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0868,Strength soars

Just like last time, the team advanced here and the number of people was reduced again.

Some warriors who are unable to withstand the dangerous area due to lack of strength must withdraw.

Otherwise it will become a drag.

Only a few seventh-level powerhouses, as well as the confidants of the royal families who have obtained advanced equipment that can withstand the heat, can continue to move forward.

The eyes of the strong men who were 'layoff' showed disappointment.

For them, if they are allowed to enter the high-level area, it means that they may be selected by the seventh-level secret realm.

Although the secret realm is extremely dangerous, it means greater possibilities for evolution.

For the Reapers, their lifelong pursuit is evolution, and their desire for power is enough to make them pay any price, even death.

After streamlining, there were still thirty-two people in the team.

The eldest princess’s tribe makes up half of the group.

The remaining people are the leaders of the five royal families and carefully selected clansmen. Some strong men who are not strong enough to reach the seventh level but are useful have already worn equipment to fight against the scorching heat.

The Reaper clan also has a safety fortress in the Fire Domain.

Therefore, as long as the durability of the equipment does not decrease or be damaged, even a sixth-level expert can survive here for a short period of time.

The team enters the realm of fire.

The temperature is getting hotter.

It will soon exceed 100 degrees.

Such a temperature is nothing to a strong martial artist.

But the temperature is still rising rapidly.

Li Xiaofei was wearing a green cloak.

The cloak emitted a gleaming green light, shrouding Li Xiaofei, bringing bursts of coolness and dispelling the scorching heat.

This is the ‘cold-holding cloak’ given to him by the eldest princess.

A piece of equipment to withstand high temperatures.

In the distance, Wei Xiaotian and Liu Shaji stared at Li Xiaofei with dark eyes, gritting their teeth angrily.


We are all human beings, and we all have handsome faces.

Moreover, one of them is the most beautiful man, and the other is a libertine.

But it was Li Xiaofei who got the eldest princess's almost doting favor. She defended him in everything and gave him all the benefits.

Is this the difference in life?

Li Xiaofei didn't pay attention to these two 'sour dogs' at all.

He was looking at his surroundings curiously.

The orange-yellow ground is dry and cracked.

This is the outer area of ​​the Fire Domain. The terrain is gentle and looks like a dry Gobi.

But in such a hot environment, there are actually living things.

What I see most is a plant that looks like a flame.

The soft branches swayed in the wind, looking like leaping flames.

There are also animals.

Li Xiaofei saw dozens of 'kittens' that occasionally poked their heads out of the sand.

This is a very cute little animal.

The cute look made Li Xiaofei have the urge to masturbate it.

"That's the Yanzuxu cat."

The eldest princess followed Li Xiaofei's gaze and saw the 'Little Kitten', and said, "It is the most numerous beast in the entire Fire Domain. It feeds on the energy of flames and is extremely ferocious. Even a seventh-level strongman can't anger it."

You have to shed a layer of skin, because this little thing is the most vindictive, either seeking revenge or on the way to revenge."


Li Xiaofei was shocked.

As expected, these ruin beasts cannot be speculated according to common sense.

Such a cute gadget can be so cruel?

Isn't this Brother Pingtou from Shengxu?

"The ruin beasts in the holy ruins are generally unable to leave their native place. Once they leave, they will die soon because the outside world lacks the energy they need and cannot maintain their life systems."

The eldest princess said.

This is a gentle reminder to Li Xiaofei not to think about raising pets anymore.

The two foxes had been handed over to others and stayed in the frost plains, and were not brought into the fire domain.

If Li Xiaofei still wants to catch a Yanzuxu cat, he can play with it, but it is almost impossible to raise it for a long time.

Li Xiaofei said calmly, "I know."

He looked away, already having a rough idea in his mind.

After entering the fire domain, personnel

Out of the seven members of the 'Rescue Lin Beichen Team', two were streamlined and left in the frost plain. They then wanted to return and leave the Holy Ruins.

These two people happened to be the two who failed to go to the Immortal Burial Ice Cliff before.

Zhu Zhixun, Xiong Gang and other five people who got a chance at the Immortal Burial Ice Cliff all stayed.

At this point, we have to admire the power of their "beautiful man trap".

Normally, based on their apparent strength, it would be almost impossible to enter a level seven dangerous area.

But they still relied on their "beauty" to successfully convince their respective owners to stay, and they also got a set of top-notch fireproof equipment.

Li Xiaofei glanced at the eldest princess beside him.

The latter responded with a sweet smile.


These harvester aristocrats pursued human transformation, but the results were good and they did not learn anything. Instead, they became as addicted to power, wealth and beauty as humans, and became corrupted.

One day later.

The temperature between heaven and earth has reached two thousand degrees.

Even a seventh-level expert would not dare to resist such a temperature.

Everyone took out the equipment they had prepared long ago and fought against the flames.

Such as cloaks, armors, animal skins, ice beads and the like.

Along the way, everyone was harassed and attacked by many beasts.

