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Chapter 223 Cats and Cats

After the 'slug' was crushed, the rest of the expedition team's work went smoothly.

Kolma re-strengthened the barrier around the camp, and Elena took back the almost abandoned 'light bug swarm' - this group of light bugs was their helper in exploring the surrounding environment. When the expedition team just entered the secret world

Then he was let go.

As for the black cat, he did not continue to clean up the dead rabbits and the corpse-eating beetles hidden in the rabbits' bellies. It was not that he suddenly felt pity, but that he did not want to smear a large puddle of kerosene on his paws.

To be honest, the smell of kerosene is terrible.

Cats have a nose with a sensitive sense of smell.

The first adventure of the secret world ended in such an atmosphere of high and low. The leave Zheng Qing took from Professor Monteria in advance was not wasted, but the night patrol of Linzhong Lake that he completed in advance was a bit wasted.

.Because their expedition only lasted less than ten hours, at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the expedition team had already returned to the Sakura Tavern in the North District of Beta Town.

Kolma briefly summarized her work, and shared the gains along the way equally between two people and one cat. The materials given to the black cat were difficult to carry, so Zheng Qing simply asked for two jade coins at a discount and wore them with a red string.

, hung around the neck.

"We have collected the basic data, ecological environment and topography of the secret world. Except for the slightly abnormal time flow rate, other contents are not much different from the Silent Forest. We have not found any more dangerous creatures than rabbits so far."

Compared with the outside world, the time flow rate in the secret world is slightly slower than that of the outside world by more than ten minutes, but the difference is not obvious. That is to say, Korma, who is doing data collection carefully, took note of this difference seriously.

"...Perhaps this is inseparable from the new birth of the secret world and its birth environment. In short, this is a good thing, which means that our next plan can be launched directly without too much trouble."

According to Korma's next plan, she is to choose a location in the secret world that is full of inspiration, open up the site, and prepare to arrange the array. Although it is not clear what kind of array she wants to arrange, according to the clues obtained by Zheng Qing

, that must be a formation with an astonishing area and considerable power.

"We will gather at the same time and place next week for the second exploration of the secret realm. 'No Face' remember to prepare an extra book of magic, just in case... and bring a few talismans of the 'Yellow Turban Hercules'


Elena nodded silently without making a sound.

"As for you," Colma turned to look at the black cat and pondered for a moment: "Are you coming next time?"

The black cat was licking the milk skin in the cup. Hearing this, he raised his head in surprise: "Come on, why don't you come?"

Elena folded her arms and touched her lips with one hand: "Considering that you only wear a jade pendant all over your body, and you can't lift it with your claws or carry it on your shoulders... there is nothing that can be done to open up this part of the magic circle.


The black cat shook its ears and licked the milk stains from the corner of its mouth.

"I am responsible for site safety," he said without blushing: "Have you never seen a construction site? There are always security personnel responsible for the safety of materials and equipment. Wasn't it me who solved the 'slug' before? Without me

Based on a calm judgment, we have already escaped from the secret realm."

That's not wrong.

Although there was still some hesitation on Kolma's face, she finally recognized the content of Black Cat's work.

After leaving the Sakura Tavern, Black Cat did not go straight back to the dormitory. Although he did not think that Kolma or Elena would secretly follow him to find out information, but it was always right to be careful.

After walking along the dark street corner in the north area of ​​Beta Town, turning a few corners and returning to the school, the black cat strolled to the shore of Linzhong Lake, intending to visit its own territory.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was already dark.

But when the black cat came under the cat fruit tree, he could still recognize the white-haired dumpling squatting on his 'throne' at a glance.

Jiang Yu felt that she had lost herself in the purpose of becoming a cat.

Trapping the murderer of the little white cat? Yes, at the beginning, or until now, her purpose of turning into a cat included this. But as Liu Feifei's big snake escaped, the possibility of trapping continued to decrease.

This goal becomes increasingly out of reach.

So, what is the purpose of her turning into a cat now?

On Saturday evening, after assigning Li Meng a lot of homework, Jiang Yu secretly used the transformation potion, turned into a little white cat, and slipped out of the dormitory. While walking along the catwalk between the lawns of the university, she

I have always been thinking about this question in my mind.

Maybe what she wants is the short-term carefreeness after turning into a cat?

Maybe, it's just because of the black cat.

Jiang Yu was 90% sure that the leader of the cat group in the cat fruit tree was transformed by Zheng Qing. The remaining 10%, she also believed that the black cat had some kind of inseparable connection with Zheng Qing.

Just like last year at the school hunting club freshman competition, a big black cat ran out of Zheng Qing - although most people in the school thought it was a black panther.

What also puzzled her was why the black cat could talk and how it could grow bigger and smaller.

This is completely against the rules of magic.

With these doubts, she wandered all the way and finally came to the cat fruit tree.

In late April, the weather has become much warmer, and the breeze blowing from Linzhong Lake blows through the treetops and branches, making all the cats hanging on the trees snore comfortably.

The little white cat raised its head and looked around, but did not see that familiar figure.

She hesitated for a few seconds, and finally did not continue running around. Instead, she chose to jump up to the cat fruit tree and sit on the black cat's 'throne'. There were several other big cats lying on the thick branches, such as the forest with the second highest combat power.

The cats, the most agile blue cat and the ragdoll cat that had turned into a big cat, either raised their heads or turned their faces sideways and stared at the little white cat for a while.

But not a single cat moved to maintain the dignity of the black cat leader's throne.

This is not only because they know this little white cat, but also because this little white cat is the only existence they have ever seen that can kick the black cat in the head with its claws.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

Jiang Xiaomao didn't lie down on the 'throne' for too long. She felt that she had just taken a nap when the cat fruit tree became noisy. The big and small kittens hanging on the branches got up one after another and made flattering calls towards the bottom of the tree.


The little white cat squinted her eyes and was thinking about whether to move when her eyes suddenly darkened and a familiar figure squeezed in beside her.

The black cat used its paw to push the little white cat towards the edge of the 'throne', then suddenly stopped.

He turned around and glanced at the ragdoll cat lying down not far away, ogling him, and then looked down at the little white cat at his feet. He couldn't help but use his paws to trace her head to the tip of her tail.


"Why do you keep being like this?" Black Cat's face was full of confusion: "That stuffed doll was as big as you at first... now she is about one meter long."

The little white cat screamed, turned its head quickly, and bit the black cat's wrist viciously.

Because when he was comparing his size, he accidentally touched her butt.

This chapter has been completed!
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