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0795,Lao Liu

 Looking at Li Xiaofei who was in meditation in front of the tree house, my aunt had a plan in mind.

Supported by the branches, she soared into the air again.

Hand seals.

Rays of light from the handprints penetrated the surrounding peach trees.

Those peach trees that were originally quiet suddenly became violent.

Especially the trees on the periphery suddenly turned yellow and withered, as if they suddenly changed from high spring to late autumn, and the yellow leaves withered and were drained of moisture.

At the same time, a large amount of water mist grew, and heavy rain fell in the sky.

The raindrops have magical power.

With a crash, the burning woods quickly extinguished the flames.

The beast, whose body was on fire, screamed and fell down, his flesh and blood melted away.

And the flames on the red giant bird's body also weakened rapidly.

There were countless withered and yellow branches, spreading and growing, tying up the giant red bird and strangling it, as if to strangle it alive and drag it underground to become flesh and blood fertilizer.


The huge body of the red giant exploded.

The terrifying explosion shock wave instantly shattered everything within a radius of three to four hundred meters. The peach trees shattered and disappeared, and deep depressions appeared on the ground.

The sprayed blood splashed on the surrounding peach trees, making a sizzling sound, looking down at the tree trunks.

The pungent smell of blood spreads deep into the woods.

This self-destruction caused at least one-fifth of the peach forest to be destroyed and polluted...

The huge movement moved Luo Ge and Tan Qingying.

A solemn look also appeared on the aunt's face.

Through some clues, she knew that one of the biggest goals of the Mother of All Animals' invasion of Heaven was for the Tushita Palace and the Bagua Furnace.

According to legend, everything can be refined in the Bagua furnace.

Not only can you refine elixirs, you can also forge magical weapons, and you can also refine living beings.

The imperial soldiers of the five great immortal emperors were all trained and blessed in the Bagua furnace.

Now that we know that the Bagua Stove is in Li Xiaofei's words, it is understandable that the gangsters are crazy.

The problem now is that if there are life forms similar to the giant red owl in the swarm, it will be difficult for Pantaoyuan to completely stop its madness.

Thoughts arose in my mind, and in the next moment, my aunt's expression changed.

far away.

Three giant figures over 500 meters tall appeared.

Three deep red giant ducks.

It is taller than the giant turtle that blew itself up before.

The violent aura emanating from it was even more terrifying.

That's a higher level.

There is even a trace of primitive flavor in him.

It is very likely that it is a subprimary body born directly from the eggs of the Mother of All Animals.

Now the trouble is big.

The aunt no longer hesitated at all, and continued to use her hand seals. A series of green seals penetrated into the peach forest, and the peach trees grew rapidly as if they had taken a swelling agent.

In the blink of an eye, the peach tree, which was only a few hundred meters high at first, grew to over a thousand meters tall, like a green giant, exuding a fierce aura.

Those dancing branches spread for thousands of meters, like black and green dragons.

The three super-high-level giants didn't show any hesitation at all. They launched an attack on Taolin as soon as they arrived.

They opened their mouths and spewed out poisonous fire and poisonous water...

And the whole body was burning with flames again, just like the giant red owl before, it launched an attack that would kill them both.

The giant trees in the peach forest meet the attack.

A battle between primitive creatures begins quickly.

Soon, my aunt realized that Pantaolin could not resist for too long.

She felt the increasingly intense aura of the Mother of All Animals on the three-headed primal bodies.

It is getting closer.

"What is this place?"

Another area of ​​the ruins of Heaven.

Song Yu and Lin Yi, with their delicate bodies injured, fled into a white pavilion winding corridor in embarrassment.


A group of low-level flocks, like the tide, are chasing after them crazily.

Death is approaching quickly.

Boo hoo hoo.

Streams of bright red light passed by, directly penetrating the dozens of hawks at the front.

The red light returned to Song Yu's hands.

It was an irregular piece of metal.


Song Yu drank lowly.

The two of them fled desperately.

Fortunately, the winding corridor of the waterside pavilion is narrow, and at most two eagles are allowed to run parallel to each other. And because of the twists and turns of the route, the pursuit speed of the eagle group was finally slowed down...

The two of them almost lost their shoes.

Finally, we came to a towering hall.

They were in a panic and rushed in without any time to think.

The flock of birds pursued them ten meters outside the palace, and suddenly stopped at the bottom of the steps, as if the raging torrent had stopped abruptly. The scene looked extremely strange...

The screen moves slightly upward.

You can see that there is a crooked plaque hanging at the entrance of the hall.

