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Chu Xiang couldn't help laughing when she heard Li Xiaofei's description.

"Haha, Brother Li, to be honest, the relationship between the Chu family and the Yue family has never been very good, and there is also competition in business. If Yue Zhuoran wants to deal with Brother Li, the Chu family will never sit idly by."

She pledged her broad ‘mind’.

"That puts me at ease."

Li Xiaofei said.

He also didn't want to get the Chu family involved in a fight for nothing because of his own reasons.

"In addition, please forward me a copy of the news about the Yue family. The more detailed the better."

Li Xiaofei said.

"a piece of cake."

Chu Xiang agreed again.

She didn't say anything to deliberately intensify the conflict between Li Xiaofei and the Yue family.

The group of people quickly left the Entropic Fish Planet.

Xiao Kuangxing District has a vast territory.

Even if you use subspace jump teleportation, it will take three days to reach Chuxing.

Space navigation is a very boring thing.

VIP suite.

"I really do not know."

Lin Yi, who had recovered from his injuries, said with a wry smile, "I am just a chess piece trained by Song Yu. I use my beauty to collect intelligence information and confuse the senior officials of Chongque City. I can only obey orders. Really?"

She would never tell me anything involving confidential matters."

Now as a prisoner, Lin Yi was very respectful towards Li Xiaofei and answered all questions.

But she had no effective clues as to the whereabouts of Sikong Xue's mother and daughter.

Li Xiaofei was not in a good mood.

Because he could see that Lin Yi was not lying.

With Song Yu's death, the difficulty of finding his wife and daughter suddenly increased.

If Lin Yi couldn't find a breakthrough, he could only continue his previous plan and search for other senior members of Eden Garden - it would be best to find Song Yu's boss within the system. Her actions should be directed towards her own organization.


As for Lin Yi?

Li Xiaofei decided to take him with him temporarily.

Such a troublesome and beautiful woman will inevitably attract attention wherever she goes. Sooner or later, she will attract the attention of Eden, increasing the probability of contact between them.

"Find a way to contact Eden, identify yourself, and report any news to me at any time."

Li Xiaofei said.

Lin Yi quickly nodded in agreement.

Three days later.

The group arrived at Chuxing smoothly.

As one of the top aristocratic families in the Xiaokuang Star District, the fiefdom star obtained by the Chu family is a high-class planet with a good location and rich resources.

This is a highly developed planet.

It is said that various mineral resources are very rich.

Represented by ‘Mithril’.

However, the natural environment and the earth

In comparison, it is much worse. The vegetation coverage rate is not high, the water resources are limited, and the total population is about 10 million, mainly living in hundreds of large and small base cities.

Li Xiaofei did not expect to see the words "Base City" again in the human world in the extrasolar star area.

"In the vast universe, there are not many natural planets that are truly suitable for the reproduction of life. Especially our human race, which has extremely high environmental requirements for inhabiting stars, so we can only transform some inferior stars and build some cities suitable for human life."

"After hundreds of years of war, the number of galactic humans is now very small. Some old base cities have been abandoned, and many sub-stars have been transformed into desert stars. Apart from the garrison, there are no ordinary residents anymore.


"Chu Xing is already the most prosperous human-occupied planet within several galaxies around."

When the spacecraft passed through low-Earth orbit, passed through the 'Moon Gate', and prepared to enter the atmosphere, Chu Xiang and Li Xiaofei stood side by side on the bridge. Through the huge field of view in front, they could clearly see the huge earth-yellow planet in front of them.

Chu Xiang introduced a lot to Li Xiaofei.

Li Xiaofei just listened and said nothing more.

Thirty minutes later.

After passing several 'Moon Gate' tests, the spacecraft successfully entered Chu Star and finally landed at the airport of the main base city, 'Mulin Base City'.

Then I received a warm welcome.

On behalf of the family, Chu Xiang's brother Chu Heng went to the airport to welcome Li Xiaofei, and then stayed at the most luxurious "Mulin Hotel" in the city.

Originally, according to the wishes of the Chu brothers and sisters, Li Xiaofei was allowed to live directly in the Chu family. As the owner of Chu Xing, the Chu family was wealthy and powerful. The family estate covered an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres. They were a wealthy family in the galaxy in the true sense.

But Li Xiaofei prefers to stay in a hotel.

Because it is more free, comfortable and casual.

Night falls.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the penthouse suite on the 107th floor, you can overlook the entire Mulin Base City.

Unlike the base cities on Earth where the living space is narrow and there are many high-rise buildings, the Mulin Base covers a large area, but on the contrary, it looks empty, with buildings scattered in a scattered manner, and the lights at night appear sparse, giving it a somewhat lonely atmosphere.

Small population.

This is the main reason.

The war that lasted for countless years cost the Galaxy humans a huge price, and their population declined rapidly.

Otherwise, the heavens in the past would not have thought of dividing the earth into one hundred thousand base worlds, training soldiers, and transporting them to the galaxy battlefield.

Previously, I learned from Brother Gou that the populations of the major human-occupied stars in the Galaxy Battlefield garrison area are not very large, and the labor force is mainly composed of formation puppets, robots and other machinery, and martial arts power devices.

The population is declining.

This is the star

The biggest trouble the He people are facing now.

Dong Dong.

There was a knock on the door.

