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Chapter 274: This sword will be popular through the ages

 "Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, the hot-tempered Wang Hu and Bai Qi couldn't sit still. They could feel that Zhang Feng was almost at his limit at this time. This sword...if not done well, Zhang Feng would be seriously injured or even killed.


They were about to get up and jump off the wooden bird immediately.

But the next moment.

"Don't move!" Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

Wang Hu's eyes were as scarlet as blood, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But..."

Lin Fan stared at the Daxia Sword God under the giant sword, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "His aura... is rising! This madman is having an epiphany!"

Lin Fan could feel it clearly.

Facing the angel sword falling from the sky.

Facing the fiery dragon-like fire of judgment.

The Daxia Sword God, who was in a state of embarrassment and should have been exhausted, suddenly started to have a strange aura that surged!

All the sword energy that was released was absorbed into the body without leaking a single point. It was much less powerful than before, but the Great Xia Sword began to tremble and emit a fierce light!

This lunatic who loved swords as much as his life actually began to realize the art of swordsmanship at this moment!

Zhang Feng raised his head and looked at the angelic sword that was carrying divine power and was like a pillar of fire rushing from the sky.

In this flash of lightning, time seemed to have stopped.

"This sword has no sword intention."

"Only power."

"But it's not a power I can match."

"My swordsmanship is not strong enough."

"But, I can't lose..."

How could he lose!

How can you kneel down!

If he loses, it means humanity loses.

He knelt down, so why did he practice his sword skills?

A swordsman should always move forward!


"Even if you master the sword as a weapon, can you still not match the power of the gods?"

Looking at the angel sword carrying divine power, Zhang Feng was swallowed up by a sense of insignificance.

But, right now.

Suddenly some random things came to mind in his mind.

Those poems he had read.


The "Collected Poems of Li Taibai" that was thrown out of my arms before was quickly turned over by the hot air.

Every article is an eternal romance.

Every page is filled with the elegance of the Tang Dynasty.

"Hey, it's so dangerous..."

"I don't see you, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea never to return..."

"Flying down three thousand feet, it seems that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky."

"A farewell speech to the White Emperor among the colorful clouds, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are returned in one day."

That era was brilliant and brilliant.

There are swordsmen who dance with their swords like splashing ink, there are towering Shu Mountains that suppress the mountains and rivers, and there are poets who move the stars with their voices.

Thousands of years of romance are all in poetry.

At this time, those poems and essays were filled with sword light!

That was the eternal style of that era, that was the dazzling elegance of that era, that was the sword of that era!

"Hey, it's so dangerous."

Faced with the angel's sword, Zhang Feng, the Great Xia Sword God, began to recite poetry inexplicably.

The suppressed sword energy suddenly released, circling around his body like a majestic mountain and river!


No, not just Shushan.

After the Shu Mountain, there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Among the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, there is a city with dazzling gold and rippling colorful clouds.

That was an era.

In that era, there were people who used the more troops the better, and they were so powerful that they never lost a single thing, and they were fascinated by it.

Some people's poems and poems are like a bow of hundreds of stones, a crossbow of a thousand catties, or a full moon hanging above the heads of the people, which makes the younger generations have the idea of ​​only kowtow but not speaking. It is really magnificent.

Some people talk about it as if they are possessed by gods, and the chess pieces are tapped lightly under their wrists, but they are like fierce generals under their command, fighting with extraordinary vigor.

In that era, the stars were brilliant, there were all kinds of fables, eminent monks preached, and real people preached. Why should the world be envious of heaven?

There is one stone in the world for romance. In that era, eight fights were exclusive, and a poet, wine, swordsman, and eight points were all alone.

That era was called the Tang Dynasty!

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, Shushan Mountain is majestic.

There are countless literati and countless romantic figures throughout the ages.


The heaven and earth in the east suddenly shook, as if someone was laughing loudly.

"I didn't expect that after thousands of years, there would still be successors! So happy!"

"Boy, Li is sleeping now. I can't help you at will, but it's okay to drink with you. Boy, do you dare to drink with Li!"

A pot of turbid wine is like a stream of light, rushing from the east.