There is a claw mark on the plaque, which is clear and clear, and there are three large gilded characters written on it——

Lingxiao Palace.

Li Xiaofei suddenly opened his eyes.

He stood up suddenly.

Just by taking a glance, you can tell what is happening around you.

The aura of destruction exuded by the three giant birds of the original title can be clearly felt even though they are thousands of meters away from the peach forest.


Violent shaking and shaking occurred.

A drop of blood fell from above.

Li Xiaofei stretched out his hand to catch it.

The blood is bright red.

When looking up.

But he saw at a high place that the aunt held up by the branches was shaking, and drops of blood were dripping down the skirt of her skirt.

Li Xiaofei was shocked and immediately rose into the sky.

But he saw Tan Qingying standing behind her aunt, with one hand on her back and the other on the branch.

Energy flow.

The blood stains and injuries on my aunt's body were quickly eliminated.

"Auntie, are you okay?"

Li Xiaofei asked quickly.

"Thanks Sakura."

The aunt exhaled a long breath, her hands were blooming in front of her chest like lotus flowers, and her green and white jade fingers continued to form seals, turning into afterimages.

Separation of printing method.

It turned into streams of light and continuously penetrated into the peach trees in front.

The blessed peach tree grew rapidly, its branches swelled, and thorns grew. Its well-developed root system was pulled out directly from the ground, jumped out, and fought with its branches, turning it into a tireless and unafraid of death war.


But their blockade could not stop the subprimary giant.

They violently destroy the peach grove, and slowly but continuously invade and get closer.

Li Xiaofei could clearly feel that every time he made a light spot seal, his aunt's breath would drop a little.

She is one with this peach forest.

Every time a giant peach tree is destroyed, the damage will be passed on to my aunt.

Scars inevitably appear.

Miss Tan's role seems to be to transform energy between life and death.

It is precisely by relying on Tan Qingying to continuously transfer her aunt's injuries to the giant tree beneath her that her aunt can continue to recover and support herself until now.

But at this time, the giant tree in the center was already charred and black, showing the air of death.

This can't go on like this.

"Auntie, please take a rest first."

Li Xiaofei took out the golden-patterned dragon spear and jumped into the air, turning into a stream of light and attacking a giant bastard in the distance.

After initially refining Pantao's energy, Li Xiaofei's strength skyrocketed.

He now needs a battle to completely complete the sublimation of his realm.


The spear is like a dragon.

Li Xiaofei used Zhao's spear technique, and thrust out a spear that exceeded a thousand meters distance, and instantly invaded the fire-breathing sub-primary, and stabbed its light golden vertical pupil with a spear.


The juice bursts out. ??

The eyeball of this fire-breathing subprimary was poked out on the spot.

Li Xiaofei succeeded with one shot, and without hesitation, he drew the gun and stabbed again.

call out!

The spear stabbed his throat.


Punctured the subprimary's throat.

Li Xiaofei fired seven shots in a row.

They all struck at the heart of the fire-breathing sub-primarch.

Then quickly escape far away, widening the distance.

The fire-breathing subprimarch stood there, the flame in his mouth extinguished, like a machine that was suddenly powered off.

But the next moment, sparks sputtered in its mouth again.


My aunt's reminder came from the distance.

A ball of terrifying flames of destruction instantly flooded the void where Li Xiaofei was.

Li Xiaofei's figure appeared a hundred meters away.

His face was solemn.

When he looked carefully, he found that all the injuries on the fire-breathing subprimordial body, including the light golden vertical pupils, had all healed.

Li Xiaofei's mind was spinning.

Bang bang bang.

The fire-breathing sub-primary erupted in blood mist everywhere on the mountain.

This was the detonation of the alien energy injected into his body by the marksmanship.

But almost in an instant, the injury healed quickly, without causing any deep damage to the fire-breathing subprimary.

Li Xiaofei took action again.

The fire-breathing subprime stared at him, its four giant claws flashed with patterns, and it grabbed Li Xiaofei, sealing the surrounding space.

Li Xiaofei's figure flashed, and he used his spear to fight hard.

This is a giant beast that surpasses his realm of strength and possesses an absolute killing instinct.

After a few moves, he was at a disadvantage.

The sharp claws and exoskeleton of this giant beast can withstand the thrusts of the golden-patterned Dragon Spear head-on. Along with the fine tinkling sounds, clusters of sparks continue to sputter around its body.

Li Xiaofei's movement speed was at its peak.

The body is as fast as a stream of light, and cannot be caught by the naked eye.

The four claws of the fire-breathing sub-primarch kept flapping in the void.

Although he failed repeatedly, as long as he hit it once, he could kill Li Xiaofei in an instant.

