Chapter 551 The Holy Gathering and the Great Choice

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While talking, Chen Mu pretended to be unintentional and asked: "By the way, how do the people from the Unification Sect know that you know where the frozen planet is?"

Isaac scratched his head and thought of Ellie and a few friends.

"I...I don't know either."

"Did Ellie say that?"

Isaac lowered his head, then nodded.

The frozen planet Taphrantis is located far away from the range of human activities. It is also a frozen ocean planet, so humans will not pay much attention to it.

But the Unification Party knew that Isaac knew the location of Tavrantis, which was naturally the result of Isaac's ex-girlfriend Ellie.

"Ellie betrayed you, are you going to risk your life and go there?"

"I... a long time ago, I established some subtle connections with the divine seal. The divine seal gave me a coordinate, which is the coordinates of the frozen planet Taphrantis. The divine seal asked me to destroy the freezing device there.

Release the divine seal!" Having said this, Isaac glanced at Chen Mu: "In this period of time, I confirm your attitude towards the divine seal. Those things must be destroyed!"

"Yes, it will be destroyed! Isaac, I thank you on behalf of the Human Federation. Find the frozen planet Taferantis and destroy it."

During this period of time, the biggest headache for the Chunfeng Brigade was how to find the planet Tavrantis and the black divine seal.

The Unification Faction infiltrated the top management of the Human Federation and deliberately erased and modified the events of the Divine Seal, which was successful.

These erasure messages well conceal the dangers of the divine seal.

The divine seal in the zombie craze that broke out in Xinhang City some time ago was something excavated from the place where the human federation buried the divine seal.

A few days ago, they sent an army to the place where the Human Federation buried the divine seal, and then found a place to be alone.

This is why they approached Isaac.

Isaac not only has the mental consciousness to resist interference, but he can also maintain his sanity when being affected by the divine seal.

Isaac, who has close contact with the divine seal, is the tool to find the existence of the divine seal.

After several months of contact, Isaac finally opened his heart, reported back to Chen Mu, and agreed to provide the location of Tavrantis.

Hearing that Chen Mu agreed to his request and thanked him on behalf of mankind, Isaac looked embarrassed: "Thank you for your compliment. I... I just want to save Ellie."

"You're welcome, we were originally going to Taphrantis to destroy the divine seal. It is also our responsibility to save the human beings kidnapped by the Unification Faction."

"I would like to thank you on behalf of Ellie." Isaac nodded: "By the way, the unification faction has given me plenty of time. We need to prepare the interstellar liaison device, and the unification faction must see me in person.

Let him go."

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Leave it to us to save Ellie!"

"I want to be a part of saving Ellie!"

"Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"I'm scared, but I don't want Ellie to be implicated. If I hadn't mentioned the divine seal many times, Ellie wouldn't have been implicated."

If Ellie didn't know Tavrantis, maybe he was already a corpse.

Chen Mu thought in his mind that he wanted to say something to comfort the other person. When he thought that this guy was not crazy because of the spiritual interference of the divine seal, he stopped irritating the other person.

"Okay, prepare your things, and we'll go rescue people right away. Then we'll head to Taphrantis!"

"I have nothing to prepare here!"

"No, you do!" Chen Mu said to him with a smile: "Young man, do you know that the super soldiers of the Human Federation are very strong?"

Isaac shook his head!

The media is very busy these days.

From time to time, they broadcast the actions of the human federal army, and the cameras repeatedly recorded battle videos of some fast-moving, super-combat warriors.

The performance of these fighters has aroused heated discussion. It is believed that they are transformed fighters enhanced by drugs.

It’s just that the Human Federation has never given any explanation for this.

Seeing Isaac shaking his head, Chen Mu patted the other party on the shoulder: "When you are ready, we will strengthen you to a certain extent! Don't worry, it is just a strengthening of body functions. It will be over soon."

"What kind of enhancement is it? Can I refuse?" Isaac asked anxiously.

Chen Mu just showed the other party a video of a super soldier who was injected with serum and strengthened into a superman.

"This is the super soldier serum, which after injection can greatly enhance the body's muscle and bone strength, and can greatly extend human life. This medicine has no side effects."

Chen Mu thought for a moment and then added: "There are still some shortcomings. Because the serum extract production process is complicated and the production cost is very expensive. However, it is extremely effective."

Chen Mu continued to smile and said: "This is a trump card for you to go to Tavrantis to protect yourself, and it is also a reward."

Looking at the soldiers who transformed into Superboy in the video, Isaac immediately put aside his anxiety.