Lin Yi received Li Xiaofei's look and went over to open the door.

Outside the door is Chu Heng.

"Visiting late at night is a lot of trouble."

Chu Heng cupped his hands and smiled in apology.

"Please come in."

Li Xiaofei said, "Brother Chu is here late at night. There must be something important, right?"

Sit down in the living room.

Chu Heng said, "First of all, I would like to thank Brother Li for taking care of my sister-in-law in Heaven. I heard Xiaoxiang say that if Brother Li hadn't acted righteously several times, I'm afraid she would have died in the hands of evil people."

Li Xiaofei smiled lightly and said, "Everyone has personal luck. My sister is blessed with deep blessings, so she was able to survive. Brother Chu doesn't need to be polite."

"Brother Li is the benefactor of my Chu family."

"Haha, Brother Chu, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it. There's no need to beat around the bush like this. You might as well get straight to the point."

"I'm really angry with Xiao Jiazi, so let me tell you straight. The Yue family has joined forces with the Chamber of Commerce Alliance in Xiao Kuang Star District to issue a wanted order to arrest Brother Li. Tomorrow morning at the latest, the masters of the alliance's worship group will arrive

Chu Xing."

"Oh? In that case, I will leave immediately and leave Chu Xing. I will not embarrass the Chu family."

Li Xiaofei immediately knew what the other party meant.

It seems that Chu Xiang is immortal after all, so he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so he patted his chest and brought himself back.

But the elders of the Chu family may not want to take the risk of offending the alliance.

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Chu Heng's face, and he said, "I'm really ashamed. We, the old-established families, have too many scruples and plan for the sake of our clan members, but we are not allowed to be free. Brother Li, you can only repay your kindness by choosing an opportunity in the future."

Li Xiaofei said, "Brother Chu, you don't have to be polite."

Chu Heng added, "We have prepared the things you requested from my sister-in-law before. We hope they will be helpful to you, Brother Li."

With that said, he handed over a jade slip.

The Chu family is an ancient martial arts training school.

Confidential documents generally do not use hard disks, disks, cloud disks, etc., but jade slips and spies.

Li Xiaofei took it and took a brief look.

It contains a lot of information about the Garden of Eden.

One point was mentioned.

The Yue family was once rumored to have colluded with Eden.

Especially the Jade Faced Sage Yue Zhuoran.

This man was the leader of the younger generation of the Yue family. He also had an affair with Eden, so he was arrested and imprisoned by the army. After several investigations, he was found innocent and was released.

After Li Xiaofei read it, his heart moved.

I heard Chu Heng say again, "In addition, the strong men of the alliance worship group are coming fiercely. There are a total of eighteen strong men. The person who leads the team is known as Lie."

Lord Huo is a strong man in the Six God Realm. He can be ranked among the top ten in the folk martial arts world of the entire Xiao Kuang Star District. He is extremely powerful. He is a legend in this district and has a close relationship with the Yue family.

Brother Li must not confront him head-on, it is best to leave the Xiao Kuang star area to avoid the sharp edge temporarily."

Li Xiaofei nodded slightly and asked a question at the same time, "Is the private business alliance so powerful in Xiao Kuangxing District? Why don't the strong men in the Six God Realm join the army to fight against the Reapers?"

Chu Heng smiled bitterly and said, "A battlefield with only the army is unsustainable. The army's supplies, resources, supplies, etc. all need to be assisted by the Chamber of Commerce for development and mobilization. Administrative orders and the army cannot solve all problems. Business alliances, aristocratic families, etc.

The existence of He Zongmen is like the lubricant between bones and flesh, which will help the army better complete some auxiliary tasks."

Li Xiaofei nodded thoughtfully.

He gradually realized that the battlefield in the universe was different from what he imagined.

This is not a simple battlefield.

It's not just about stationing troops.

It is still a world.

I have been here for so long and have never interacted with the army.

In fact, according to Li Xiaofei's plan, his first goal when he came to the Galaxy battlefield was to join the army and fight for the human race.

But because of the revolt by the old speaker, Song Yu and others, he was first involved in the battle in heaven.

Now that he has left the heaven, he has to secretly investigate and visit in order to find the whereabouts of his wife and daughter.

He failed to achieve his goal of joining the army.

"When we find them, we will join the army."

Li Xiaofei was worried.

After a while.

Li Xiaofei and Lin Yi took a shuttle ship with no mark or number, left Chu Xing, and entered the vast starry sky of the universe.

after an hour.

"I won't listen. I won't listen."

Chu Xiang was angry and excited like a paranoid child, shouting loudly, "Brother, you did this wrong, absolutely wrong. You don't know what Brother Li did in heaven, you don't know what he did."

You don't know his character and strength... No, I won't fight with you about this anymore, I'm going to get him back."

Chu Heng stopped her with a bitter smile.

"Do you think I alone can make the decision on this matter?"

He said, "Little sister, calm down."

Chu Xiang was startled and then said, "Then I'll go find Grandpa and ask him to bring Brother Li back."

Chu Heng shook his head, "It's too late."

Chu Xiang asked, "What do you mean?"

at the same time.

Chuxing outer space.

The shuttle ship exploded.

The dazzling firelight was like an exploding sun, shining as white as snow all around. The explosion wave, which far exceeded the size of the shuttle itself, spread in all directions.

This chapter has been completed!
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