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0093, fighting spirit rising

 Fang Buyi and others realized for the first time that for some people, just living is already so difficult.

Before this, they had also lamented how poor their lives were.

They also complained about the unfair fate. There are so many people in the world, why are they not tall, handsome, rich, or geniuses?

Many times, they can only hide their inferiority complex by lowering their heads.

As the lowest level of society in the rule of law area, life is really full of hardships and misfortunes for them. .??.

They were proud of their hard work.

They feel that they have tried their best.

Delicate and sensitive.

Proud and inferior.

This is them.

They think they have seen and tasted the suffering of the world.

But Li Xiaofei's words still shocked their hearts.

It turns out that there are people who are more difficult and harder than them.

Also work harder.

Li Xiaofei looked at them and said sincerely and seriously, "If on that cold winter morning, my aunt had chosen to ignore the crying baby in the biting fog because she was dizzy from hunger and because she was blind and couldn't survive,

Then maybe at this moment, I have rotted into mud, and even my bones have been eaten by wild dogs."

Fang Buyi, Liu Xiao and others put themselves in his shoes and thought about it.


The feeling that your life and death depend on the thoughts of others is truly terrifying and despairing.

Li Xiaofei continued, "Are the setbacks you are facing now more difficult than my aunt back then?"

Fang Buyi and others thought about it and all shook their heads.

Li Xiaofei asked again, "Is that even more difficult than the situation I was in when I was six or seven years old?"

Fang Buyu and the others thought for a while, then shook their heads.

Li Xiaofei's voice suddenly rose and he asked sternly, "Then why give up?"

Fang Buyi, Liu Xiao, Liandong and the others were all frightened to the point of trembling.

Liu Xiao stammered and explained, "It's not that we give up, it's that we are...too weak, so we don't want to...don't want to drag you down. I'm not capable enough."

"Drag? Capacity?"

Li Xiaofei smiled.
> He proudly and affectionately said, "My aunt, when she rescued me, she never thought about whether she had the ability to feed and clothe this baby, whether she had the ability to provide him with good food and clothing, and that one day the baby would grow up.

When he gets older, will he become a burden to him?"

Liu Xiao was speechless.

Yes, no matter how bad the situation is, can the situation of Li Xiaofei and his aunt be more desperate at that time?

Li Xiaofei asked again, "Have I ever disliked you for being a burden?"

Several people shook their heads in unison.

Li Xiaofei looked at Yan Chiyu on the side and asked, "Has Captain Yan ever disliked you?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

"Senior Sister Yan treats us like biological siblings."

"She helped us in every possible way."

Several people quickly denied it, shaking their heads like rattles.

Li Xiaofei said again, "That means Principal Chen and Teacher Qin dislike you?"

"How can it be?"

"The principal and Teacher Qin treat us like our own children."

"All the good things and training resources were left to us as soon as possible."

Several people quickly explained.

Li Xiaofei nodded in sudden realization and said, "Then I understand. It's you who dislike yourselves."

Several people immediately lowered their heads, looking guilty.

Li Xiaofei showed a look of disappointment on his face and said, "Everyone believed in you and cared about you, but because of the win or loss of a mere game, you gave up your dream of being a strong martial artist, began to doubt yourself, and began to retreat at a loss...

...Then, you are indeed not worthy of being my teammates."

"Because I don't need deserter teammates."

Li Xiaofei said categorically.

Fang Buyi and others almost buried their heads in their chests.

They wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl in.

Li Xiaofei continued, "If you are weak, then practice a hundred times harder; if you don't have enough resources, then fight with all your life; if you are not talented enough, then spend more time working hard... at least

, we can still practice, but in slums, many people will never get such an opportunity in their lives."

This is what he thinks.

Because five hundred years ago, Li Xiaofei was obsessed with ancient martial arts and spent countless energy, money and time.

But nothing came of it.

During those years, he repeatedly moved forward in confusion, became confused while moving forward, and continued to move forward in confusion.

His will was tempered to be extremely firm.

At this time, Li Xiaofei's words deeply affected his teammates.

They could clearly feel that in the chest of the boy of the same age in front of them was beating a firm and eager heart to become stronger.

"Yes...I'm sorry."

Liu Xiao blushed and said.

Li Xiaofei smiled and said, "So, are you willing to help me?"


Liu Xiao was stunned.

Li Xiaofei said, "There are only two games left in the bo3 team mode. I can't play alone, right?"

Liu Xiao looked at Fang Buji and the others.

Big-headed freckle loli Rendong said, "But you didn't kill them all alone."

Li Xiaofei said, "Then I have to gather at least four teammates to enter the game."

Fang Buyi took the initiative to take a step forward and said, "I can."

"I can too."

The big-headed loli became emotionally active and said, "Isn't it just to die again? I'm afraid of being a dick."

Bai Longfei's mood has always been very normal. He lifted his bangs and said, "Why die again? This time, I have Brother Li protecting me. Who can kill me? I want to have fun with Brother Li."

Liu Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "If you can make up the numbers, I can do it too."

Li Xiaofei laughed and said, "Actually, it's not exactly a make-up. In the scene that just ended, the people from Longteng High School adopted rh tactics and had no development, so the equipment and armor were very poor. The assistance of doctors, veterinarians and weapons masters

The combat effectiveness has not been fully exerted, so this second game will not be so easy. When they really join forces, I can't kill them alone, so I still need everyone's help."

Fang Busuo said, "Just tell me, you want me to
What are we going to do?"

Li Xiaofei said firmly, "I think in this second round, Longteng High School will never be so arrogant as to resort to Rhythm tactics, so we have time to gather and develop, and we will fight according to the content of the previous training sessions. With your assistance, I can definitely do it."

Beat them again."


"no problem."

"Fuck them."

The palms of boys and girls are clasped together.

"come on!"

They roared loudly.

Chen Bandit and Uncle Qin stood aside, smiling and looking calm on the surface.

But in fact, the excitement in their hearts almost burst open the Tianling Cap and rushed out.

What is a found treasure?

This is it.

If Li Xiaofei's extraordinary strength in the battle had shocked them before, then Li Xiaofei's words just now that reactivated the fighting spirit of the team members really shocked them.

Can beat five.

You can also do ideological work.

Mature thoughts.

It can also unite and inspire teammates.

Such a young man can be described by more than just two words: 'genius'.

Hongqi High School got Li Xiaofei, which is really favored by God.

Yan Chiyu, who was also standing on the side, had a rare smile on his face at some point.

No matter how big her prejudices were, she had to admit that Li Xiaofei was a qualified and excellent teammate.

And almost at the same time, roars came from the preparation area of ​​Longteng High School not far away.

Yan Chiyu turned his head and looked.

They saw the beast Zheng Beast and others, looking this way with fierce eyes.

They seemed to have recovered from the devastation of being crushed in the first game and became full of fighting spirit again.

First update, I was squeezed too hard yesterday and I feel dizzy this morning... I have to hurry up and finish the manuscript and fulfill my promise to put it on the shelves.

Regarding monthly tickets and collections, book reviews, and recommendation votes, I leave it to you, I’m shy about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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