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Chapter 875 The gods arrive in the free country!

"Okay." Mu Wanxia put down the walkie-talkie and said to Mike: "We will start taking action in one hour."

"Yeah." Mike nodded, "Paul."

Paul immediately opened the trunk and back seat of the car, only to see that they were densely packed with ammunition!

Boxes and boxes!

Mu Wanxia walked forward quickly and opened a wooden box. Inside were light and heavy rifles and several RPG rounds.

"The numbers have all been erased. But at the moment I can only provide you with firepower, tanks, weapons, etc., but I still can't secretly get them out." Mike on the side said complicatedly.

"Very good, if you hadn't given us these again and again, we wouldn't have even had a chance to settle down and live." Mu Wanxia said, turned around and waved: "What are you waiting for, move to the sewers quickly!"

Just a moment.

"Haha, another weapon has arrived!"

"Long live General Mike!"

"Thanks Mike!"

Each man laughed, as if looking at his wife, lifting boxes of arms with gleaming eyes, and got into the smelly sewer.

It only took five minutes to move everything.

"The gods will be here soon. I have to leave immediately and go over there to direct the battle." Mike waved his hand and turned back to the car: "Paul, let's go!"


Paul stepped on the accelerator, and this inconspicuous private car rushed out of the slums again.

People standing in the alley saluted the private car. Most of them didn't know who was sitting in the car, but they knew that this person was always helping them. That was enough!

Half an hour later.

On the sea of ​​​​the Free State, the already violent waves became more and more violent, like cheering!


From the horizon, huge waves are coming!

Forty figures came riding the waves, holding tridents and wearing sea battle armor!

Bath in glory!

Dazzling blue glory fell from them, shining brightly on the sea water, and countless sea beasts roared excitedly in the glory!

God, officially arrived in the free country!

They glanced at most of the land that turned into the ocean, with satisfaction in their eyes, as if they were admiring their own masterpieces.

Finally, they looked towards the Rocky Mountains standing in the sea.

There were people standing there.

Densely packed.

In front of these huge waves, those humans are like ants. Every time a huge wave hits, one human being is swept into the ocean and beaten into a pulp.

Some humans cling to boulders or tie themselves to tree trunks, as if they can resist the power of the ocean.

"Is this the refuge built by the country called the Free Country that the descendants of gods said?" The middle god who took the lead frowned slightly. Even he couldn't believe this thick mountain. "These humans are actually


Carve through the mountains and use the thick mountains as a refuge!

Human beings actually have such power?

"Haha, it's just smart." The middle god on the side smiled and said: "Even if you have this kind of power, don't you still have no courage to face us, and you can only hide underground like ants and build a nest?"

"Those ants thought that by building a nest and putting some soil in it, they would not be flooded."

"But the truth is, ants are just ants."

"The so-called indestructible nest can only be stepped over with one kick!"

"If they use the power of digging through mountains to become our enemy, maybe we will have to face them, or even be afraid of them. But they only want to hide from us underground... Hahahaha, they think they are very smart

, but, they could have been our opponents, but they turned themselves into ants under our feet."

When the god Zhong said this, he was a little confused: "It's just that I'm confused as to why those people didn't enter the shelter, but stayed on the mountain."

He looked at the people who were unable to enter the shelters and huddled together in the Rocky Mountains.

Somewhat puzzled.

Ants are all very united.

All ants are qualified to enter the nest, because the nest was built by all the ants together.

But...why are some of these humans unable to enter the shelter?

Don't they know that facing the gods, without the protection of the mountain, they will only die?

Or are these humans worse than united ants?

"Whatever, maybe it's a sacrifice prepared for us." The middle god who took the lead smiled: "It's rare that the humans here are so filial, so don't rush to blow up this nest, first throw these things outside the shelter.

Let’s talk after the sacrifices are harvested.”


Forty gods, shining in glory, walked on the huge waves towards the Rocky Mountains surrounded by waves.

Twenty-two lower gods.

Eighteen high gods!

That terrifying pressure was like the arrival of a god.

Looking at the figure walking on the waves, looking at the figure exuding dazzling glory, those who hid under the huge waves in the Rocky Mountains for several days, facing the huge waves that kept rolling down their compatriots, lacked food.

The refugees from the Free Country, who lacked water, were soaked all over by the cold sea water, and whose spirits were already on the verge of collapse, screamed in fear.

"They, they're coming!"

"God, here we come!"

"Please, don't kill us!"

"Let us go!"

These people kowtowed crazily, as if such a benevolent god would let them go.

Some refugees seemed to have gone crazy. They no longer feared the gods and the huge waves, but opened their arms excitedly and shouted piously: "God, you are here!"

"We look forward to your glory day and night!"

"Please grant us glory!"

This is a strange religion that has recently emerged among these refugees.

Desperate people will always believe in some strange things, and some bizarre religions are the last straw for abandoned refugees. They use strange beliefs to suppress fear.

Therefore, during this last period of time, among these refugees who were unable to enter the shelter, some strange religions were spread widely.

the other side.

Wealth Refuge, in the top-floor conference room.

"Haha, look at their frightened eyes," Mr. Carnegie said, admiring the satellite images on the screen, watching the refugees wailing and begging for mercy, smoking a sweet cigar, and laughed: "It's really undignified.


"Who said they couldn't create value for us?" The woman from the Wal-Mart family sipped her red wine and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not worthless, at least they are outside... God was busy killing them at the first time, at least he can help

We're stalling for two hours."

"Yes, we must also seize this opportunity to prevent these refugees from dying in vain and make full use of their final value." The old man sitting at the head nodded slightly: "Pass these images to every factory and residential area in the refuge.

Screen for everyone in the shelter to see."

"This is what happens if you can't enter the shelter!"

"Those citizens who have entered the shelter should feel honored, should feel happy, and should be grateful to us! If it were not for us, they would be the same! Instead of thinking about how to complain or resist us!"

The old man said coldly, the rat man's organization has been developing rapidly recently, and there have been more and more robberies, which made him a little angry.

Don’t those people know that if there were no Jishi Society, they would be like the refugees hiding in the mountains at this time?

I really don’t know how to be grateful!

Must be well educated!

"Well, this method is very good, I will do it right away! Our publicity will focus on this."

Mr. Walter, who controls the media industry in the free country, nodded and stood up immediately.

Those refugees who faced the gods directly on the mountain and collapsed in fear never imagined that even if they died, those who gave up on them would make full use of the value of their deaths.

On the sea.

The mother hugged her child tightly, wailing and begging.

Even men dare not resist in the face of this terrifying power.

It's not that they lack courage, it's that the person who was supposed to lead their resistance abandoned them.

The leading god looked at these ants begging for mercy with an expressionless face, and slowly raised his trident.

"Their faith is not enough."

"Fear is not enough!"

"These ants still need to see our power."


Huge waves are rising!

Waves of four to five hundred meters high rise up around the entire Rocky Mountains, like mountains upon mountains!

It's like the ocean opened its mouth.

"Now, face the glory."

The forty gods said softly.

The trident thrust out with a bang!


Layers of huge waves crashed down, and in just a moment, countless refugees on the Rocky Mountains were swallowed up by the huge waves, and layers of rocks were shattered!

Even if you tie yourself to a tree trunk or hug a boulder, you can't resist this force!



Water dragons hundreds of meters long roared up from the sea and bombarded the mountain. The entire Rocky Mountains shook violently!

This is the power of the ocean!

God's power!

This chapter has been completed!
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