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0935, the one who escaped

2023, September 17.


Li Rui was very curious and suddenly couldn't control the impulse in his heart. He wanted to know what kind of critical illness area was behind the door.

He wants to go and see...

So he sneaked out.


2023, September 17.


Once again, he was caught from the corridor.

2023, September 17.




Increase the dose.

2023, September 17.


In the morning, golden sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains.

The latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine war are being broadcast on the radio.

Li Rui got up, washed, had breakfast, and took medicine all at once.

After three years in the hospital, he has developed good work, rest and eating habits, actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment plan, and strived to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.

He has forgotten what kind of world is outside the ward, and only feels that staying in the room forever is the best choice.

Ye Qing and Hao Ding, roommates in the same ward, were playing chess.

These are two young people in their twenties. They were already here when Li Rui was admitted to the hospital. They noisily played chess every day and were very cooperative with the doctor's treatment. It is said that they will both be discharged from the hospital in a week or two.

Li Rui was happy for them.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the attending doctor Sun Fei took his two interns Li Mu and Lin Beichen to check Li Rui's condition again, made a diagnosis, adjusted the medication, and told him to take the medication on time before he was satisfied.


Nurse Tan Qingying stayed to check Li Rui's temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate and other indicators, then chatted with him for a while before leaving with a smile.

Li Rui stood in front of the window.

Today is a very beautiful day.

Li Rui had completely forgotten that there was a corridor and a door outside the ward.

Basking in the golden sunlight coming in from the window, Li Rui felt calmer than ever before and began to conceive of the plot without even realizing it.

Some details that I had thought of before suddenly appeared so clearly in my mind.

Half an hour later.

Li Rui completed the final idea.

He turned around and picked up the notebook on the small table and also picked up the pen.

The moment he held the pen and paper, Li Rui's mind suddenly went into a trance.

He looked at the worn notebook.

The slightly yellowed paper was slightly wrinkled, but it actually made him hesitate, as if he was taking a questionnaire that was related to life or even higher than life.

His breathing was slightly rapid.

There was a voice that kept asking him: Have you thought about it?

Have you thought about it?

Think about it...


These words kept echoing in my mind and I started writing.

Like Huang Zhong Da Lu, it shook his brain nerves crazily.

An ordinary signature pen in your hand is as heavy as a stone.

Li Rui took a deep breath.

Then put aside all the troubles in my heart, abandon all distractions, and pick up the pen to write.

I don’t know why, but the more I write, the more my ideas flow.

Brush brush brush.

The writing is like a spirit.

Just ten minutes later.

Li Rui just finished writing the final idea and gave this not-so-splendid book the final ending.

"it is finally over."

Li Rui took a long breath.

However, when he came to the last line of "The Book is Complete", something strange happened.


The sound of thunder and lightning appeared.

The originally sunny world outside the window suddenly became cloudy and thunderous without warning.

It's like the end of the world has suddenly come.

The lights in the ward also began to flicker violently.

The two patients who were playing chess seemed to be frightened. They sat blankly on the hospital bed, becoming like two statues, motionless, as if their souls had been taken away in an instant.

Li Rui was shocked.

He was surprised to find that everything in the entire ward suddenly stopped.

Even the time on the phone has stopped.

"what happened?"

This supernatural sign made Li Rui extremely shocked and even a little panicked.

But the next moment, he felt a strange feeling inside.

The whole person was attracted by a mysterious force, and there was an uncontrollable impulse in his heart. He turned around and pushed away the patient.

The door came to the corridor...

He saw the panicked young nurse Tan Qingying standing frozen in the corridor, maintaining a running posture towards the ward, but frozen in place, as if someone had pressed the time pause button.

Li Rui slowly approached Tan Qingying and reached out to touch her arm.

It was as cold as touching metal.

look carefully.

You can vaguely see a faint purple light shining under the little nurse's fair skin...

He walked forward along the corridor.