"Thank you, I want to inject the super soldier serum."

Chen Mu's face showed bright Xia Rong: "If you make the right decision, you will not be disappointed with the effect of the serum."

Three hours later, Isaac climbed out of the nutrition bin, having grown 3 centimeters taller, stronger, and looking much younger.

"How does it feel?"

"Better than ever! I am more confident in saving Ellie." Isaac clenched his fists, feeling like he could kill a cow with one punch.

Chen Mu nodded: "Wash up and simply adapt to the enhanced body before going to look for Ellie."

Isaac was getting dressed while adapting to his own changes.

A few hours later, he and Chen Mu arrived at a space port.

Looking at the strange-looking spaceship docked in front of him, Isaac had a look of confusion on his face.

He has never seen this kind of spaceship in the news!

"This is a new cruiser produced by the Federation. It has certain offensive and defensive capabilities and is much faster than the existing human Federation spacecraft!" Chen Mu said to the other party with a smile.

Only then did Isaac understand.

It turns out to be the newest battleship of the Human Federation!

This kind of warship has a very high level of confidentiality and most people don't know about it.

"I don't know if I can deal with space pirates!"

Isaac asked straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Chen Mu laughed: "Don't worry, it can deal with any pirate."

When landing on the spacecraft, Isaac carefully looked at the spacecraft in front of him.

The top of the spacecraft is oblate, and there are two hyperlight thrusters below.

If some Star Wars fans see it, they will definitely scream in surprise.

It is clearly a small Federation starship Enterprise.

This battleship appeared in the eighth "Star Trek" movie "Star Trek: First Contact". The ship class is Lord-class, which is lower than Sovereign-class.

This ship is equipped with a new fire control system and does not need to carry additional close-air defense phaser guns. It has a total length of 485 meters, a weight of 1,375,000 tons, and a crew of 875 people.

The ship is equipped with a phaser array. The ship's phaser draws energy directly from the warp core and fusion energy. It has 9 built-in torpedo launching systems with a total of 360 torpedoes.

The torpedoes of space warships are different from the torpedoes of warships in sea water. The fish used in space include quantum, photon, and antimatter torpedoes. Although torpedoes have the disadvantage of being slow, their explosion range is very large, and the range is measured in units of one hundred thousand miles.


In addition to these, the warship is also equipped with several super particle cannons and phase decomposition cannon systems.

As for the defense system, in addition to the energy shield system and deflector position shield, a mental anti-interference device and a void shield device are also temporarily installed.

This warship was rented by Chen Mu at a large cost and then refitted.

Logically speaking, warships that can travel in various worlds and can conduct interstellar navigation must be mastered by themselves as much as possible.

However, Chen Mu's current space navigation technology is a bit embarrassing, because he has absorbed too much knowledge. Although he has mastered the technical principles, in many cases, his promotion is extremely lagging behind. Leasing other people's spacecraft to perform missions has become a good choice.

Always consider cost-effectiveness in everything you do!

If you are aboard a warship of the Human Federation, if it is stolen, you can only rely on the operation of the warship soldiers and the artificial intelligence defense system.

When traveling on a Star Trek battleship, at least you don’t have to worry about being suddenly attacked after docking.

The warships in the Dead Space world have a big shortcoming, that is, they do not have many energy defense covers.

When the spacecraft is traveling at high speed, it must either avoid mechanically or resist forcefully.

This is very unreasonable.

However, the development of civilization will always produce a certain degree of partiality. The stagnation physics, anti-gravity technology and planetary disintegration technology of this world are simply invincible.

If you take into account the possible interference of the divine seal, it is understandable that some key human technologies are not yet mature.

In non-combat conditions, the rental fee for this kind of interstellar battleship is as high as 500,000 points per day.

The points that need to be spent every day in combat status reach 50 million points.

Using star battleships as transportation means that the Dongfeng Brigade, which currently doesn't have many faster-than-light travels, can do it.

Walking into the starship and looking at the almost empty battleship, Isaac was surprised by the technology of the Human Federation. He exclaimed: "It looks really advanced!"

"Well, it's more advanced than the federal warships! Come on, I'll take you to your residence. Your movement will be restricted to a certain area for a while in the future."

Isaac nodded, accepting their regulatory behavior. It was already great to be able to board such an advanced warship. Don't think about freedom and the like here.

Star Trek ships do not have the ability to reach their destination at any time.

It took more than 20 days to sail from New Moon Base to Tavrantis.

This breaks Chen Mu's lie about Feilong's protruding face.

Even so, this sailing speed exceeded Isaac's expectation.

