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Chapter two hundred and ninety fourth leave

 In the pure white world, a narrow, crystal clear light strip is particularly eye-catching.

I don’t know where this light belt starts and where it ends, but what you can see is that there are two figures walking slowly forward on this light belt. One is short, fat, with gray hair and broad

The black robe on him has no sense of elegance on his body; the other is not tall and of medium build, wearing a red robe, which is the second most eye-catching color in this blank land.

Their backs were a little shaky and blurry against the pure white background.

But their voices echoed in this world, but they seemed very clear.

"Sir, how did this road appear?"

"When we find the direction and start moving forward, the road will naturally appear."

"Sir, why can you walk out of the blank space by following the path paved with sand and eggs?"

"Because the Blank Land is a place of consciousness, and time is the most stable anchor for the existence of consciousness, and the sand time worms are creatures that chase time. What we see is the path paved by the sand time worms. In fact, these sand time worms

It is attached to the 'frame' of the blank land, and you can only find the node of the blank land by walking along the frame."

"What happens after we find it? Sir, how do we get out?"

"We are wizards, we can do magic."

After a pause, the voice of questions and answers echoed again in the empty world:

"Sir, you said I am the fifth forbidden curse...then what is the name of this forbidden curse?"

"Isn't your name 'Zheng Qing'?" The gentleman's voice was a little surprised, as if he thought the boy's question was ridiculous.

The boy coughed awkwardly.

"Ahem," he defended in a low voice: "...I think compared to 'Genesis' or 'Prehistoric', this name is not prestigious enough... and it doesn't sound like the name of a forbidden curse."

The gentleman burst out laughing:

"The carrier of prestige is always the carrier, not the name. If you are powerful enough, you can destroy a city even if you call yourself 'Clown'. If you are not powerful enough, even if you change your name to 'Long Aotian', it will only add a little laughter to others."

That’s all.”

This sounds very comforting.

Zheng Qing thought about it for a few seconds. Before he could think of how to answer his husband's words, another question appeared in his mind involuntarily - this feeling was passive, as if there was a tiger behind the question forcing it to pop out.


"Sir, is there a name for the realm beyond the ancient wizards?"

"Yes, but it's not suitable for you to know." The gentleman pondered for a moment, and then added: "But you can call me 'Master'. The word 'Husband' is the word 'Witch' that broke the sky and left people here."

Next, students used to like to call me Master."

"Sir, why did you choose to settle in our community ten years ago?"

"I burned a piece of turtle shell. The divination told me. As wizards, we cannot trust the results of divination easily, but we must not ignore the results of divination."

"Sir, do demons also have forbidden spells? What are the names of their forbidden spells?"

"There are two paths, one is called 'Apocalypse' and the other is called 'Divine Comedy'... Of course, this is the name they chose themselves. It is very poetic... because it was the fallen wizard of Atlas who took away the method of restraining the forbidden curse.

So when choosing names, it is inevitable that they will be a little more fragrant... I prefer to call them 'Famine' and 'Purgatory'."

"Some people in the Witch Union feel that 'famine' is not the entire content of the 'apocalypse', but those demons can only analyze this forbidden curse at present. I think their analysis is very reasonable."

"'Famine of the Apocalypse' believes that the essence of the world is hunger. This is a hungry land. The earth is greedy for rain, and the trees are greedy for sunlight. White people are hungry for food; wizards are hungry for knowledge; demons are hungry for flesh and blood.

.Relatively speaking, demons are the hungriest group, they even eat wizards...so they can easily extract the concept of 'hunger' from the origin of the world."

"I have seen people in many ancient magic potion recipes... wizards also eat people." Zheng Qing couldn't help but express his opinion.

"So ancient magic is gradually declining," the gentleman did not deny the young wizard's remarks, but emphasized a little: "Modern magic is based on the theory of dimensions... There are no serious wizards who eat people anymore."

The words were correct, but Zheng Qing always felt that something was strange.

"'The Divine Comedy: Purgatory' believes that this world is sinful, and only souls that have been purified by the seven deadly sins can be purified and return to God's heaven... Don't you think it's a bit funny? A group of demons are clamoring to help wizards get rid of their sins."

"It's not surprising." Zheng Qing said with great feeling: "The more disgusting a person is, the more he likes to apply makeup and powder on his face to make himself look brighter before doing something disgusting. The United States throws thermobaric bombs and burns

It was like this before the bombing, it was like this before the New York Times distorted the report, and it was like this before the white people massacred the Indians. For thousands of years or so, there was nothing new under the sun."

The gentleman turned his face sideways and glanced at the young wizard in surprise.

"It's good to see this," he patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder, and then shook his head: "But your answer also shows that you have not completely escaped from the previous world. This is not good for your development in the wizarding world.

.There are still five weeks until the final exam of this semester. I will choose the right opportunity to help you make up for your lessons."

Makeup lesson? Before Zheng Qing could recover from the shock brought by this term, the teacher suddenly stopped.

He put a hand on the young wizard's shoulder and asked in a deep voice:

"So far...do you have any questions?"

The boy lowered his head and thought for a moment. All the questions in his mind seemed to have been released and became blank.

He raised his head and shook his head: "No more for now."

A smile of approval appeared on the gentleman's face: "It's okay if you don't... I said before that this is an unknown land. As long as there is still unknown, you will be bound here by this world. Since you have no problem for the time being, then

It’s time to go out.”

Before he finished speaking, a white mist quietly emerged around the two of them. After a moment, the two figures were submerged in the white mist.

Just like more than ten years ago, it was the first time I entered the Hui Zi Collection.

The husband held Zheng Qing's hand and led him into the white mist.

Behind the two of them, the narrow path paved with sand-shi insect eggs flickered several times before disappearing. Except for the white mist, the blank land returned to its empty state.

There is no vitality and no change. It has been like this since ancient times.

Only in the mist could there be faint sounds of the two people's footsteps, which were getting further away.

This chapter has been completed!
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