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Chapter 126 Fatty is also profound

"Are you going to the library?"

Zheng Qing opened his mouth after listening to this simple question, but no words came out for a long time. Xiao Xiao next to him glanced at him doubtfully, straightened up, and replied politely: "Yes, Professor."

"Okay, okay... review well and try to get good grades. One of you is a special admissions student, and the other is a public-funded student... Especially you, Zheng Qing, if your grades in the magic class are not good enough this time, let's see what I do

Get rid of you!"

After saying that, Professor Yao smiled and patted Zheng Qing's shoulder. His palm was as generous and warm as ever, but Zheng Qing's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The professor squinted and looked at the young wizard carefully.

Zheng Qing felt that the smile on his face was a little stiff.

"Have you become so timid? I'm just scaring you. If you review hard, you will definitely get good grades." Old Yao grinned, showing his yellowed teeth - in the past, Zheng Qing might have thought it was because he smoked too much

He had experienced the sequelae of the tooth enamel, but now he deeply suspected that those yellow stains were traces of blood that soaked into the tooth enamel and could not be erased.

Zheng Qing stiffened his neck and nodded.

"Why, are you feeling unwell?" the professor asked.

"I didn't sleep well yesterday." Zheng Qing lowered his eyes and replied in a hoarse voice. Even though he was sure that Old Yao would not do anything to him, the experience of dealing with demons many times since he entered the school still made the young wizard feel worried. He will always be worried.

He did not forget the scene of the Damingfang pig demon rushing towards him. It was his most profound memory of his first contact with the wizarding world.

Professor Yao smiled and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder again.

Leaving in the wrong body.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and hurried to Shushan Pavilion following Xiao Xiao's footsteps.

But before I ran a few steps, Professor Yao's small but clear voice suddenly came to my ears: "I haven't eaten people for a long time... don't be so afraid."

The wizard staggered and fell to the ground.

Several witches passing by not far away pointed at the publicly funded students and burst into laughter.

Zheng Qing struggled to get up from the ground and looked back in horror. He happened to see Professor Yao turning around a fallen sycamore tree, turning his face sideways, waving his pipe at him, smiling, and exhaling a thick stream of smoke.


"Can you step on the ground even on flat ground?" Fatty Xin's incredible shouting came from not far away, as if he wanted to let everyone in the building know: "Has one of your legs been sawed short?!"

"My ankle is sprained." Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, stood up, and ran towards Shushan Pavilion with a sullen face without looking back.

Beside him, Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses, glanced in the direction Professor Yao was leaving, and followed the figure of the young public-funded student.

Zheng Qing ran towards the library for a few steps before coming back to his senses and raising his head.

"Didn't I ask you to take a seat? Why are you here!" He glared at Fatty Xin, who was a few steps away.

The fat man slumped his shoulders and sighed.

"You have to have a seat." He shouted to the crowd without hesitation: "When I came, the queue had already reached the small square in front of Shushan Hall... Before I could follow the queue even two steps, the people in front were

People started spreading the word that there were no seats available."

The students who were following a few people and rushing toward the library let out disappointed sighs. Some turned around and ran toward the study room, while a few didn't give up and still headed into the library.


Zheng Qing also stopped.

"Then let's... go back to the dormitory?" He looked at the doctor inquiringly.

Before Xiao Xiao could say anything, Fatty Xin sneaked over and whispered in his ear: "There are no more seats in the library, but there are still a few empty seats on the test bench... I'll occupy them for us."

You can finish the potions class and the practical part of alchemy first."

Zheng Qing patted the fat man on the shoulder with approval.

Banner proudly walked ahead and led the way. After taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to whisper: "Also, I don't know why, that octopus is not in a good temper today. He only talks about letters or phonetic symbols.

Don't pronounce words. Remember not to provoke it."

Sure enough, when passing by the front desk of Shushan Library, Zheng Qing caught a glimpse of the library administrator waving eight tentacles, hanging a wizard with muddy shoes and trouser legs in the air, and knocking on it.

He was howling and screaming, and his head was covered with big bumps.

Zheng Qing guessed that the mud on the boy's shoes had contaminated the library floor, which was why this unexpected disaster occurred.

There were many students standing at the door of the library, but all of them held their breath and quietly slipped into the library along the corner. No one came forward to speak up for the poor ghost.

"It's wrong to do this." Xiao Xiao stood in front of the test stand and put silk gloves on his hands, and said to his two companions: "Even if no personal injury is caused... it is still considered a kind of personality injury. School

It should be taken care of."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes. Who would compete with a great wizard who has not completely succeeded in advancing and whose spirit has been fragile for such a trivial matter?

Even the fat man, who always likes to look for news, did not support the doctor in this matter.

"It's difficult for us to define the subtle difference between 'corporal punishment' and 'punishment,'" he analyzed in a serious manner while rolling up his sleeves and wiping a shiny silver knife:

"Old-school wizards admire this 'education' method... If you pay attention to the trend of civilization development, you will find that the earlier a glorious civilization is created, the easier it is to be imprisoned by that glory, and for new ones that are more suitable for the times,

Development is dismissive.”

"Just like we all use magic books now, but many old-school wizarding schools in Europe still teach children to cast spells with wands; witches in whalebone skirts look down on witches in jeans - and stick education is all backward.

The most stubborn part of it.”

"In fact, you should be grateful to today's First University for not retaining the punishments of 'whipping' and 'transfiguration' when the school was founded. That is the real humiliation... Gee, imagine a witch being stripped naked and hung from a tree to be whipped.

, or a wizard is turned into a green turtle crawling around..."

Zheng Qing blinked, not knowing whether to express some degree of longing for that 'bad' history or to completely criticize it. As the fat man said just now, this 'degree' is very subtle.

"It's really terrible." The young public-funded student finally agreed. At the same time, he looked at the fat man with an appraising look, and then glanced at Dr. Xiao Da: "If the doctor hadn't kept silent, I almost thought he was the one who said that just now.

I mean... I didn’t expect you to have profound moments occasionally."

A layer of blue energy flashed across Banner's face, and the muscles on his forearms bulged.

He held a silver knife and chopped the licorice on the test table into evenly thin slices. His tone sounded like he was gritting his teeth: "I've always been very profound, okay?! How dare you give the school a gift without two brushes?"

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