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Chapter 107 Pig-eared cat

Facts have proved that Su Shijun’s one-day vacation for Zheng Qing was not unnecessary.

When the young public-funded students completed various reports and tests and left the two-dimensional evolution laboratory, the sky was already covered with a layer of bright moonlight.

Poseidon was like a puppy, burrowing in and out of the boy's footsteps.

After walking a long way, Zheng Qing could still feel the needle-like gaze behind him - Su Ya kept her mouth flat, watching the figures of one person and one fox leaving. Since she betrayed the little fox in the 'Open Door Incident', almost a whole

God, even Poseidon ignored her.

Su Ya did not dare to lose her temper with Su Shijun, so she could only sulk and blame it all on Zheng Qing. When Zheng Qing filled out the report in the afternoon, she would either hand Zheng Qing a cup of cold tea or give him a fruit with worms.

There's no way to reason about this kind of thing.

"Next time when adults are talking, children, don't eavesdrop!" The wizard looked at the little fox slithering around his feet and warned seriously: "Otherwise, your ears will turn into pig ears!"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"It's true! You don't have pig ears today because I took on the curse for you... You'll see it when I turn into a cat." Zheng Qing was talking nonsense seriously - he didn't know how to educate children.

Children, but in my impression, he can still repeat what adults say to children.


Amid Poseidon's suspicious cry, one person and one fox passed by the teaching building. It was getting late, and the afternoon classes had ended long ago. Except for the study room, there were almost no extra figures in the teaching building.

Zheng Qing let the little fox play in the flower pond outside the teaching building first, while he went into an empty spell practice room, took out a transformation potion, and poured it directly into his mouth without adding any auxiliary materials.

The lack of neutralizing agent makes this potion full of irritation, but it will make the potion's effect take effect as quickly as possible.

Soon, the boy fell into a drowsy state.

When he woke up, his vision had turned into a cat. He looked up at the wall clock hanging on the wall. Less than a quarter of an hour had passed. As he became more and more proficient in the art of transformation, the more time he needed to transform.

Time is getting shorter and shorter.

“It just doesn’t taste good.”

The black cat smacked his lips, feeling the bitterness remaining on the tip of his tongue, and jumped to the window on the side of the practice room.

Before leaving the window, he glanced sideways at the large mirror in the classroom and saw the reflection of the black cat. The black cat shook its beard, sat down with its tail crossed, then raised its front paws and tugged on its own


What adults say to children must be true to their word, he said to himself in his heart.

When Poseidon saw the black cat again, he didn't recognize it for a moment - the black cat, which originally looked majestic, now had a pair of palm-sized pig ears, flickering, and looked like a little black cat from a distance.

Pig——After recognizing it, the little fox laughed and fell directly from the cobblestone-covered flower bed into the shallow pool in the center.

The black cat had a straight face and stared at the little fox splashing in the pool. For a moment, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that he 'kept his promise'.

But it's just a small thing after all.

He fished out the wet little fox from the pond, hung a few drying charms on it, and the black cat took it toward the cat fruit tree. As it walked, it continued to warn it earnestly not to eavesdrop on adults.

The little fox squeaked perfunctorily, looking after the two-tailed squirrel jumping under the sycamore tree, with an expression eager to try.

"Don't bully squirrels...or other small animals!" the black cat warned the little fox sternly, while thinking of his own group of cats.

I haven't managed my own animal club for a long time. I don't know if those guys have prepared tributes or bullied other small animals in the school.

The cry of nighthawks could be heard from the distant tree canopy.

The first and third tones are heavier, while the second tone is softer.

The black cat shook his palm-sized ears - he accidentally discovered that bigger ears are good for hearing. Now he can hear farther and clearer sounds - this gave him a lot of inspiration. The black cat looked down.

Looking at his belly, he felt that there were many parts that he could expand.

The nighthawk called a few more times.

The black cat recognized it this time. It was the cry of the 'Three-billed Nighthawk'. The name of this kind of bird is 'Three-billed Nighthawk' because when they call, they always use three sounds as a boundary, which is very similar to a hawk.

Morse code operator.

Old-school wizards believe that the three-voiced nighthawk is the guide of the souls of the dead, always waiting for the souls of the dying. The hoarse cry is the dying breath of the deceased.

This is not a good sign.

Zheng Qing would rather see crows flying around his head.

Quack, quack, quack.

As if to illustrate his idea, a white crow flapped its wings and jumped from one tree into the canopy of another tree, its mocking voice lingering in the air.

The black cat stopped.

Wizards know magic, so they believe in the power of mysticism more than any other group. Ancient legends always have some basis for it, and most wizards may not completely believe them, but no wizard will ignore those mysterious warnings.

The reason why he turned into a cat today was partly due to Professor Li's arrangement. Zheng Qing needed to transform at least once a month to prevent headaches. On the other hand, all kinds of troubles came one after another - black goats, alien gods, and no one.

Face monsters, conflicts in the academy, final exams, academic probation, etc.--all these make young public-sponsored students extremely annoyed.

He needs a secret corner to change his mood.

Cat fruit trees are the best choice.

but now.

Three calls of nighthawks and white crows, like two ominous omens, pressed heavily on the black cat's head, making him unable to even stand up his ears. Zheng Qing was a little hesitant whether his choice was correct.

The little fox didn't notice the black cat stop and ran forward for more than ten meters before realizing that the black cat was gone.


It tilted its head and meowed twice at the black cat not far behind it.

The black cat sighed heavily.

No need to worry about too many debts, no need to worry about too many lice, after all, he is in school, and the situation cannot get worse. For him, the Cat Fruit Tree is still the only clean choice.

"Be smart when we are under the cat fruit tree later," the black cat warned the little fox: "Run when I tell you to run...you must run as fast as you can. Well, go directly to Qingqiu Mansion...you know how?

Let’s go?”

The little fox swung its tail impatiently, making a small bush behind it rattle.

Ever since he came to this school and was taken care of by the owner of Qingqiu Mansion, he still doesn't know what it means to be afraid.

In the distance, the tall figure of the cat fruit tree appeared in the sight of the black cat and the little fox.

Yellow and white fur balls were dotted on different branches one by one, making the whole tree bend down. The black cat was about to howl when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a small white shadow lying on his throne.

He immediately suppressed his screams.

Why is she here?

The black cat was puzzled and raised its paws to rub its ears. The fluttering 'pig ears' soon returned to their original shape under his rubbing, becoming upright and stylish.

This chapter has been completed!
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