"Why don't you dare? Thank you, senior, for the wine!"

The sharp sword came down on his head, but Zhang Feng took the pot of turbid wine and raised his head to drink!

The aroma of wine overflows.

In the aroma of wine that has spanned thousands of years, the sword spirit and poetry can no longer be distinguished.

That eternal romance appears in the sword of Daxia Sword God.

"The way of kendo...there is no place where it is not the way of kendo."

Zhang Feng exhaled and gently raised his sword.

Behind him, the sword energy gathered like the towering Shu Mountain, like the Tang Dynasty through the ages.

"Goddess, how dare you take a sword from me as a human being, how dare you take a sword from me as a Daxia!"

Facing the hundred-meter sword blade, Zhang Feng raised the three-foot green blade and stabbed it with one sword!

This sword seemed extremely small under the sky-reaching pillar of fire.

But above this sword, there is the towering Shu Mountain, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, the splendor of the Tang Dynasty, the sword fairy in white, the literati stepping on the moon, and the roaring generals!

This sword.

Eternal romance.

The splendor of the Tang Dynasty.

The towering Shu Mountain rises into the sky!

Continuous for thousands of miles, the sword's intention is true!

This three-foot green edge is so insignificant under the hundred-meter angel sword.

But that hundred-meter fire pillar under the towering Shu Mountain, under the splendor of the Tang Dynasty, is even more pitiful!

That was an era!

That’s the style of the ages!

That is the meaning of the sword in the poem, and it is also the will of mankind! The love for the world and the protection of home!

"This sword has the charm of the ages and thousands of miles of Shu Mountain."

"Goddess, what are you doing to stop me?"


The romance of the ages comes out with one sword.

Thousands of miles of Shu Mountain are all in the poem, all in the sword!

The swordsman in white clothes drinks wine and sings.

The Shushan sword energy crashed against the angel's sword, and the thousands of miles of Shushan collided with the 100-meter fire pillar. In just an instant, the 100-meter fire pillar shattered inch by inch!

"Impossible!" Dennis tried his best to wave his wings and hold the giant sword tightly.

But this moment.

The bloodline left to him by the archangel that he was so proud of was so small!

The power from human beings is so powerful!

That sword intent, coming across thousands of years, is so unstoppable!

The so-called angelic power, the so-called divine power, are so vulnerable in the face of this power!

Like an ant facing a roaring giant elephant, it has no right to stop it!


"This is the power I got from praying to the archangel and my dear father!"

"This is the power given to me by my bloodline!"

"How could I be given the power of a human's sword..."


The hundred-meter angel sword was completely shattered by the Shushan sword energy.

The sword energy was like the rolling Shu Mountains, like thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, crushing the angel's sword forcefully, and then with the most ferocious attitude, it hit Dennis's body forcefully!


In an instant, the white wings were torn apart and the feathers scattered.

All the glory was shattered in an instant.

As if being crushed by the entire Shu Mountain, Dennis suddenly fell from the air. His whole body seemed to be cut by countless sword blades, with dense gashes all over it!

The rolling Shu Mountains crushed him!

Even a god with the blood of an archangel cannot bear this kind of weight!


Dennis fell hard to the ground, both wings were twisted and the feathers were broken.

"Impossible..." He still wanted to stand up.

A sword was placed in front of him, and his white clothes were fluttering.

"Kneel down." Daxia Sword God said softly.

"Let me kneel down?" Dennis's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and stood up, his broken glory once again accumulated: "You are just a human, an ant-like human, you are worthy of me..."

"I said, let you kneel down!"

The tip of the sword touched Dennis' shoulder.

A sword qi from Shu Mountain was smashed down with the tip of the sword!

In an instant, Dennis's face suddenly turned pale. The continuous Shushan sword energy instantly crushed his glory, and unimaginable power came from his shoulders!

Thousands of miles away from Shushan, suppress the angels!


Dennis knelt on the ground almost uncontrollably. The sword tip on his shoulder seemed tiny, but to him, it felt like a Shu mountain was pressing down on him!

"how come……"

He looked up.

But he saw the Great Xia Sword God standing there, with his sword energy extending horizontally behind him, like a majestic Shu Mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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