Pass by the doctor's office.

The doctors inside also maintained the posture of communicating and joking for a second, but they remained motionless, as if time had stopped.

Li Rui observed carefully.

It was discovered that there was also a faint purple light shining in the pores of the skin of those doctors.

Li Rui stopped and looked at the faint purple light, thoughtfully.

He felt a mysterious yet familiar energy aura.

A gate that had been closed in memory suddenly opened slowly at this moment.

The torrent of memory surged down like a tide, drowning Li Rui's entire body.

He stood there blankly, slowly lowered his head and looked at his hands.

The palms, which were originally ordinary and even slightly flaky due to lack of vitamins, gradually became radiant after a flash of milky white light, and the skin was like the most perfect white jade in the world.

Move your hands slightly and bend your fingers.

An unprecedented sense of power came.

A smile gradually appeared on Li Rui's face.

"I remembered."

"I remembered it all."

"My name is Li Xiaofei."

"I am the Immortal Emperor of the human race!"

Today I know who I am.

He laughed.

The laughter grew louder and louder.

Then Li Xiaofei came to the end of the corridor, reached out and grabbed the door handle, and with just a slight pull, the door was easily opened.

This time, the door was not locked.

The rolling divine light is like a white tide.

Sweeping in.

Li Xiaofei swam upstream and his body was submerged in the white light.

The place of silence.

Li Xiaofei slowly opened his eyes.

In the lavender void, six people stood in the sky, each emitting powerful and terrifying pressure of law.

Ding Hao.

Li Mu.

Ye Qingyu.

Lin Beichen.

Sun Fei.

And... Nirvana.

"How did you find out?"

Ji Mie looked at Li Xiaofei curiously, with deep doubts in his eyes.

Li Xiaofei did not answer immediately.

Instead, he looked at the other people.

That's right.

The immortal emperors of the human race are all still alive.

The aura flowing through his body was extremely fresh, and the supreme law was still flowing after the war.

Several people smiled and looked at Li Xiaofei.

Li Xiaofei also laughed.

"I knew you wouldn't give those ridiculous copies for nothing... I knew it."

Li Xiaofei's face was filled with joy.

The hanging heart finally fell back into my stomach.

In the previous battle, when he saw Li Mu, Ye Qingyu and others falling one by one, he was extremely shocked, angry and sad in his heart.

This emotion started when I saw Lin Beichen's first fall, and then when I saw the last comrade fall, it fermented to the extreme, and then entered a state of emptiness.

As for the subsequent process of entering the "mental hospital dream", Li Xiaofei has not fully understood what it means.

But what is certain is -


Because when Li Xiaofei's eyes fell on Ji Mie's body, he had clearly felt that this opponent, who had been unrivaled in the battle before, was now showing signs of weakness, and the purple Ji Mie aura emanating from his body was no longer as good as


But there was no trace of decadence on Ji Mie's face, and there was still a faint smile.

He asked again patiently: "How did you find the flaw in the dream?"

Li Xiaofei shook his head: "I didn't find it."

"Then why can you break through the dream I compiled?" Ji Mie asked with a humbly expression, smiling: "You must know that this has nothing to do with martial arts strength. In the dream, you are just an ordinary person. As long as you repeat the experience for a while, you

You will completely forget everything. In this world, only forgetting is the most terrifying law. Being forgotten means eternal death, but why can you break through the dream?"

Li Xiaofei can now

To clearly recall everything he encountered in the mental hospital.

That hospital continued to blur and delete his memory in a subtle way.

For example, using similar names as the names of patients, doctors and nurses in a mental hospital made Li Xiaofei think in a trance that he was really a psychiatric writer who used all the information around him to make up stories...

Moreover, the medicines he took and the injections he received were obviously invaded by alien forces, blurring his memory.

There is no doubt that once Li Xiaofei completely forgets and denies everything in the past and truly thinks that he is a mental patient, it will mean complete destruction and death.

