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Chapter 34 Late lunch break

 The lunch meeting ended, it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon.

There is only more than half an hour until the official start of class at two o'clock, which is not enough time for a lunch break, and it is not enough time to go to the library - maybe I have just found a space in the library, and I have to run towards the teaching building.

After sending away the young monk Shi Yuan, only the members of dormitory 403 were left in the room.

Only then did Zheng Qing turn his attention to Xiao Xiao.

In today's meeting, Dr. Xiao Da hardly spoke - this was a very rare situation - and his intuition told the public-funded students that the doctor must have discovered something, but it was not convenient to tell everyone.

"What did you find?" Zheng Qing walked to the doctor, lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows, not surprised by Zheng Qing's discovery.

"Does goat milk taste good?" He replied softly as if he had something to say.

Zheng Qing glanced at several empty goat milk bottles on the table and blinked.

"Not bad." He praised sincerely.

"Then when did you think goat milk was good?" Xiao Xiao asked in a different way.

Even someone as slow as Zheng Qing could hear the hidden meaning in this question.

"So, it has something to do with goat milk, right?" Fatty Xin has been paying attention to the chat in this small corner since just now. He listened carefully with one ear perked up. After hearing this, he finally couldn't help but interjected:

"Actually, I've also noticed that there seem to be more people drinking goat's milk recently... Except for me, not many people usually go to get goat's milk, but this morning there was a queue at that place! There must be something wrong!"

"It does seem a bit weird to say so." Zheng Qing suddenly remembered the theme of today's meeting and couldn't help but confirm: "Is Lin Guo's black goat male or female?"

"Of course it's a male!" Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes: "Have you ever seen a female goat with such big horns?"

"If I were you, I would be more cautious before expressing my opinions." Fatty Xin raised a stubby index finger, waved it in front of his companions, and said in the unique teaching tone of an old-school wizard: "...You have to know, you

Now in a wizarding university. There is nothing impossible that magic cannot do."

"Although Lin Guo's big black one is a ram, this does not rule out the relationship between the two things." Xiao Xiao leaned back and stretched: "On the contrary, there must be something in it.

What's the relationship...Brother Qing likes to drink goat's milk for no reason, and Lin Guo's black goat started disappearing again."

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered the ferocious alien figure in the north area of ​​Beta Town last night.

He instinctively felt that there was a vague clue running through these nodes, extending into the depths of the known or unknown fog.

"...Many times, before a crisis comes, pets are always more likely to detect the situation than wizards," Xiao Xiao finally concluded: "Just like mice scurry before the earth dragon turns over, and beasts emerge from the forest after the silence returns. In this kind of problem

We can't let go of any subtle clues."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Zheng Qing subconsciously thought of Liu Feifei's missing big snake, and then realized that Poseidon seemed to be less attached to him recently - of course this was because there were too many things in the past two or three weeks, and he had not been too

He spends more time taking care of his relationship with the little fox, but it cannot be ruled out that the little fox has a new love.

With this thought in mind, Zheng Qing did not go to the teaching building immediately after the lunch meeting, but went to the petting zoo first.

The guard at the petting zoo is still an acquaintance, Deng Xiaojian.

"When did you take care of the petting zoo?" Zheng Qing asked curiously while filling out the visit application form.

"Temporary help." Deng Xiaojian replied succinctly with a dark face.

He would not tell his apprentice that he lost a bet in the hunting competition and had to take up this hard job - according to his own wishes, he would never waste time on such complicated and trivial matters.

Wouldn’t it be nice to run around the hunting ground twice during that free time?

While talking, the classmate on duty took the application form and entered the garden to find Poseidon.

But soon he came out empty-handed.

"Not here?" After hearing the answer from the guard at the petting zoo, the young public-sponsored student yelled a bit rudely: "What do you mean not here? My pet is not here, where is it?"

For a moment, the tragic death of the little white cat whose eyes were gouged out appeared in his mind, he thought of Lin Guo's lost black goat, and he vaguely saw the angry look of the owner of Qingqiu Mansion.

This made him shudder involuntarily.

The guard at the petting zoo turned his head slightly to avoid Zheng Qing's voice.

Zheng Qing noticed that some students passing by outside the garden were looking here with interest, and immediately lowered his voice: "You can't lose my pet like this... You will be legally responsible... There is something between us.

Is there a contractual relationship...?"

"Limited liability. The school has always only assumed limited liability for pets left in schools." Deng Xiaojian corrected the boy's point of view very politely, and reminded at the same time: "And it was not someone else who picked up Poseidon..."

As he spoke, he dug out another application form from the clipboard in his arms and stuffed it under the nose of the young public-funded student.

"Su Ya, this is the name left by the little fox girl." The guard at the petting garden analyzed in a serious manner: "It sounds like it has something to do with Qingqiu Mansion... But what she holds is the note signed by you. You and

Does Qingqiu Mansion still matter?"

Zheng Qing breathed a heavy sigh of relief, but was frightened by Deng Xiaojian's question and held his breath.

"It doesn't matter," he replied dryly, and at the same time complained in an indignant tone: "When did I sign a note... It's just that I traded some talismans before, and they like Poseidon very much... This

That little girl must have made her own decision this time!"

Deng Xiaojian glanced at him suspiciously and said nothing in the end.

"This is your business." He shrugged and took back the two application forms - since the magic seal was verified correctly, the rest of the matter has nothing to do with the petting zoo.

Zheng Qing wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and made a serious note to a certain little fox girl in his heart.

Although he remembered, he couldn't do anything.

But you always have to have an attitude.

Looking at his pocket watch, he saw that class was less than a quarter of an hour away. The boy gave up his plan to go to Qingqiu Mansion immediately, said goodbye to the guard at the petting zoo, and went straight to the teaching building.

Hurrying slowly, I finally sat in my seat before Teacher Zhang entered the classroom.

As soon as my heart relaxed, the fatigue that had been suppressed all afternoon surged up like a tide.

The sunshine in May is very soft.

There is no viciousness in July and August, and no coldness in March and April. It falls on people and is warm, which is most suitable for sleepy people to breed. After only sitting in the classroom for half an hour, Zheng Qing felt that his eyelids were about to stick together.


"It's time to take anti-worm medicine... Are there sandworms in the school again?"

This was the only thought left in the wizard's heart at the last moment before losing consciousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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