sensed the danger of the Enterprise in the sky and wanted to unleash its ultimate move.

Bursts of crimson light centered on the divine seal and were released in all directions.

There are just a few small towns of humans within a radius of twenty kilometers.

After they were covered by these lights, they immediately fell into frenzy.

Drivers who were driving vehicles were involved in tragic car accidents one after another, and countless lives were lost.

Then, the bodies of these dead pilots began to deform, and two arms with sharp bone spurs sprouted from their back ridges. Then the corpse controlled by the divine seal immediately started killing the humans who came to rescue them...

Someone in Meadow Werner's group who had just escaped from the underground base was also attacked, and their bodies were severely deformed.

Fortunately, Meadow Werner used his Tutu gun to knock the opponent out.

Seeing the large zombie on the ground rising out of thin air with the help of the anti-gravity buoyancy of the divine seal, Meadow Werner let out a crazy laugh.

"Haha... Hahahaha... God comes to the world, and the unstoppable trend of human gathering is unstoppable! When I save the place where the gods live, mankind will complete the great gathering... What kind of machine is that?"

Just now, Meadow Werner, who was laughing wildly, saw more than ten tiny humans flying in the sky.

Those humans whom Meadow Werner believed were overestimating their capabilities unleashed greater power than they knew possible.

I saw more than a dozen humans using their weapons, slashing like high-energy beams, slicing off sections of the body of the divine envoy.

This scene left Meadow Werner stunned.

Because a long time ago, the layer of red light around the envoy could not only release the sacred cohesion field, but also protect against attacks from various weapons.

Artillery shells and high-energy weapons are completely unable to break through defenses.

But those rays of light just now were like air, and they couldn't stop the high-energy beam's attack at all!

The body was hit by frequent slashes, and the angel let out a miserable scream.

Then, a five-meter-tall humanoid creature suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye it rushed towards the core of the divine envoy, where the divine seal was hidden.

The larvae of the Celestial God protruded with their faces close to the divine seal, and their bodies suddenly turned into a strange liquid shape, quickly covering the separated divine seal.

When the divine seal was covered by the larvae of the Celestial Tribe in liquid form, the vision between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared.

The large corpse that had maintained extremely high intelligence just now suddenly twisted into a ball without the red light.

When this monster is hit by various attacks, it will only respond instinctively, as if it has turned into a piece of rotten flesh.

Meadow Werner and a group of unification fanatics were stunned on the spot, unable to believe what was happening before their eyes.

"This...this isn't true! This isn't true."

"Then what do you think is true?" A sarcastic voice sounded from behind Meadow Werner.

But it was Isaac and the members of the Dongfeng Brigade who discovered them escaping and came to control them.

Seeing Isaac, Meadow Werner said angrily: "It's you, damn it... It's you who revealed the traces of God, I want..."


The stun gun directly hits the opponent's neck, turning him into a trembling cock.

Other Unificationists who wanted to resist were also controlled one after another.

After Isaac saw that everything was safe, he ran to Meadow Werner. He lifted her shoulders: "Where is Ellie? Tell me, where is Ellie?"

"Hahahaha...Ellie, she has been gloriously reunited!"

Upon hearing this, Isaac immediately collapsed on the ground: "Fuck, you damn executioners."

He wanted to attack the opponent, but was blocked by the high school team: "He is still useful."

Isaac sat on the ground dejectedly, feeling sad and sad.

Ellie's death made him feel very uncomfortable!

Chen Mu has no time to care about the other party. They just want to interrogate Meadow Werner and others and squeeze out all their value.

What greeted them was cruel punishment.

Meadow Werner and a group of his colleagues must at least provide all information about the Unificationists on this planet.

The trial of Meadow Werner also quickly achieved results.

In order to buy time, Chen Muchi conducted a cruel soul-searching method on him.

The effect of soul searching is outstanding, although the soul searching method will cause serious damage to the soul of the target character after being used.

It is easy to become a vegetative state, and the final destination is to lose your soul.

For those who were soul-searched, even their memories of peeping at other people's baths when they were children were read out.

They did not need to tell Chen Mu, as all the information they knew about the Unification Sect had been recorded in books.

Through the information from these people, Chen Mu discovered many outrageous truths.

Compared to the Earth, Moon and Mars, the unification faction infiltration on the colonial planet is more serious.

The deaths of millions of people were all caused by abnormal deaths caused by the sacrifices made by these people over time.

Their actions made it necessary for Chen Mu to carry out a bloody cleansing of the planet to ensure that those bold and fanatical believers were swept away.

Someone has to pay the price with their life.

In addition to the great cleansing, they are also re-planning the planet.

Chen Mu wants to ensure that reliable humans control this planet and prevent the divine seal from affecting it.

It only took Chen Mu and his team three days to attack the planet, to deal with the Unification Faction, the Divine Seal, and the high-level officials of the human colony.