"Maybe it's faith that's guiding me." Li Xiaofei couldn't tell the answer himself.

Perhaps even though he has begun to admit that he is indeed a psychotic patient with delusion, he still hopes that the protagonist in the story can win.

Still hope that justice can defeat evil.

That's why he was able to write out the key to turning the final battle around at the end.

"The only exit I leave for you is that door."

Ji Mie said: "Tian Yan's number is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty. That door is the one to escape from."

Li Xiaofei nodded slightly.


When he first arrived at the mental hospital, he had a huge urge in his mind to rush through the corridor and open the door...

That may be his instinct of life telling him that the only hope is behind the door.

Unfortunately, I tried many times and was caught.

Finally, he had given up on the door altogether.

Li Xiaofei thought for a while and said: "Have you ever thought about it, that door is just the 'escaping one' you set up, and maybe it is not the real 'escaping one', because in your dream setting, I

There's no way to get to that door, there's no way to open that door."

Silence was startled.

Then fall into thinking.

It suddenly dawned on me.

"How could I make such a stupid mistake?"

He sighed.

The one that escaped was not the door.

But that notebook.

The only 'one' that exists is destiny.

It shouldn't be a trap.

Even Li Xiaofei, who fell into chaos, relied on instinct to find the only breaking point in this battle in the chaos——

Lin Beichen.

In the final battle, Lin Beichen was the first to fall.

Moreover, the time of his death was much faster than that of the other great Immortal Emperors.

This is not the performance of a strong person of the same level at all.

It is also the only 'foreshadowing' that 'Li Rui' has found that can reverse the outcome.

He couldn't help but think that there were still one and a half Immortal Emperor-level experts in the world.

One is Zhizu.

Half of it was the incomplete beast ancestor swallowed by Wei Xiaotian.

In the final battle, why didn't one and a half appear?

No matter which position you stand on, you should show up in this battle, because the result of the battle is related to the final outcome of the entire universe, and it is difficult for humans and reapers to escape it.

Therefore, there is only one conclusion——

They're finished.

However, their battlefield is not in the Land of Desolation.

After much thought, Li Xiaofei concluded that the only battlefield Zhizu had chosen was the Zuting Galaxy.

The fifth generation of Immortal Emperors of the human race have been waiting for countless years for the appearance of this sixth Immortal Emperor.

Because in the eyes of Li Mu, Ye Qingyu and others, Li Xiaofei's enlightenment means that the human race has the power to challenge Nirvana.

Once Zhizu stands in the camp of annihilation, what he needs to do, and the only thing he can do with his ability, is to destroy Li Xiaofei's foundation.

Because the other Immortal Emperors of the human race have been enlightened for a long time, even if Zhizu tried his best, he might not be able to win the battle. At most, he could only linger for a moment, which would not be of much benefit to the battle situation.

And Li Xiaofei’s enlightenment was very strange.

It is through the power of protecting faith that one becomes enlightened.

Li Xiaofei and the human race are both prosperous and destructive.

Therefore, it is only necessary to kill all the humans who believe in Li Xiaofei. No one will believe in Li Xiaofei anymore. Li Xiaofei also loses the object he protects. Naturally, the Taoist fruit will decline and the Taoist foundation will collapse...

The power of the Guardian Emperor is the most special power of the human race to fight against Nirvana.

Once Li Xiaofei is lost, it will be absolutely impossible for the other great immortal emperors to defeat Nirvana.


Lin Beichen, who died in the battle first, was a fake.

It was just a very realistic clone.

His real person used this to escape to the ancestral galaxy.

Defeat Zhizu's actions.

The human race can be protected.

Li Xiaofei's foundation became more and more stable.

And this is exactly what Li Xiaofei wrote in the ending of the notebook.


br> It’s also a real thing that happens in the real world.

The story and reality fit perfectly.

