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Chapter 47 Amulet

"This is a crucifix from Florence. It is said to have been personally blessed by the Archbishop of Florence. Although the reputation of Catholicism is somewhat poor in the school, we have to admit that they have an unusual understanding of the words of the sages.


The wandering wizard held the small red lacquer box and handed it to Zheng Qing, showing him the shining silver jewelry in the box:

"I heard that you have received the punishment of midnight patrol from the school working committee... To be honest, this punishment is a bit too harsh for freshmen."

"Although there are not many evil beings on campus, there are occasionally a few resentful earthbinders deep in the campus. For them, the redemptive brilliance of the crucifix is ​​more terrifying than sulfuric acid."

"Where is Feileng Cui?" Zheng Qing asked another question stupidly.

"Another name for Florence." Xiao Xiao took the cross from the box, looked at it before his eyes, nodded with satisfaction, and stuffed it into his pocket: "Then I want this! Wandering deep in the library

There may be more evil spirits than there are on campus.”

Zheng Qing shrugged and looked at the next box.

"Colorful peach charms, carved from old peach wood struck by lightning for hundreds of years, are one inch and three cents long and weigh seven coins. On them are slightly engraved reliefs of gods and dragons. They are unpainted and coated with pulp. They are used to pray for blessings and avoid disasters, and to drive away ghosts and suppress evil spirits.

It could not be better."

"This is also an item consigned by a customer in the store... Judging from the condition and patina, this peach charm has been enshrined for more than fifty years. It is a good mansion talisman for many wizard families. I guess it should

The child took it secretly from home."

The wandering wizard smiled and shook his head: "If I had such a peach charm at home, I would definitely not sell it for a low price... Without the support of the original family, the effect of this peach charm will be greatly reduced."

"What a waste!" Fatty Xin picked up the peach charm with sadness, put it in his arms, complained angrily, then turned to look at Zheng Qing, blinked: "You have little common sense, you don't know how to take care of this

A peach charm, let me help you!"

"I've always been curious about why Shen Tu Yu Lei is always playing cards." Zheng Qing nodded indifferently and complained: "Ever since I saw the first door god in Damingfang, these two guys have been playing cards...

…I have seen several different styles of doorkeepers in the teaching building this week, and without exception they are all playing cards.”

"Because there are only two of them, and there are only three of them including Yu Lei's white tiger, which is not enough for a table of mahjong." Xiao Xiao explained very kindly behind the two of them: "Besides, it is better to draw a few poker cards than to draw a mahjong table."

A pair of mahjong is much simpler, and magic craftsmen are guys who hate trouble."

"But why are they playing cards?" Zheng Qing was still puzzled: "Aren't they patron saints?"

"Aren't you a student? Why do you come to the bar!" Fatty Xin looked like he had seen a ghost: "The patron saint is also...a god, okay! They also need to relax occasionally. You know, guarding the door all day long is a hard job!


Zheng Qing held back his smile and focused his gaze on the box behind him.

"What's in this small box? Why hasn't it been opened?" He pointed to a small black lacquer box in a small red lacquer box in surprise, and asked the wandering wizard: "Is there something sealed in the box?"

The small black lacquered box was about an inch long and two fingers wide. There was no gap visible on all sides. Only a small hole the size of a grain of rice was opened on the top of the box. Golden runes were painted all around the box. Zheng Qing could tell that these were seals.


"As you can see." The wandering wizard smiled and stroked the small black lacquer box with his fingers, pausing briefly at the small rice hole on the top of the box: "There is indeed a small thing sealed in this box... It's just that this small

The thing is a pretty good keeper for a wizard. It's a flying centipede."

"Flying centipede?" Zheng Qing vaguely heard this name somewhere.

"Flying Centipede. World of Magical Creatures, Phylum Ancient Biology, Class Insecta, Order Myriapods, Pteridae, Genus Centipede, Species of Flying Centipede. Good at curing demons and living on the brains of demons." Xiao Xiao also stepped forward, careful.

Looking at the small black box:

"This kind of relic of ancient insects is very rare now. It is said that there are only a few nests left in Baicao Garden in Shaoxing, and they have been protected as treasures by the Zhou family in Shaoxing. If you buy or sell this little thing at will, you will be sued by the Zhou family

Umno High Court.”

"As expected of his son, he can recite such rare gadgets by heart." The wandering wizard sighed, stroking his hands: "I don't have any more explanation. But I can confirm that this little guy is indeed a member of the Zhou family in Shaoxing.

The young master sent it to the store for sale. It has a contract and is a white household, so it can be circulated in the market normally."

Xiao Xiao's face darkened, he stepped back and said no more.

Zheng Qing found that whenever he mentioned his father to Xiao Xiao, the short boy would become depressed.

So he quickly brought up other topics.

"Why do I think there are so many other people's treasures in your store?" Zheng Qing looked at the wandering mage and said, "This situation of casually mortgaging things for sale always reminds people of casinos, pawn shops and the like, which is not a good idea.

The place."

"The world's treasures are inhabited by virtuous people. I guess they are not virtuous." The wandering wizard replied smoothly, complimenting a few young wizards a little by the way: "Young and promising wizards like you will definitely not pay for a few coins."

To waste jade coins on these exquisite works of art.”

"How did the flying centipede crawl out of the box?" Zheng Qing touched the small black box and felt a little excited.

"This is the magic of magic." The wandering wizard stopped talking and smiled without saying a word.

"Then how do you use this flying centipede?" Zheng Qing asked in a different way: "Do I need to open the box when encountering a demon?"

"I can demonstrate it for you." The wandering wizard clapped his hands, and the multi-armed waiter walked in carrying a two-foot-high metal cage.

In the cage is a demonized rat with scarlet eyes.

Compared with ordinary rats, it is larger, and the muscles on its shoulders and neck are exaggeratedly protruding. Coupled with its outward-turned fangs, this little creature in the sewer looks quite intimidating.

As if sensing its tragic fate, the mouse in the cage struggled wildly, banging against the iron cage, giving people the feeling that it would break out of the cage at any time and go wild.

The young wizards stood up nervously.

Zheng Qing even took out a few talismans from the gray cloth bag, just in case.

When the iron cage was about ten steps away from the black box, the black box suddenly shook, and a golden light suddenly shot out and crashed into the iron cage.

The young wizards were shocked!

The wandering wizard, however, remained motionless, looking at this scene with leisurely attention, looking very confident.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

After a short and sharp roar, the demonized mouse fell down in the cage and became motionless.

The golden light then gathered back into the box.

The whole process took less than five seconds, and the young wizards didn't even see the figure of the golden light clearly.

"Oh my God!" Zhang Jixin held the black donkey's hoof in his hand and looked shocked: "This is the flying centipede! I always thought this thing was just a thing to fool children!"

"Impressive." Xiao Xiao commented briefly.

"It's indeed worth the money." Fatty Xin also nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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