But they were all repulsed.

By hunting these ruin beasts, everyone obtained a lot of high-level materials.

The good news is that the Yanzuxu Cat does not have much desire for flesh and blood, and did not attack the team. Under the restraint of the eldest princess, no one launched an attack on this seemingly 'weak' Xuxu beast.

Li Xiaofei seized the opportunity and began to warm up the power of the flame sword.

His dual holy bodies of swords and swords were not created by nature, nor were they modified by heavenly materials and earthly treasures like Ding Hao, but were cultivated through the kung fu created by Ding Hao.

That is to say, it is acquired.

The celestial body comes first, and desires come true the day after tomorrow.

What a waste of effort?

Why do warriors pay attention to chance in everything?

Fate is wonderful beyond words.

It's hard to force it.

To cultivate the innate body through exercises is to force opportunities.

Ding Hao, a top figure in the universe, could create the technique of cultivating the dual holy bodies of swords and swords, which is considered to be against the will of heaven.

Only people like Ding Hao can do this kind of thing.

As for the technique that has been passed down to so many descendants of the human race, so far, only a handful of people such as Li Xiaofei have been able to practice it. Why?

Because practitioners do not have enough opportunities, lack of physical fitness, insufficient perseverance, insufficient mental skills, and insufficient thoughts, it is difficult to achieve it.

For Li Xiaofei, this trip to the Holy Ruins was an opportunity.

The ice sword is raised at absolute zero in the frost field, and the flame sword is raised at ultra-high temperature in the fire domain.

This is called opportunity.

Li Xiaofei also wanted to understand this matter in the frost field.

Therefore, after entering the Fire Realm, he began to secretly practice the power of the 'Flaming Sword' without hesitation.

Ice sword and fire sword.

Silver sword and golden knife.

This is the Two Saints of Swords.

Li Xiaofei has cultivated the dual holy bodies of swords and swords.

But to truly unleash the power of the two holy bodies of swords and swords, one must practice and develop the power of the ice sword and fire sword.

Taking advantage of the power of the Fire Realm is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Li Xiaofei was thinking about a question while raising his knife.

Where did this holy ruins come from?

Independent from the universe.

Looks like a copy.

But why is it so majestic and vast outside?

The reaper world believes that the Holy Ruins are larger than the universe.

Compared with the Holy Ruins, the universe is just a speck of dust.

Of course, Li Xiaofei does not agree with this view.

The Reaper tribe was born from the Holy Ruins.

The second ancestor created the Reaper after leaving the Holy Ruins.

so reaper

Only the ethnic group will spare no effort to exaggerate the importance of the holy ruins.

It's like human beings were born in the universe, thus endowing the universe with incomparable divinity.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The temperature in the space has reached over 5,000 degrees.

Just when many people were almost unable to hold on due to the reduced durability of their heat-resistant equipment, the team finally reached the first safe fortress in the Fire Domain.

This is the territory of the Yanliu Clan, one of the top 100 royal families of the Reapers. The fortress only covers an area of ​​about a thousand square meters and is built on a hill.

The danger level in the fire zone is high and the environment is harsh, so it is more difficult and costly to build a safe fortress.

Therefore, the construction of this kind of security fortress should not be large.

The materials used to build the fortress were made from the bones of the Fire Domain Beasts. It is said that the leader of the Yanliu Tribe led his troops to kill ten eighth-level beasts, skinned and deboned them, and supplemented them with various refractory materials and formations. The law took hundreds of years to create.

Therefore, the interior of the fortress is absolutely safe.

The key is that the temperature has also dropped to about a hundred degrees.

This kind of temperature can be called "cool" to everyone.

The durability of the arson equipment worn by many strong men has dropped drastically and is almost destroyed. They must be repaired and repurchased in this fortress.

Li Xiaofei glanced at the shelves in the store.

Evolution coins can easily reach tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Oh shit.

Why don't you go and grab it?

He couldn't help but curse.

But then I thought about it, isn't the Yanliu tribe just trying to make money by opening a security fortress here? It's like selling water in the desert or opening a gas station in a no-man's land. You can't help but buy it.

The Yanliu tribe is a veteran princely force in the Reaper camp.

Unlike the Yeniao Clan, which has declined in decline, the Yanliu Clan has always been the most noble, powerful, profound, and has considerable say in the ancestral court.

Therefore, even if many urgently needed items are marked with high prices and the maintenance costs are astonishing, people still have to hold their noses and buy them.

Wei Xiaotian's eyes flickered, and he pulled Li Xiaofei aside and said, "You said, if we secretly take over this fortress, wouldn't it be possible to make a fortune in a short time?"

Li Xiaofei looked at him like he was an idiot.

Wei Xiaotian smiled sheepishly.

"I'm used to it. When I see something good, I want to grab it."

He explained shakily.

Everyone stayed in the safety fortress for a day.

Then keep going.

in this way.

Starting from the fourth day, the secret realm of the Fire Realm gradually descends.

Li Xiaofei was selected by the secret realm again.