At the moment of coincidence, heaven and earth resonated, and all things resonated. Li Xiaofei perfectly grasped the "escaping one" in the chaos and broke the killing situation of silence.

After thinking clearly about the cause and effect of the matter, Ji Mie still did not feel disappointed or decadent, but stretched lightly and yawned.

"It seems that this is the outcome of the Destiny Judgment... Haha, it's pretty good."

He smiled lightly.

Li Xiaofei looked at his final destined enemy, and his indifference made him slightly confused.

As if explaining, Nirvana said: "Since I was born, my only purpose has been to avenge my 'mother'. While waiting for the opportunity, I witnessed the reproduction of reapers and humans, and saw the ancient times of the past.

Gods and origin beasts died and died, and countless creatures reappeared..."

"Humans and reapers are all pursuing the ultimate evolution and immortality, but how can you understand the boredom and loneliness that true immortals feel when they penetrate the world."

"Since you have won the final battle, it is time for me to draw my curtain."

"Next, it's up to you to endure the loneliness and boredom."

"You guys, taste it slowly."

Ji Mie said, and his voice gradually faded away.

Also fading away was his body.

The purple power of annihilation, which was weak but still terrifying, disappeared between heaven and earth like an ebbing tide.

The whole universe seemed to be in resonance at this moment.

There is something that has existed since ancient times that seems to be gradually dispersing and disappearing from the world completely and forever.

Nirvana, passing away.

Li Xiaofei was not surprised, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of luck in his heart.

The power of annihilation is unique.

Even if there is a fierce frontal battle with six enemies to one, he may not definitely lose, and even if he loses, he may not be completely killed.

The final result is probably that it was sealed.

It is almost impossible for an eternal existence like it to be completely extinct.

But Nirvana chose the strangest bet.

With all his strength, he created a dream to see if, after completely losing himself, even if he became a psychopath, Li Xiaofei would still stick to his original intention and hope that the Guardians would win.

Many mentally ill people will write weird endings, but among the thousands of possible endings, 'Li Rui' wrote and predicted a plot that is exactly the same as in reality.

This is also the only chance of survival.

But it was captured by Li Xiaofei and the human immortal emperors.

From Ni Mie's point of view, this is destiny.

It is the choice of this universe.

Be willing to admit defeat.

So he bid farewell to this world.

Ye Qingyu, Lin Beichen and others were relieved.

it's over.

Although this decisive battle ended in this way and did not really reach darkness, the thrills during the process were even more terrifying than a head-on battle.

Once Li Xiaofei makes a wrong choice in the dream world, everyone will have to pay for the wrong answer.

The stream of light cuts through the void.

Several human immortal emperors left the Land of Nirvana.

And with the demise of Nirvana, this special area maintained by its own energy also began to rapidly disintegrate, and eventually disappeared completely.

Ruins Realm.


Became the two poles of this time.

Wei Xiaotian stood at the edge of the ruins world.

With Zhizu's death in battle, he became the supreme leader of the Reapers today.

But the general trend of the human race has been established, and the six immortal emperors are invincible. He is no match for any of them, so he cannot even think about leading the reaper tribe to revive.

What's more, he is not a pure beast ancestor.

In his body is the human soul.

Li Xiaofei said hello: "Old Wei."

Wei Xiaotian was about to speak.

"Let's talk later if we have something to do. I'm still in a hurry to go home and see my wife and baby."

Li Xiaofei speeded up, passed by, and disappeared into the distant stars.

Wei Xiaotian's expression froze.

Immediately he stopped laughing again.

That's normal.

Anyone who has gone through such a high-pressure battle would want to return to their loved ones and enjoy the peace and affection.

Looking back at the stars.

The flames of war in the Zuting Galaxy have gradually extinguished.

What is certain is that for a long time to come, war will be a forbidden word in this galaxy and will not be allowed to appear again.

What worries Wei Xiaotian is where the fate of the reapers should go.

In the lonely dark starry sky, he could not find the answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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