Later, they used the intelligence extracted from Meadow Werner's soul to carry out a devastating blow to other Unionist rats that had infiltrated the colonial star.

Although the followers of the Unification Sect are very powerful, the regular army that has re-armed itself is very powerful.

The human federation, which had occupied the great righteousness, fought a crushing war against the unification faction.

In just a few months, the remaining twenty-six colonial stars were purged of the Unificationists.

The unification party that took root in human colonization once again caused casualties to humans, and millions of people died due to their rebellion.

These guys actually built three divine seals in dozens of colonial stars and secretly planned to build more than 200 unification faction gathering points.

The divine seal is so dangerous that humans actually worship it openly.

It really lives up to that saying - do it or die!

During this period, Chen Mu and his team launched various forms of attacks on the thing in order to test the strength of the divine seal.

Although after a lot of torture, the divine seal was successfully destroyed. But these divine seals that were reduced to pieces still have magical properties.

In addition to forming a spiritual and genetic interference stance that attracts intelligent creatures, they also have the ability to absorb energy in the void and repair themselves. It depends on the time.

In other words, if a divine seal is given enough time, it can be split into countless divine seals and then scattered around the world.

Fortunately, Chen Mu had a clone of the Celestial Clan larvae. This clone could swallow the divine seal unreasonably and became the biggest contributor to the cleansing of the divine seal.

When encountering fragments of the divine seal, they will be swallowed by the Celestial Clan's clones.

When encountering a divine seal, it has become a standard procedure to first destroy the opponent's counterattack, and then let the larval clones of the Celestial Clan feast on it.

The larval clone of the Celestial Clan of the Tianke Divine Seal grew to a height of 16 meters in just half a year, becoming a giant.

If it can continue to be swallowed, the clone will definitely transform into a behemoth with a body length of several thousand kilometers!

It is a pity that the number of divine seals distributed in the human world is ultimately limited.

After obtaining all the divine seals on the human planet and forcibly controlling the followers of the Unification Sect, the danger to humanity was declared to be temporarily lifted.

Subsequently, the Human Federation increased its efforts to produce some defensive equipment.

Specially designed anti-mental interference devices were dropped one by one into the human colony stars.

They are special defense means against divine seal attacks, allowing humans to stay sane when facing divine seals.

A batch of devices were also deployed around the centralized and controlled shallow believers of the Unification Sect. These shallow believers were not deeply affected by the divine seal and would not go crazy or commit suicide.

As long as they are dealt with patiently, purify their polluted hearts, and eliminate underlying mental illnesses, these humans will regain their sanity and regain their lives.

These trivial activities continued for half a year before the more than thirty planets under the Human Federation gradually stabilized.

After relieving mankind's worries and teaching the human federation how to deal with the necromorphs, Chen Mu took Isaac, who had almost recovered, to the frozen planet - Taferantis.

In the boundless void, the huge Enterprise suddenly revealed its traces.

After more than ten days of sailing, they successfully arrived in Taphrantis.

"It's here, it's here! I can feel a calling here." Isaac said to Chen Mu excitedly.

"It's really amazing!" Ju Chengyan exclaimed.

In half a month, they sailed a distance of more than eighty light years.

If they were asked to search for the divine seal, it might take years. But Isaac relied on the call in his heart and intuitively found the sealed divine seal on Taferantis.

Tavrantis is more than a hundred light years away from the human moon. It can interfere with Isaac's spirit hundreds of light years away. The divine seal on this planet must be extremely powerful.

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"Send out reconnaissance equipment to conduct a detailed scan of the planet."

"Looking for the research base left by humans. Looking for the freezing device and blood moon on this planet!"


"The three-dimensional terrain modeling of the planet's atmosphere is completed."

"A small amount of magnetic field fluctuations were found, confirmed to be signal fluctuations released by the divine seal!"

"A deep scan is in progress. This scan will take 1 hour."

"A super-large freezing device suspected to be made by aliens was found. Scanning is in progress..."

"Human scientific research buildings were discovered. The scientific research base is being scanned..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mu immediately gestured to enlarge the internal structure diagram of the human scientific research base.

Then, they were attracted by a frozen monster!

It was a behemoth with a diameter of 20 kilometers and a body length of at least 80 kilometers, made of flesh and blood and deformed sharp teeth.

At this moment, the monster was covered in ice and seemed to be in a dormant state.

But when Chen Mu mentally scanned the monster, he sensed its strong emotional fluctuations.

"Let's become one!!!"

Chen Mu laughed excitedly.

His baby clone of the Celestial Clan seems to be growing up again.

"It's the last deformed monster after the divine seals were combined - Blood Moon."

"This guy can actually release mental interference when it's frozen. It may also have some backhand ability."

"No matter what it is, it can't escape the fate of becoming the nourishment of the clone. Get ready to land. I want to get to know this thing well!"

This chapter has been completed!
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