Nowadays, he is accustomed to the secret realm.

After killing a thorn-headed fire dragon in a sea of ​​magma and fire, he received a generous reward.

Infusion of power.

One dragon tendon.

Two dragon eyes.

And a dragon claw.

Not surprisingly, he was the first person to come out of the secret realm.

But this time, no one was envious.

Because everyone else was selected and entered the secret realm.

Even the eldest princess is no exception.

In the surrounding area, Li Xiaofei was the only one at this time.

He simply studied what he had gained this time.

With a lot of power poured into him, Li Xiaofei felt that he could already attack the third and fourth levels of the Seven Transformations in one breath.

I have to say that although this trip to the Holy Ruins is not over yet, the harvest has been huge.

The two dragon eyes can bloom with light and have a firm texture, but so far, Li Xiaofei has restrained the idea of ​​injecting fairy power into them to avoid exposing his identity.

Dragon tendons have extremely high toughness and are perfect equipment for making divine bows or ropes. They come with fire enchantment effects and can be sold for a lot of evolution coins.

Dragon claws are extremely sharp and can be used to forge weapons.

Li Xiaofei put all these things away.

Then while warming up the power of the flame sword, he waited for the others.

He is now a little worried about Master Jin and others.

After all, this level of secret realm is already an extremely dangerous test for them.

If he were not careful, he would have to hang here even if he didn't save Lin Beichen.

time flies.

Finally someone came out of the secret realm.

It's Brother Chicken.

"It's so enjoyable."

Brother Chicken, covered in the blood of the beasts, laughed and said, "Haha, it was such a hearty battle, completely crazy."

Li Xiaofei felt that Brother Ji had changed.

At this moment, the power emanating from him has definitely surpassed the eighth level of the Reaper. If calculated in terms of the human realm, it has surpassed the level of the Golden Immortal.

It seems that after the cruel environmental test and battle polishing, his strength recovered quickly.


Brother Ji patted Li Xiaofei on the shoulder and said, "Brother will protect you from now on. You don't have to betray your lust and rely on that woman with humiliation."

Li Xiaofei looked at him "???"

Familiar with it, if you say such things, I will still sue you for slander.

Which of your eyes can see that I am trying to compromise?

The eldest princess is the third one to come out of the secret realm.

When she saw Li Xiaofei and Brother Ji, she had a look of surprise on her face.

You must know that when the difficulty is the same, the shorter the time to get out of the secret realm, the stronger the talent and combat power.

Although she has been licking Li Xiaofei crazily, she is also very confident in her talent and combat power.

But he didn't expect that Li Xiaofei would break the secret realm before him.

What surprised her even more was that besides Li Xiaofei, there was actually Liu Shaji.

The eldest princess has an impression of this man.

He is also a member of the Death Eye clan.

Together with Li Xiaofei, he is the right-hand man of King Delta.

To be honest, the eldest princess didn't pay much attention to Liu Shaji before.

After all, the powerful retinues of the major royal families can be seen everywhere.

But at this time...

She suddenly felt that she had underestimated Liu Shaji.

He underestimated King Delta even more.

After about half a day, the arrival of the secret realm was over.

This time the secret realm came and took away the lives of three people.

Fortunately, those who died were all reapers.

No human beings died.

Li Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Ye, Zhu Zhixun and others have gained quite a lot this time. They have received material rewards for seventh-level ruin beasts, as well as some other rewards - in this level of secret realm, the rewards are all rare treasures, so there will be conflicts between various tribes.

Something to hide.

The rest of the trip was relatively boring.

Secret realms occasionally come.

Li Xiaofei was selected three more times.

The harvest is not small either.

But he had already noticed the surprise of the eldest princess before, so after entering the secret realm, he was not in a hurry to break through the realm, but instead waited for a while and then called it a day.

Li Xiaofei gained a lot from these three trials in the secret realm.

He obtained another batch of high-level evolutionary materials.

And three consecutive power infusions.

Li Xiaofei simply used the Secret Palace of Time, and after entering the secret realm, he began to practice, and finally successfully completed the 'Heaven' transformation and the 'Spirit' transformation, reaching the fourth transformation of the Seven Transformations Realm.

Li Xiaofei's strength grew rapidly.

The same goes for Liu Shaji.

As a reborn person, his strength grows faster than Li Xiaofei.

Half a month has passed.

There are five fewer people in the team.

But because of the huge gains in the secret realm, each tribe can completely accept the loss of five people dying.

On this day, the team arrived at Security Fortress No. 8 in the Fire Domain.

The continuous brutal itinerary made everyone exhausted.

Even Li Xiaofei was a little overwhelmed.

Security Fortress No. 8 is also the largest in the entire Fire Territory, with the largest number of residents and guests, the strongest security measures, and the best environment.

According to the plan, this is the last stop.

Therefore, after leaving Fortress No. 8, the eldest princess and her party will head to their destination and no longer need the protection and companionship of other royal families.

This chapter has been completed!
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