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Chapter 305 The Witness (Part 2)

Huang Huali went to school to pick up Jiang Yu. Since it involves taking students out of the island, he may need to go to the school working committee to go through some procedures. This gave Zheng Qing some time to ask his husband for advice.

But before asking for advice, he needs to adapt to his new body.

Just like when a person wears a new piece of clothing, there will always be some inappropriate places. Zheng Qing tried to stretch his fingers, curled his arms, stood up shakily, and took two steps.

The whole process seemed a little funny and a little disturbing.

"Your body is the same as before." The gentleman was somewhat disapproving of the young wizard's cautious attempts: "It's just that some parts were missing due to the explosion... so I provided a suitable environment to restore it to its original state.


"The reason you feel unwell is because your soul expanded a little after the explosion - this is bound to happen. It is a sequelae of using the forbidden spell. Change into a cat a few times, and your soul will slowly get used to the new body.


"Why...do you get used to changing into a cat?" Zheng Qing was still a little unfamiliar when speaking, so he tried to say a few more words to speed up the familiarization process: "Sir...you...can definitely...give it to me...

…Make a body that is…more suitable.”

His idea is very simple, just like when he was growing taller, he needed to buy larger-sized clothes. Now that his soul has expanded slightly and his original body was a little narrow, he should build a slightly larger-sized body.

For his taken-for-granted suggestion, Mr. Wang gave him a blow.

"It's easy to create a new body out of thin air, but it won't be of much help to you." The gentleman held the tea cup, blew on it, and explained: "Every time the body and soul run into each other, it can enhance your understanding of the soul.

The ability to control... In addition, old people often say that 'clothes are not as good as old' and 'the original body matches the original god'. Although these words do not have a very solid theoretical basis yet, practice has proved that they still make some sense..."

"...turn into a cat..." Zheng Qing rubbed the bag on his forehead and asked the previous question.

"Do you still remember why you learned transfiguration?" The gentleman interrupted the young wizard's intermittent questions.

Why learn the art of transfiguration? Zheng Qing naturally remembers it.

Due to recurring head ailments, the school's great wizards made various diagnoses and concluded that the 'head ailments' were Zheng Qing's 'disasters' and a side effect of Zheng Qing's 'eyewitness' talent, so they taught Zheng Qing how to avoid disasters.

The only way to do this is through transfiguration.

"As I told you before, I asked you to learn the art of transfiguration to avoid disaster, and it happened to actually curb your headache. It was a blind cat meeting a dead mouse." When the gentleman mentioned this matter, he always seemed to be beaming.

, as if Professor Yao's 'accidental' success proves something.

"...Why?" Zheng Qing had countless questions in his mind, but because his tongue was not in control, he couldn't explain clearly for a while, and in the end he could only hold back one why.

"Why do you have the talent of being an eyewitness, but rarely have clear eyewitness records?" The gentleman asked rhetorically, and then without waiting for Zheng Qing to think, he replied: "Because you are not a real eyewitness.


The boy couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

A moment ago, he had just remembered the 'eyewitness record' of the Faceless Demon in Linzhong Lake killing the little white cat, but at this moment he was denied by his husband. For a moment, he didn't know if what he recalled was a hallucination, or if he had just misheard what his husband said.


But soon, he confirmed that he heard correctly.

Mr. Wu tapped the side of the teacup in his hand with his fingertips, considered it, and simply explained: "As you know, you are a forbidden curse. What is the forbidden curse? Theoretically, the forbidden curse possesses the information of the entire world, and also

That is to say, you can have whatever the world has."

"Starting from this premise, you can understand the following sentence - the forbidden spell will bring you many 'talents' that you do not possess originally, but that really exist in the world...such as 'witnesses'."

"The Forbidden Spell will allow you, at a certain moment, to have the talent you desire most deep down in your heart. Maybe you don't even know this desire... but that doesn't mean you have this talent."

"This temporary talent is just a gift given to you by the Forbidden Curse. It is a one-time thing."

"Of course, if you wish... I mean you have a strong desire to have a certain 'talent', maybe the forbidden spell can help you realize this wish. But it is like salvaging a specific pebble in the sea.

…It’s very, very difficult. And no matter how many times you experience that ‘gift,’ you’re never going to have it.”

"Because that's not your talent."

"As for experiencing specific talents anytime and anywhere... I think this ability can only be truly realized if you fully master the forbidden spell in your body."

Zheng Qing listened to his husband's explanation with a numb face, and a ridiculous idea suddenly came to his mind - can I change seventy-two?

Then his thoughts inevitably drifted towards a certain monk with a hairy face and a loud mouth.

It wasn't until the husband finished explaining that he came back to his senses, stuttered, and said: "...While I was boiling the tea in the teapot, I saw many of my previous dreams."

Mr. Wu said softly, "Oh", put down the teacup in his hand, leaned forward slightly, crossed his fingers with his hands, and showed a trace of interest on his face.

"I saw... I remembered many dreams that I had forgotten." Perhaps because he was familiar with the new tongue, Zheng Qing's speech gradually became smoother.

"People always say that 'dreams are a safe harbor,'" the gentleman said softly: "There are always many bright memories buried on the beach in the harbor. It's not surprising if you are willing to bend down and pick up some beautiful pebbles from the beach.


"Why are the backgrounds in many of my dreams always red?" Zheng Qing calmed down, looked into his husband's eyes carefully, and described in detail the several dreams he had seen.

Sir listened very carefully.

But his answer was a little less serious:

"This shows that First University made a very correct decision by assigning you to Jiuyou College."

The gentleman's answer was more like a joke.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, wondering if he should laugh in response.

After pausing for a moment, the gentleman added: "I am not you, so I cannot experience the dream you described. But from your description, I can feel a certain feeling of depression and fear. Red, in most languages,

In this environment, it means sacrifice, killing, and even destruction."

"According to the understanding of old-school dream fortune tellers, this means that you will face more and more challenges. According to my personal understanding, those red colors should be the 'forbidden spell' that converges deep in your soul. In your unconscious state,

A little breath released unconsciously. You can understand it as the slow erosion of the forbidden spell on your body...or assimilation."

"Sounds like a very 'neutral' concept?" Zheng Qing considered it and chose an appropriate word.

"No one can judge whether this is a good thing or a bad thing." The gentleman spread his hands and tried to make the young wizard relax: "After all, you are the first wizard to possess a complete forbidden spell."

This chapter has been completed!
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