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Chu Xiang understood the subtext in Lord Liehuo's words——

you know too much!

She also felt the murderous intent in Lord Liehuo's eyes.

But she smiled.

Because beside her, there was a person with a sword.

"This sentence is also what I want to give you."

Li Xiaofei's handcuffs and shackles broke silently. .??.

The coercion and sword energy emitted by the long sword instantly made Master Liehuo and Yue Zhuoran freeze in place as if suffocated, unable to move even a finger.

"Imperial soldiers?"

Lord Liehuo's eyes were full of horror.

The fear that could no longer be concealed was written all over the face that had been so aloof and extremely confident before.

He never dreamed that Li Xiaofei's trump card was not hiding skills, poison, or the ability to escape.

But the imperial soldiers.

One is most likely an imperial weapon obtained from the lost heaven.

If I had known this was the case...

No matter how greedy he is, he will never rush to take orders from the alliance leader, nor will he accept orders from the organization and come to Chu Xing to get involved in this muddy water.

"What should I call you?"

Li Xiaofei said calmly, "The Great Lord Liehuo of Xiao Kuangxing District Merchant Alliance, or the No. 3 leader of Xiao Kuangxing District codename Zhihuo in the Garden of Eden?"

The expression on Lord Liehuo's face became more and more horrified, "You...how do you know?"

Then it dawned on him.

Zhou Haimo, the worshiper who was killed, knew his true identity.

Because Zhou Haimo is also a member of Eden.

Is one of his subordinates.

Cold sweat poured down his face.

Lord Agni suddenly understood many things.

He was calculated.

"Have you joined forces with the Chu family?"

He looked at Li Xiaofei and said, "You...you have already arranged the game and are waiting for us to enter?"

Li Xiaofei and Chu Xiang looked at each other and laughed.

"You react very quickly. If I were to

Normally, such a calculation would definitely not fool you, and you would at least have some defenses. Unfortunately, this time, your greed has blinded your IQ, and you only have the treasures in heaven in your mind."

Li Xiaofei said.

Lord Liehuo was shocked and angry.

Immediately, his face became decadent again.

That's right.

This time, he was not vigilant enough.

Completely led by the nose.

"I know that there are a lot of tortures in your Garden of Eden. Even Daluo Jinxian may not be able to withstand it."

Li Xiaofei said, "But I was born on Earth. I have seen and heard too many perverted and cruel punishments for five thousand years, and they are no worse than your Garden of Eden. I hope we can communicate well and you can give me a satisfactory answer.

How about I give you a good time?"

Lord Liehuo shook his head.

"If it falls into your hands, you can do whatever you want. But it's impossible for me to betray the 'Holy Garden Director', so don't think about it."

He acted very tough.

Li Xiaofei could tell that this was not pretentious.

But it comes from the true determination of the heart.

For such a person, ordinary torture is meaningless.

"I don't have to ask you about the Garden of Eden."

Li Xiaofei said, "I'm just asking you about someone."

Lord Liehuo was startled and asked, "Who is that person?"

Li Xiaofei said, "A woman named Sikong Xue was transferred from Chongque City to the Eden organization not long ago and has been hidden. She is not one of your members, and she is accompanied by a little girl."

Lord Agni fell into thinking.

Li Xiaofei said, "Tell me the whereabouts of this woman, and I will give you a happy surprise."

Chu Xiang on the side heard this and secretly shook his head.

She felt that Li Xiaofei was acting too eagerly.

If this woman is important to him, this

This gesture, on the contrary, allows Lord Liehuo to grasp his weaknesses, and then he can turn his back on others and take the initiative.

"I seem to have heard of this."

Lord Liehuo said in a vague tone, "The branch in Chongque City handed over some people to the headquarters at that time, perhaps including the one you are looking for."

"Where was it transferred?"

Li Xiaofei asked.

Grand Master Liehuo said, "I don't know about this. Generally speaking, important criminals coming from Chongque City will pass through the Xiao Kuang Sector and then be transported to their destination through the organization here. I won't pay attention to such small things.


"Okay, thank you."

Li Xiaofei nodded.

The sword flashed.

Lord Agni fell instantly.

The vitality and energy in the body are absorbed and absorbed.

The body instantly turned into a cloud of ashes.

Disappeared into the air.

Chu Xiang was startled.

Kill directly?

In this case, what to do with the follow-up clues?

It might be better to keep Lord Agni and rescue people from the Eden organization in the future, so we can cooperate better.

She looked at Li Xiaofei doubtfully.

Li Xiaofei looked at Yue Zhuoran.

A smile with white teeth appeared on his face.

Yue Zhuoran felt a chill instantly coming from the back of his forehead.

"Do not kill me."

He quickly begged for mercy and said, "I am willing to cooperate. I can help you investigate. In fact, I have not been a member of Eden for a long time. I..."

The moment Lord Liehuo was killed, Yue Zhuoran's will completely collapsed.

He does not feel that he is more important than Lord Agni.

Chu Xiang thinks so too.

Li Xiaofei looked at Yue Zhuoran and smiled slightly.

The blood-drinking sword flashed.

Something big happened.

business alliance supply

Fengtuan's flagship airship exploded.

The fire that shot up into the sky almost burned down the entire airport outside the city.

Several surrounding ships were completely destroyed before they had time to open their energy shields. The chain reaction caused by the explosion spread thousands of meters around.

lost heavily.

Everyone was alarmed.

The Chu family devoted all their efforts to rescue.

In the end, there were only a few people in the entire worship group, including Yue Zhuoran, and a few worshipers who happened to be away from the station, and everyone else was killed.

Including the super master Lord Agni.

"It was Li Xiaofei. He attacked the flagship. He paralyzed everyone with poisonous gas, and then detonated the flagship's energy pile, causing an explosion..."

"That's a lunatic."

"He and the Great Master died together."

"Chu Xiang is also dead."

"They're all dead."

Yue Zhuoran, who survived by chance, seemed to be scared out of his mind.

He said everything that should be said and what should not be said.

Including secrets such as Lord Agni's design to abduct Chu Xiang.

Yue Zhuoran was seriously injured, and his entire body was almost destroyed.

But fortunately, his cultivation in the Four Extremes Realm gave him strong recovery ability, and with the Chu family's full treatment, he was able to save his life.

The Chu family sent professional experts to conduct an investigation, and finally came to a conclusion based on Yue Zhuoran's confession——

In this big explosion, except for Yue Zhuoran, no important parties survived.

Li Xiaofei died from Lord Liehuo's fatal blow.

Lord Agni died from the explosion and poison.

Chu Xiang was implicated and died in the explosion.

These three people, together with the other members of the enshrining group on the flagship, were all dead without their bodies intact, both physically and mentally.

When things have progressed to this level, no matter how angry and powerful the Chu family is, they can't cover it up.

The message is passed on.

Soon, the military headquarters and merchant alliance in Xiao Kuangxing District all knew the result.

This chapter has been completed!
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