Because according to his calculations, it would take at least 60 days for the armor to reach Tavrantis.

The Unificationists also knew that the journey was long, so they gave him a full 90 days to reach the designated location.

Unexpectedly, the voyage was three times faster than he expected.

In this way, their schedule will be more abundant.

After confirming his arrival near Tavrantis, Isaac came up with a plan - that is, he took out the communication equipment and made a sheep suit while sailing, and contacted the Unificationists many times to confirm the enemy's location.

This plan was quickly adopted.

Distant star field.

In a certain base of the Unionists.

Meadow Werner listened to the latest news requested from him and said in surprise: "Issac asking for communication again?"

"Yes, Isaac chatted with Ellie again to confirm if she is safe. The Chosen Son cares about Ellie very much~"

"Oh, the dignified son of God's Chosen actually gave up the sacred gathering for a woman! What a blasphemy..."

Meadow Werner was furious.

The divine seal is an important tool for them to communicate with the gods.

But people’s bodies and minds are different.

Of all the people, only Isaac could have a connection with God.

But what is irritating is that the other party is not grateful at all for God's gift, but instead destroys the sacred gathering again and again.

After the Titan incident broke out, they followed God's instructions and quietly arranged a sacred gathering ceremony in the human world.

Although there have been some twists and turns during this period, they believe that gods will eventually come to this world.

They will also ascend to heaven and enjoy eternal life and beauty!

Through the divine seal, they discovered that Isaac was suspected of mastering the place where the gods lived and how to let the gods enter here.

Unfortunately, the important information is extremely incomplete.

They consumed the lives of tens of thousands of believers and verified countless times before they got the news about Mo Lake - the frozen planet of God's Chosen Land and God's Chosen Son - Isaac!

Over the years, they have relied on the incomplete information about God's Chosen to search for the place of God's Chosen, but unfortunately they have found nothing.

By chance, they caught Isaac's ex-girlfriend Ellie.

Meadow Werner hatched a plan with a very high success rate.

"Since women are his weakness, then we can use that woman to make a big fuss!"

Not to mention, they made a breakthrough by contacting Isaac through Ellie, and the other party really took the bait.

"Let the woman continue to communicate with him for a while to appease his heart."


After Meadow Werner finished instructing this matter, he continued to inspect the place where the divine seal was made.

God told him that as long as he made more divine seals, he could ascend to heaven earlier.

The divine seal was told by God how to make it, and this knowledge was acquired a long time ago.

It was an accidental time. The exploration spacecraft he and his crew were on had an accident during the Gliese 581 expedition.

The accident killed all 12 crew members, but he was the only one who survived.

Then, some memories and knowledge appeared in his mind out of thin air, and he found that he could receive God's will intermittently!

After accepting the knowledge imparted by God, Meadow Werner became a big figure on Planet 12 in the human world in more than ten years.

The dozens of interstellar cargo ships he controls are even more important companies that are indispensable to the human world...

Just as Meadow Werner was recalling the past, he suddenly felt an earthquake.

He found that his favorite beautiful assistant also ran over in a panic.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Meadow, the federal army...the federal army is attacking!"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Meadow Werner's expression changed drastically: "Quickly, transfer the divine seal. Let the soldiers stop the opponent."

The beautiful assistant went to arrange the task in a panic, while Meadow Werner looked at the half-finished divine seal anxiously.

"Damn bastards, they are so careful, yet they still find this place!"

It seemed that he was destined to perish. Before 2 minutes had passed, his assistant came over again to inform Meadow Werner.

"Mr. Meadow, we can't hold on any longer, our defensive strength is dying quickly..."

Meadow Werner looked into the distance with a ferocious expression. He had already heard the screams of many humans: "Take Ellie and evacuate. Also, activate the divine seal and release the sacred assembly ceremony!"

"Mr. Meadow, we have thousands of researchers here."

"Release the aggregation, do you dare to reject the sacred aggregation?"

"I...I don't dare!"

"No, you dare! Your performance at the moment is blasphemous to God's gift. I declare that you will accept the Holy Gathering today."

Upon hearing the sacred gathering, the beautiful assistant's legs suddenly became weak and she collapsed to the ground.

A pool of stains stained the white floor.


"Bang!" Meadow Werner killed the opponent with one shot. He watched the opponent's body begin to twist and turn into a ferocious monster in a few seconds. He silently stepped back.

"Go ahead and kill all the intruders."

The necromorph evolved from the beautiful assistant turned into a six-legged creature and crawled towards the entrance...

This chapter has been completed!
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