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Chapter 108 Spring thunder bursts

 Thursday of the third week is March 5th, which is also the ‘Jingzhe Day’.

The so-called Jingzhe means that the insects are frightened by spring thunder and run away. The insects that have been dormant for a winter, as the weather gets warmer, bursts of spring thunder crawl out of their caves, awakening the vitality of this land.


Of course, the above is only what will happen in 'theory'. But just like the 'rational man' in economics, the theoretical situation will often deviate in one way or another in practice.

For example, in the winter of 2008-09, due to the abnormal return of the silent tide the previous year, the time for insects to hibernate underground was greatly shortened. Many insects had already flowed out of the caves with the black tide at the beginning of spring, so that it was the real "Jinging of Insects" day.

', the protagonist of this solar term has become a supporting role.

But no matter whether the bugs have crawled out of the underground caves or not, the astrology monitor of First University will still shake the entire campus with the spring thunder that should be heard on the day of awakening.

Starting from Wednesday night, the climate on campus became humid. The next morning, after Zheng Qing finished his morning classes, the sun still had not risen, and the entire sky was shrouded in a thick layer of cumulonimbus clouds.

At noon, the rumble of thunder began to sound slowly from far to near. Even through the glass window of the classroom, Zheng Qing could deeply feel the tremors coming from the air.

"On March 5th, there was the Waking of Insects. At about ten o'clock in the afternoon, there were bursts of spring thunder, continuous drizzle, and the mood of spring was full of joy."

Zheng Qing grabbed the quill and wrote this sentence in his weekly diary.

Since Professor Yi taught everyone new divination techniques in the divination class on Tuesday, Zheng Qing suddenly discovered a new hobby of his own, which was organizing weekly diaries.

Originally, he just drew the line chart with the mentality of coping with homework, but after completing the hasty drawing, Zheng Qing added the moving average and trend line according to the method described in the textbook, and suddenly found that his fortune was clear under the pen.

Overall, my fortune has been on the rise since I entered school.

For example, I met a lot of friends, defeated the multi-headed demon, learned the art of transformation, got a girlfriend, became a Merlin Medal winner, led the hunting team to win the freshman competition, and won the Major Arcana's World.

' title, and a certain degree of close relationship with Beauty Su - Of course, Zheng Qing is still not sure whether the last one is a blessing or a curse, but this does not affect his ability to judge whether his luck is good or bad.


But as the saying goes, 'luck alone does not last long', even if the fortune is in the upward channel, it will turn downward from time to time, stepping on the moving average and trend line to consolidate the foundation - such as the occasional headache, repeated hospitalizations, being hospitalized, etc.

Attacks by monsters or a certain vampire duke, and unsatisfactory final exam results, etc.

Originally this was nothing important, just reminiscing about past experiences.

However, as Zheng Qing completely completed the X-line chart and outlined the moving average and trend line, he immediately noticed that his fortune was in a state of rising and falling. In the terminology of fortune divination, his fortune in the recent period

The 罫线 has been consolidating downward for many consecutive days, and the number of negative lines appears far more than the number of positive lines.

Even if they are all small negative lines, which may seem insignificant, the trend is a trend after all. For example, the evil demon Satoguya who broke through the boundary two days ago is an example of this trend. Although there are some from the school

The powerful man took action and poked the monster's eyeballs into pieces, but the experience of that day still left a heavy barefoot negative line on Zheng Qing's 罫线图.

Seeing that the line has broken through the seven-day moving average and is trembling on the 13-day moving average, Zheng Qing really can't make himself feel better - from a negative perspective, this mentality is constantly dragging him down.

For example, after knowing yesterday that his recent fortune was not good, Zheng Qing was naturally in a bad mood, so yesterday's Yixian chart drawn this morning was a negative line that was neither long nor short.

But from another perspective, this just shows the accuracy of fortune divination.

As the saying goes, "There are risks in interpreting hexagrams, and you need to be cautious in divination." Any attempt to peek into the future through the long river of time will be affected by the waves of the long river of time. In the least case, the fortune will decline, in the worst case, the bad luck will be overwhelming.

Although the trend divination method avoids some divination risks through clever means, there are still some residues. For example, a wizard who practices or uses this divination method will have a negative line on the day's line.

Zheng Qing doesn't like bad luck happening every day.

So he drew the line chart on the first day, took a peek at his trend, and then shelved the chart until his homework was due next Tuesday.

Although the chart was put away, it was difficult to calm down the turbulent mood.

At Xiao Xiao's suggestion, Zheng Qing simply started to organize his weekly diary, summarizing the information left between the lines in the past, and classifying it by date to make a summary, so that when he needs to draw, he can draw more accurately, accurate to the date.

Line diagram of .

In addition, like Dr. Xiao Da, he also developed a good habit of taking notes. Since he already knew that everything that happened every day was important information for divination, Zheng Qing naturally would not waste it in vain.

Just like now, although Professor Li of Pharmacy on the podium was analyzing a new antidote prescription with everyone, Zheng Qing noticed the scene of spring thunder and continuous spring rain outside the window, and immediately opened his notebook and recorded it.

"...After the black tide passes, the five poisons breed!"

On the podium, Professor Li's breathless voice seemed a little weak, and Zheng Qing had to prick up his ears to hear clearly:

"What are the five poisons?"

"Naturally, there are five kinds of poisons: centipedes, scorpions, geckos, toads, and poisonous snakes."

"In winter, they will hide in underground caves and spend the severe cold in hibernation. In the coming year, when spring thunder bursts...such as now," Professor Li pointed out the window, and the heads of everyone in the hall seemed to

As if under control, they followed the direction of the professor's finger and looked over.

Like a robot.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but chuckle a few times, which attracted the attention of the surrounding students.

"...When the spring thunder bursts, they will come out of the cave and wreak havoc for a period of time before the Dragon Boat Festival."

"Some people may say that during the black tide in school a few days ago, weren't there a lot of insects crawling out of the ground? Why are there still five poisons breeding?"

"This is because the five poisons are naturally insects, but insects are not just five poisons. These five poisons, affected by mysterious magic, can and will only appear and multiply after the Waking of Insects and before the Dragon Boat Festival."

"So, the antidotes taught to you in these lessons must be learned well, memorized, and applied flexibly... This will be very beneficial to your safety in school."

This chapter has been completed!
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