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Chapter 89 'Shadows in the Sun'

 The eight-hundred-mile forest is silent, and the ninety-turn river is silent. Winding around the silent river on Phuket Island, there are always many special visitors who come uninvited.

With their superb magic skills and proficient fighting abilities, the students of First University have always been the leaders in the wizarding world. Now, this honor has been continued by the freshmen of this university.

As of this weekend, although the first-year freshmen have only been admitted to the school for one semester, even though they only got a poor 4 points (out of 10 points) in the "Previous Freshman Evaluation" last semester, and on the flight to the school last semester,

These first-year students were once frightened unconscious by a malicious intruder, but they still achieved great success in a short period of time.

This is mainly due to the performance of the freshmen from Jiuyou College.

Their freshmen won the championship in the freshman competition of the school hunting club, and their points even surpassed the 34th class of freshmen who had the best performance in the "Previous Freshman Evaluation". In addition, among the nine freshmen in the first grade, a historic student was born.

The youngest recipient of the Major Arcana since then, and the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin in the past decade.

Some education experts regard the success of these freshmen as a successful example of Jiuyou's education method - the total points earned by students at Jiuyou College increased by 12.34% last year, and the total number of points is even comparable to that of Alpha College. In the summary of the academic year at the end of last year, Jiuyou College

The new student union of the college has set the total number of points beyond Alpha College as this year's goal.

This trend has the potential to completely reshape the overall landscape of First University.

However, although there is no denying the rapid growth of student scores at Jiuyou College, more details need to be considered to evaluate the success of the education method.

Like Alpha College, the points value of Jiuyou College’s student standings has shrunk significantly after the top 10% of students - the top 10% of students receive 70% or more of the points rewards, and the following 60%

Students have received more than 20% points bonus, and nearly 30% of students cannot even smoothly advance to senior grades - this means that Jiuyou Academy is strengthening its elite education.

"I have repeated the grade twice, and the professor told me this time that if the total points for this academic year are still insufficient, I will probably be asked to drop out." A freshman from Jiuyou College, who did not want to be named, faced reporters.

Asked, crying desperately: "I don't even dare to mention the school to my family. I have always been the pride of the whole family to be able to enter this school."

This typical pressure permeates every corner of Jiuyou Academy.

Since Professor Yao Xiaomi became the dean of Jiuyou College in 1990, the total number of points earned by Jiuyou students has been growing rapidly at an average annual rate of 10% - setting a record for the entire First University. More than half of the points come from those

'Elite' students, there is a hidden rule: exams are everywhere.

Just like the danger of encountering evil spirits in the Silent River not long ago, it was just a special test for the students of Jiuyou Academy.

"The spell we learned in the first spell class was 'Ge Shen Lei Zhi'. I remember that Professor Yao summoned a three to four-meter-tall gorilla to be our sparring partner."

Facing the reporter's interview, a freshman from Jiuyou College named Zheng Qing seemed very positive - he was one of the freshmen hunting evil monsters this time, and the hunting team he formed was a newcomer to the 'College Cup' last semester.

The champion of the Hunting Competition. But he is more well-known for being a publicly funded student of the Nine Colleges, a recipient of the Order of Merlin, and the title of the Major Arcana 'World' (about the many doubts about the 'World' title during the review process, this newspaper

It is specially explained in the 'Focus' column of the 11th edition).

During the interview, the reporter found that in the face of death, the boy named Zheng Qing had no reverence for life in his eyes, but only the excitement of being rewarded. Only when the reporter asked about the taboo experiments that some of his mentors were conducting

Only then will the new student become unusually silent.

Journalists can understand this silence.

According to the Beta Town Post, there is an 'hidden rule' at Jiuyou College: any student who publishes unofficially confirmed information in the public media may have certain credits deducted. The management of the relevant college is

In this way, students' freedom of speech is suppressed.

For students of Jiuyou College, nothing is more important than credits.

This is especially true for classmate Zheng Qing, who has the status of a publicly funded student and many titles.

The desire of students in this college to pursue credits is surprising. In order to gain praise from professors, they often stay up all night immersed in the laboratory or library. There are also special "learning interest groups" in the association of societies.

People who do well on exams are called "students" - they are as respected as good hunters.

This kind of unbridled diligence is related to the families of the students of Jiuyou Academy. Most of them come from Baiding families in the mortal world. Due to the uncontrolled examination admission mode of Jiuyou Academy, many magicians who have never been exposed to advanced magic knowledge have also

Sign up for the exam and try to sneak into this historic magic university.

Last year, more than 15,000 candidates took the "Global Unified Examination for Advanced Wizarding Schools" of Jiuyou Academy - this exam is equivalent to the talent test of Alpha Academy - but the number of admissions was less than 150, and the acceptance rate was less than 1

%. The magic power caused by the exam fluctuated so frequently that the International Department of Magical Security Affairs had to establish an emergency rapid response office to deal with these troubles.

Even passing the entrance exam does not reduce the competitive pressure.

In an institution where exams determine everything, every new student who steps into the school will have a credit card that can be used to check their accumulated credits at any time. From the beginning of enrollment until graduation, insufficient credits will seriously affect the student's academic performance.

Campus life. Compared with Alpha College’s emphasis on the guidance and development of students’ talents, this system that simply emphasizes examinations is undoubtedly killing the students’ nature.

In this suffocating environment, every successful adventure will attract great attention from students. They regard these adventures as a shortcut to obtain credits, without considering the harm or even death threats caused by failed adventures.

"Even if the students (of Jiuyou College) admit the difference between blood and talent, their choices are very limited." Zhou Buchu, a retired sociology professor at Jiuyou College, told the Beta Town Post: "So they can only

Keep fighting hard.”

According to a special report in the "College Daily" published by the Jiuyou Academy Student Union, the college's administration is happy to encourage ways to earn credits such as monster hunting as a harmless way for students who are essentially 'enslaved' to express themselves.

.The college (management) is obviously supporting these hunting behaviors that exceed the requirements of the school syllabus - more students of Jiuyou College will obtain points and win rewards through channels other than Jiuyou. This kind of special guidance is more secretive'

One of the ways of slavery'.

"The college (management) doesn't like students to show off their blood or talents," Professor Zhou Buchu shook his head and sighed: "This is a violation of the college's principles. Correspondingly, showing off achievements or risk-taking results are more likely to be ignored by everyone.


Rigid education methods, dangerous teaching content, and harsh examination mechanisms not only suppress the nature and freedom of students, but also cultivate a large number of registered wizards who have no regard for life. However, under the cover of the gorgeous achievements of Jiuyou Academy, these risks seem to

The shadows under the sun are deliberately ignored.

"I heard that I can get credits for being interviewed by you?" When the reporter ended the interview, these brave young people were already looking forward to the rewards on the credit list.

This chapter has been completed!
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