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Chapter 103 Behind the Congestion

 The rules and regulations of Monteria Laboratory are similar to the general rules of other laboratories. They are nothing more than keeping the laboratory quiet and tidy, following the instructions of professors, abiding by operating procedures, plagiarism, fabricating experimental results, and laboratory equipment are not allowed.

, test materials are brought out, etc.

To sum up, the rules were similar to Zheng Qing's rules when he entered Baicao Garden in the past - first, listen to the teacher's instructions; second, don't move around; third, listen to the teacher's instructions and don't move around.

The only thing that is not so strict is that when working in this laboratory, the assistant experimenters do not need to wear dragon skin protective clothing, alchemy goggles or silkworm skin gloves.

According to Zheng Qing's observation, it is because this laboratory is responsible for the theoretical research work of Monteria Laboratory and does not require practical operations, so the dress code is lower.

He quickly read through the pamphlet that the professor gave to Zheng Qing.

But because he had just arrived, it was not convenient for him to wander around and chat with his colleagues, and he was too embarrassed to flip through the materials and books on the test bench in front of him. So he could only read the booklet over and over again, almost memorizing it.

After waiting until around two o'clock in the afternoon, the professor finally came to him again.

Without much communication, Professor Monteria directly arranged for him to analyze and copy a talisman rubbing made from an unknown place. The content is not much, but it is very rare. The combination of talismans on the rubbing is very different from the current popular structure.

Before analyzing, Zheng Qing decided to copy it several times.

Just like the old saying goes, 'Read a book a hundred times and its meaning will become apparent', and the same is true for talismans. Each set of advanced talismans is composed of many basic talismans. As long as you analyze it carefully, it is easy to distinguish from the talisman head and talisman.

Find out the key information of the basic talisman through details such as the gallbladder, talisman feet, or related edicts, rituals, etc.

This information is the key to analyzing a group of unfamiliar talismans.

Lay out the yellow paper and polish the red ink, calmly, carefully, and concentrate on it.

The first time, Zheng Qing finished transcribing it quickly; the second time, his speed slowed down a little. The third time, the speed became even slower. But because his attention was all under the pen tip,

So I don't feel that the strokes in my sight are getting slower at all, I just feel that my pen tip is becoming more and more steady.

But as his strokes became slower and slower, a vague and mysterious wave seemed to be stirring in the air.

The other assistants in the laboratory did not feel this. Only Professor Monteria, who was sitting not far away, should have sensed this fluctuation. He put down the experimental report in his hand, stood up, frowned and started to look around. But because of that

The stock fluctuations were so subtle that the professor could not find the source for a while.

As a laboratory dedicated to the research of advanced magic texts and bloodlines, similar abnormal magical phenomena are not uncommon. Therefore, the professor did not notice the young public-funded student for a while.

Just as the fourth copy of Zheng Qing's copy was about to come to an end, as the last stroke of the outline was completed, before Zheng Qing had time to relax and feel happy, he felt a blur in his right eye, and then a violent contraction-like twitching in his eyes.

The socket of his right eye exploded.

He groaned and fell to the floor, twitching violently.

The surrounding assistants screamed and scattered in all directions.

Professor Monteria flashed and appeared next to the young wizard. While loudly ordering his students to notify the therapist at the school hospital, he softly recited soothing and healing spells, and streams of green breath surged from the void like clear springs.

It came out and poured into the orbit of Zheng Qing's right eye.

Zheng Qing felt a coolness flowing along the breath, dispelling the abnormal surge that had gathered inside his eyeballs, and dispersing the twitching pain.

Professor Monteria opened Zheng Qing's eyelids, and two whirlpools appeared in his eyes. He carefully observed every change of Zheng Qing's right eye. At the same time, he lightly lifted his finger, and several silver needles as thin as a cow's hair beat with his finger.

, submerged into the area around Zheng Qing’s eyes.

"I see." The professor murmured, his brows furrowed tightly.

Zheng Qing tried his best to turn his left eye, which was in good condition, and looked at Professor Monteria's expression, trying to read something from the subtle changes in his face. Unfortunately, he was not a student majoring in micro-expressions, and he was very good at Legilimency.

There was no research. So even though his left eye was dry and dry, he couldn't see anything.

However, Professor Monteria had no intention of hiding it and quickly explained it to the young wizard.

"The condition of your right eye is very bad," he said without hesitation, but his voice was very soft, like a whisper, just enough for two people to hear: "If I understand correctly...it's because you accidentally used an eye that doesn't belong to you."

Some of your power has been backlashed. The eyeballs have been compressed, and large-scale magic cracks have appeared. The external manifestation is the congestion at the bottom of the ball."

"Let's use an analogy."

"People often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And for a house, the most vulnerable part happens to be the window with glass."

"There is a huge magic power inside your room. Under normal circumstances, this magic power can maintain a delicate balance with this room. But if it is stimulated by some external force, the magic power will no longer be quiet and start to move.

If it does, the house will not be able to withstand the pressure."

"If you can't bear it, you will naturally vent. And the most fragile glass window is the best outlet for venting."

This explanation is very vivid and easy to understand.

But precisely this made Zheng Qing even more confused.

"Huge magical power?" Zheng Qing lowered his head and glanced at his belly: "Do you mean, I am a Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki with a red fox with unlimited chakra sealed in my belly?"

Professor Monteria did not understand Zheng Qing's cold joke.

"Jinchūriki? Chakra?" He frowned and denied: "I don't know where you learned these terms. But this is obviously not consistent with the facts I know."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly and felt that it was a bit inappropriate for him to make wisecracks at this time.

"What I mean is that I don't feel that there is any strange power sealed inside my body," he tried to change the topic back to the previous path: "Besides, I don't have any strange seal marks on my body... right?


The professor raised his eyebrows.

"Body?" His head moved slightly: "No, no, you should pay attention to my previous example... The eyes are the windows to the soul. So that power does not exist inside your body, but

It exists with your heart as the link.”

Well, with this explanation, the situation seems a little more complicated.

The parts that Zheng Qing could originally understand have become mysterious and mysterious - to be honest, he has always hated this kind of part that lacks empirical content but is difficult to falsify.

This chapter has been completed!
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