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Chapter 149: Curved Space-Time and Angular Space-Time

Fenrir, the giant wolf in Norse mythology, the dweller of the swamp, the monster that shakes the earth, the eldest son of the evil god Loki and the giantess Angelboda, the eldest brother of the earthly python Jörmungandr and the god of death Hela, once

Killed Odin with one bite in Twilight of the Gods.

Of course, many of the above astonishing deeds are not completely true. For example, the legendary evil god Loki is just a legendary wizard. His forbidden love across races with the giantess Angelboda was opposed by both giants and wizards at the same time, so he became a child.

The evil forces in the bedtime books turned their children into 'monsters'.

Zheng Qing was not familiar with the name Fenrir.

But he had heard about Fenrir's brother, the mortal python Jormungandr - because the 'quasi-Augustus' Serprano of the Alpha Academy liked ouroboros and took it as his own

The logo of the club and the hunting team. Zheng Qing checked the relevant information and knew that the Ouroboros has a vague relationship with Jörmungandr.

That's all.

As for Fenrir, he only knew that he was a big wolf from Norse mythology, more powerful than the moon-eating tengu. And for some reason, he always felt that Fenrir had beautiful silver-white fur.

"Fenrir." Zheng Qing frowned, thinking about the word: "I remember it is a monster in Nordic mythology... It means that the puppy has something to do with Atlas Academy?"

For anything involving religion or mythology at First University, you can never go wrong by going to Atlas.

Before Xiao Xiao could say anything, Banner rejected the young public-funded student's idea.

"It's really not." The fat man's face was a little serious - Zheng Qing had only seen this expression when he was discussing news investigations or preparing potions - he had already read the text of the test report, just like Zheng Qing

, he also turned to the back of the letter and looked at it. After confirming that there was no other content, he continued:

"In the doctor's explanation, the most important thing is not the name 'Fenrir', but 'Mhisha'. Fenrir is just the pseudonym Mhisha used when he came to this world."

"So, what is so special about this Msisha?" Zheng Qing asked anxiously.

"Mhisha likes to go against other alien gods, especially powerful alien gods." Fatty Xin made a gesture to calm Zheng Qing, and his voice sounded meaningful: "...So, as long as there are other alien gods,

Wherever God descends, Mhisha's attention will be attracted. If the descendant arouses His interest, He will also send his own dogs to hunt."

"The dog pack?"

"Hound of Tindalos." At this point, the fat man stopped, his eyes drifted to Xiao Xiao, and he said with a smile: "...the doctor must know more about this kind of creature than I do."

Xiao Xiao was not annoyed at all because Fatty had taken the initiative. In fact, while Fatty was explaining to Zheng Qing, he had been carefully reading the test report issued by the Monteria laboratory.

"Although they are called 'hounds', the Tindalos hounds have nothing to do with the 'canine creatures' we know. They are even different from most magical creatures." Xiao Xiao multitasked.

Continue reading the report while explaining it to Zheng Qing:

"Do you remember those 'sand time bugs' we caught in school last semester? The Tindalos Hounds are similar to those sand time bugs, they are both dimensional creatures. It's just that the sand time bugs and we both live in a curved dimension, and Tindalos

Ross Hounds live in the angular dimension. Do you know about angular spacetime?”

Zheng Qing shook his head blankly.

Xiao Xiao looked away from the report, pondered for a moment, and gave Zheng Qing an example:

"Assume that a clean space-time is a taut cloth. When a planet appears in this space-time, it is equivalent to throwing a glass ball onto the taut cloth."

"The glass ball pressed the piece of cloth into a small curved pit...it's understandable."

Zheng Qing nodded with pecks of rice.

"...This kind of curved space-time is the world we live in. Time and space are curved under the influence of the mass of the planet, and thus different phenomena such as gravity and interaction force are born. In other words, the life of human beings

The world is such a 'curved space-time world'."

"The Hounds of Tindalos live in an angular space-time. Just like the circle secant method, a square is cut infinitely. Although it looks like a circle, in fact, from a smaller perspective, there are always angles.

It appears that the gaps in the curved space-time are filled with countless 'angular' spaces and times. The Hounds of Tindalos live in those gaps."

This metaphor sounds a bit abstract.

Zheng Qing had a hard time imagining what it would be like to have an angle between space and time.

"...Because of those angular spaces, if the Hound of Tindalos wants to appear in our world, it can only choose a place with an 'angle'. Taking an ordinary house as an example, the angle of the walls is basically ninety degrees.

At right angles, when the Hounds of Tindalos appeared, they would burst into smoke in the corners of the room, and out of the smoke would emerge their heads, paws, bodies, and then their tails..."

"But the dog doesn't seem to follow this rule when it appears or disappears." Zheng Qing recalled the scene where the puppy appeared, with a somewhat confused tone.

"Because it is not a descendant of the Tindalos hound, its bloodline is related to Mhisha." Xiao Xiao continued to read the report, and said calmly:

"Msisha, also known as the 'Overlord of Tindaros'... He is the master of the hounds of Tindalos. He is powerful and transcends all constraints of time and space. He usually lives in the city of Tindaros - that

It is a city built of spiral towers, standing at the deepest point of the angular time dimension - He has always wanted that city to come to our world. It is said that someone told Him that as long as he masters the power of all time and space, he can break through

The barriers between curved time and space and angular time and space... so Mshisha constantly challenges Yog-Sothoth, hoping to take back the time and space powers in Yog."

Without those awkward terms, Zheng Qing found this kind of story much more enjoyable.

"That's too far away." Xiao Xiao finally finished reading the report, shook it out of thin air, as if hoping to shake something down from it, and finally handed it back to the young public-funded student in disappointment:

"Because of the difference in dimensions, the hounds of Tindalos can travel through the constraints of time and space in our world...and they will pursue the creatures that have come into contact with them and hunt them down at all costs."

"That dog doesn't seem to have any intention of killing me." Zheng Qing defended in a weak tone.

"I'm just telling you the reason why it can always find you and chase you, and it can come and go freely and is difficult to capture. If there is the blood of Mhisha - chasing the breath it wants to chase, briefly traveling through time and space - yes

There is no difficulty with it.”

This chapter has been completed!
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