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Chapter 158: Enlargement

 In addition to the wizarding group, First University also has numerous vassal races of magical creatures.

For example, murlocs, nymphs, tauren, centaurs, giants, goblins, dwarves, etc. But unlike the murloc tribes with irritable temperaments and numerous dark histories, other tribes do not need to be under surveillance. Tribes of magical creatures have a higher degree of freedom.

The most significant point is that other tribes of magical creatures can choose to live outside the school.

For example, many students at First University often only hear about the tribe of giants who stay in the heart of the Silent Forest all year round, but never see them in person. Many students who are unlucky have no chance to meet them during their four years at First University. Living giant.

Another example is the tauren. Because they have a large number of people, slightly higher intelligence, and strong fighting power, they can choose to live in the middle of the Silent Forest and compete with all kinds of strange magical creatures in the forest for living space. Often only the black tide comes every year. When the time comes, these tribes will briefly migrate to the protection of the First University.

In addition, there is a very special type of vassal race that lives outside the school. However, due to their special habits, they do not have a fixed residence, but live in pursuit of water, grass and prey. The most famous of this type of race is the centaurs tribe. .

Every summer and autumn, when the water and grass are plentiful and there are many prey, the horse people tribe will migrate to the depths of the silent forest to avoid the coveted eyes of wizards; in late winter and early spring, when prey is scarce, the horse people will move back to the vicinity of the school, passing through for The wizards work to earn some food and maintain the survival of the tribe.

Outside Alpha Castle, there is a small camp designated by First University for this migrating centaur tribe as a temporary residence during the spring famine. Because this camp is close to Beta Town, the school also entrusted Beta Town to Management on behalf of.

When the centaurs tribe needs it, the Beta Town Management Committee will hire North District magicians to clean the camp; outside of late winter and early spring, this camp will be rented out by the Beta Town Management Committee and used as a temporary open-air warehouse. , let the merchants in the town use it. The rental income is divided into three parts, one part is handed over to the First University School Working Committee, the other part is collected by the Beta Town Management Committee in the name of management fees, and the last part will be given to Ma tribe, as their additional income.

This happens every year, and there is no controversy at all.

But recently, the centaur tribe living outside Alpha Fort has become a little restless. They have questioned the way the Beta Town Management Committee handles rental income.

According to the opinion of the Centaurs tribe, since the camp has been placed under the management of the Centaurs tribe by the First University, the profits obtained will naturally be dominated by the Centaurs tribe, instead of being equally divided into three parts as is the case now. Especially one-third of it was taken away by the Beta Town Management Committee - this is equivalent to a property manager taking one-third of the owner's rent. Any wizard with a little business sense will not agree to such a contract.

In other words, the centaurs tribe was too lazy to argue with the businessmen in Beta Town in previous years, so they allowed them to take advantage of it.

But this year, the horse people felt that they could not continue like this.

Tracing back to the source, it is actually because the silent return tide came earlier last year. Because the silent return tide was abnormal, the ecosystem in the forest was damaged to a certain extent. In previous years, the area where the centaurs tribe could obtain sufficient food was still there in the early spring of this year.

It was desolate. So the tribe had to stay in this camp for a longer period of time.

And the centaurs didn't have much business acumen, so they suffered a lot when making deals with wizards. The wealth they had accumulated in daily life was quickly depleted by the deception of profiteers in Beta Town.

In a normal year, the centaur tribe can receive many tasks in the town - such as assisting the town in defending against the Black Tide, acting as a model for some artists, playing the blue side of a certain wizard hunting team, serving as a messenger, etc.

But this year, in addition to the centaur tribe, many other tribes of magical creatures, large and small, also suffered disasters and temporarily moved to the outskirts of the school. Therefore, the number and price of hiring centaur tribes in Beta Town are much lower.

Especially those well-paid sparring, fighting and other jobs, a large part of them have been taken away by other tribes.

As time went by, the spring was not over yet, and the centaurs tribe fell into a rather embarrassing situation.

Not yet learning how to reduce expenditures, and unable to find new sources of income, after several meetings, the tribal elders finally turned their attention to the rent collected by the Beta Town Management Committee every year.

In addition, the tribe and the management committee did not sign any agreement at the beginning, it was just a verbal agreement, and the rent could be adjusted by signing a formal contract.

The centaurs tribe has a good vision, but the management committee of Beta Town is not a free man.

As the only developed town outside the four colleges, the Beta Town Management Committee plays a very important role, especially since many members of the Management Committee are composed of large and small merchants in the town. They will strictly control any violation of the 'agreement'.

Their behavior is deeply abhorrent. Even though the centaurs tribe did not sign any contract with the management committee at the beginning.

From the perspective of the merchants, the centaurs tribe can propose to modify the rent sharing method today. Can the rent of the venue be re-agreed tomorrow? You know, such a large empty open-air camp around Alpha Fort is rare, and it is so cheap.

The rent is also very low.

Because it was related to their vital interests, the management committee flatly rejected the horse people's proposal to re-cut the rent.

This is how conflicts arise.

Due to the existence of the First University, the conflict between the Beta Town Management Committee and the centaur tribe has always been suppressed to a small extent. However, with the recent conflicts between the fishman tribe and Jiuyou College, including the "Beta Town Post"

Many media outlets, including the Alpha Academy, all unanimously supported the fish-man tribe's actions to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

In the eyes of the centaurs, there is no essential difference between the fishman tribe's protection of their rights and interests in Linzhong Lake and the centaurs' tribe's protection of their rights and interests in the camp outside the fort.

Since the Alpha Academy supports the actions of the fish-men tribe, it naturally also supports the centaurs tribe.

Inspired by this, some young foals of the centaurs tribe felt that they could also learn the exciting methods of the murloc tribe and "go ashore" to ask for the profits they deserved from their opponents.

Moreover, from the perspective of these ponies, their opponents are not at the same level as the Murloc tribe, and they should be able to win more easily.

In this way, as the struggle at Linzhong Lake escalated, the conflict outside Alpha Castle also intensified.

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