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Chapter 182 The trainee registrar of the Black Hell Castle


The sound of orderly footsteps came from outside the door, approaching from far away.

Henry Eric's ears twitched, he got up from the table, rubbed his sore eyes, put the gold-framed monocle on the bridge of his nose, and then opened the register in front of him.

It was less than a year after he graduated from First University. Although he was a registered wizard, due to his poor grades, he was unable to join the hunting groups that were famous in the New World, nor could he stay in school. In the end, he could only enter the Wizards' Alliance.

Then he was assigned to the black prison and became a glorious registrar.

Responsible for the registration of prison visitors and persons entering and exiting the prison.

Currently still in the internship period.

According to the old people in the prison, the registrar's job is easy most of the time. Because except for the rotating hunting team, there are very few outside visitors in this dark world.

However, be afraid of the word ‘but’ in everything.

But since Eric became the registrar of this castle, the number of guests entering and exiting the Black Prison has suddenly increased dozens of times. Almost every day, a dozen or even dozens of wizards arrive - including the first

The researchers who are studying at the university include professors, teaching assistants, and school janitors from the First University, the famous hunting groups in the New World, and many old guys from the Moon Council.

Even the old jailers who have spent their whole lives in the black prison have never seen this kind of 'grand occasion'.

It's obvious that something big is going to happen in Hell.

The staff in the prison had also discussed the specific matter privately. Some people said that the Xian Qin Hunting Group ambushed the teams on the Mist that had entered the new century some time ago and captured four or five quasi-big monsters at the captain level. Maybe

It will cause a new war between wizards and demons; some people say that the execution day of Sister Shipton, the famous archlich and prophet of death, is approaching. In order to avoid the Lich King causing trouble, the Alliance has strengthened the security of the Black Prison.

The most widely circulated and most reliable rumor is the rumor that the old tree deep in the Black Hell Castle is about to bear fruit. It is said that the old tree grew by pouring the flesh and blood of demons, and its fruit,

It can help demons transform their bloodline.

This is why more and more scarlet eyes have gathered near the Black Hell Castle recently.

Although the Black Prison is called 'Prison', a more accurate term should be 'Black Domain', because this is a world always shrouded in darkness. There is no sun, no starlight, and no natural creature can survive in this environment.


The wizards covered the entire world with a huge magic circle, isolating the inside and outside, and then threw all the captured demons into this world, leaving them to struggle in this desert-like hell.

Of course, there are certain risks in allowing those demons to run amok in this world.

In order to avoid those extremely unlikely risks, wizards have established many strongholds in the Black Prison, the largest and most central one of which is called the Black Prison Castle.

Henry Eric is one of the registrars at the entrance to Hell Castle.

Because there is more than one entrance to the Black Prison Castle, there is an entrance connecting to the detention center of Danhag Supreme Court, a direct entrance to the First University, and an entrance to the outside of the Black Prison world.

What Eric is guarding is the smallest entrance in the Black Prison Castle, and it is also the entrance to the Black Prison.

This entrance only accepts visitors of registered wizard level and below - having said that, Eric has never seen guests below registered wizard level visit this dangerous world.

Therefore, this entrance can be regarded as a special entrance for registered wizards.


The footsteps outside the door are getting closer and closer.

Henry Eric rubbed his face that was swollen due to sleeping on his stomach, and tried to put on a kind smile. Then he looked down at the furnishings on his table.

Diagonally in front of the register, his seventeenth-century Venetian-bound Dharma book opened silently and automatically without any wind. The five-aggregate exorcism spell on the title page shone with charming five-color light in the dim candlelight.

Eric glanced at the charming colors and tapped his fingers on the table.

Boom, boom, boom.

A worn-out quill, like a bird that had just been awakened, fell down from the pen holder in panic, jumped into the ink bottle next to it, dipped it in, and then hung in the air expectantly, as if it wanted to use this kind of effort.

Attitude covers up the dereliction of duty a moment ago.

Eric ignored the attentive quill.

He listened carefully to the footsteps outside the door.


The footsteps revealed a hint of fatigue and a hint of heaviness. This seemed to be a hunting team that had just finished patrolling. However, under normal circumstances, a hunting team should have five hunters, which means there should be five footsteps.


But right now, he only heard four footsteps.

The trainee registrar began to imagine a fierce battle in his mind, a group of sad hunters, and the hunting team returning to the castle with the corpses of their comrades.

The two with heavier steps should be wizards; the two with lighter steps should be witches.

I don't know who the 'dead' hunter was - Eric tried to squeeze out a trace of sadness on his face, which was a bit difficult, so he tried to keep a straight face - this game of guessing the identity, it was a young trainee registrar

One of the few joys in this boring prison life.

After guessing, he touched the crystal ball next to the book.

The crystal ball was silent for a moment and flashed a dark red color. A disappointed expression appeared on the face of the intern registrar. The divination conclusion showed that the result of his guess was not ideal.


The heavy iron door was pushed open from the outside, making an unpleasant noise.

The knocker beast and door god on the iron door have long been accustomed to this sound, and even enjoy it a little bit, but the young wizard who has just arrived has a hard time enduring this noise. The sound is like someone scratching a blackboard with their nails, or scratching the glass with a wire.

Listening to it too much can drive a wizard crazy.

He proposed improvement measures to the prison management more than once, such as dripping some lubricating oil on the hinges or carving two talismans on the iron door, but he heard nothing from them.

Until later, during a lunch, he complained about this to his colleagues. The old wizard who had worked in the black prison for a long time told him with a smile that no door in the prison would be oiled, and the noise would be retained in order to make everyone

Anyone who enters or exits the door is in the sight of others.


Four figures in large cloaks walked in from outside the iron gate, with thick black shadows outside the castle at their feet.

The leader was a tall wizard with a dark red face and a strong build. He seemed to be holding something in his arms, but he couldn't see clearly because of the cover of his cloak.

Following closely behind her was a tall witch with her eyes closed and her steps light. Half a body behind her was another slender wizard wearing a black god-controlling robe under his cloak.

Long sword.

The trainee registrar finally realized where he had gone wrong.

Not all wizards who are light on their feet are witches, there may also be wizards who take the agile route.

At the end of the team was a dwarf with a shaved head and a shaggy beard. He was not tall, but his steps were the heaviest in the team, even more than the wizard at the head of the team.

This chapter has been completed!
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