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Chapter 1 Early May

 May 2nd is a magical day.

On this day, a huge explosion came from the depths of the Silent Forest, and the low sound wave echoed over the entire Phuket Island. Even the witch dormitory in the deepest part of the school felt the strong tremor; the First University's golden guardian circle

The light almost completely covers up the color of the sun.

On this day, at the shore of Linzhong Lake of Jiuyou Academy, in full view of everyone, a stubborn wizard used magic to pull out the werewolf blood flowing in his heart, trying to block the slanderous noise. In many Jiuyou who emphasize practical spirit

In the eyes of the students, Nicholas's actions were very stupid; on the contrary, some fans of Nicholas appeared in the Alpha School, which initially provoked the boys, because his blood-picking maintained the glory of the bloodline, no matter from any angle.

On this day, many students at First University saw a civet cat. It was a civet cat with bright eyes, shiny fur, full of momentum, and the ability to speak human language.

Many students even saw the cat in different places in the school at the same time.

Without exception, this civet is looking for news about the two mice.

It is natural for cats to catch mice, and many students laughed it off. Perhaps some attentive students will be confused about how many talking civets there are in the school - this controversy once appeared on the top ten list of First University in early May.

At the end of the hot topic - apart from the explosion deep in the Silent Forest, what more people are hotly discussing is Nicholas, a senior student of Jiuyou Academy.

It's hard to say which of the two topics is more legendary.

The explosion in the depths of the Silent Forest had no aftermath except that the students' guardian array flashed with light and the students felt a 'tremor' on the campus. The school blocked all news related to it - no

To appease, there was no investigation, no explanation, and except for a short notice of less than fifty words published in the school newspaper, there was nothing else.

On the contrary, Nicholas's fierce resistance to the bully triggered a greater conflict between Alpha and Jiuyou Academy. Although the conflict at the scene was suppressed by the professors who arrived later, it was only less than half the time.

Within an hour, news came that Rezhe and Augustus got into a fight during the meeting and razed a small block to the ground.

The whole school was in an uproar.

It was rumored that the two student leaders were negotiating for 'peace and cooperation' at that time. After the news of Nicholas reached the meeting venue, several wizards who also had 'half-blood' status among the representatives of Jiuyou Academy got up angrily and left the meeting.

However, he was ridiculed by several men in white robes at the door, and the two sides clashed. In the end, the conflict expanded and led to a catastrophe.

There is no doubt that Nicholas's wish to leave his name in the history of the school, which he had been obsessed with for three years after joining the school, has finally come true. But in a way that he did not expect.

"Green! Green?! What's wrong with you! Don't scare me!" The girl cried, looking around with tearful eyes: "Go and call the professor! Green is going to die... He's going to die!!"

The surroundings were blurry and people's faces could not be seen clearly, but many similar shouts could be heard vaguely.

It seems to be shouting 'come on', and also seems to be shouting 'you deserve it'.

The boy sat paralyzed under the tree, his body covered in blood, his face pale. He tried to open his eyes, looked at the crying girl, and comforted softly: "...It's okay, it's okay. Others can look down on me, laugh at me, and slander me.

I...but they can’t laugh at you for that!”

"You are such a big idiot!" The girl choked out angrily, "You, you can be scolded, so can I!"

"I don't allow it!" The boy tugged at the corner of his mouth and tried to smile: "...my blood is clean. From now on, they can no longer say that you like a bastard...never again..."

The strong wind blew, the fallen leaves flew away, and the rain poured down.

Big raindrops hit the ground with crackling sounds, covering up the girl's hoarse crying.


Nicholas Green Oswall's body leaning on the pillow tilted, and his head hit the cabinet next to him heavily. Severe pain came from his forehead and penetrated deep into his bones, breaking the tranquility of the night and breaking him.

The dream of heroes and beauties.


The wizard covered his forehead, took a small breath, and looked aside cautiously.

The witch on the escort bed was sleeping soundly. She had no idea that a certain boy had just had a heroic dream, nor did she know that her escort had been awakened by a nightmare and hit her head.

The boy rubbed his forehead and turned around carefully. He caught a glimpse of the crumbling fruit basket on the cabinet beside the hospital bed. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and slowly opened his mouth.


The fruit basket hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

Nicholas gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and almost shrank into a ball. After the sound, he slowly opened his eyes, but was startled by a pair of big, flashing eyes in front of him.

"Fei...Fei, hiss!" When the boy leaned back hard, he pulled the wound on his chest and couldn't help but gasped: "You...you're awake?!"

"Are you awake?" The witch asked the same question at almost the same time.

Both of them were stunned for a few seconds.

Or is it the witch who reacts faster: "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Chest pain? Just wait, I'll go find a doctor..."

Before she finished speaking, she opened the ward door like a gust of wind and ran out.

The boy was left with his arms stretched out and his hands open, grabbing a wisp of fragrance.

"I'm so... impatient..." Nicholas withdrew his hand, pressed it on his face, and murmured in a low voice, feeling the strong weakness in his body, and two lines of tears quietly fell from the corners of his eyes.

After the lakeside incident, he was rushed to the school hospital as he was dying and was given a full stomach of medicine.

The effect of the magic potion was very good. In just one afternoon, Nicholas opened his eyes again, and his torn chest was healed. However, the bloodline he had given up could never come back.

According to what the hospital said, he will most likely only be a magician in the future.

The boy opened his eyes and stared at the white curtain above his head, his hoarse curses and the rumbling thunder that day echoed in his mind.

He didn't know the chaos he had caused, and he no longer cared about his pitiful credits.

He found that he was very calm now, and the heavy pressure and invisible shackles in his heart in the past seemed to have completely dissipated as he drew out his blood.

Very easy.

He took a deep breath.

The ward door opened, and Liz, with red and swollen eyes, rushed into the ward before the doctor and Liu Feifei, threw herself on him, and burst into tears.

Nicholas squinted his eyes, curved the corners of his mouth gently, patted his sister's head gently, and comforted: "Don't cry, don't cry, brother is fine, we will go home tomorrow."


This chapter has been completed!
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