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Chapter 151 Fire

 "Sigh, I don't know how these messy things will end in the end."

After complaining about Fatty Xin's "spicy dignity theory", Zheng Qing changed the topic and sighed, taking a pessimistic attitude towards the future of the school: "I always feel that the fish-man tribe will cause some big trouble."

"The big trouble? Are they the only ones?" Dylan sneered and hung his head on the coffin, like a hanged man. This made his tone of voice a little more sinister when he spoke: "My courage has been shattered.

What kind of splash can the tribe make...Ten thousand steps back, even if they really hold on to the determination of 70% to 80% of the 'Yade Broken' tribe and propose to relocate the tribe or do other tricks, Jiuyou will still have to agree. But in

From the perspective of people in our academy, those fish-men without eggs do not have the courage."

The college Dylan studied at was Starry Sky College, and the school atmosphere has always been violent and violent.

Zheng Qing felt that it was not surprising to hear such comments from Dylan. In the eyes of Xingkong's students, whenever there is a conflict, one should act recklessly; as long as the conflict is over, even if they lose, they are still heroes worthy of bragging;

And if you make a compromise during a conflict, it will definitely be useless.

For example, during the recent entanglement between Jiuyou Academy and the murloc tribe, Dylan preached to three roommates more than once, "Drill out the Linzhong Lake and expose the murlocs' dry matter." Cut off the water inlet and outlet, and the murlocs will not attack.

Such bold and crazy suggestions as "self-destruction" and "cut off all trade with the fish-men tribe and let them eat the mud".

Zheng Qing always stayed away from such a hasty and reckless attitude.

In comparison, he cares more about the opinions of Dr. Xiao Da. After all, relatively speaking, Xiao Xiao has read more books and has a relatively deeper understanding of things. Even if sometimes everyone can't understand what he is saying, after all,

You know what he said is very powerful.

"How else can we end it?" Although Xiao Xiao did not remain silent on Zheng Qing's question, he seemed to be the same as Dylan in not being too strong on the fish-men tribe: "Let it hang out. The college hangs all the shit and muddy water there.

. One day, two days, a week, a month, a semester... The muddy water will eventually become clear again, and the smell of feces will eventually dissipate. The fish people float up and sink again, it is just a reincarnation... Time,

Time can smooth out all injustices and destroy all immortality."

As expected, it was Dr. Xiao Da, and what he said sounded very philosophical, giving people a feeling of half-understanding.

"No wonder wizards use time as the standard to measure everything. It really has its inner truth. As expected of a doctor, he speaks with a level of skill." Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly, praised Xiao Xiao, and couldn't help but complain about Mr. Vampire Werewolf: "

The ancients once said that if there is an old man in the family, it is like having a treasure. If you think about it carefully, this 'treasure' may also mean a 'living treasure'."

In his daily conversations, Dylan always likes to brag about his age of thousands of years, calling himself an 'old man'.

Zheng Qing's last sentence was not without ridicule.

When Dylan heard this, he didn't say a word. He just threw a screaming chicken from the coffin and hit the young public-funded student on the head. This is also in line with the usual style of Starry Sky Academy students, who will never beep if they can do it.

Different from the peaceful discussions among these young wizards in dormitory 403, the entire Phuket Island, or to be precise, the Jiuyou Academy and the Alpha Academy, there are obvious differences in public opinion regarding the murloc riot at Linzhong Lake.

Jiuyou Academy, or most people in Jiuyou Academy, believe that the behavior of the fishman tribe is close to rebellion, a serious violation of the relevant rules of the fishman settlement, and illegal.

However, many people in the Alpha Academy believe that the rights and interests of the fishmen tribe in Linzhong Lake should be protected by relevant rules, and they should not interfere with them just because they exercise their power to affect the wizards on the shore - in the words of some white-robed wizards.

Let’s say that today Jiuyou College interfered with the activities of murlocs because the murlocs threw their feces and affected the shore environment. Then tomorrow, will Jiuyou College interfere with Alpha’s affairs because Alpha closes certain channels and affects the school?

In view of this, the Federation of Societies of the Alpha Academy passed a "Notice on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Fish-Man Tribe" at a very fast speed, requiring the joint meeting of the societies to review whether the rights and interests of the Fish-Man Tribe are complete at the monthly joint meeting. If the review fails

If passed, the Federation of Societies will have the responsibility to apply for certification to the relevant school department as a third party.

The certification content includes whether Jiuyou College has fully fulfilled its obligations under relevant regulations, and whether to consider reducing the weight of some credit projects of Jiuyou College - such as some of the weights under the ethics project.

Because there are many ancient and powerful societies in the Alpha College of Societies Federation, the notice passed by the Association of Societies often has a greater impact than the announcement of the Alpha College Student Union.

Therefore, this announcement caused an uproar in Jiuyou College.

In Zhang Jixin's words - he also quoted his brother's words - Alpha is completely shameless, and they don't mind doing anything that can hinder Jiuyou Academy.

Although the behavior of the Alpha College of Societies Association has been very close to the bottom line of Jiuyou College, it has never crossed the line, and it is not easy for Jiuyou College to step down and confront the mere student organizations. Therefore, as a representative of the student self-governing organization of Jiuyou College,

The Society of Divine Will opens up new directions of warfare.

The Holy Will Society calls on the entire hunting team of Jiuyou to block any illegal trade of the fishman tribe with Linzhong Lake as the center during their free time training, and not even a trace of it is allowed to go ashore.

From a subjective point of view, this kind of behavior is perfectly reasonable and completely complies with the relevant school rules.

But objectively speaking, this move of the Divine Will is equivalent to taking back the trading rights of the Alpha Society in the Murloc Tribe. Admittedly, this right is gray, but the established habits have been broken. In the eyes of many societies in the Alpha Academy

, it is a crude and dishonest act.

On the other hand, after a long period of coordination and negotiation, the Working Committee of the First University and the Elders Council of the Fishman Tribe issued a joint statement on many recent accidents, condemning all violence and illegal acts. At the same time, both parties announced that they were ready to sign

There are two agreements: Supplementary Provisions on the Criminal Behavior of Fishmen Leaving Water and "Several Supplementary Opinions on the Management of Fishmen on Shore by the Relevant Regulations of Jiuyou University".

The terms and opinions make it clear that fishmen who commit crimes on the shore should be punished by Jiuyou Academy. The rights of the fishmen tribe in Linzhong Lake are supervised and restricted by Jiuyou Academy.

As soon as the news came out, Jiuyou Academy's reaction was normal, but Alpha Academy and Linzhong Lake were in an uproar.

Adding up the two pieces of information, Zheng Qing seemed to see a raging fire burning from the bottom of the lake, following the winding Silent River, truly connecting to the Alpha Academy located in the other direction of the island.

This chapter has been completed!
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