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0296, speed of life and death

 This is Secretary Song.

He walked out of the Star Hotel and drove away quickly.

Li Xiaofei looked at the direction the car was leaving, thoughtfully.

Maybe it was some aftermath work arranged by Lao Tan.

However, it is also very late this time.

Li Xiaofei stepped on the accelerator, and the motorcycle rushed into the lane like a roaring black dragon and disappeared into the vast night.

One hundred meters away.

Hu Yuer appeared on top of a street lamp. ??

She spread her legs and squatted on the street lamp.

Behind him is the phantom of a faint pink foxtail. In his beautiful eyes, notice the faint pink light, like liquid.

"It's a pity that it was Ye Liuying, a lunatic, who advanced to the Golden Body Realm. As a result, I had to be cautious and not expose myself. I didn't dare to fully use the charm technique."

She licked her tongue.

Her beautiful pink eyes were full of greed.

"However, this kind of careful hunting process is really fun. Hehe, Li Xiaofei, your strong body and strong blood must belong to me."

Hu Yuer's body moved and turned into a phantom and disappeared.

The second day.

Li Xiaofei arrived at the municipal government compound early in the morning.

Secretary Song took him in and came to the tarmac.

The specially-made Pretender-type Weaver Bird hunting aircraft is already activated and ready to take off at any time.

This kind of aircraft is designed after the flying star beast Weaver. It can emit the simulated frequency of Weaver, and can also disguise itself as the appearance of Weaver. It is very safe to fly in the wilderness.

Only government officials and important figures are eligible to ride.

On the tarmac, except for the twenty armed escort soldiers, no one else came to see him off.

Li Xiaofei is an exception.

Tan Zhenwei patted Li Xiaofei on the shoulder and said nothing more.

Then he looked at Secretary Zhou and said, "You are still young. Don't be anxious. Keep your mind stable. As long as you survive this extraordinary period, you will have great achievements in the future."

After saying that, he turned around and boarded the aircraft.

The wings buzzed and vibrated.

Weaver Bird
Slowly rising into the sky, like a big bird flapping its wings, flying towards the due east.

"Let's fly around the city for a while."

Tan Zhen Wei Dao.

The pilot then reduced his speed and flew for a week over the Liuhe base city.

Tan Zhenwei looked at the city below, his heart filled with reluctance.

This is the place he has worked hard to run for more than ten years.

It's almost like his second home.

But now, he is forced to leave.

After leaving this time, I don’t know if there will be a chance to come back in the future.

His era in Liuhe Base City ended in such a hasty way.

Tan Zhenwei knows very well how latecomers will treat this city.

But nothing can be done.

People in the arena involuntarily.

But how can the bonds of playing house in the world compare with the bottomless officialdom?

"Let's go."

Tan Zhen Wei Dao.

The Weaver Bird aircraft flapped its wings and soared into the sky, flying higher and higher until it finally turned into a black spot and disappeared into the distant sky.

Li Xiaofei watched the plane disappear and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that Secretary Song's figure had been trembling slightly.

"What's wrong?"

he asked.

Secretary Song smiled bitterly and said, "I can't bear to have my leader leave..."

He took a deep breath and said, "Well, now I am like a hozen that has lost its support. My heart is empty, anxious and confused. I have been the emperor and the courtiers, but I don't know that the new city leader is coming. We old ministers

, what will be the end?"

Li Xiaofei patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, no one knows you. No one in the world knows you... If you have any difficulties, just come to me."

Secretary Song smiled and said, "Classmate Li, you should be more careful. From now on, the base city will no longer be the same base city as before."

Li Xiaofei said confidently, “If you have a righteous heart,


Secretary Song heard this and stayed where he was.

Li Xiaofei walked outside.

Everything else is false.

You have to seize the time, practice, and improve your strength first.

After leaving the government compound, Li Xiaofei rode his bicycle and rushed to Hongqi High School.

Unexpectedly, after walking for a while, I suddenly received a text message from an unknown number.

"Tan Zhenwei, you are in danger."

Six words made Lin Beichen freeze on the spot.

His mind buzzed.

Is Lao Tan in danger?

What kind of danger?

He quickly dialed the unfamiliar number.

However, it shows an empty number.

Li Xiaofei looked at the eastern sky.

He realized that someone might want to attack Tan Zhenwei halfway.

When the Weaver Bird aircraft arrives in the wilderness, there are only twenty people accompanying it to protect it. If it encounters a top warrior, a high-level star beast, or is even hit by an aircraft ambushing in the dark, Lao Tan will be in great danger.

The most important thing is that a hundred miles away to the east of the city, star beasts are gathering in large numbers.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaofei felt anxious.

He didn't care about anything else and drove the locomotive, speeding all the way, and soon arrived under the east city wall.

Liuhe Base City is already under lockdown.

So the east city gate is closed.

Li Xiaofei failed to show his face and leave the city.

He had to call the commander Ding Long'ao's private number and talk to him before he could leave the city.

As for the reason for leaving the city?

The reason given by Li Xiaofei was to go out of the city for a trial.

After leaving the city, we drove all the way.

Throttle to the maximum.

The speed of the modified locomotive can reach 251 kilometers per hour.

But the road conditions in the wilderness are very poor.

There are almost no roads in most places.

Li Xiaofei simply threw the motorcycle aside and jumped towards the east like a super kangaroo.
With the power of his abnormal body, he can cover a distance of a thousand meters with each jump.

Faster than a car.


The Weaver Bird aircraft was hit.

In the dazzling explosion, the fuselage burst into flames.

Amidst the rapid and piercing sirens, the Weaver Bird aircraft rotated violently in the air and fell rapidly.

Finally it fell hard to the ground.

The powerful shock wave uprooted almost all vegetation within a hundred meters.

Thousands of meters away, Kuraki saw this scene, put down the missile launcher on his shoulder, and showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"Look, what a beautiful and charming firework."

He sighed.

Then waved his hand.

The Jie Pengxu A phalanx beside them took off instantly and turned into afterimages, rushing towards the crash site.

"Let's go over and have a look too."

Tan Tianwei's voice came from the side, saying, "I must see Tan Zhenwei's body with my own eyes to make sure he is really dead."


Kuraki Yijidao.

At this time, he was standing on the shoulders of a sixty-meter-tall heavy mecha.

Tan Tianwei stood on the other shoulder.

Under the command of Kuraki Ichiki, the heavy-duty mecha also took steel steps, like a mountain giant walking on the grassland wilderness, following closely behind.

After a while.

The battle phalanx of Jie Peng Zhu Jia, like hunting wolf dogs, has completely surrounded the place where the aircraft crashed.

The Weaver Bird aircraft burned violently, leaving only its wreckage.

You can still vaguely see a few bodies that were burned to charcoal.

"The one named Tan won't be burned, right?"

Kuraki Yijidao.


Tan Tianwei said with certainty, "In front of you, he is just a white-haired government official, but in my eyes, he was once the most dazzling martial arts genius of the Tan family. You must not underestimate him."

Happy weekend everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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