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Chapter 85 Between true and false

 "The mirror is a magical thing."

"It can reflect the beauty and ugliness of the world, diffuse the brilliance of the sun and the moon, distort the gap between reality and falsehood, and build bridges between the worlds of life and death."

"Every mirror reflects a corner of the world."

"Countless mirrors and countless corners, glued together, are the shadows of the complete world. This is what wizards often refer to as the 'mirror world'."

"We are now standing in this real but false world."

The gentleman stood next to Zheng Qing, his voice was like a whisper, unusually soft, as if he was observing a pile of fine dust. If he spoke a little louder, the dust would fly up and the opportunity to observe would be lost.

Compared with Mr. Zheng Qing, his speaking voice seems much louder.

"Is this the mirror world?" The wizard walked to the door of another room and looked in through the glass on the door. Inside was a small bedroom, with several girls sitting in a circle, with a

There are charms, incense, candles and other objects, and there are words in the mouth.

The boy vaguely heard the words "Bloody Mary".

"...I thought the world in the mirror would be very gorgeous." The young public-funded student glanced past the second door, looked at the third, fourth, and even the end of this long corridor, and finally shook his head:

"...I didn't expect it to be so simple. Is every door here a mirror?"

"To be precise, it is a mirror that has withstood magic." The gentleman corrected him gently: "Not just any mirror can form its own door in the mirror. Only a mirror that has gone through a magical ritual and communicated with the elves in the mirror world can

Only then can you have your own door."

"Elves? Are there elves in this world?"

"Every world has its fairies. Just like every flower has its bees."

"Where are those elves? Why can't I see them?"

"It's up to you to discover it yourself." At this point, the gentleman paused for a moment, with a hint of distress in his tone: "You just thought the world was 'simple', and that's because you were with me. My

Existence amplifies your 'order' and makes this world lose room for self-expression... This is slightly beyond my expectation."

"Is it orderly?" The boy looked thoughtfully at this deep corridor, as well as the torches and door on both sides of the corridor. Thinking about it this way, there are indeed quite some rules here.

"Since you can't feel the charm of this world by following me, you have to go on the rest of the journey by yourself." The gentleman patted the boy on the shoulder and asked, "Do you know how to get rid of being lost?"

"Direction and belief." Zheng Qing replied: "And 'Ding Zhi Fang Zhong'."

The first one he learned in the library of Jiuyou Academy. There is too much knowledge in the library, and students without faith and direction can easily lose themselves in the vast ocean of knowledge.

The latter one is a spell, a direction spell commonly used by hunters for locating at night.

"Very good." The gentleman smiled with satisfaction: "Then before you set off, I will tell you one last thing to note... Plato once made a very interesting metaphor, if a prisoner in a cave grows from small to large

If he can only see the shadows on the cave wall and thinks that those shadows are the only real existence, then when he returns to the real world, his self-awareness will be shattered by the reality of the world."

"So, finally, and most importantly, you can't get lost in the mirror world for too long. Otherwise, even if you return to reality, your worldview will be severely damaged by the stimulation of falsehood and reality."

The young wizard nodded cautiously, silently thinking about his rune gun in his mind.

Then he felt his husband push him hard, causing him to fall forward involuntarily. When he got up, he was no longer surrounded by the deep and narrow corridor, but a thick white mist.

Just like the fog he passed through when he brought him here before.

Zheng Qing's Colt Python emerged decisively in the fog, shaking the muzzle, alert to any slight movement around him. Soon, the fog dissipated, and the wizard immediately noticed a dark shadow flashing not far in front of him.

And passed.

"Don't move!" he shouted.

The fog dispersed faster.

A few seconds later.

Zheng Qing looked at the huge mirror in front of him, and looked at the young wizard in the mirror who was also holding a rune gun with a vigilant face, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death," he changed his hand to hold the gun, wiped the sweat from his palms on his robe, and muttered: "...I thought it was the elf in the mirror that sir said."

While he was talking, he stepped forward to get a better look in the mirror.

This mirror is very similar to the mirror in the pavilion. It has the same marble base, Roman relief columns on both sides, and the same line of words engraved on the lintel above the mirror.

But just like the mirror in the pavilion, Zheng Qing could not clearly see what was written on the lintel stone. It was as if there was a layer of fog covering it.

I wanted to take a closer look.

But he hesitated half a step.

Zheng Qing didn't know why he had an anxious expression on his face. This was very abnormal. He thought about it and decided to put away the talisman gun first and hang a stack of talismans on his body that could calm the mind and ward off evil spirits.

The talisman gun in his hand collapsed into a ball of blue light.

The boy's face stiffened.

Because the 'he' in the mirror also put away the rune gun - but 'he' stuffed the rune gun back into the gray cloth bag.

After realizing that the movements were inconsistent, the movements of 'Zheng Qing' in the mirror also stiffened.

Then he raised his head and smiled apologetically outside.

"I knew you were a fake!" The 'Zheng Qing' in the mirror reacted very quickly. He shouted, and in the blink of an eye, he pulled out the rune gun from the gray cloth bag again and pointed it at Zheng Qing outside the mirror.

But obviously, the speed of ‘thinking’ in the brain is much faster than the speed of ‘doing’.

'Zheng Qing' in the mirror had not yet completely pulled out the rune gun from the gray cloth bag. A gun barrel had been protruded from the center of Zheng Qing's forehead, with a dim blue halo glowing around the barrel.


A dull gunshot.


The sound of a mirror being shattered.

The horrified expression of 'Zheng Qing' in the mirror slowly subsided amidst the crackling sound, and then he showed a sinister smile to the guests outside the mirror: "...it's very fast."

The cracked expression looked particularly happy amidst the crackling sound.

Zheng Qing's heart sank.

After the huge mirror was broken, it did not scatter on the ground as expected. Instead, it floated in mid-air, rotating around Zheng Qing. It was like a huge windmill.

White mist surged up like a tide.

When the windmill stopped, the fog receded again. The huge glass mirror that originally had only one side had turned into hundreds of pieces. It surrounded the wizard, like a huge maze, covering him in it.

In every mirror, there was Zheng Qing, smiling and saying hello to him.


This chapter has been completed!
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