The fight between the two does not look gorgeous, but it is definitely thrilling.

At the same time, the other two primal giants launched a frantic attack on Taolin.

The dark green flood continuously gushes out from the mouth of the fire-breathing giant. The poisonous water contains the god-killing poison. Wherever it passes, it corrodes the peach trees, pollutes the land, and causes the roots of the underground trees to continue to die...

And the subprimary giant that burned itself kept screaming, tearing off its own burning body, and threw it directly into the woods like throwing burning objects, exploding with a bang, constantly igniting the trees.

This is how the original beast fights.

But it is enough to kill gods and destroy Buddhas.

The aunt had to activate the seals and the peach forest continuously to fight with them.

Fortunately, after Li Xiaofei lured away a giant primordial beast, her pressure was relieved a lot.

But he had to keep an eye on Li Xiaofei all the time, for fear that he might be in danger.

Tan Qingying also looked nervous. While assisting her aunt, she also paid close attention to Li Xiaofei.

In a battle of this level, Luo Ge is completely unable to intervene.

She could only stand aside fully armed, ready to sacrifice everything to fight.

The Black Emperor also showed rare nervousness. The black hair all over his body stood on end, and his body expanded unnaturally, becoming tens of meters tall. He stood on the giant

On the tree, he did not rush into the battlefield immediately.

As a high-level life form, the instinct keenly tells the Black Emperor that it is no match for the three-headed giant beast. Once it gets close, it will be torn into pieces in an instant.

It is waiting for the opportunity.

time flies.

The area of ​​the peach grove is constantly decreasing.

My aunt's condition is not very good either.


Li Xiaofei was hit by one of the claws of the fire-breathing sub-primary Goliath.

Blood bursts out.

Blood spilled into the sky.

Half of Li Xiaofei's body was almost turned into pulp.

Seriously injured instantly.

But almost at the same time, the glimmer of light circulated and returned to its uninjured state.

The flat peach energy in his body gave Li Xiaofei the energy basis for instant recovery, and he did not even consume too much of his own energy and blood.

"Come back quickly."

When Tan Qingying saw this, her heart almost jumped out of her throat, and she subconsciously rushed forward.

But he was grabbed by his aunt.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Auntie has already guessed what Li Xiaofei was thinking.

And at this time——


The Black King suddenly roared, turned into a black lightning, and joined the battlefield.

My aunt wanted to stop her, but it was too late.

The next moment, the Black Emperor was already at the side of the giant fire sub-primarch.

This monster used itself as a tinder, ignited the peach forest, and continuously tore its own limbs. At this time, it was already mutilated and severely injured.

But even so, the aura it emits is still tens of thousands of times stronger than that of the Black Emperor.

So when the Black King flew towards him and bit the fire subprimary giant, the latter didn't even bother to make any reaction, and his target was still on the giant peach trees rushing around.

But it was such a carelessness that cost it.

Just when everyone thought the Black Emperor was about to send him away, suddenly——


With a low roar, the Black Emperor's head suddenly became as big as a mountain, and his mouth opened like a black hole, and he swallowed the unprepared giant bird of fire subprimaries in one mouthful.

Then, the Black Emperor's head returned to normal.

The black dog, which was dozens of meters tall, licked its tongue on the spot.

The surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

Even the other two sub-primarch giants were shocked by this sudden and strange result.

The poisonous water subprime giant harpoon let out an angry roar and then charged towards the Black King.

The Black King turned around and ran away.



Maybe he was frightened, so his shit flowed out.

Who would have thought that a black dog that swallowed up a subprimary giant bird with residual blood in one mouthful would be so timid. He didn't even think of a poisonous water subprimary giant bird. However, after only chasing a few hundred meters, he suddenly felt a smelly fart smell.

I suddenly felt dizzy, and then felt severe pain in the soles of my feet...


The poisonous water subprime giant worm roared with uncontrollable rage.

It never dreamed that the black dog's farts were so shocking, and that the shit was so horribly corrosive, that it was careless and would be hit continuously.

The key is that as the apex predator of the wild genre, its instincts are so sharp that any creature or attack that threatens it will be screened by this intuition at the first time.

This is their fighting talent and instinct.

But this time, facing the black dogs, their proud instincts failed to give any warning, and they were continuously attacked.

The poisonous water subprime giant worm realized the extraordinaryness of this black dog.

On the other side, Li Xiaofei has been photographed as a meat pie again.



Seriously injured.

So back and forth.

I don't know how long it took, but a majestic force burst out from Li Xiaofei's body.

This chapter has been completed!
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